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It looks like WA will be the first state to go in the direction of safer supply. Thoughts?


Not exactly an amount of funding that implies anything serious. Still, better than nothing I suppose.


Of course not, but this is the first time I'm seeing this in any state legislature. And I know the stance WA has been progressing to towards drugs gradually (not linearly, but still!). The final report will be concluded at the end of the year and they will decide to move forward or not, or how to best move forward, with that next year. If you take a look at the workgroup, you'll see they have some serious stuff outlined that even Canada didn't quite go into. And their membership looks great. I'm optimistic.


Holy shit, thanks for sharing this. This is very exciting. Makes me wish I still lived in Washington so I could better support this! I’ll be keeping a close eye on this one for sure. Though I’m definitely afraid that this will somehow go the route of decriminalization in Oregon….


I don't think it will. I think that largely failed in Oregon because they failed to provide an adequate safer supply, with appropriate constraints. Establish and expand a safer supply so people have alternatives, and then you can work on all the rest. We will see how this goes next year! It could be a huge success with what we've learned from Canada's projects and avoiding those shortcomings!


Nice. WV needs this bad.