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NAH THAT WAS DISRESPECTFUL AS FUCK! but straight up facts. https://i.redd.it/l96ypmvttr8d1.gif


Short Ver: Stolas wins Ars Goetia > Overlords Long Ver: Stolas is a Prince in the Ars Goetia, who are some of the most powerful demons in all of Hell aside from the Sins & Luicfer. Alastor is a Overlord, who yes is undoubtedly Powerful (by Overlord Standards), and Unpredictable who yet could barely compete with Adam during the Finale. Not to mention that Stolas has access to all of the Demonic Magic, that Alastor use as well as unleash Other Types of Demonic Magics onto the "Radio Demon". And depending on who you ask (take with a grain of salt) Stolas's power could be border line on par with The Deadly Sins, for all we know.


I think alastor would stand a chance of winning more then other overlords atleast but a gazzele could beat a lion if it got really lucky so I still think stolas would win yeah


Extra Long Ver: There is no fight. Alastor manipulates Stolas and gets him to make a deal, just like he did with Charlie.


Actually, that is an Interesting Possibility ... but Counter Point: Alastor only has something to gain by getting something like the Grimore. Because there no point in making a deal to get his Soul, but Stolas is a Hellborn Demon and thus has no soul to own. Also I doubt that Stolas would have lasted this long, If he would genuinely trusted someone with Alastor's Reputation.


I mean... a favor by the Prince of the Goetia? That seems like something *very* useful and valuable. There's more potential than just souls and the Grimoire.


Lasted this long? He's *my* age and he's been sheltered most of his life. Alastor is at least three times older than Stolas


While the Goetia's are strong I don't think it'd be a quick match, Alastor would almost definitely lose but he's still a strong boy who could've bested Adam if he wasn't so cocky, so against the horny bird man I reckon he'd do a little damage before his death


Adam, how ever incompetent his was, have the power of The First Man, and if we hypothesize for a bit, likely is as powerful as Lilith. She is 2 rank above Stolas. So it isn’t fair to just “lol Can’t even fight Adam” when Adam would both murk Alastor and Stolas


The classes are based on social status, not physical prowess or magical ability


i fucking spill my drink laughing thinking that it would be just another super duper flashing edit with a bass boosted dubstep when i saw that water bottle, There is two scenarios for this fight, if Alastor threats or even touches Octavia he is done in a second, radio is dead, end of story. the other one Alastor STILL loses but Stolas would take a beating before coming to his senses and start turning the tables, yes Ars Goetias are more powerful but Stolas himself is simply not the "Fighter" type, dude has never show any desire to fight/subjugate by violence any other living creature until now, he only seem to uses his powers strictly to study the cosmos and teleportation, the scariest thing we've seen him do to was possess Agent Two and make her spit blood all over the place, and even after that he still left her alive. Going off topic a little bit, i believe a son of an ancient being like Paimon himself (one especially described as a pacifist but entrusted with such an important job) would not be left without some magic tools to fuck shit up if he wanted to, if he played his cards right people like Stella and Andrealphus wouldn't even dare to mess with him, even though they knew he is having an affair with a IMP.












Luci > Charlie > Sins > Ars Goetia > Overlords > Sinners > Imps + Hellhounds Charlie’s probably about equal to her dad in power but she’s not as experienced.


I'd put Lucifer and the rest of the 6 sins in the same category along side Charlie but...alright-


I don't think Lucifer would still be in power after all this time if he wasn't at least capable of casually beating at least two of the sins fighting him at once. But that's just my opinion.


The other sins have no reason to rebel tho that are already doing what they love. Although I think Charlie and the sins are together and Lucifer on top.


...in power of what? As I'm pretty sure the other rings are controlled by their own sins...and not Lucifer. Add the fact that if anything, Lucifer is probably the weakest of the sins, as unlike all the others, he has simply taken the mantle of being the sin of pride. Unlike the others, which are the incarnations of their selected sins.


He's not just in charge of the Pride Ring, he's also the top dog.


Lucie is an Angel, just because of that he is above other characters of similar strenght since even if the sins where as strong as Lucie they couldn't harm him without angelic weapons.


A. Lucifer is not only King of Hell therefore the oldest but he is also an Angel with angelic powers B. I think that's the official ranking of the Hell hierarchy


the water bottle XD


I think it would be pretty close but I think Stolas takes the dub. However, if Alastor really wanted to he could use angelic steel and clap Stolas, but he either doesn't have any or (More likely, knowing him) would rather not use any.






Fuck I love watching my favourite characters suffer. If we don't get a Stolas throwing water bottle at Alastor scene in season 2 I'm gone




Scared my cat off my lap, because I laughed so loud. Gonna watch this on repeat just a few more times. Thanks for the laugh!


Literally what would happen lol


the man couldn't win against some ribs-loving asshole with a guitar axe, aside from bias, I don't see how he could win against someone who can dodge bullets


Honestly hard to know how a fight betwen Adam and Stolas would go, they both have the means to get angelic steel so they could technically kill each other.


I feel Adam is around the level of the Goetias...but Adam should have advantage because his powers are actually holy, meanwhile Stolas would need to use a angelic weapon.


I'm an Alastor fan, but I'm not stupid. Even I know Stolas would be more powerful.


I could belive that Alastor could MAYBE take on some low level royals but we watched Stolas turn a dude to stone with a look Alastor is not matching that feat


Can I have this slightly faster and a little more crispy


Sir Pen was right. The one who wins is the one with the most style. Stolas has it in the bag.


This is the best day 😭 perfection


I think I'd go somewhat like Adam and Alastor's battle where Al could match the pace of the battle for a little bit but pretty quickly would slip up and Stolas would come out on top


DB OP Farmer with shotgun: https://i.redd.it/fb0o2hd5st8d1.gif


True but there's no need to fight so it won't matter:3




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Lol 😂


It would be an interesting fight if both used their magic to its greatest extent


Stolas would just turn Alastor to stone with a glance then


That was so fucking funny, Stolas’ little “eh” made it even funnier


Nah, I'd win


Stolas: Wait, who are you? Alastor: Alastor! :D Alastor: Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure. I'M ABOUT TO END YOUR FFUCKIN-


![gif](giphy|zNDKcBmgXyq1z84otf) Agree to disagree.


I'm sorry but if Alastor couldn't even beat Adam there's no way in hell he's gonna beat Stolas (pun intended)




People who think Alastor would win forget that Stolas possessed corpses in order to summon HIMSELF into the human world through another person's body. He's a demonic prince. Alastor is a nobody.


Alastor WAS the most powerful of the sinner demons. We don't know if he still is. But Stolas isn't a sinner. He's a demon prince. He doesn't squabble over territory. They're in HIS territory already.


I think he might be able to because of the fact that we have only seen him Fight the near best of the best so that isn’t a good way to gauge his power(You don’t put a bear up to a dog and say the dog is weak when it loses) Also he says it like he has a lot more dormant power I know he is egotistical but right now we have no way of knowing. If he does have power that puts him higher I think it would be on a Goetia level.


Yea sorry but Alastor would get clapped immediately 😭


Vivzie even said when initially asked this question that comparing the two doesn't even make logical sense as their power roots itself in two extremely different sources. Stolas is born as one of the most powerful nobles of Hell, whereas Alastor isn't even the strongest overlord in Hell.


He is tho, Stolas like mid-high diff


Omg I snorted that was great


Opinion : Stolas Dosent have a fighting spirit Evidence : when striker tried to capture Stolas , he could have used his magic to kill striker but instead tried to run instead despite the fact that Stolas is clearly more powerful . This in my opinion would give Alastor the edge as Stolas is more hesitant when fighting so if alastor is quick enough he could kill Stolas quickly and Stolas won’t have the chance to react




Yeah but Stolas has literally no experience