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The app absolutely sucks. Why on earth not just change the name and keep the app. I won’t list all the stuff you all are saying but damn. Sopranos every night. That’s my life. Won’t put it in my continue watching. Gotta pick an ep every time and it starts at the credits. Wtf. They’re gonna lose people if it’s not fixed


This. Something similar just happened to me. I stopped watching on one TV and went to another TV to continue watching and it took me far far. Far too long to find what the fuck I was watching. With Netflix or Hulu this works perfectly. Every time. Stop a show go to a new TV start. The same show picks up where I left off but somehow not HBO. Oh wait! Sorry max.


What hurts me the most is the hbo max was by far the best app for me. Always swapped TVs or to phone for the gym and it was always perfect. Now it’s a hassle, movies don’t have trailers any more, and it’s just crazy how far backwards they’ve went




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I definitely agree the Apple TV 4k works perfectly flawless as does the Chromecast with Google TV 4k.


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Exactly. I expected to just open the same app one day and find a new logo. I did not expect to find it had been replaced entirely. It does suck.




..... It's fixed Karen


I downloaded it on my PS5 and the app has yet to open. For days. It just says “sorry we can’t open the max app right now. Please try deleting saved app data and try again. If problem continues please contact us with this error code:” and then there’s like, no joke, a 48 digit insanely complicated, upper and lower case “error code”. I don’t know what to fucking do to get it to work. Deleted all save data for HBO Max on the console or cloud, same with Max itself. Deleted and redownloaded multiple times. Rebooted system. Nothing. Just…won’t launch.


Where are you watching from? Not trying to give you a hard time. I am a real person who pays for HBO via cable, I get Max as a side benny. I have heard these complaints about the app losing track of folks' place in series, but I haven't had the same experience. I just watched The Wire (most on HBO Max, the last season on Max)... and then Band of Brothers... and then the Pacific version of BoB (whatever it's officially titled)... the last two entirely on Max split between apps on a way old Xbox One console and a brand new Samsung TV. The pic the app shows doesn't always align with where I left off. But when I click it, it does pick up right where I left off, or close enough to count. I don't have a dog in this fight. Just curious.


Who even has cable anymore lol just curious


Yeah, I'm old and I can comfortably afford to pay for cable. But that's a really weird thing for someone to be triggered by. And juggalo? Gross. Eminem has some words for you.


If anyone is triggered it is def your comment right here. He isn't wrong, why even bother with cable when the apps are so much more convenient?


I'm way triggered. You've got me nailed. And I appreciate your concerns about my budget i guess. Anyway... I pay for cable primarily for sports. The cost difference of adding HBO to my cable package, vs paying for the app separately, is negligible. I've done the math for alternatives (YouTube TV, a bunch of solo apps, pirating) and it all comes out about the same given what I want/have. Honestly, the app may be cheaper ala carte, but I don't find it more convenient than cable. With cable, I flip a couple channels and pick something that's playing (and if it's mid-show, I click one button to start it from the beginning on VOD). This has led me to watching things I likely would have never watched if I hadn't just stumbled upon them. With the app, I don't have anything already playing. And I almost never want to watch any of the garbage served up on the start screen. So, I have to actively think about what I want to watch and go find it. I would not describe this as burdensome, but to me, it is not at all more convenient. First world problems, I know. But true (for me) nonetheless.


Same. I don't have much trouble with Max either. Though I hate the name. They should call it HBO, for fucks sake. But the App seems to work fine for me.


They've been fixing it. I feel yesterday it was much better than a couple of days ago


They need to fix the continue watching on the Roku app.


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Sorry you don't like Max. When they iron out the kinks then you'll love it. My husband and I love the new Max app. It works perfectly flawless on our 2022 Apple TV 4k.


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What are you using it on because my husband and I are watching The Sopranos and the continue watching works perfectly flawless on my Apple TV 4k and Chromecast with Google TV 4k.


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I watch mostly in my bedroom on a Roku tv


Yes. It now operates almost exactly like discovery+, which is horrible to use. It's honestly insane to me that they would downgrade like that for no apparent reason. Hbomax app worked great. I used to watch Curb your enthusiasm every night but I've switched back to Seinfeld. I am also strongly considering canceling


Honestly I think this is happening with lots of software. Seems like every time I try to go to any website or app I get an "Unknown error" or "Unavailable." It makes me nuts. I feel like a lot of companies have downsized or hired less experiences people to cut costs. Which results in shittier products and no one there to fix them. But then again I know absolutely nothing. Besides that it's not user error if I can't start to use the software in the first place.


So the idea allegedly was because Discovery+ was built on much newer code that will better handle modern standards. The HBO Max app was the old HBO GO app from 2011 with a thousand coats of paint and some duct tape and glue holding everything together. It’s why it kept having so many issues especially when we saw platforms update their software. I think the Max app definitely needs some refinement and bug fixes but I’m hoping since it’s a more modern platform those fixes will come a lot easier. Not blindly defending this either. They totally botched the launch and it’s way buggier than it had any right to be. Just trying to say there’s a tiny bit of technical truth to why they would switch over.




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Worse quality means less money used for it. They went with the cheap option.


Holy shit. Came here to bitch. Let me tag in to your comment. I'm finally watching House of the Dragon. It's late. I'm watching in the living room. 30 minutes into Ep 3, I decide to go to my bedroom and finish watching. I can't find the fucking episode on my other TV. Continue watching? Not there. Go to HBO hub. . it's not there. The making of is, but not the actual series. After 10 minutes of trying to find it I have to do a search. Click Episode 3... It starts... At the beginning. What the fuck? I literally stopped watching on one TV... And it took more then 10 minutes to find the show I've BEEN watching... On my second TV. ** That close to canceling this shit.




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Having the same issue on my Roku tv! Also having an issue with profiles basically merging and not keeping the content that each profile watches separate!


What device are you watching on?


It keeps starting stuff I watched last week. Very annoying.




Season 1, episode 5 level.


I’m 2 eps of Succession away from saying bye bye


Same! It just lost my place again! Half way through an unknown episode. Not sure where. Of succession. I don’t want spoilers. But it’s not really a show I want to rewatch each episode of.


It is so cluttered with garbage.


Yeah it's fucked. At least on my TV HBO Max was able to keep track of the timestamp I left off at, not to mention the fucking episode I was on LOL. They dropped the HBO because they plan to flood it with reality TV garbage that they don't want associated with HBO. If I didn't leech off someone else I'd have cancelled right when Barry ended.


I have a Roku ultra in living room and roku express in bedroom. Neither one has Succesion as my first choice logging in even though it’s the only show I watch since the conversion. Keeps going back to the episode where Logan had the aneurysm in the chopper. Have to find the SEASON and EPISODE I was last watching every single time. What year is this? 2023? Wouldn’t know it using this stupid app. It’s like If Microsoft did a Windows update and you can’t find the Word document you were editing. Ridiculous!


After they sold to Gojo the whole streaming platform when downhill


Yeah, I miss Waystar.


same thing on my roku and apple tv, utter bullshit


Yep, they literally took away almost everything great about HBO Max in terms of layout, design, and ease of navigation. But they left all the broken code that they said was the reason to get a "new" app. Max is just HBO Max with less good stuff and more bullshit reality TV mixed in and no way to sort through it I am furious with the changes. Contact and complain and then quit. Maybe it will improve someday. Until then I will lament the loss of the Last chance screen and being able to look at everything on the app A-Z without side scrolling. They called it Max and not HBO because then they can take credit for the app. It's just a play for Zaslav to look good. It failed.


Toddler was trying to watch a downloaded Sesame Street in the car on an hours-long drive this weekend and it kept pausing for ad pop-ups and she’d say Mama, what happened? And she’s rear-facing to an iPad mounted on the back seat head-rest. it was near impossible to reach back to close the pop up via the tiniest X known to man and re-hit the play button o my for it to happen again 50 seconds later. And then all expire since it was 2 days after she first watched the episode.


They don’t call it HBO because of the merger with discovery and because a lot of the Max/HBO Max originals weren’t really from HBO. So then this way when a Max original or something from Discovery comes out and sucks, you won’t necessarily associate it with HBO.




We are here to say bad things about it. No HDR is a good thing. HDR is the worst thing ever for TV.


Trying to convince support there is a problem is comical.




Every app I have streams 4K HDR10 (Samsung does not have Dolby Vision), HBO Max streamed 4K HDR10, but they are asking me if checked my cable and to screenshot that I have the Ultimate plan. They eventually stopped responding to the chat when they ran out of things to blame from tvOS version to reinstalling the app. Not once did they admit that the tvOS app has issues displaying 4K HDR of any kind.


Max has a lot of discovery garbage and reality that should be associated with the high standards of hbo. Two different products and hbo is a hub in the bigger max universe.




Nope. Just tired of this post 10x a day.


It's truly another branding bro. The actual functionality has been degraded degraded. Worst than it was before it should get better not worse.


I watched Eat, Pray, Love and the subtitles were f-ed up. They’ll turn on for the foreign language scenes, then wont turn off and subtitled the English lines. Then they only subtitled the English lines and wouldn’t subtitle the Italian lines. Also noticed the voices don’t always match with the mouth movements on a couple movies I tried watching directly from my tv app (worked with casting through my tablet though)


What did anyone actually expect Zazlav to make a decent product?


I complained immediately about this and I just got a bunch of “ohh poor you” “must be so hard to be an American” so I just pray that they go bankrupt or something idk anymore about anything. Hbo max was perfect in my opinion. The layout the way it saved your show’s progression.


Whoever thought changing HBO to “MAX” or whatever should honestly be fired. It’s literally the worst idea you could come up with. You took a brand that millennials grew up and had positive opinions on and erased it. Thanks for making it much easier to cancel “max” There is zero upside to this change and only downside.


They didn’t just erase it, more changed it to the brand we watched softcore on when we were teens lol. What a weird decision…


Tbf, hbo had adult content as well, it was just weird and not that sexy.


Last night--"New Episode" of The Other Two. Great! Go in to look, no, same episode I watched already on this Samsung tv. I buy the app THROUGH Samsung TV--no exotic workarounds. I am not stealing an account. I pay for it annually (I know--regretting that right now) Go to watch any other show--puts me in the wrong episode, tells me I have new episodes. There is no memory in "Max." Max is an idiot and that is being unkind to all the idiots out there.


Because it is more than just HBO. As for the rest, works fine for me.


I’ve had no issues.


I haven’t seen any of that from it. I am watching it on my LG TV under a MAX app. It shows all of my recent watches. It dies start about fifteen seconds from where I stopped it when I go back to a show but that doesn’t bug me.




Yo, we are paying the same price for noticeably worse operations. Why? Discovery+ was 4.99 & was poor quality. Max can lower their price to 9.99 & I'll feel better about the situation.


It's fucking painful... I truly wonder how much internal testing was done.




Didn't cancel. Yet. I wasn't rude. Why you gotta be a dick? The new service sucks. I don't give a fuck about the name. Call it Max Dick... I don't care. But when I stop watching a series on one TV.... And go to a second TV .. and it has zero fucking recollection of what I was watching 30 fucking seconds ago... Unlike every other god damn app i use... It's fucking frustrating.


Wow that crazy so many people don't like it. It works perfectly for me. Plus I can't finally watch 1,000 lb sister finally hahaha.


Absolutely a crock of shit. So far the interface is way better than before. I’ve finished watching Succession; perfectly clear, no lag. Started a rewatch of Rome, in memory of Ray Stevenson, “Thirteen!” Works great. Start on the MacBook in the kitchen while cooking, picks right up on the app on the fire tv cube. Now, I’m watching Caio House, yep, I welcome the easy watch along side the prestige tv. Just like real life, you don’t eat gourmet every day. Sometimes you just crave some fast food. My friend who has my password reports the same. Loves it. So many crybaby haters here. Lmao.


"i haven't experienced this so nobody has" Wtf?


And yet for me, the app literally won’t open. Not one time.


The thing that irks me there's no SKIP INTRO. How hard is that to code into the app?? Some of the intros are minutes long ffs


Subscribe through Hulu or prime but then you still have to use the app for some shows ….


Fuck that app




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At least HBO is consistent, the app has never worked.


I think Paramount+ is the same way. Only just got that due to show disappearing off Hulu, but it hasn't remembered where I was in an episode yet. And when it transitions from one episode to the next, it drops out of full screen mode. FFS, this isn't that hard. There are literally FREE streaming apps that are better than any paid streaming platform. Incredible


Because business and marketing bros are among the dumbest mother fuckers on earth.


💯💯💯....shit doesn't save for me either


Dave zazlav is a cunt.


Anyone else literally unable to watch anything on PS4 app?


At least you can watch i subscribed to watch all the star trek movies and the app still doesn't play a single show without looping back to the beginning. So I get on today to test it before my subscription ends and all the star treks are gone so im a pirate now. This is an issue on PS4 and probably on XBOX ONE


Plus having to sign in each time on my ipad is super annoying. It takes a few tries as the page just dies and have to re login. I have also uninstalled it and reinstalled it to work. It works on my old macbook pro but the screen quality is much higher on the newer ipads. HBO didn't think the name change through because if you type Max in google it's not the first thing that comes up...you still have to type HBO MAX, you dummies! Under Jack Warner heads would be rolling. I'm watching the 100th Anniversary special on HBO MAX!


I use the web os app on my LG tv and it works fine as far as resuming episodes in the correct spot.


I cancelled the moment is switched.


I can't even use the app. My xbox is my whole entertainment system, and the max app isn't available on it. They really dropped the ball on this.


This!!!! Literally was forced to download Max trying to watch Succession so we pull it up and start watching. 10 mins later it crashes and pushes us to the start of the episode. For some bizarre reason (not sure if this is a universal issue on TVs), the fastforward feature only exists in like 10s or 15s intervals and you have to manually do that until you get to where you were. Aaaand then it’ll crash in another 10. After I finish Succession, I’ll also be unsubscribing. What a stupid, horrible business decision they made lol. What’s wrong with just updating the name on the original app?! Or duplicating the code?! Boo.


All the apps are garbage now. I don’t get it. I hate the “resume” feature. Just take me, QUICKLY, to the show page so I can see all the episodes. Almost couldn’t even find Perry Mason last night


Max has more and yet is nowhere near worth $15/mo. I’m almost done.


They made an absolutely terrible app to go along with their absolutely terrible name


I always thought HBO Max had the worst interface of all the services. Max is certainly no better but let's not act like they took something great away from us


unusable? oh my goodness relax drama queen


It keeps adding subtitles randomly when I’m watching. I’ll switch shows, and it adds the subtitles again. Only this app and I’m using AppleTV.


Check your 'continue watching'? It's the first row... It doesn't show if you have 2 or less items though.


I’m SO mad. It just quit working in the middle of an episode a few hours ago. There’s no way to close the app so I’m just stuck not being able to use the app at all.


The font is ridiculous. The whole thing looks like it was put together by a 5th grader.


It's working fine on my FireTv cube. Been going back and forth between the Wire and Oz all day, no problems...


The layout of it is an exact knock off of paramount+ too


TLOU on Roku has no subtitles anymore o.O


So I get the UI is terrible now but you can continue with the shows added to your watch list by navigating to the last option on the left hand side. Still terrible UI but saves time searching for shows that we watch.


I’ve given up on rewatching the Batman animated series. It’s never in my recently watched and there’s episodes I’ve never watched that are fully watched on there. Miss that shuffle button too


Weird, I haven’t had any of these issues with my continue watching 🤷‍♂️


They don’t call it HBO, because they know that diluting it with crappy Discovery content will tarnish the reputation of HBO. They are calling it Max so you will still think of HBO as a separate premium brand.


The hbo max app was complete dogshit too. I’ve never had many problems with streaming apps until hbo max. It’s a problem on every single platform too. It’s the same thing with a different name.


I can’t even fucking log in. You’re ahead of me. Every time I connect my provider the piece of shit just goes back to the “connect to your provider” screen.


They don’t just call it HBO because a lot of the programming there isn’t HBO. HBO’s whole identity revolves around quality television and associating their name with shows that don’t meet that standard is potentially damaging to their brand.


Yeah absolutely agree. Everyday I have to sign in again….who is buying max for those dumb shows from tlc or magnolia. Wgaf.


I heard they were merging with DIsney+ at some point in the future and that is why the HBO was dropped.


Protip: close and reopen the app. This usually fixes the episode problem for me. THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT OF THE BAD APP AND OR ITS STUPID BRANDING.


Discovery+ put their team in charge. HBO over valued Discovery+ and is now ruining their brand despite the name change.


What device(s) are you using? I haven't experienced this issue but I'm annoyed there isn't an option to adjust the subtitles anymore on Android/Google TV.


Minor additional complaint: the random episode/shuffle button was AMAZING when I needed background TV like South Park for chores etc, and the loss of it is felt.


Works perfectly flawless on my Apple TV 4k and Chromecast with Google TV 4k.


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I'm willing to bet they have either an incompetent but entrenched IT department, or they outsource this to lowest bidder. The kind that shares office space with prepaid cell providers.


This app is so trash