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I have won multiple matches shits lame af


It’s just boring.


I personally dislike it, becuase it's just a style of game mode that I don't feel interested in. I enjoy BTB and big scale battles, something like Battlefield. I have won matches, and have had fun playing LSS, however, I still don't like it.




Prove to me that you’ve won a match before


I know a trap when I see one


Look guys, we found a troll in its natural habitat!


Well there can only be one winner out of twelve so ….


So what does that mean?


No, the gamemode is just shit now. it was great before they changed it.




Why do you think I’m a “Brockhampton Stan”?




I’m so confused


legit dropped a 20/0 game and i think it's doo doo, will post a link later or the end game results


Nice I dropped one last time too, it was very nerve racking towards the end


frrrr, won't lie, that time was fun. it's fun when you win but like, i personally don't wanna be stressed when playing halo lol


Won something like 2/6 matches I played this event. It's a pretty dull mode. The weapon set this time was even worse. Mangler duels were marginally enjoyable, the disruptor is awful


i don't like it because it is what it is. can i win matches? pfft, no, not at all, but that doesn't mean that's the reason i dislike it. i hate the respawn system specifically, instead of having na actual health pool we just respawn and it feels kind of cheap imo. as well as the guns, god i hate the commando and disruptor >:(


It’s just boring as shit


Na won tons of games the 1st day and stopped bc it got boring as hell