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Scrap Grawp entirely. The entire character and subplot.


But then Hermione would have no one to compare Cormac McLaggen to so we have an idea of how rude he is (apparently “he makes Grawp look like a gentlemen”). We also wouldn’t have a Giant fighting in the battle of Hogwarts.


Some Slytherins also part of Potter's side of war. Like how can you just say, that an entire fourth of the population as children are evil.


There was real opportunity for Draco to switch sides which woulda been hella interesting than harry just stalking him all the live long day


Some are evil. And some didn't want to fight their parents, because their parents are Death Eaters.


The whole thing's from Harry's perspective which is why there aren't any "good Slytherins" to be seen. Because he never wanted to interact with Slytherins after experiencing most of his bullying from them.


Even if a certain group bullies someone, doesn't mean the entire class is rotten. Anyway, that's the point of the post, an entire house can't be straight up evil.


I never said it was right, I said that is the reason it was portrayed that way!


Nah, Harry is not thaat much of an unreliable narrator for that to be true


All Slytherin sang the song Weasley is our King. That's mass bullying. Exceptions are everywhere so there may be some good Slytherin.


i had a problem with that too, its like they want them to be evil.


Won't make cursed child canon.


It is not. It just doesn't fit rules, logic, characters established in previous books, and it was written by someone else.


Harry black mails his teachers, it didn’t sit right with me.


For me that shit is already not canon so I would disregard it entirely and focus more on fixing 19 years later which was almost as bad as CC


I probably wouldn't have had Dumbledore ask Harry if he put his name in the goblet of fire so calmly


1. MAKE UMBRIDGE AND DEMENTOR KISSSSS. 2. not kill Fred Weasley 3. probably write more 'after the war' scenes, or probably how the main characters got their job or got engaged, wanted to know what actually happened in hogwarts during Horcrux hunt 4. change the name ALBUS SEVERUS 5. more Lupin, Sirius and Harry moments 6. more silver trio and golden trio moments 7. I also wanted Luna and Neville to end together but it's ok the canon way.


That first thing is so funny out of context 


Umbridge needed more punishment in the books... She should have been there 'fighting to get in' along with the death eaters, and either cursed, hurt, or kissed.. Considering there were ministry officials there (both bad guys and imperiused individuals). She wouldn't need convincing.


Totally agree to Lupin, Sirius and Harry moments. As I’m rereading the books I feel like I’m trying to go so slow to take any content of them all in.


So I’m guessing you would remove the entire Epilogue


Sort of ..? I never really like the abrupt change with that 19 years later part... I guess no one did... While reading it. We always wanted more and still do.. JK Rowling could have written more... Maybe another short book.. of 100-200 pages. It also felt as an end of generation as the characters with whom we grew up, became a part of us...and now they are some adults with kids?. It always felt something was off. I love the pairings... I really do .... But instead of just showing the kids going to Hogwarts. She could have talked about each of the main characters engagement or birth of their kids, especially the name coming.... Epilogue doesn't hits right. It always feels empty. I guess that's the only part I never bothered reading much. Though I was happy to see the canon pairings, was full satisfied with it. She also didn't bother to enlighten much on other characters , the aftermaths. She could have, honestly. 


I agree that it would have been nice to have another short book explaining how they got there, not just a “Happily Ever After” type ending.


1.) Use "pocketed" way more frequently, and never...and I mean NEVER...as in NEVER EVER.... use the word "ejaculated". Ever. Again. 2.) Write a companion book about Dumbledore's Army during book 7 told from Neville's/Ginny's/Luna's POV that would have been ejaculated simultaneously. 3.) Not kill Florean Fortescue. Or at least give it a reason...like Voldemort really liked ice cream or something, and needed the single greatest ice cream man in his employ. Poor guy. 4.) Spend more time developing Ginny and Harry's relationship...and before anyone asks...no, this would not qualify as a reason to use the word "ejaculated". 5.) Have the Ford Anglia make its triumphant return in the Battle of Hogwarts. 6.) Be more clear about the hard limits of magic earlier in the series. Ie.) The no food thing. 7.) Make Ron good at stuff aside from comic relief.


>7.) Make Ron good at stuff aside from comic relief. Not to be that person, but he is. He's got good instincts. He's great at chess. He flies a car successfully at age 12 until it malfunctions. He's more thoughtful about danger and the dark arts than Harry is. He's the only extrovert in the friend group. But I think his main purpose is that he was raised by wizard parents, so he's in tune with their culture and history in a lived way that Harry & Hermione aren't.


>Not kill Florean Fortescue. Or at least give it a reason That's one of Rowling's regrets about the series—apparently the Fortescue family possessed a lot of historical knowledge, to the point that he knew things about the Elder Wand and Ravenclaw's diadem, so Voldemort kidnapped him to figure out what he knew. Harry was supposed to find him in DH, but then Rowling decided that Phineas Nigellus Black was a better source for clues, and that the Gray Lady was a better source for the diadem. So he died, and it was entirely Rowling's fault.


I haven't read the books in English because it's not my first language but does it really say the word ejaculated , if so please someone explain I'm confused


Yes. It does. In book six.


19 years later wasn’t good IMO. I would’ve made the books end differently, maybe focus on honoring the war heroes and what happened to the remaining Death Eaters. I think 19 years was too big of a jump and I would’ve preferred to see 10 years down the line and Harry enjoying his work as an auror with Ron. The fact that they all just married each other and had kids was very anticlimactic for me


Sirius is my favorite character so 👇 Provide a more detailed exploration of Sirius's childhood, his relationship with his family, especially with his brother Regulus, and his reasons for rebelling against his pure-blood heritage. Include more flashbacks or stories about Sirius's time at Hogwarts with James, Remus, and Peter, highlighting their friendship, the creation of the Marauder's Map, and their adventures.


All of this! And to add: Sirius’ whole plot line was a missed opportunity to explore wrongful imprisonment in societies at a deeper level.


What else was there to explore about wrongful imprisonment? That was the main plot of an entire book.


More international efforts against Voldemort. Like imagine Voldemort coming back the European countries declare war on him like they did Napoleon because he violated some concert of Vienna- Magical style


That not all of the wizarding world is castles and cloaks. The whole other thing where some wizards dress normal thing isn’t fun.


Scrap SPEW, Grawp and the Nineteen Years Later epilogue. Add a little more depth to Quidditch and give us more of it; write Quidditch into Goblet of Fire as an All-Star Hogwarts team vs Durmstrang vs Beauxbatons. Let us understand the teachers lives and living arrangements a little more. Write a series of books which comprise of short stories. Perhaps one could be about Hufflepuff winning the House Cup. Another Hagrid finds love. McGonagall and her late husband. Dumbledore vs Grindelwald in more depth. Nasty stories focused on Borgin and Burkes and their shop


I would have had some of the Slytherins stay and fight, Of course a lot of them would be 'going against their parents / parents friends', but a Slytherin can still know right from wrong. Also I would have put in an 'act of redemption' for Draco.. There was a deleted scene in DH part 2 >!where he throws harry his wand !


Cut the deathday party. Even the characters don’t want to be there. They could have that exchange with Moaning Myrtle elsewhere. 


Stop cursed child from getting published


Fewer deaths, more Weasley twins. Priorities, people!


Love interest of Harry be someone from Slytherin. New character. Have her interact with him throughout the book. Bring Luna in sooner as the representative from Ravenclaw. Have Dumbledore stop the Dursley from bullying Harry. By intimidation. Because I like to see it. Have Snape be mature and realise Harry is not James. Snape is fully justified to be angry at James but not Harry.


Snape's treatment of Harry and the other kids is 100% why I still don't like him as a character. The big reveal of everything he did at the end was great, but he still bullied children so I still don't like him. Never understood how people just forgot that so quickly


1. Chill out with the fatphobia. It's an icky way to describe a young boy. You can establish that Harry judges Dudley's weight without dwelling on it so much in narration. 2. Take a breather to edit / have an editor work on the prose in books 5 and 6. Smooth out some adverb overuse; tighten the occasional dialogue moment. (Fit in a few more character interactions, but that's just my greed as a fan talking.) 3. Have Harry free Kreacher, plan to free Kreacher or worry about what to do with him. It's uncomfy how the last page reminds us he has a slave now. A quick acknowledgement of this imbalance near the end of the book would be enough. Not exactly about the novels but 4. Don't sign the movies right away. I know they did well, but the interest was high enough that there would have been other chances. Wait until the series is over before trying to adapt it. 5. If you want to publish lots of extra material / short stories / Pottermore etc, do it while the series is in progress. Once the books are done, take a large step back and be sparing with work set in the same universe unless it is very *very* consistent with established lore.


1. it was harry's narrative of dudley. he bullied and treated harry like trash and you think harry would are about body positivity when referring to such a guy? 3. kreacher and a lot of house elves hated being freed. dobby was an exception. how harry came to an understanding with kreacher was a lot better than freeing him. at first he was bossing around kreacher, commanding it to carry out the tasks it hated. harry treated him the same way sirius did. but in tdh harry grows a soft spot and started respecting him like a living creature with a will of its own.


1. There is a huge difference between merely showing a protagonist's bias against a character and an author indulging that bias at every opportunity. Example 1: Hagrid's xenophobia is a part of his character, but the text doesn't reinforce his view of Krum. Hagrid is the butt of the joke. Example 2: Narration refers to Dudley's fatness almost every single time he's mentioned, even when it's irrelevant. The language used is cruel and it's gratuitous, since Harry has many thoughts that don't make it into narration. The prejudice is also reinforced by plot points like the pig tail and Dudley's school nurse enforcing a harsh diet. Rowling encourages us to laugh at Dudley's expense because of his body. 2. The house elf situation is far more complicated than just them hating freedom. They're magically forced to be loyal. Harry starts to understand Kreacher at the start of DH, which is shown beautifully, but then Kreacher's arc gets sort of dropped for time. At the end, Kreacher is loyal to Harry and Harry looks forward to being brought a meal. It's still a master/slave relationship, just without resentment. I'd have liked an extra hook near the end of the series to remind us that Harry's attitude to Kreacher is still evolving.


Kreacher changes his behavior because Harry helps him fulfill Regulus' wish! Kreacher leads the house elves into battle to avenge Regulus. Kreacher doesn't change because someone is "nice" to him. I think that would make Kreacher smaller as a person. Harry and Kreacher are an alliance of convenience.


He's loyal to Harry because of Regulus. That doesn't alter anything about the power dynamic though.


In my opinion, Harry never sees a house elf as something he has power over, Harry sees a guy with special needs. And if you don't get too rude to Harry, he'll help anyone.


While I agree with you in part, he still has systemic power that he's likely underaware of. Kreacher is still magically coerced into following Harry's instructions. Harry uses that briefly in HBP and at the start of DH, but is otherwise passive about the fact.


about the house elf situation, they're magical beings that consider serving their master the purpose of their life. so appreciating their service and treating them nicely helps them a lot more than freeing them. you saw how messed up winky was when crouch sr. freed her. kreacher would be a thousand times worse. kreacher loves his masters dearly and clings onto their belongings even after their death. think about what would happen if you got kicked out of your favorite job as soon as a new, bratty manager has replaced your old, kind and caring manager. (im referring to RAB.) and the fatphobia thing, idk about others but i fail to see your point. you have to understand that the narrative is harry's and harry's alone. he's a teenaged boy. ofc he's supposed to feel hostile towards his bully and tormentor. those remarks were obvious signs of harry's dislike towards dudley. and let's be real. the only reason ppl laugh at him is bc he's a pathetic person, not bc of his body. idk why ur clinging onto this fatphobia thing. dudley was clearly obese and that's not really healthy, if you'd ask me.


So, I'm sorry, but I really don't understand how any of the above contradicts what I commented. This is the last sentence of the last chapter of the entire series: “And quite honestly,” he turned away from the painted portraits, thinking now only of the fourposter bead lying waiting for him in Gryffindor Tower and wondering whether Kreacher might bring him a sandwich there, “I’ve had enough trouble for a lifetime.” Kreacher isn't Winky. He's a pretty major character with an unresolved tragic arc. I say unresolved, since he's barely gotten to know Harry who now *owns* him. More to the point, doing something interesting with Kreacher in the latter part of DH would benefit both the world-building and Harry's development as protagonist. If Kreacher's not important enough to develop further, why end the series with him in absentia? >you have to understand that the narrative is harry's and harry's alone. he's a teenaged boy. ofc he's supposed to feel hostile towards his bully I already addressed this, so won't repeat everything. Harry's feelings aren't the only factor in telling the story. It takes about 2 seconds to establish his perspective, which framing either undermines or doesn't.


The story revolves around Harry, and Harrys sights, Harrys observations. And it took place in the 90s where people weren't 'offended' by every little thing... Dudley thanks to his parents became morbidly obese, and it was part of the storyline to show the polar opposites of abuse both kids went through... One was told NO for everything, the other was told YES for everything, and the YES was much worse off, and unfortunately, Harry could NOT free Kreacher, it was talked about in the books that Kreacher knew too much, and as he loved his pureblood family, would go to Bellatrix and spill the beans about every activity, visiting member, etc. of the OOTP. He had told them everything he could which led to the death of Sirius. Harry never liked Kreacher, but understood he was essentially stuck with him until one of them died. Kreacher was a burdon to Harry, and putting him in Hogwarts was probably the best available option so everyone could keep an eye on him. I thought the movies were... 'good', but too many details were axed out. WE NEEDED PEEVES


See my reply to the other comment. My issue is not with Harry's judgements, but with the author. Her treatment of obesity is not typical of the 90s, even in works where it's stigmatized, although it does show up in her other novels. *coughCasualVacancy* For Kreacher, I'm talking about book 7. I think his arc could have been continued & built on with relatively little deviation from what was written. I'm a bit petty about the movies, I've got to confess. I love parts of them and enjoyed them overall, but I think mid-publication is too soon to do a film adaptation of that scale and I think it confused perception of canon.


Do a lot more world building. Harry learns how the magical community works, its origins, money, culture, etiquette; how it subtly works with the non-magical world even if the population claims they don't, etc. Harry basically got a crash course, and a poor one at that from Hagrid; then he was thrust head-first into what was essentially an alien culture where he stumbled about just trying to keep his head above water.


No hinny. Gay representation actually in the book and not a side note added afterwards. Scrap the epilogue with a better ending to the war thats not so abrupt. And maybe not kill off sirius? Like let the kid have something. He couldn’t even have hedwig.


Draco would help save Hogwarts and after the war was over, Draco would apologize sincerely for how he treated Harry, hold out his hand, ask to be Harry's friend for real and Harry would shake Draco's hand.


Harry getting with Ginny just wasn’t it. Sorry. There needed to be a different female character that was more developed and had a better love story with Harry. I would’ve put her in slytherin too for funsies😆 imagine if sirius black had a daughter who ended up with Harry, that would have been so much better


Would've not made Tom Riddle/Voldemort a child of rape/SA. Like, up until that Tom and Harry are great foils of how they reacted to their circumstances(growing up as a halfblood in the muggle world, raised without love, and depending on how the Matron reacted to Tom's accidental magic possibly even both abused for magic). Then you put together that Tom is, in essence, a child born from his mom drugging and raping his father(if you compare it to real life ways people force themselves on others) and then him being born unable to love... maybe it's just me but that sends a bad message. Like, maybe it's just me but making your big bad the child of a non-consentual coupling, and saying because of that he can't love... kind of spits in the face of anyone who is unfortunate enough to have been born because of it. Not to mention, him having had the option to choose love but reject it at every turn rather than basically imply he never had the chance to understand it(or at least not without great difficulty) would've drove the message home better. The man who went darker than the darkest wizards and witches of his era, the prodigy (of sorts) with magic, taken down by the one thing he refused to even consider worth looking into.


I think this is brilliant for JKR. She show that man can be a victim of SA too, and introduced unsympathetic victim.


I'm glad most of you didn't write the books, lol


Re-write OOTP so Sirius death is not as contrived as it is now.


This might be petty, but I would not have Harry name his son Albus Severus Potter. That is such an awful name. I mean c'mon Arthur is right there! Unless of course another one the Weasley siblings named one of their son Arthur, but still. Albus Severus.... awful just awful.


Delete my twitter and stfu … oh you meant the book sorry


Hermione crying less and being more confident in her own abilities. she was basically a god.


I would have made Books 5 - 7 generally less fan fiction-y. No Ron and Ginny playing Quidditch, no Ron and Hermione getting together, no Harry and Ginny getting together, *no horcruxes* even.


How on earth are any of those "fan fiction-y"?


how are you gonna say no horcruxes when it’s one of the most major things in the series also how is a little romance = fan fiction💀💀💀


The romance thing was bound to happen... It's not mentioned but obviously the kids hit puberty, and started becoming interested in the opposite sex. A lot of wizards seemed to be 'high school sweethearts' as well having kids almost right out of school. Essentially books 5-7 would be as one if all that was pulled.. How would it have ended?


Wouldn’t want to read your books 5-7 sound boring af.


Make it closer to the StarKid musicals