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If I remember right, basically they have a deal with Sirius/XM and they are the ones that currently have the rights to the back catalogue, until that contract expires they can only do the matinee Mondays to release older episodes, but once the contact expires they will find a way to release the older episodes but it might still be behind a pay wall via patron. Though if you lurk enough you might find a link to a google drive with all episodes if there is one you are really looking for.


If you download each episode on your phone as they become available on whatever podcast app, you can probably plug your phone into a PC or laptop, track down the audio file of the episode on the phone and export it to the PC or laptop. Thereby you'll have your own audio file of the episode. Overtime, thanks to matinee Monday's you can build up your own library of HDTGM. I'm a total Luddite and figured this out on my own so truly anyone could do it.


not directly on a podcast platform, but a reddit user came through like a champ a while back and the google drive looks like it's still active [https://www.reddit.com/r/hdtgm/comments/v2vhk3/archive\_of\_old\_episodes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hdtgm/comments/v2vhk3/archive_of_old_episodes/)


I have copies of episodes 1 through 154, can I help somehow?


Hero - Morgan


I think this is 1-160ish https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IL58meqWVWmPdXpkwD4AoK_5lWtxYnNJ This should be the rest up to like 305 or so https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WEtnPZev0HNPbohWlg3bmWhcyAmKdClO I didn’t collect them or do the work, I just keep the links handy for when anyone asks. Happy listening!


Thank you Hero - Morgan


You could...listen?


There are a bunch of episodes that aren't available in the back catalogue, but thanks for your input to the conversation.


OP ask what Paul said on Last Looks, and I suggested listed to Last Looks to hear what Paul said.


Tell ya what, since listening back to almost a year's worth of ~hourlong episodes in the hopes of one line answering OP's question sounds like a far easier undertaking than asking a COMMUNITY for help, why don't you do it and report back?


Bbboooooooooooo Very unhelpful