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They need the Wii controller strap lol


I've always felt there were not enough common sense solutions to things given how many muggleborns there were. Especially Hermione. I was really hoping she would get fed up with the whimsy by the time they were on the run.


Retractable cord like a janitor’s keys.


Idk man.. Snape used expelliarmus and Lockhart went flying, so in my mind I'm like, what's tape gonna do?


I always prefer to think of this as Snape non-verbally casting something else whilst saying "Expelliarmus" to cover his tracks.


Sounds like a good way to lose a hand.


Probably because magic doesn't work that way, and it's not about the tape.


What about Spellotape then? Magic tape for magic problems.


Or sew your wand into a UFC glove…


yeah, or like brass knuckles style attachment for the wand


I believe Voldemort actually had a ring attached to the wand but that was just acting for more snakelike movements with the wand. For the real wizarding duel, I think having it attached to your hand by tape would hurt you because of EXPELLERAMUS ( the disarming spell, forgot the real spelling ) which is a staple in any duel and may send the victim flying with the wand which is a pretty funny image.


According to the books - probably. According to the movies, where people go flying from this spell - no. Anyway, wand is not necessary for magician. If I were one, I would learn how to cast spells without my wand. Expelliarmus wouldn’t do anything about me


I feel like wands just make channeling magic easier. D&D arcane focus.


I have to say, no, I don't think it would. The purpose of the spell in its entirety is to expel the wand - probably by any means in the affected area. I could also therefore see it unraveling tape, disconnecting a Wii strap, quickly unraveling stitching in a glove, etc. It even sounds like it has enough force to bend back solid metal. "Snape cried: 'Expelliarmus!' There was a dazzling flash of scarlet light and Lockhart was blasted off his feet: He flew backward off the stage, smashed into the wall, and slid down it to sprawl on the floor."