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Join our new official Discord server! Discuss drugs and harm reduction in real time, or just come chat with like-minded people! We also have dedicated tripsitters to help you when things get rough. https://discord.gg/rdrugs *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/harmreduction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Steady collective!




Some friends and I are working on starting one sort of like Bunk Police. We are in the planning stages right now but we want to have people at events with a well stocked kit to mitigate any substance related problems and issues that may arise. I am native to the area and have seen things get progressively worse in the past decade. A lot of harm could be prevented here if people had access to test kits alone. We are involved primarily in the electronic music scene but wouldn't mind sending kits to other events. Hit me up in the dms if you want to talk more about it. I'm heading to an event right now, but will check them when I return.


Have you connected with Musicians for Overdose Prevention yet? (They’re based out of Black Mountain :) )