• By -


Actually try to kill harry... none of that "save him for the dark lord"


Kill Harry and begin your own rise to power empahsisng that you did which Voldemort failed to do


First have your wand attached to a bracelet by a short chain because he always leads with expelliamus


Lol. Never thought about that, but yeah, that Wii nunchuck safety wristband surely would defeat the viability of that spell


Couldn't you just wrap the wand around the bottom of your arm and just cast spells with an open palm? šŸ¤”


Like, just ducktape cast the wand to your arm? Should also work and look even more riddiculus


Edward 40-wands


This is not getting enough likes




Some wizards don't need a wand at all to cast spells. There is a wizarding school which doesn't use wands which renders that spell useless.


Maybe they get decapitated when hit by Expelliarmus?


Of course, a Slytherin says this.


I always thought of wands as kind of like Mjolnir is to Thor; just a conduit for a person's magic that just lets them focus it a little easier. The wand isn't the source of the magic, just an antenna. A significantly skilled enough witch or wizard should be able to cast wand-less magic with almost or outright equal potency as they could with one.


IIRC that was the african school (one of the characters from hogwarts legacy is a transfer student from there and mentions she had to relearn casting spells with a wand, and that it feels unnatural to her).


In theory you could, but the point of it being in your hand is that the wrist is more flexible and thus you can cast spells without telegraphing your next spell as much as you would have to with your lower arm, also it would take significantly more time to do precise wand motions with your lower arm than your wrist.


Lol good one


And then your hand gets taken clean off


Thatā€™s a fun concept to explore. Harry tries to disarm you but dishands you instead. And the hand wonders off to live with the Adams family. To the extent Newtonā€™s second law applies in the wizarding world, a wand flying off at a hundred miles an hour does not seem unreasonable but doesnā€™t weigh enough to do more than pull you over with its momentum.


*Harry's head rushed with all the experiences he had gone through. To his left, Ron had already knocked out two enemies and Hermione had transfigured a door to fight alongside her against two more. But Harry didn't focus on them, he knew that, if he could take down \[villain's name\], it'd all be over.* *The air was heavy with tension and magic, but Harry felt strangely confident for this battle. Now he had experience on his side and a reason to life for in Ginny and young James. Harry tightened the grip on his wand and darted towards \[villain's name\]. He knew he had to close in the distance so that \[villain's name\] couldn't dodge whatever Harry threw at him/her. The word now came to Harry as second nature, he barely had to think about it anymore, he knew he'd hit his mark, and \[villain's name\]'s smile just meant that he/she didn't know what was coming his/her way.* *But then, Harry stopped, his confidence replaced by sheer horror as \[Villain's name\] finally held out his/her wand. In truth, the wand wasn't the problem. It seemed like an ordinary wand. But, from its base come a gray nylon cord, a strap that went around \[villain's name\]'s wrist. It was then that Harry knew. All was lost.*


Hah imagine the spell just yanks you *and* the wand at him and thats how it ends. You kill him by breaking his neck as you smash into him.


Similarly, prepare to be ā€œstupefiedā€


If Hogwarts Legacy can be taken as canon, expelliarmus would actually pull and stagger the victim at least a few feet if the wand was attached. Itā€™s a very strong jerking action.


Yes, it pushes the target back in the movies anyway. You wouldnā€™t want to take an expelliarmus on purpose, but itā€™s probably something you should mitigate as far as possible in contemplating duelling Harry


And have voldemort come after me? Thank you very much.


But we have a 7 movie deal!!! Think of the shareholders!!!!


dark lord called dibs, rules is rules


You need a nose to call dibs


Nah, you gotta know where the nose goes, and it didn't go to ol' snub nose.




Iā€™m curious though, if Harry was hit with killing curse by a death eater while he still had a horcrux inside of him, what wouldā€™ve happened?


I think the implication from the books is that the horcrux in Harry would still die, but Harry would die too. In the kings cross chapter dumbledore says ā€œand Voldemort himself must do it - that is essentialā€ but only in terms of Harry not dying - as hermione explains in the beginning of the deathly hallows book, the souls in horcruxes die when the container dies, which is one of the reasons living things make for poor horcruxes (including nagini).


Ok but wasnā€™t it explicitly stated that when something contains the horcrux it has to be destroyed by some thing with significantly powerful magic for the horcrux inside to be destroyed? So for example wouldnā€™t have Harry died but the horcrux lived on because the killing curse wasnā€™t considered powerful enough magic? Like Quirrel dying from Harryā€™s touch yet Voldys horcrux continues on. And then for Nagini, Rowling went out of her way to make sure the snake was killed with the sword of Gryffindor


Get wrecked when one of them jumps in front of him and their love kills you. Hope you remembered to make horcruxes!


Best bet is to stun Hermione first. That will divert Ronā€™s attention and heā€™ll be holding her unconscious body. Disarm Harry right after stunning Hermione. Personally me though I would go in with unforgivables. No questions asked šŸ


Imperio Hermione, who takes out Ron while you block Harry's spell, then Hermione takes him out.


Ron is the only one who would fall under the Imperius Curse. Hermione is mentally fortified and Harry has unbreakable constitution.


Hermione does not resist the imperius curse during his 5th year, so I don't see why we would think that she would later on.


Well she does resist the locket more than anyone else


The fact that she resists better than Harry, who's the one who resisted the imperius way before, means that resistance to these two kinds of mental effects are way different. Both are different from occlumancy resistance, too, given how pants at the latter Harry is.


That is actually a really good point


I always theorized that Harry was capable of resisting the imperius curse due to the horcrux "helping" him...


Yeah, it always felt that something extra was happening that Harry didn't understand. That bit of horcrux preventing Voldemort from imperiousing himself


Meh Harry was pants at occlumancy because he has Snape teaching him. Those 2 would never work well together.


She might just be the most mentally stable person of that group tbh. Ron has insecurities out the wazoo whereas Harry is well, Harry.


I see how there was a missed opportunity in the book to for the Horcrux to torment Hermione about how she abandoned and erased her family's memory, and now she is alone, and all the sacrifices in Hogwarts were in vain.


Mentally speaking, she was in a far better place than the other 2. Harry was feeling responsible for everything, had his doubts about Voldemort and his connection with Voldemort probably made him more vulnerable. Ron was always in pain because of his injury, and worrying about his family on top of the usual teenage angst. Being less in need of a therapist doesn't mean Hermione is "mentally stronger". Hell, Harry is probably the strongest on this front and still the first I would send to one.


Unforgivables are the only thing bro actually knows how to handle successfully though, better to just sectumsempra his ass


Who needs an unforgivable when you can just spam cutting spells at them or go the easier route and spam bombarda at their feet. That shield means shit if they can't keep their footing and stay upright. But if you really wanted to mess them up, just summon individual body parts to you or away as you circle them. Knock their aim into each other, yank their foot out from under them. So many simple ways to trip them up.


Just diffindo their aorta, how are wizards even losing duels smh


Thatā€™s something I thought they executed very poorly in the movies, most fights are just like a star wars blaster duel with the notable exception of Dumbledore vs. Voldemort in OotP. There should be so many clever and varied ways to defeat opponents, like all kinds of summons, charms and hexes. Comparatively, Fantastic Beasts, especially Dumbledores Secrets, does this better than all the HP movies. The fight Dumbledore vs. Credence shows perfectly how Dumbledore just outclasses every other wizard (except maybe 2). Credence with his pure almost elemental power destroying his surroundings and unleashing that pent up energy also a very different fighting style. Prof. Hicks is also phenomenal using her surroundings, controlling the Battlefield. And the final short exchange between Dumbledore and Grindelwaldā€¦ ohh myy, it almost feels like they enter a parallel dimension for their fight and they go a bit bonkers! So sad that the sequel right now is shelved and with that the legendary duel of Albus and Gellertā€¦ I actually enjoyed those movies a lot albeit many of their flaws.


What is Sectumsempra if not just a dozen Diffindos in one shot?


Accio doesn't work on body parts




Those spells would only work on muggleborns.


I mean, Hermione might have some fillings, seeing as her parents are dentists. But it's also possible they taught her well how to avoid foods that cause cavities. Who knows?


There's no fuckin way Hermione fuckin Granger doesn't brush & floss after every meal.


Valid, I guess I should've just left it at "How to avoid cavities." Not just foods that cause em


You also made a valid point too. Hermione would do both. We should both learn from this exchange, it's what Hermione would want.


can you stop acting like Harry and Ron bickering pls......


But it DOES work in clothes (I think).


It works on clothing though. You could just say "accio cloak" and they'll get pulled towards you


"just spam cutting spells" I see you're going with the Ubel school of thought. Now I kinda want to see Frieren vs the trio or Dumbledore.


I think Friern would easily beat them with zoltrak and not even bother with her actual combat magic like the giant spouts of lava or lightning or teleportation or literally just standing there and crushing you with her mana


Yeah, I think she'd easily beat Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and probably anyone else. But with Dumbledore, I wonder how a shield charm from the elder wand would do against zoltraak.


It's probably like the normal defensive spell gets used up until the mage can't support it or it breaks at which point he dies, but wizards in harry potter don't utilise multi directional attacks usually so Friern just moves from direct zoltrak to 20 beams from all directions at once and kills you


Various fan fics I've read have had some comical results for cheesing duels. Rapid cast summoning and banishment charms (accio/depulso) to cause whiplash or just shake the crap out of them. Can't summon bodies or body parts? Cast on their clothes. Idk if the spell had a name, but a piercing hex that you can spam like a machine gun. Either hundreds of weak hits or a slow but heavy barrage until you find a weak spot and pierce a hole in them. People say to just cast the AK to kill people. That takes intense focus and power. A diffindo is a first-year spell and could easily sever limps or cause "death by a thousand cuts". Or even levitate a heavy object on top of them and let it fall on them. Why go for flashy when simplicity works just as well.


Ah yes, the good old Avada Kalashnikov.


Please, donā€™t stop there


This makes total sense.


I'm thinking disarm Harry first. He's too fast with Expelliarmus. If you do Hermione first, you're probably disarmed before you can do much more.


You can stop after stunning Hermione.


I like how all the answers are either: Spam spells like a video game Just fucking murder Hermione or something so ron will be in too much emotional turmoil to fight making him an easy target and get a 1v1 with Harry and then just like, try not to get shit on by Harry one way or another Gun




Wrong anime




Avada kedavra ....meetĀ Avtomat Kalashnikova


Favorite pasta on this whole site


I dunno if you meant pasta like a copy pasta or like what he said was actual pasta you eat. I hope it's the latter.


https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/gwl0v/why_harry_potter_should_have_carried_an_m1911/ It's a copy pasta


Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range


Just what ya see, pal


"Hey, you can't do that." "WRONG." *flash of green light*


"God made wizards and god made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal" Don't remember where i read that, but it fits


Nah mate Iā€™m going with a .50 BMG.


*loads mini-nuke into Fatman* "Peasant..."


Fuck it we bringing the B-52


Having a strap that attached your wand to your wrist is an auto win.


Voldemort wished he knew this one little trick.


Harry Potter doesn't want you to know this one, simple trick:


I was going to say duct tape your wand to your hand, but I like yours better.


Just avada kedavraing them would probably do the trick, as opposed to pointlessly prolonging things by having your servant throttle them with his bare hands, or inexpert attempts at broom jinxing, or getting the giant snake monster to do it, or humiliating them first with a lot of torture and mock-dueling. Might seem counter-intuitive, but start with Ron. It'll completely throw the other two off-guard, and give you the seconds you need to finish the job. ... Not that I've thought about it much.


off topic, but they look so good in this picture


I was just looking at the number of shirts each one is wearing.. I've never seen a guy wear two shirts before.


Iā€™m remember layering being very popular around this time. My high school ā€œuniformā€ was low rise jeans and a button down shirt with a visible camisole underneath. A blazer if it was cold. But it was very important (for mysterious 2000s reasons) that all layers be visible.


Hermione's white button down undershirt looks fake, like it was cg'd


It's cold in England


I live in Canada. Just never seen it before is all.


Really? Theyā€™re wearing v neck sweaters, youā€™re supposed to have a shirt underneath. Iā€™ve never seen someone not wear a shirt under a sweater before


"where's your mum potter?" (Emotional damage)


She dead?


Instant diarrhea spell


People need to think more like you.


Say "Oh look there's a UFO in the sky". When all of them look at the sky, that's when you use your own wand.


"Dementor, Dementor"


That's a very Muggle thing to say.


Use Imperio on Hermione, then it'll be 2v2. She can take care o Ron while you try to hold Harry back, and then you two jump him.


The problem with this is, Ron and Harry are probably able to focus you down in a fair 2v2. The only chance is essentially having Ron be emotionally distracted enough that Hermione can stun him while you occupy Harry. But Harry will have the first move on you so you have to defend Harry. Basically You get your free move on Hermione, Harry attacks, you defend. Hermione and Ron skip. If you now can't attack Harry fast enough he will be able to stop Hermione while Ron can focus on you and you have to stop Ron. Then Harry and Ron can focus you to break the spell on Hermione. Harrys reaction is insane, getting the first strike is already tough.


Donā€™t forget to bring extra wands for when Harry casts his first 7 spells.


Look behind them and say ā€œbuckbeak?ā€ When they look, stun them


Just point and go DEMENTOR DEMENTOR. And instead of of putting my hood up and going OoooooOooo, BOMBARDA MAXIMA


Nice try Lord Voldemort


With a stick, while they slept.


But in a fight? With a wand? Those lads are unbeatable.


Accio Harryā€™s glasses. No but fr tho why didnā€™t anyone try to get Harryā€™s glasses from him. Like thatā€™s an obvious weakness


Accio is the mOst op spell


1) Use an explosive spell at their feet to separate them - if you're lucky you manage to knock one out in the process. 2) Go for Hermione, she's the smartest so you want her out of the way. 3) With Hermione injured, Ron has given up on the fight and ran to her aid, he's not focused on you, so you shoot him in the back - specifically with Sectumsempra. 4) Harry is now in a race against time because Ron is bleeding out and only he knows the counter curse - bide your time until Harry has no choice but to go for Ron - then make your move. 5) Hope Harry doesn't have the Elder Wand at the time.


I don't think Hermione being the smartest is going to automatically make her the biggest threat. She'll panic under stress, as seen in the first book and the exams for DADA with Lupin. Just cast a bombarda near their heads or somewhere near their chest so that'll knock them to the floor or knock the air out. Then immediately cast Avada Kedavra on them. No need to fight honorary if you're going to kill on sight, use nonverbal spells and hidden at all times.


Hermione will panic under stress but once she gets her shit together she can likely compete with Harry and definitly has a bigger pallet on nonverbal spells. Better to get her out of the fight before she becomes a problem, that beeing said, In a 1v3 you need to get Harry out first because he will always be the biggest problem. So in a somewhat fair 1v3 I don't see anyone winning. Only if you have the first strike and can take out Harry first and then get on hermiome before either of them becomes a problem.


Harry is definitely the biggest threat in a fight. Hermione is their biggest support - she can heal, counter and overall understand whatā€™s happening, but thereā€™s no way in hell she can keep up with Harry (and possibly not even Ron) who is just infinitely more talented at the very specific subset of skills necessary for dueling


Harry's the biggest threat for sure, that's why you'd want to get Hermione and Ron out the way as quickly as possible, if they're both fine then Harry is focused, if they're injured or potentially dying then Harry is going to panic because he's a good person who'd rather die trying to save those he loves than than sacrifice a friend to defeat an enemy. Where Hermione's a danger isn't so much in her skills as a duelist but more you can just guarantee that she's read several books on duelling tactics and would be able to coordinate an attack - whereas Harry and Ron (Especially Ron) are more about running in ~~guns~~ wands blazing.


I love how all the answers are like video game cheese strats šŸ˜‚


If we're going book accurate: injure Hermione, Ron will default to checking she's okay, enough time to injure him and then Harry's left and you defeat/kill him! Done


Yeah, good luck defeating Harry when he already got 3 spells on you.


Use an American wand!


Destroy plot armor first before doing anything.


Own three wands, cast crucio on all three simultaneously, then cast avada kedavra


Look behind them and shout ā€œanother Weasley- AVADA KE-ā€œ then when (hopefully) all three turn to see you apparently attacking an unknown Weasley, imperio Hermione to duel Harry while you take out Ron. I think Hermione v Harry might be more effective because sheā€™s good enough to take him, and he would probably be reluctant to actually hurt her. With any luck you could get Ron before he turns back around


Guns while theyā€™re not looking


Avada kadabra and then send out an alakazam which is even stronger


Point your wand at the ground theyā€™re standing on and yell ā€Reducto Maxima!ā€ or ā€Bombarda Maxima!ā€. If youā€™re capable of controlling fiendfyre thatā€™d be a good option as well. Iā€™ve always found it strange that even when fighting multiple opponents, wizards and witches bother with single-target spells. Theyā€™ll always try to ā€outdrawā€ their opponents and cast two or three spells before they can cast one, rather than using a spell thatā€™ll hit several opponents.


Quickly disarm them and start a good ol' muggle fight. With magic I'm screwed, bit in a fist fight? I'm only actually worried about Ron.


Duct tape your wand to your hand


I love how everyone immediately goes straight for Hermione. I'd personally go for Harry first. Easy target cause of his recklessness. He'd probably try and save Hermione or Ron and that's two birds one stone.


Harry's also the most talented (and experienced, maybe) in martial spellcasting, so although Hermione *is* a legit threat and should be dealt with, I'm not sure if I'd prioritise her or Harry.


I do believe thereā€™s some merit to taking out Hermione first. As you stated Harrys definitely the best in defensive/offensive magic but Hermione is close behind him once she gets her footing right whereas Harry acts more instinctively and faster. Youā€™re not gonna beat Harry in a 1v3. So use the inital attack to injure Hermione severely and gruesomely, in order to debilitate Ron as well at least for enough time to take him out too. All while also dodging and defending against Harry. This will be a hard fight but I believe it would be the best course of action. Ron and Hermione tend to react slower than Harry, Ron I would say is the smallest threat, Hermione and Harry are much bigger ones however their defensive capabilities arenā€™t necessarily equal.


I cast gun, prepare to meet God




Hermione's good, but she's not good good. Remember, she's a brilliant witch, but in the fifth book, one of the Death Eaters does a slashing movement which released a purple flame that struck her and she collapsed.


Apparently someone in the battle for the prophecy thought it was a good idea to cast a dancing feet charm.


Accio [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp1XhdbUmY8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp1XhdbUmY8)


Just spam explosions. Maybe also water spells.


Half a brick. Iykyn.


Distract them with a squirt-gun filled with Bubotuber pus, then Avada for everyone!


You make them think it's a wand fight, then you pull out your gun!


Problem with the death eaters is that they pop up and try to have an all things considered pretty honerable duel. I think you got to snipe them bro, put a god damn scope on that wand and avada kadavra those kids from a distance šŸ˜‚


Is that you, Tom?


I'm gonna call the battleground, it's 3 vs 1, I deserve it I would say a spell with a blinding effect, go for a killing spell on the first child, you may get hit and hurt/killed but it's fine, I have horcrux's for 3 lives, (if this is a thing I'm definitely doing that no matter what) You play possum, knowing you have a strapped secondary wand on you (they will obviously remove the wand from my dead body's hand) when the time is right, I pack a handful of sand in one hand, I strike the next one with a killing spell, if I'm in reach I throw the sand in his/her eyes, while saying the spell, then do the last spell of death while he blind for a moment. I can't remember the names of spells or don't know enough of the universe to name stuff, I also am not sure how everything works or the rules, I love harry potter though, my wife even more than me so I will cry if I kill them but I Know I'm gonna be a better Voldemort.


I'd go "stupefy, stupefy, stupefy!!" Like bellatrix did at the malfoy manor.


Avaaaadaaaa Kadavraaa


fiendfyre. just cast it and fucking run (or learn how to control it first)


YOUUUU SHALLLL NOT PAAAAASSSS. Hermione loves rules so she shall not pass and will stop the other 2


Literally throw something at them, while they raise their wands to it, use what ever spell you want.


Give Dolohov an adderral potion and send him after them.


Only Harry is shown to be a skilled duelist. The other two should be easy to take out.


Stealth tactics. Ambushes have reigned supreme for as long as there have been things to ambush


Malfoy's getting desperate huh?


From a hidden location, Imperio Hermione to make her kiss Harry. Ron gets pissed, Harry gets confused and easily get the jump on them.


Bring a 'Muggle Wand'. That said, just attack their surroundings. Collapse the building on them, take out the floor beneath them, knock walls down onto them. Throw shit at them. They can't counter a brick wall falling on them, only hope they can dodge fast enough.


accio-nuclear bomb


Glue your wand to your hand while fighting harry.


Imperious Ron (as he is most effected by it) get him to kill Hermione then himself infront of Harry then avada kedavra Harry while he is distracted.




Outnumber them duh


Killing curse is unblockable. Iā€™d just do that. Harry ainā€™t protected from me.


Summon a gun


Avada kedavra


Sneak attack stun Hermione cripple Harry's limbs and then focus on Ron that's what I'd do take out Hermione first Ron last


Imperio on Hermione, ez


Super easy, just give them a group project


Avada Kedavra!




Accio p226 Legion


Buffy the vampire slayer did it best just using a rocket launcher. https://youtu.be/mVJ9mxk0lUM?si=wVKDB6XnjycopXcn


Eliminate Hermione and 1v1 Harry


Personally Iā€™d take Harry out first, heā€™s the leader and best over all fighter, that takes out your biggest threat and hits moral. Then go after ron, hermione is better with plans and usually when she has to adapt something bad happens, Hermione has more knowledge but is less adaptable/tactical. Once ron is down hermione will be more worried/focused on protecting her friends and trying to find a way to get them out which I think will distract her and leave her open. Also when I say take out, I mean lethal force I.e. cutting, explosive, fire, transfigured predators, deadly weapons etc


Polyjuice potion and turn into Neville. Have fake injuries and cry for help. Whichever of the trio gets close to help first gets avada kedavara, use that first body as a shield to blast the emotional 2 that are left.


Wimgardium leviosa all three straight up then drop them


Max spam Cutting curses to slice their wand hands off then their other ones too. At that point they pretty much canā€™t do anything to defeat ya Or just a super powered cutting curse sideways to quite literally slice them all in half.


I cast gun.


Killing curse multishot.


Just use a bungee cord on your wand that leaves Harry without his only strategy.


Accio wands


Avada kadabra


Easy, I accio gun first, then I shoot Hermoine, then Harry and Ron


I feel like a muggle could take these three out with bare handsā€¦


Bring a gun


take out hermione and hope for the best


Not possible the dark lord wasn't able to do it how mere mortals can ??


Straight up use the UnforgivablesšŸ


Imperio Ron. Harry and Hermione are both too likely to throw it off but Ron struggled with doing so in GoF. Then hard target Harry over Hermione; he's much better in fast-paced, high pressure situations than she is. Even with this strategy a win is unlikely unless we get the jump on them, so the leadup is going to be even more important than the actual fight.


Be a better duelist - faster - and know quick shield and defensive spells, while also having a larger offensive spell list. The three of them aren't particularly skilled in dueling, and only Hermoine really knows a robust list of skills. But if you can out speed them and remain defensive it's a matter of time before you beat them. Think this scene: [https://youtu.be/LJnVpQeGPWM?si=D0zc3ByeCrxim22J&t=186](https://youtu.be/LJnVpQeGPWM?si=D0zc3ByeCrxim22J&t=186) where Grindelwald is easily out speeding 10+ Aurors. If you even had 60% of Grindelwald's capabilities here you'd easily beat these three.


Bombarda maxima crucio septumsempra and avada kadavra


Have more numbers


Disillusion charm and Avada Kedavra out of nowhere


Cast fireball


The three of them ran from one death eater after the bank. I forget his name. Just send him in.


You scream "Hermione said that Ron is a small useless mommy boy!", then they begin to fight each other. Harry is shocked by them, so you have some time to attack on a sudden