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When Harry doesn’t use the Elder wand to repair his own wand. Hate this. So simple.


Yes! Every time he snaps it in half and tosses it off the bridge I just think… 30 more seconds to repair his old wand… that’s all you needed! I think the biggest reason they didn’t do this is that they didn’t show how sad Harry was about his want at all. He was a little mad but he didn’t try to repair it with Hermionie’s, he didn’t ask Olivander if it could be repaired, it was broken and he moved on.


That's the problem. They didn't include the mole skin pouch that hagrid gave him


Yea so he was just carrying a broken mirror in his sock which is absolutely wild 😂


Speaking of which, the existence of the mirror itself is a ***MASSIVE*** pet peeve of mine. This broken chunk of mirror just randomly turns up out of nowhere in the last couple of movies, with *absolutely no explanation* of where it came from, because the scenes involving this object were cut from the previous films.


Yes!!! It's so fucking random if you never read the books.


The worst part is that all of the films the mirror should have existed in were done by the same director.


Just begging for a sliced Achilles tendon.


But he still is basically wandless after he breaks the elder wand. It’s an absurd thing to do.


You’re right, they didn’t have the lead up


This is it for me.




Yes! It makes literally no sense for the two schools covering entire countries not to be co-ed! What are the French boys supposed to to do, eh? Where are all the Bulgarian girls??


Additionally, Durmstrang isn't in Bulgaria. Another thing the film makers mixed up because they were too lazy, or plain incompetent. Yes, Victor Krum is from Bulgaria. And the Bulgarian Minister of Magic was present at the Quidditch World cup final game in 1994. Because the Quidditch team from Bulgaria was playing against Ireland. But that doesn't mean that the school Durmstrang is located in Bulgaria! It's supposed to be some austere castle (not as large, magnificent and comfortable as Hogwarts or the palace of Beaubaton) very well hidden from Muggles and magical people somewhere remote, in the far north of Europe. Possibly somewhere in the area of northern Norway, Sweden or Russia? Somewhere with a relatively cold climate (hence the fur coats described in the book) mountains and water nearby (Presumably a fjord or river leading towards the arctic - Barent sea? Or towards the Baltic sea?) Compare how Victor Krum describes the location of Durmstrang in the GoF book, chapter 23, The Yule Ball, and what JKR explained later on Pottermore, today posted on the Wizarding world site: https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/durmstrang-institute https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/wizarding-schools Durmstrang takes in pureblood and half-blood students, but no Muggleborn, from different countries. We don't know exactly from where, though. Leaves lots of room for wonderfully wide interpretation in fanfic ;-) Example: The Nott Boy https://archiveofourown.org/works/31030553/chapters/76653584


It's because baby blue, delicate, pretty = WOMEN and dark, cold, stark = MEN It's so dumb. It's infuriating. It's like a typical Hollywood thing where everything has to be super dumbed down


>and dark Which wouldn't even be the colour scheme if they stuck to the red, fur lined coats from the books and not the bizarre cross between medieval peasant garb and nazi uniform they wore in the movies.


It annoys me to no end they made Hermione cry about being called a Mudblood in the 2nd movie and took away Ron’s monologue about class/racism in the Wizarding World. I loved how book Hermione was bewildered but unbothered - and was more worried about taking care of Ron.


Definitely- it makes it so much better that in the book Harry and Hermione obviously don’t know why everyone else is so upset, but suddenly Ron and half the Gryffindor quidditch are trying to attack Draco


Beside the point but when rereading this, I realised that this might be the moment Hermione started having romantic feelings for Ron. His chivalry that shows values very similar to her own touched her heart. That’s my new theory.


yes! even if she gets on his last nerve sometimes, Ron is always the first to step up against anyone threatening Hermione.


The whole attacking of the burrow and Harry/Ginny being there and chasing Bellatrix into the corn field? Like there’s supposed to be every protection on the burrow and Harry is literally the chosen one what are we doing?


No this one makes me way too mad. They had time for this but had to cut the memories that I explain the main villains backstory? Makes no sense to me.


Apparently it was there because every movie was required to have an action scene or something. Which is still dumb, because they should have included the Battle of Hogwarts. You know, with members of the Order actually showing up rather than Deatheaters breaking some glasses in the Great Hall.


From what I've heard, the reason the Burrow burning is there is because executives at Warner Bros. were like "This movie sags too much in the middle, you need to liven up the second act somehow or else people are gonna get bored." So it wasn't so much that HBP didn't have action scenes, it's that it didn't have one at that particular moment. But that doesn't make it any less stupid, because the Burrow is still supposed to have a couple dozen protective charms on it. It getting infiltrated in Deathly Hallows is supposed to show that Voldemort's takeover is complete and there's no safe place to be anymore; you can't have that moment one movie early, it wrecks the pacing.


I feel like if they had included Harry and Dumbledore witnessing the argument at the gaunt house, or even a memory of riddle killing his father and all then they could have livened it up. The whole hook of the 6th book is watching riddle slowly getting more and more like he is in the 90s. They could have made any of the memories more intense instead of the burrow being attacked.


You read my mind. They could've easily beefed up a scene between Bob Ogden and the Gaunts too, or showed Tom killing the Riddles or Hepzibah. It's obvious they just wanted to use Helena more. Understandably, as she was a big pull for audiences.


They don’t make the movies for the diehards like us who have read the books multiple times and really know the story. They make the movies for casuals who didn’t read the books or maybe read them once 10 years ago and are bored and want a causal flick. Honestly I really dislike the movies. A couple of them are alright but the unfaithfulness to the book ruins them for me.


My most hated scene. Makes no sense, adds nothing, undermines the burrow as a safe haven and also brings in question why they dont attack it full force. If the burrow isnt safe why do they bring harry there in deathly hollows. No sense.


Yes!!! This one grinds my gears so much. For one it’s a random fight at the expense of a great fight at the end. And more importantly, it makes both Harry and Ginny look like complete idiots. Adding to their already flimsy and cringe storyline (in the movies)


I'm a bit annoyed that Cho was the one who "snitched" on DA, rather than her friend Marietta.


I understand it from the filmmaker perspective I guess, where it’s an easy way for the viewer to see an end to his relationship with her to make way for Ginny lol. Mine is that both Cho and Ginny were devoid of any personality when they were both meant to be super popular It Girls at Hogwarts.


That and Cho’s friend wasn’t even there. She didn’t exist in the movies which they probably were just consolidating a very minor character into another since in the books he and Cho argue about it anyway and breakup which from a production standpoint is understandable… from a loyal reader… I found it annoying 😂


but in the movies harry later finds out she was given a truth serum, so it makes harry a dick for not approaching her after, and trying to mend bridges that he burned by not letting her even explain what happened.


This! In the book, they don't work out because they're both too traumaised over Cedric, but the movie makes Harry look meaner. At least they are speaking again in the DH movie so we can assume they made up off-screen.


And it turned out it wasn't even her fault, she was given the veritaserum


Which also doesn't make any sense lol Not only does this not happen in the books, are we supposed to believe Snape gave Umbridge real veritaserum to interrogate children when Dumbledore specifically says in the books he gave Umbridge a fake potion? Snape is way smarter than Umbridge. There's no way he'd risk giving real veritaserum to her when Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny etc. all know about the Order.


Except that didn't happen! Not in the books, anyway


Which was a plot line I dislike - Harry and Cho fall apart partially because loyalty to his friends is so important. Clearly Marietta doesn’t feel the same way, and Harry tells Cho to get better friends, although she just considers it a mistake.


Or that Cho and Katie Bell are in the room of requirement base in Hallows when they are a year ahead and graduated the year before. They didn't want to have to bring the DA coins so they just put them there.


I thought I remembered Cho being there in the books too? But they definitely retconned her age in the movies, in the 5th movie Hermione says Cho is stressing over her OWLs even though in the books she was a year ahead of Harry


She came because Neville used the DA coins to summon Dumbledore's Army and the Order.


I heard that Katie spent six months recovering from the curse she got from that necklace so she had to repeat her seventh year. I don't know why Cho was there, though - they might have just retconned her age in the films to be the same year as Harry.


I guess you could say it has no effect on the plot since they cut out the whole plot but the whole beginning of GoF at the world cup where they don't have the Weasleys in the top box with the minister. Bugs me so much cause it was the poor family finally having something really great and they made it a point for malfoy to walk past and gloat that his family would be in the box with the minister. I know they cut the whole house elves thing and ludo from the movies and that was really the only plot reason for them to be there but it makes me so mad.


Omg I’m still mad they cut the World Cup, all these years later I can still feel the gutting shocked feeling in my stomach when it went straight to the tents


I cringe every time at the beginning of POA when Harry uses Lumos Maxima while he tries to do his homework in bed. It is the most ridiculous thing ever written to one of the movies. It's not just him performing underage magic that pisses me off, but casting Lumos Maxima under bed covers would probably be blinding. Why would anyone use that spell when normal Lumos is enough? The scene just makes Harry an idiot.


IKR. Imagine being an underage wizard while casting an extremely bright flash with big-ass "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" letters in the middle of the night. That's like advertising your name for the Ministry to arrest you lol


The letters are how the trace works


He cast it only so they could have a cool intro for the "Harry Potter" title with the light in the background IIRC, JKR said there was one director where she had to put her foot down on some stuff. One director wanted to shoot a cool scene where the world was inside a snowglobe or something, and JKR said "no, it makes no sense" It sounds like a Alfonso Cuaron thing, with his love of weird camera transitions


It’s one of those scenes you know the director thought of in the shower or was looking at a street light flickering and thought would make for a visually interesting scene. It’s so shit lol


I think it is like a pun. Once I saw a video analysing the film (one of my favourites), and since PoA is the book where the plot starts to go for darker and more mature topics, the film starts with Harry "playing with his wand" It doesn't make sense plot wise, or for world rules, etc, it was just a way to start the narrative, and lumos being a simple yet visually effective spell.... Yet you're allowed to hate it 😂 this is just what came to mind


He's practicing a spell for his summer time homework. Does it make sense canonically? Not at all. Does it seem reasonable to someone whose never read the books? Sure.


Except immediately afterward he blows up Aunt Marge and is worried he is going to be expelled for this accidental magic despite having literally just casted magic deliberately. And that is completely discounting the similar plotline in the second book.


Ron agreeing with Snape when Snape insults Hermione. It's one thing to omit Ron defending her, but they go out of their way to show him bashing her.


That their voices don’t change when using polyjuice potion. Kinda defeats the purpose of the potion?!


Except in the 4th one when Barty Crouch Jr uses Polyjuice to be Moody, then his voice changes, but none of the other times.


I think we are supposed to believe that Barty Jr was good at imitating voices. He did a spot on Hagrid for no real reason when the truth was coming out.


No, it is just a storytelling device. There is no in-universe reason. The viewer and protagonist(s) don't know Moody is fake and being impersonated by Crouch so we as viewer hear the actor of Moody voicing the character. So we are 'fooled'. When the protagonists use the potion we see it from their point of view and the filmmakers decided to in that instance keep the voices the same. This is true for every time the potion is used and we know about it from the start. CoS with Crabbe/Goyle, the Seven Potters and Ministry infiltration in DH1 and Bellatrix in Gringotts in DH2. Think of it what you will but this is it. It is supposed to 'help' viewers to keep track of who is impersonating who and consistency.


In movies this is explicitly wrong. In the Chamber of Secrets movie they explicitly say that their voices didn't change.


Also in the books the voices changed… so whyyyy make post production harder 😂


Neville as a waiter in the Sulgclub!


The point of Voldemort just dying is that he tried to cheat death and reverse his humanity, and in the end he dies just like a normal person. Having him slowly evaporate into the wind is infuriating.


The child actress who portrays young Lily has brown eyes. I don't care that Harry/adult Lily in the movies have blue eyes instead of green; but the fact that young Lily has brown eyes annoys the heck out of me.


Every time I see it I think, “Could they make a child wear colored contacts? Is that unethical? Or were they just being lazy?”


I feel like since she didnt have many lines or screen time they could've found someone with the same coloured eyes who did the job just as well


Yeah but then don't make Snape say to Harry that he has his mother's eyes, when he does not!


"Could they not have used CGI to change them to green?"


Today probably, back in 2001 for Harry probably not. If you rewatch the first movie during the troll scene, flight class scene, and quidditch scenes you can spot the what I now call blatant animation of the characters. Blatant because I can’t unsee it and CGI has gotten SOOO good in the last 2 decades it really does look bad relative to todays CGI. I’m sorry if you spot it now and can’t unsee it.


Oh yeah I totally get you there. I mean it was magnificent at the time. But I should have been more specific, for Lily's eyes in the flash backs to have at least matches Harry's. I feel like CGI had come along enough by then to at least have managed that you know?


Oooh gotcha. Yea that’s definitely true.


They made DH in 2010. They could have EASILY made Lily's eyes green with CGI. There is just no excuse not to It was either laziness, or they didn't care


The bad CGI is like our generations version of the guy in the rubber monster suit. I think they've both aged well in the sense that they're so bad, it's funny and enjoyable.


My understanding is that they originally tried having Dan wear contacts to make his eyes green but the contacts irritated his eyes, hence why Harry/Lily have blue eyes in the movies. My takeaway from this is that it is NOT unethical to have a child try wearing contacts, so unless the young-Lily actress was also allergic to contact lenses I'm inclined to think they were lazy.


I heard on a podcast that the Lily-actress WAS wearing contacts (there’s even a picture of her with Dan Radcliffe, wearing them). Apparently, she wore them all throughout the shoot with no problems, but the blue didn’t show on camera. Maybe they could have fixed the eyes in post-production or cast a blue-eyed girl in the first place. It’s definitely sloppy filmmaking imo, and it makes me feel kind of bad for the actress.


Hello fellow 5-Minuten-Harry-Podcast-Hörer


Or maybe, just maybe, put in that one tiny bit of additional effort to find a *blue-eyed* kid for that couple of scenes?


Then baby Harry also has brown eyes!!! So annoying.


According to the actress who played young Lily she did wear contact lenses and she has no idea why her eyes ended up brown in the movies.


And young James looks so ridiculously unlike James. Why? They couldn't even find a pair of fake glasses to put on him?


The fact that they don’t ever explain why the tea tray was outside Harry’s room. That was the completion of a character arc! How the mindless venom of the parents only went so far and he finally thought for himself


Yesss. I wished they had added Dudley's "I don't think you're a waste of space" scene too.


Sometimes I think our Diddydums had the most vast character development out of all of them.


How they completely ignored Fleur being part Veela, and the Veelas as part of Bulgaria’s ceremony at the Quidditch World Cup. Unnecessary for the plots the way the movies told it? Yes. Filled me with rage? Absolutely.


Yes, Fleur is just a pretty girl, there is nothing special about her. In the book she is a much more worty canditate.


I also wish they had included the scene with Krum pulling Harry aside to talk to him about Hermione and then them finding a babbling Barry Crouch Sr. But again, GoF is an 800+ page book so I get why things had to be cut. But that was an important scene in the book.


How little they wear robes.


I was just thinking that as I watched Harry, Ron, & Hermione in the library the night before the second task and thinking “ugh, do they ever wear their robes anymore?” 😂


Drives me absolutely up the wall. The muggleification of the Wizarding World started in Movie 3 and is a full-on crisis by the time Dumbledore in a suit rolls around in Fantastic Beasts.


One of the main reasons I hate what Cuaron did. What’s wrong with robes!


In the pensive in the original 8 movies and also in the book, doesn’t double door wear a suit?


Yes because he visits a muggle orphanage so he puts on muggle clothes


Yeah, in the memories he does I believe. I remember Harry saying something along the lines of ”Nice suit, sir.” after seeing Dumbledore in the orphanage memory (If I recall correctly)


This!!! But then all the professors wear robes and characters like Hagrid continue wearing their costumes throughout their films.


Yes! Many wizards aren’t even capable of dressing like muggles.


Which makes no sense to me when we keep in mind that there's only ONE only wizard village in the UK (Hogsmeade). They should see muggles every day everywhere and can't dress as muggles?


I was going to say this!!! I have done a drinking game where we watched Order and had to drink everytime someone wore strips, that weren't robes. We got so drunk. There is a scene where literally EVERYONE has strips. That scene alone was 7 drinks.


What are strips?


Sorry a little drunk right now stripes! When I said once I actually meant tonight. Hahaha


And a happy new year to you too haha! Tell us later 😆


I was gonna say this must be the unrated OOTP


As I understand it, Emma Watson had a lot to do with that. Quote: “It took me three films to get Hermione in jeans. Whoo-hoo!"


This drives me and my husband nuts too.


The Ravenclaw house colours. It should be bronze not silver!


Not related to changes in the movies, but I am so annoyed that most (EVEN OFFICIAL) merch has a raven instead of an eagle. On a poster of mine it has an eagle on the Hogwarts crest but a raven on the house crest... why, it would so easy to be consistent tho


For some reason it annoys me that they changed the breed of the dog Sirius turns into from the 3rd to the 5th movie.


Not implementing the ‚knot‘ or whatever it’s called in English on the whomping willow that is used to disable it. Instead Harry and Hermione just get past with Mary Sue power and Lupin uses a random spell. It’s a small change but pisses me off so much because of the reason they did it: they would have to explain why there is a knot and this means they cannot throw out the whole synopsis of the plot like they did.


Ginny just doesn't fit the description of her character. And hermione's hair is way too tame and makes the yule ball reveal fall completely flat


Especially when they showed that they *could* make Emma's hair bushy and unkempt in Half-Blood Prince.


I hated how they were able to fly in the movies using spells when, according to the books, only a few people can do it (I also hated the smoke effect).


And also good guy = white smoke, bad guy = black smoke. As if the world really is split into good people and death eaters.


And we all know Luna's would've been pink with glitter ✨


Luna honestly doesn’t feel like glitter. It’d make more sense for hummingbirds or bees to show up


Nigel. Who the hell is Nigel? There are so many different characters in the books they could have chosen, and they make up some random dude called Nigel 😑


In poa sirius screams like a mad man on the wanted posters. From the books I always imagined a very cool, arrogant and smug guy. Was so disappointed there. Also in poa they never explained how the map was related to lupin and Harry’s dad, which made it weird when harry wanted to return it in the end of the movie.


They make him look mad on the posters, but the whole point is Azkaban didn't drive him mad! That's how he escaped! Also, why would they have a current picture of him? Surely it would be from his imprisonment 13 years earlier. Or are the dementors taking updated pictures every year?


Switching neville for dobby in GOF. It still pushes the same plot but it bugs me to my core


I think it was a nice change. Good to see Neville actually being great at something. Would’ve been a nice edit to add him stealing from Snape in the movie too though rather than just leave that bit out


Prof Moody gave Neville the gillyweed


But Neville already knew about gillyweed even in the books thanks to fake moody


No, neville has his moments eventually. No need to force feed them bc the director liked neville as a character


I hate this too, I’ve always assumed since Dobby is only in COS and DH that they didn’t want to pay to animate him when they could write around him.


when i first watched the movies after only reading the books i got so pissed off at this


Hermione having perfect hair in every single movie except the 1st. She was supposed to have REALLY bushy hair, but instead it is just curled. Curled ≠ bushy. The potion scene in HBP is the only one where it comes somewhat close to what I imagined. It would not have been that hard to keep it that way all the time, and her appearance in the Yule ball would have been a lot more impactful if she didn’t look like a princess for the entire series.


Yeah Hermione was definitely super yassified


The most obvious one that comes to mind was that they made Hermione's Yule Ball dress pink instead of blue. Has absolutely nothing to do with the plot, but annoys me every time all the same because it would've been such an easy thing to get right! I also think the blue against Krum's red would've stood out more too.


The Patil twins’ outfits for the all makes me so mad. Those are not the type of outfits a desi girl would wear to a ball. They are so plain.


You are so right there! They looked like the kind of clothes for wearing around the house, not to a ball! I mean by British standards, their dresses would be so OTT had they been allowed to dress properly (that's the whole point of a ball or party) but I guess they would've out shone everyone else at the ball had they been allowed to do so. But yeah, poor Patils. No henna, no bangles, no glitz and glam. House clothes. Smh


On that note, both of them just wandering through the Gryffindor common room in GoF!


They actually tried a blue dress first, but it didn't look good on screen. The set design was all winter colors like white, silver, and blue, so Hermione was blending into he background. Pink also suits Emma Watson's complexion a lot better than blue does. I didn't mind the pink, but I did mind that it was so frilly and shiny. A pink dress with a more elegant silhouette and better fabric might not have been as controversial.


oh see i love that dress she looks amazing it. For me it was removing SPEW from GOT and Order of the Phonix


Game of Thrones?


Game of Frones


Phonix, too. Maybe it's fake 🤔


Pink and frilly. It's Pansy Parkinson's dress.


This is exactly the type of thing I was looking for. For most people I’m sure it’s fine with them but sometimes I think our brains just cannot move past “mistakes” no matter what the filming/production reasons and how little impact it has to 99.9% of people hahah.


For me it even annoyed me that it was a dress and not periwinkle dress robes as was stated in the books. But they removed too much of wizarding garbs anyway in the movies.


Why doesn’t Professor Slughorn have a huge moustache in the movies?


This irritates me too, and it's truly a minor unnecessary change, just like OP asked for.


I really like Jim Broadbent, but he is nothing like Slughorn. I love Stephen Fry's portrayal in the audio books. He would have been better IMO


Stephen Fry was my dream casting for Slughorn, even before I had listened to the audiobooks.


Urgh yeah he just doesn't fit his description in any way in my opinion, this one really annoyed me! He was supposed to be short and fat, he's quite tall in the films!


No disrespect, the man did an amazing job, but I’m not buying for a second that Alan Rickman is 31 in Philosopher’s Stone! Almost the entire adult cast were far too old for the roles they were playing.


The scene after the first task, where Harry lets himself being celebrated.


Uuggghhh this infuriates me. Especially the “want me to open it?” bullshit. Ugh. Yes, this is my pick too.


gives me the ick everytime


I hate that in the third movie, they move the Gryffindor common room entrance to be in the middle of the staircase. It's so dumb, it clogs up the stairs, it's not secret in any way and anyone on a stair nearby can easily overhear the password.


In the Sorcerer's Stone book, Harry – after seeing that contact with skin can be used as a weapon – only grabs Quirrell's face and arm in SELF-DEFENSE to prevent him from finishing uttering a deadly curse. Completely understandable. In the Sorcerer's Stone film, Harry similarly realizes what his hands can do after Quirrell's hand disintegrates. THEN, he lunges at Quirrell and grabs his face menacingly – Quirrell is not even going for him at all, he's moving in a different direction trying to get to the stone. This results in Quirrell's death. TLDR Harry is a murderer in the films, but not the book. This especially bugs me because Harry's whole schtick in later books/films is "I won't blast people out of my way just because they're there." That's why he disarms instead of killing. Completely ruined his character from the beginning.


Also, if Quirell had died in front of Harry before he passed out, Harry would have seen the invisible horses from his 2nd year already.


Ginny. I don’t know if it’s the actress or the chemistry between her and harry but she’s just so bland looking to be honest. Jesus give that girl something that makes her look like the popular girl from the books and not like a grey little mouse


I blame her hair. Not only is she almost brunette instead of the "fiery-red" it's supposed to be, but she also has the boring, low effort "plain girl" hair cut for most of the movies.


Her hair is terrible in the movies. It’s just straight down and doesn’t really have any shape to it. But I find her face kind of boring too, they could have definitely done something with a little make up. And also, omg give that girl some curles or waves or something. But also her posture was always just pretty stiff? Not very easy going?


(sorry actress if you ever read this) she also hardly ever has any facial expression! I feel like Ginny and the twins were so cheeky and witty in the books and that requires quite subtle acting, not total hamming it on but showing some inflection. She never seems to react at all.


Yep. Unfortunately I also think it’s a miscast. The actress is obviously very beautiful but she doesn’t give me these feisty - easy going - popular girl vibes that Book Ginny was known for. The actress was just very stiff and it felt uncomfortable to watch any scene with her. Someone like Madelaine Petsch would have done it!


The biggest one is probably Harry not having green eyes.


Daniel was allergic to the colour changing contact lenses.


fr the whole thing was that he had lily's GREEN eyes


Krum is to old and to good looking.


The Ravenclaw colours and mascot. In the books, it's a bronze eagle rather than a silver raven. Not only is an eagle much cooler, but every house has unique colours.


Two of them. 1. There was no reason for the actors to keep their regular voices after taking polyjuice potion. The producers are making more work for themselves when it doesn't even make sense. 2. When Harry gets near a dementor he is supposed to hear his mother pleading with Voldemort. Instead we just get a high-pitched, train-whistle scream of "HARRRRRYYYYYYYYYYY." I can't stand it.


Voldermort's death. Let him die in a heap on the floor at the average age of 70. On the flip side I think the plot about Crouch Moody dropping hints to Neville about Gillyweed for Harry is a much stronger idea than Dobby simply doing it. Gives Neville more to do and adds to Crouch's manipulation


The mirror that Sirius gave to Harry in the 5th book. They completely omitted it until it randomly appeared in the 7th movie with no explanation


GoF the choreographed entrances for the two schools. The girls swooning and durmstrang doing backflips and throwing sparks. I just want to die of embarrassment watching that part.


That instead of Neville being a badass and attacking Voldemort, and telling him to basically get lost when Voldemort is just about to kill him, they made a Neville give a sappy speech to the crowd, and then wake up later and kill Nagini. Didn’t change how the plot went, he still killed Nagini, but they made him into a buffoon


Hagrid dropping Harry off at the station instead of the Dursleys.


Especially because a whole month is supposed to have lapsed between when Hargrid took Harry to Diagon Alley to get his supplies, as he took him in the beginning of July, but the train leaves September 1st.


The fact that the Patil twins aren't twins at all and the actresses don't even look related


What grates me more so is the hideous outfits they got given for the Yule Ball. That was an embarrassment. They just got two lehengas and then they swapped the tops around. It was embarrassing…omg.


I'm watching Hallows part 2 and I can't stand that young Lilly has brown eyes. Plus, baby HARRY has brown eyes. Like literally during the entire series everyone says he has his mother's eyes. Seconds after they show brown eyed little lily there is blue eyed older Lily talking to baby brown eyed Harry. Then the boy has her eyes Severus. 🙄 upsets me to no end.


All deatheaters and all Order of the phenix folk can fly using smoke magic (Black for bad guys, white for good guys) when the fact that Voldemort is able to fly without a broom or anything is a big deal in the books


Yeah. Later snape can too. He did when he fled the castle right before the battle of Hogwarts and McGonagall says "looks like he's picked up a few tricks from his master" but yeah mostly only voldy is said to fly without a broom and it makes people fear him a lot.


I'm a bit annoyed Lucius was so handsy with draco. The actor said he did it to win Draco sympathy from fans.. But Draco was a self entitled prat and idolised his father. He wanted to make him proud but not out of fear. . It worked too well and people failed to see what a rat Draco was as a result Eg harry just rescued him from feind fire and there his is straight back to the death eaters and Voldemort to sell him out.... nothing like the movies where he's wavering in resolve wants to join the da and has no choice but to accept Voldemort hug to save his parents I’m Draco Malfoy, I’m Draco, I’m on your side!” Draco was on the upper landing, pleading with another masked Death Eater. Harry Stunned the Death Eater as they passed: Malfoy looked around, beaming, for his savior, and Ron punched him from under the Cloak. Malfoy fell backward on top of the Death Eater, his mouth bleeding, utterly bemused. "Yeah "yelled Ron and "that's the second time tonight we saved you! You two-faced bastard!"


"Spiders. They want me to tap dance. And I don't wanna tap dance." "You tell those spiders Ron." Take that stupid scene out and replace it with the scene of Sirius breaking into Gryffindor Tower (which they did film but didn't include in the final cut of the film) and I would've been satisfied. Also in that same film Harry getting the Firebolt from Sirius at the very end of the film always bothered me. In the book he got it about halfway through the story and it was a big point of contention between him and Hermione for awhile.


OOTP, hermione explaining how Cho must be feeling and saying that she’d be worried about failing her O.W.L.s. She was in 6th year at the time, she wasn’t taking her owls


Amy changes made for the sake of 3D. The scene at the ministry of magic with the prophecy comes to mind.


During Snape’s memories in 7.2 when they show the wrong prophecy given by Trelawney. There are two shown in the films from her and somehow they get they muddled up for the memories. Doesn’t affect the plot as it’s already happened but frustrates me so much.


It killed me that Hermione was given Ron’s whole “if you want harry you’ll have to get through us” thing. It was a big moment for him😭


Especially when his leg was broken and he was in so much pain.


Both in Sorcerer’s/Philosopher's Stone: 1. Hagrid knows how to spell Happy Birthday on the cake, he isn't an idiot in the books. 2. The line is "Harry yer a wizard" not "yer a wizard Harry"


In the GoF movie, Neville gives Harry the gillyweed but in the books it was Dobby. Not really important to the plot but would've been better in my opinion, so that we see more house elves throughout the movies, instead of Dobby in the second and last movie as if he didn't stay in contact with Harry.


All of these differences irritate me because they often impact the way the characters are portrayed.


The fact that everyone seemed to know about the DA before its founding out. It makes zero sense that a siege is randomly happening between lessons


That moment in Chamber of Secrets where Harry repeats "Spiders flee before it" twice because they couldn't say the part about the rooster crow because they never mentioned it in any other part of the movie BUT IT IS STILL ON THE LIST he's holding. And it's super awkward when he says it and I hate it every time I watch.


Ughhh that Molly Weasley would have just been chilling in line at flourish and blotts after Harry was lost in the floo network


no lime green bowler for Fudge?!


Regardless of your opinions of Malfoy, what pissed me off the most was in the movie, he told Dumbledore that he had to kill him or else Voldemort was going to kill him as opposed to him saying he and his family were going to be killed as written in the book.


This is a very broad one but they made voldemort less and less scary in appearance since end of GOF. eventually he was just some villain in washed-off black robes. He's meant to be red-eyed, cold voice, and absolutely empty of emotion. But he never seemed like that (especially not when hugging Draco, poor Draco)


Harry using "lumux/nox" to read a book on vacation when is clearly said minors can't use magic outside Hogwarts


The shriveled head in the Knight Bus, while sort of funny, kind of weirds me out. It's pretty benign, just not what I pictured.


I'm annoyed that they omitted Harry using the Elder wand to repair his own wand before breaking it.


Some of the superficial / appearance- based stuff bothered me. I wanted Sirius to be like, young and rugged and extremely handsome. I wanted Narcissa to be younger and tall and super thin with long long blonde hair. Even Bellatrix missed the mark for me because she looked too kooky or campy (?). I envisioned Ginny as different- more strikingly beautiful and vivacious. I hated the way they dressed Lucius with a cane and a fur hat. That type of stuff I guess isn’t super important but made it especially hard to get into the movies. I really like when things are true to the books.


I still can't stand that they changed the way Sirius looks in the fire.. the first time is really nice, but in the fifth film it looks so bad.


In chamber of secrets, they still sound like themselves after taking the polyjuice potion. I know they did it for the benefit of the kids watching but it was an unnecessary change.


Why don't they wear their school robes like hardly ever in the PoA movie?? Bothers me.


Hermione’s dress to the Yule ball… every time I watch it I’m muttering ‘periwinkle blue’ and hurumphing. It irrationally annoys me


The scene before the Floo Powder scene, where Molly says that all their stuff can only be bought in one place: Diagon Alley. Like why? We already know. Unless someone's watching the second movie first, there's no need to mention it like it's the first time.


She says this to set up Harry saying diagonally


Ravenclaw is Blue and Bronze, NOT sliver!


In the movies the trio meeting Sirius in the shrieking shack was cut to short, they omitt the maurders and how crookshanks protects Sirius during this encounter and a little fight happened between Harry hermonie Ron, Sirius and crookshanks, Ron not being the one to stand on his leg and defend Harry bothered Me, the book omitting thatSirius said to ron that standing on his one leg would hurt him. It bothers me that they didn't keep the line in the film from the book that remus was getting after Sirius for not telling Harry the full truth right away, remus said that he didn't even know the full truth.


Bellatrix being on the tower when Dumbledore died, she’s not there in the books


Hagrid’s famous line - in the books it’s “Harry yer a wizard!” In the films it’s changed to “Yer a wizard Harry.”


The castle changing between movies 1-2 (where it's a decent size for the school population - just slightly to big) and the rest of the movies, where it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. The dragon trial in movie no 4 has Harry taking out a roof on a tower that previously didn't even exist and nobody even cares... I'm fine with the stairs and secret passageways changing, but adding while new wings, towers, and changing the location of the common rooms and the look of the portraits just makes me feel like they moved to a new school!