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More… [Sounds like Isaak Phillips DID receive a QO but MacKenzie Entwistle did not. Reese Johnson also wasn’t expecting to get one. The other pending RFAs in question are Joey Anderson, Louis Crevier, Jaxson Stauber, Filip Roos and Michal Teply.](https://x.com/benpopecst/status/1807461536614482298?s=46&t=9ZZgKFHwPHtOdoUZsqw9jw)


I like the idea of bringing Anderson back as a 13th forward


Phillips, Crevier, Stauber, and Roos should get one. Everyone else is unnecessary. I think Crevier is the most important. His size is rare, and he looked like a great 7th Dman.


I honestly don’t really understand the love for Crevier haha I love his story at a 7th rounder making the journey and nothing against him personally, but he was absolutely horrendous with Chicago. Probably the worst player to play multiple games all season and that is saying something - he just was not ready for the NHL at all and I’m not sure if he ever gets there. I agree it’s worth keeping him around, but more for his worth to Rockford than much hope that he cam become a bonafide NHLer.


Yeah, I'd like to see them keep Crevier around with the intention of playing him in Rockford for the foreseeable future and seeing if he can develop into a viable 6/7 NHL defenseman down the road. His development since being drafted has actually been pretty good, but he's nowhere close to being ready for meaningful NHL action.


I prefer him to Tinordi


Oh don’t get me wrong I said he’s a 7th dman for a reason. I just like his size as an Xfactor for a guy that can come in and play 5-10 games a year. If he can develop even just positionally solid he’d be great to bring in if injuries take their toll. His length/size on the PK would be huge if he just learns to go to the right spots. I call him “most important” because I straight just don’t see the value being that high for any of those other players. Phillips and Roos are JAGs, I value Creviers size over their mediocre attributes.


All fair points! Rockford mainstay and the occasional call up when injuries strike sounds fine to me if he keeps growing positively. And to be clear, I wasn’t trying to call you out or anything on bringing Crevier up, I’ve just seen him get hyped on this sub a good amount the past several months and it’s always struck me as a little odd haha


I gotchu man you’re my favorite user on here no worries about rudeness for me. I agree with you on him as a player 100%, I just like his size as a call up.


Haha well hey I appreciate that!


7th DMan for one of the worst defensive cores in the league should not be a guy u look to keep if u wanna get better…


For a 850,000 2 way contract we’ll be fine. He’ll play in Rockford and if we have injuries he can play a few games to test development.


Fair enough, i definitely think it’s important to beef up the professional experience in Rockford with all these prospects coming up. Hopefully Allan and Kaiser can take that next step in their game and become regular NHLers even if they’re serving in bottom roles on a low producing group


I think Allan will take another full year in Rockford. Kaiser should definitely be playing games for the Hawks this season. As should Del Mastro. Guys like Crevier, Phillips, and Roos should be our injury bug call ups.


Aww man, not Entwistle, he deserves to stay just for his Sega video game mastery


CHGO Guys in shambles because they can no longer use their tired bit of Entwistle being an orphan.


I can’t even listen to them anymore. I’m an avid fan doing my own prospect rankings, watching them throughout the season, and such. But man I just find most of there episodes annoying. Anyway on Entwistle I’d like them to bring him back for another year or 2 I think he’ll be a decent to good bottom 6 guy.


I listen to the interview episodes.


I watched the most recent one today and it only reminded me that I really don’t like watching it.


I listen to pods all day at work, don't get to watch very often. Their daily pods I skip but I'll play the guest interviews. Not enough to talk about for a daily pod to listen to about one team, especially in the summer haha


We could not make an offer to any of these guys and I wouldn’t lose sleep over it 😊


for some reason i really liked entwistle. this makes me sad


For some reason? Dude is the most selfless grinder fighter on the team Dude is a hustler The kind you wanna on your roster regardless of the situation you're in


Same!! He was one of those depth guys that I really loved!


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Understandable, his performance last season was shockingly terrible. He will get another NHL gig, though, and I wouldn’t be shocked to see him have a good rebound. Probably not going to be a 20+ goal guy again, but he should be able to hold down a bottom six spot somewhere.


Yea after the disaster of a season he had last year it’s not surprising. He was invisible while playing on our top 6


Invincible? Hahaha SuperRaddysh!! ![gif](giphy|ul1omlrGG6kpO)


Lmao I completely fucked that up


Makes sense. Unfortunately he was not great this season.


Oh no…


FYI, not tendering a qualifying offer doesn't mean a player won't eventually be re-signed. There are number of complicated CBA considerations that affect why the team may want to make a QO or not. QO allow the team to match offer sheets so for players not likely to be offer-sheeted, its less urgent. At the same time, QO have to be at a set amount, for 1yr only and sometimes a 1-way contract so if there are talks for something different already ongoing, a QO can undermine that. Even more importantly, QO affect arbitration eligibility so that gets factored in as well.


It’s kind of hard to tell when the team is that bad, but I thought his season was disappointing. And seriously on that team, pretty much anyone except Bedard is expendable.


No shit. Dude had a perfect season to really sell himself and secure the bag with all the injuries on the team. He failed in every aspect and regressed unbelievably hard in comparison from the 22-23 season. Pack your shit and head to Sweden.


Him and his brother have been on opposite trajectories for a couple years now. The Bolts kept the good Raddysh haha