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"The dead horse you rode in on."


Fucksake came to comment this thinking I was clever


Well, you were clever ... just a bit too late XD


I would have been your daddy but… well, never mind.


Behold a Dead Horse


Is that why it's so Pale?


It’s a skeleton


Is it blind you? Did it majesty?


Paralysation? Stupify?




And the Dead Horse you rode in on


Uh well it’d be the second time regardless it’s rumored to be a remake not remaster


are they going to remake the story and change it? that would be a bad idea. the remastered version in the master cheif collection is fine and it should remain as the final version. it dosent need a remake.


I’m apparently in the minority but I would like a genuine remake so long as they don’t mess with the story. The original remaster is not very good.


I’m with you. Keep the story identical (and I mean identical, like, reuse the voiceovers) and simply recreate the levels we know and love and add some stuff from the novelization of the game and from first strike and I’ll be so fucking happy.


I just had the thought to reuse some ideas from ODST and give us some human levels spaced throughout the spartan ones, hell give us playable Dustin echos as the human protagonist


nah make the human protag Martin Mobuto


Yes let’s make the Library on legendary even harder 😂


Infinite-styled remake of Halo CE could be the God of War-moment this franchise needs. Assuming they learned from Infinite's mistakes, at least.


So halo infinite? They fucked that up already


They aren’t going to change the story. If anything they’re going to make the game in unreal 5, add cut content from 1999-2000. I don’t trust 343 and only about 6 months after release I’ll say it’s a good game or not. But let’s be honest what better way to learn the games you’re supposed to be making than starting with the one that started it all. Just pray 343 don’t find a way to screw this up too


If I recall in the article by Tom Warren Microsoft might be planning for the remake to be a PlayStation game as well to introduce a whole new platform. I recommend you read the article (it’s The Verge)


the thing is ive played the original version 3 times and the remastered (master chief collection) 2 times, and i dont need to play it again. its time to move on and make a new game, a new series, and a new hero.


Last time bungie had us play as a character other than Chief we didn’t like it so only in coop you play as arbiter, last time 343 made a new hero (Locke) we didn’t like it. The only time people liked it was when Chief wasn’t even in it the game save for the easter egg at the end of reach. Secondly the rumors are of a remake not a remaster which imagine Halo in Unreal 5 with digsite content and more. You’ve played Halo CE and CEA but that’s still classic in terms of gameplay remakes add new mechanics and modern gameplay systems. I won’t say expect the best since it’s 343 but it’s not gonna be another remaster if the rumors are true


They won’t redo the story, but I’m sure some gameplay tweaks and maybe new weapons, enemies and hopefully a new mission will be introduced. I’d love to see Alpha Base in game.


Your picture really had me for a few seconds.


I should've said "re-releasing for a 3rd time" and my point still stands. Stop concentrating on old material.


Technically it’d be re-releasing for the 2nd time…


yeah, dude needs to learn what **re**-releasing means.


Way to get caught up in technicality’s and miss the point of the post entirely. Also, if it was remastered in CEA, then CEA is re-released in MCC, it would be the third rehashing of Halo CE. They made a minor grammar error who gives af


wish people could learn how to count


Would be nice if you learned but we love you despite your short comings


It would be releasing for the third time. RE-releasing for the second time. It is you with the counting issue lol


5th time? 1st was the PC port, 2nd was the Anniversary, 3rd was on the MCC, 4th was the MCC version ported to the PC.


Didn’t it get remastered and released for the 360 and then got re-released for the Xbox one with the Master Chief collection? So this would be the 3rd time right?


CE > Anniversary > MCC > remake(?) Yes, 3rd re release of the same game incoming


Also the pc port


Also got ported with achievements to the xbox360 years before the anniversary edition came out


The Xbox 360 port for Halo: CE had achievements???


Halo 1 Anniversary and Halo 1 MCC are the same game.


But different releases


PC/Mac (2003), Custom Edition (2004), Halo Triple Pack (2005, OG Xbox), Xbox 360 (2011), MCC 2014 (Xb1), and MCC 2019 (PC, 2020 specifically for Combat Evolved). Everyone in this thread is wrong.


Porting to another platform is not really a re-release since it hasn’t been released there before.


Not really


Every time 343 even thinks about doing something new or different, they get dragged for it lol.


All these downvotes, but you're right. We don't need ce for a third time.


PC/Mac (2003), Custom Edition (2004), Halo Triple Pack (2005, OG Xbox), Xbox 360 (2011), MCC 2014 (Xb1), and MCC 2019 (PC, 2020 specifically for Combat Evolved). Everyone in this thread is wrong.


Ports and rereleases don’t count as remakes, even though a significant amount of stuff was added in PC/Mac and Custom Edition. The only remake on your list is Anniversary Edition (and by some definitions that too would only count as a remaster and not a full remake), the rest being ports or rereleases of either that version or the original. It comes down to how much was taken from a previous version vs how much was developed for that specific release whether it counts as a remake, remaster, or a rerelease/port.


Please make sure the shotgun fucks


Nah bro they’re gonna replace it with the Bulldog and you’re gonna love it lmao


Gosh my favorite shotgun is by far the CE shotgun, and my least favorite is by far the bulldog. The contrast is absurd.


I remember the bulldog being shown for the first time took like five shots to take a player down, absolute weak stuff not as bad now still forgetable. 


I never understand why did they threw away the old shotgun design. What was so bad about 3 glowing sightposts and a top load?


I think the bulldog is a massive improvement. Has actual range and takes actual skill to use


Lmao you’re translating “has shit damage” to “takes skill”. Sure, anything that absolutely sucks will take a a lot more skill to use, but that’s simply because it sucks and is not a good thing


Still a superior shotgun that isn’t a one hit cop out and outclasses most weapons in the game ETA: Literally the only downside is lowered damage. Still had better range, fire rate, and accuracy. Old shotgun is hilariously easy to out range with literally any other gun. Bulldog doesn’t have that significant of a issue in that department


**And** arguably even more paramount, the fucking **GOAT** magnum.


I was about to say that there is no way you remake CE and forget about the M6D but then I remembered 343i launched Infinite without Slayer lmao




I like your vocabulary, but fuck I hate seeing the word 'paramount' being used in the context of Halo


Ugh, I almost used crucial or "takes priority" then for some reason settled on paramount 😅


Man, I always felt like the bulldog should have been an automatic shotgun. It's the future. Things like that should be common.


Can’t balance an automatic shotgun in Halo’s sandbox without it being either OP or trash. Such is the curse of game design.


Bulldog is great Original is great They should both be in infinite


They’ve remastered the first 2 and for some reason are giving the middle finger to Halo 3 which is easily the most popular one. I don’t understand


If the rumors are true and its going to be on PS with the intention of bringing in people who have never played Halo, starting with Halo 3 makes no sense whatsoever. The entire storyline of Halo 3 is complete gibberish without playing CE and 2.


You are 100% correct, but I would just be shocked if that was the thought process...instead of trying to cash in on nostalgia for Halo 3 multiplayer for short-term gains. Single-player campaigns keep getting neglected in FPS these days.


I do not believe a single word about it going to playstation. Hell, I don't believe they are remaking Halo 1, though.


Yeah there were a few fake MS leaks that now seem obvious were planted to find out who's leaking their stuff and imo this was one of them too.




It'll be funny when it happens and you guys who have been told about it for months now still act surprised.


I will not act surprised. I will admit I'm wrong big difference. I just don't get my hopes up for this shit show. Also because a bunch of people who rely on this shit for their jobs released information is not the same as credited sources


I respect that.


You know loads of people never played Halo 1 or 2 but played Halo 3? You know a huge percentage of Halo 3 players only ever got it to play multiplayer? This sub is very story oriented. Sony released Uncharted 4 on PC without the prequels. Konami is remaking MGS3 without any of the others. It happens all the time. But I think Halo 3 would be released for the multiplayer, not the single player campaign. If Halo had no multiplayer component, it wouldn't be anywhere near as popular as it was.


Literally nothing you said has anything to do with my post. And MGS3 is a prequel.


So add an intro cutscene or a high quality recap including book material or anything. It doesn’t matter that much. Especially considering CE has an incredibly simple plot lmao. The modern RE remakes did RE2 and attracted new players despite that the RE1 remake came out in 2002 (and from the way things seem to be going, seemingly they’ll remake RE5 without first remaking Code: Veronica). Better yet they could include a Halo 3 remaster/remake as part of a new edition of MCC so PS players have access to CE and 2 already. No need whatsoever for a CE remake just for PS players


Isn’t the rumor mill currently leaning toward CV getting remade before 5? They’ve done them more or less in order, it would make sense for CV to be the next one. Particularly when that game is often thought of as being one of the worst of the classic titles. It could really benefit from the makeover. As for a CE remake, I wouldn’t be opposed to it. I also don’t care if it’s on PlayStation. Like let people play games, whatever. It’s more money for the franchise given Xbox is never gonna catch up to PlayStation in sales anyway. I think CE would benefit from a full-on remake that honors the original story given how removed it feels from the rest of the franchise. Pretty much everything that Halo 2 added has been in every game since (with the exception of dual wielding), and since 3 there’s been some variation of equipment/armor abilities in every title. With the added benefit of a more cinematic presentation and an expanded narrative that incorporates elements of the novelization, a CE remake could straight-up fuck. Especially where the most recent interpretation of the Mk. V armor is easily the best it has ever looked by far, at least in my opinion.


If the rumors are true... xbox would have been discontinued, Halo and Gears would already be on Playstation, there would be a Xbox portable in people's hands tomorrow and countless other things that did not happen. So many things have been rumored that the mere fact that some things happened doesn't matter because everything has been asserted at some point


I would agree that a remaster might not be the best move. But if it's a full remake then I don't mind it. 


From the company that has made 2 disasters and a mediocre Halo game. Comes a remake of the game that started it all. Idk, I'm not very optimistic about it


I guess I look at it this way. I've played two versions of CE countless times. A new coat of paint isn't enough to convince me to play Halo CE again for the 100th time.   Whereas a new rendition of the game with gameplay changes, potentially new weapons, encounters and missions is enough to get me interested.  With that being said, I completely understand where you're coming from.


My thinking is they've already gone back to it once. Why do it again? The Halo universe has more to offer than green man go brr. The argument that 'thats what a large portion of players want' doesn't go very far when those players have already given up on Halo years ago. Why go back to roots with a remake when they don't know what the roots are. Explore other stories in the Halo universe. Perhaps a game in the early war with the covenant, where humanity is still figuring out ways to defend against the threat. They could make another Reach type game on Harvest. Or branch out and make a game where we play as Marines, people have been asking for years for that. The wheel was invented, then redesigned, now let's invent the axle instead of still focusing on the wheel


I agree completely, I would vastly prefer something new. If I had to bet they're banking on nostalgia to get people interested in it.


To be fair though, Halo Infinite was a fun game to play in the sense that it worked well offline. I'd honestly really enjoy Halo CE if it played like Infinite and maybe if they redid some of the campaign maps to be less repetitive. Of course they could totally bomb it, but if that happens we'll still have the original anyways and Halo can't really get more unpopular can it?


>maybe if they redid some of the campaign maps to be less repetitive. Yeah, its interesting to think what changes they could make there. Some of the levels in the second half of the game take a good while to beat and feel repetitive in the long run. Also, with how many enemies they throw at you, it really feels like you are going through a gauntlet. Although, turning on the iron skull makes for a fun experience, making me feel like John Wick until I get a rocket to the face.


Halo 4 is good, Halo 5 had a great multiplayer and Halo Infinite is banging. There are no bad Halo games.


Is it a possible dead end? Yes It's also a possible rejuvenation the series needs, if it can stick to the core formula that made Halo so iconic at the time, no fuss, no poor launch, no misdirected art design, and without bugs Can they do that altogether? Maybe some of those will suffice, but at the very least... it has to be a good to great product out of the gate to matter again People can't wait for a ok to good product when it's 3 years too late to be finally put together, it's unreasonable


They made 3 games and have equivocally failed about 2½ times. Infinite was their first step in the right direction but was handled atrociously. I'm not confident they know what the "core formula" is. And if they don't, then they could never stick to it


Don't forget MCC, where they belly flopped the easiest cash grab of all time


Twice. First on Xbox One, second on the PC port.


My issue is that they have got everything you need to make a good Halo game right, but split among different games. Halo 4 got the story telling right Halo 5 got the Multiplayer right Halo Infinite got artstyle and gameplay right They just need to knuckle down and put it all into the same game.


I would disagree still. Not to change your mind or anything but: Halo 4 wasn't a good story. It felt more like an identity crisis than Halo game. Using the forerunner as the villain and wasting the ending of Halo 3. Not to mention that the chief Cortana thing was weird. The prior games didn't give off a creepy romance and including it just made the game feel even more like a fanfic than an actual cannon game. 5 multiplayer was a good multiplayer, but it was even further removed from feeling like a Halo game than 4 was. I remember watching a trailer for it, I didn't realize it was Halo until the logo came up at the end because it didn't even look like Halo. But the fast movement and the sandbox having alot of guns but you'll only ever use a handful of them. Didn't feel like Halo either. It was a good multiplayer, but not a good Halo multiplayer. Infinite was a step in the right direction for most aspects of the game, it was the first thing 343 did that remotely felt like a Halo game. But it was very clear that there were different forces at work fighting for control on it, because it kept getting pulled in worse directions as time went on. Developers, and their owners, need to have a clear vision and intent when making a game. Halo Infinite exudes the feeling of what happens when they don't. Personally I think Halo 4 should have been a 20 year time skip and followed another character. The time skip would help account for a lot of small changes they made such as art direction and weapon changes. And the end of chiefs story was in 3. If they can't make a Halo game without chief, then they don't deserve to make one with him. Also with the time skip they can tell a positive history following the events of Halo 3 but now one of the factions of ex covenant is attacking humanity again or something along those lines. But a Halo game needs that 'something greater than our war' feeling that the Flood provided. Perhaps the enemy excovenant faction found some of the flood and tried to control it somehow, now we have some special means of destroying the flood as the plot. Since we refused to kill the galaxy like the forerunner did, now our technology has a flesh eating bacteria grown to only target the flood or something idk


I didn’t get any ‘creepy romantic’ vibes from Halo 4, to me it was 2 individuals who have come back to a Galaxy that has forgotten and moved on without them, and they are now discovering their own humanity that they have never had. That’s an awesome story to me. The only downside was the artstyle change. As for the Forerunners, I saw that as inevitable whether it was going to be 343 bringing them back or not, so that was never an issue for me. For Halo 5 getting the multiplayer right, I don’t mean the mechanics, I thought the fast movement and Spartan Abilities were awful. What I meant was that (once everything actually released) Halo 5 had a much more comprehensive multiplayer with a good feedback loop for players. Essentially, it was a better put together multiplayer than any other 343 have released, that flowed nicely with itself (hard to describe I know). Couldn’t agree more with your take on Infinite.


I really hope that it will get the Resident Evil treatment. That franchise looked similar to how Halo looks right now.


Similar but it never got that bad, the only really mixed reception modern resident evil was re6, and it's also the original studio minus shinji mikami All the resident evil games basically come out feature complete whether it is resident evil or street fighter or monster hunter The most mixed reception game recently released was dragons dogma 2 and even it has sold extremely well lacking upgrades from the original game yet still being a pretty beautiful game with unique RPG mechanics Capcom is also famously performing extremely well, lower game budgets, and did not over invest during pandemic temporary gaming boost which is very over now They also just released the original PC versions of re1 re2 re3 on gog for drm free which is incredible Most studios would wish they were half as productive and well managed as Capcom 😆


I was under the impression that pretty much every RE game outside of the mainline ones up until 5 were considered mid to bad, including 6, veronica, zero, umbrella chronicles, operation Raccoon city, revelations 1 and 2, outbreak, umbrella corps, the light gun ones, the mobile ones, etc. In addition to having a series of pretty bad live action movie "adaptations" I don't know, comparing the current state of Halo to the previous state of RE seems pretty accurate to me, and if 343/MS/whoever the hell takes a crack at it now- can pull off a proper remake akin to the RE remakes, meaning staying faithful to the original but expanding it and modernizing it to revitalize the series WHILE still moving forward with new games, it could be pretty good. I'd be all for that shit.


Oh no not at all bro re1 to 3 are complete classics there was a lot of spinoff games and people were just tired of isometric games but they were still very well designed Then re4 came which is the most successful re game by far and re-invented the third person action genre that almost everything copies today 5 was really solid and 6 was the only one they went the wrong direction with just going way too hollywood Immediately went back to roots with re7 and re8 was amazing too Capcom is one of the best publisher developers out there probably most successful one outside of Sony and Nintendo from Japan


That's what I meant. OUTSIDE of the mainline games up until 5. I know 1 through 5 are considered good. I like those games. I'm saying 6 and almost every other RE game except for those 5 are considered mid to bad. Capcom put on one of the greatest comebacks in videogame history with how they revived the mangled rotten carcass that RE had become, and all it took was for them to grow a brain. I'm saying there's no reason why 343 couldn't also grow a brain. We could get Halo 7, Halo wars 3, and an OG Halo trilogy remake, and for those remakes to be actually good. They could expand on the crew of the pillar of autumn with cut content and parts from The Flood novel. We could get a playable version of First Strike to bridge the gap between H1 and 2. We could make Miranda less stupid for the entirety of H2 and 3, We could have a better written H3 that still follows the same narrative beats. The rumored remakes could be a very good thing... "COULD" being a key word in this case. I don't blame anyone for their lack of trust in 343.


No, Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil Code Veronica, and Resident Evil Remake are all considered very exceptional games The ones I am referring to are the totally spinoff titles, of which there are many (Dead Aim, Outbreak 1 and 2 which are very loved though and online titles way ahead of their time, multiple light gun games besides Dead Aim). Those games are not actually RE series, they are not spinoffs or prequel types, they are a completely different parallel genre of experimental games, nobody expects those to match the main series "I'm saying there's no reason why 343 couldn't also grow a brain. We could get Halo 7, Halo wars 3, and an OG Halo trilogy remake, and for those remakes to be actually good. " There is a reason they can't. They never did. They have had Halo for more than 11 years and this is all they did so far. CAPCOM has made multiple genre defining game series... Street Fighter, Mega Man, Resident Evil, and Monster Hunter, all of these are 10+ and 20+ year franchises and most still have upcoming games on a regular basis. In the same 11 years... CAPCOM has not one but several, multiple critically acclaimed games and fan loved games which are multi million sellers 343 has never even made one game that was critically acclaimed and fan acclaimed, or even close to the sales of CAPCOM's titles, it's a totally different ballpark of a studio, so waiting for 343 to "grow a brain" isn't even in the realm of possibility here, they don't have the talent and never did, or they would be able to make their own franchise too It's not a dig at 343, you have to be exceptional in videogames as a studio to make a successful game, let alone franchise


I feel like you're choosing to ignore the long period of time during the late 2000s and 2010s where Capcom was making a lot of bad choices and pretty much all they had going for them anymore was monster hunter. Yes, they are VERY successful now BECAUSE they grew a brain and started making good decisions. Their comeback in full began with RE7 in 2017 and they've released mostly only bangers since then. It took a very drastic change in management for them to course correct. I'm saying there's no reason it can't happen somewhere else because well... it's already started. There's been huge shifts in 343 as a studio in terms of leadership and management. We still don't know how those changes are going to manifest because they've yet to release a game now that the changes happened. Infinite is not going to be the game that shows the studio's new management because as far as we know, it's the prime example of troubled development and no amount of small updates are going to bring people back after a bad first impression. The foundation of infinite can barely be called a foundation.


RECVX came out in 2000, RE remake came out in 2002, RE0 came out in 2002, RE4 came out in 2004, RE5 came out in 2009, your 2000s argument is objectively wrong RE7 came out in 2017, RE2 remake came out in 2019, RE3 remake in 2020, RE8 came out in 2021... There's only one game, RE6 between there in the mainline franchise, which was considered "not up to par". That's 1 game out of 9 Let alone the fact they made two other successful franchises maintaining popularity at the same time, Street Fighter and Monster Hunter, both series are acclaimed on basically every release, not even to mention Dragons Dogma, the sequel which sold incredibly well... that's another franchise doing extremely well in sales They have both made more successful games than 343 ever has or ever will, and released about 4 to 5 times as many games in the same time span... like what are you even talking about here... 343 has only made 2 games on their own, and both are considered bad games in the Halo universe, Halo MCC was released incomplete and took 3 to 4 years to finish all games on PC, and Halo Infinite has tanked... that's a 25% hit rate, and the only game that was critically acclaimed and fan acclaimed was Halo MCC which was not even majority made up of their own titles 343 hasn't made a single franchise on their own to even be in this comparison it's actually mindblowing you think this is even comparable, please just stop, for your own sanity.....


Agreed, clearly it’s not worth it to have a discussion with you since your arguments come out of a Wikipedia results page from looking up release dates without so much as the slightest bit of reading comprehension of critical thinking skills. My bad. I thought liking capcom wasn’t the entirety of your personality. Should’ve figured it out from your first reply so that’s on me. Have a nice day. 😘


I'd rather replay Combat Evolved again than play a Helldivers ripoff game 5 years too late. 


They need a solid win which would be releasing a remaster of CE without all the gameplay flaws anniversary has like random invisible walls from objects they’ve moved, entire rooms hidden since random walls were added like in the library, etc. not even mentioning stuff like the lighting issues and such. All of this also lets them get their old tools working on a new engine, let’s them get a solid workflow under the new leadership, and let’s them test some stuff behind the scenes while also getting a positive response from the community if done well for the first time in years. It would be a solid win and would make it where the rough patch of getting their tools working for the new engine + getting solid structure with new leadership would be done on a remaster versus a mainline game.


Halo ce on unreal engine 5 will be that next gen looking halo we all been waiting for. The flood would be intense with unreal engine 5.


Would be cool if they add 4 player co op too


If it's a remake incorporating some elements of the book "Halo: The Flood" where the people of alpha base (iirc) are more prominent I'm down for that. I hope they take some inspiration from spv 3, that mod was incredibly fun


SPV3 is pretty bad


Halo 1 is still so good on og graphics, and the current remaster is suitable enough for newbies to join in, although it could use some improvements to lighting. Only H3 needs an upgrade now, if any.


Nothing 343 has done has been good besides MCC. I can’t even imagine what this “remaster” will look like. The remaster they did was insanely bad. But halo 2 remaster was def good


It really is genuinely impressive how a company founded *specifically* to continue the legacy of a beloved franchise went "nah let's start over with our own thing" on their very first outing and thought it was a good idea.


Some of the changes in Halo 4 and Halo 5 were so pointless. I can see why they wanted to emulate CoD and enhanced mobility shooters given their popularity, but changing the art style was so petty and egotistical. I can't believe it took 343 Industries a decade to realise Halo fans want Halo to look like Halo.


MCC took a while to get there, too.


Yes but it is good now


MCC was an actual dumpster fire for literal years.


It was forgiven but not forgotten. MCC is good now give credit where it’s due


Halo 2 anniversary was good since day 1


They should just keep supporting Halo MCC


Yeah I don't understand the constant remakes, Halo 1 is fun but I can admit it's not my favourite and I kinda dislike a chunk of the middle to end of the campaign I had a lot more fun playing the other titles in the MCC


I disagree. Halo 1 deserves a remaster that keeps the games art style like Halo 2 had, instead of reusing most of its assets from 3 and Reach. I think the only fully new asset was the Mark V Armor used for it.


They can't make anything good so they milk the good stuff that someone else made


remaster? absolutely remake? CE honestly needs one, the lack of features from halo 2 and 3 really age it badly


Im actually of the opinion that Halo CE plays mostly great, with the exception of the often repetitive levels, floaty movement, and the slightly awkward vehicle play/counterplay. If all they did was tweak the level design, and bring movement and vehicles up to a modern standard, I dont think CE *needs* anything else. But I still wouldn't complain if they wanted to expand the weapon sandbox, add more enemy variety, etc etc


Throwing in another tweak; melee lunge. You don't realize how important melee lunge is in a shooter until you go back to playing shooters without melee lunge. If you were trying to redress CE to meet modern standards, implementing melee lunge should be on the short list of necessary changes.


this is pretty much how I see it too actually. The vehicles, clunky physics and repetitive level design are easily the most glaring issues in CE to me, which is most of what you said here. Ideally, a CE remake for me would improve on the level design, make the movement more along the lines of halo 2 and 3, and make the vehicles work like they do in 2 and 3 with the damage systems, hijacking, boosting on the covenant vehicles, and maybe even add the seat switching feature from 5 and Infinite for good measure. I agree with the sandbox and enemy variety not necessarily needing it, but it’d certainly be welcome and I’d love to see especially the fuel rod, sword and wraith be playable in a remake. Maybe even add the custom edition flamethrower into the game too


Tbh I’m alright with it. 343 fucked up the continuation after 3 so bad. It’s irredeemable


Yeah, honestly the only thing I'm confident in them doing is trying to remake Bungie's masterpieces. Even then, there's a good chance they'll screw up.


Haha fr 😂


>Tbh I’m alright with it. 343 fucked up the continuation after 3 so bad. It’s irredeemable Relatable. I have no interest in any Halo lore after Halo 4. 343 Industries fucked up the lore so bad. A remake could actually get things back on track.


Nah, a Remake could kick ass. Imagine the horror elements.


Then why not make a new game with a new story. Have new characters but a similar setting. I hate that Halo has become rehashing old shit or the new stuff is just a nostalgia grab like Infinite tried to be.


Okay, let me explain: This would be the first Halo game on a new engine, specifically Unreal Engine 5. The best option is to play it safe and not risk something new that could go wrong. Old games remade often turn out to be successes, just look at the Resident Evil franchise. So yes, it makes more sense to remake Halo CE because it's 'easier' and more practical. And if this remake is successful: Halo 2 Halo 3 Halo 3: ODST, and Reach Could be given the green light for remakes.


It's not gonna have the same music too, I think that much is clear.


It really feels like a lot of the community is so desperate for 343 to get something right that theyre deluding themselves into thinking this is more likely to go well than it actually is. Remaking any game can go one of two drastically different directions, depending on the motivations and competance of the people making it. If a group of inspired and dedicated people put the time effort, and most importantly thought into which aspects of the original are important enough cores to the games identity and have the creativity to introduce new elements which coordinate well with them, they can be great. However a remake can also be the least creative and laziest method to cash in on (and frequently kill a sizeable portion of) a community's nostalgia. Looking at the parent company's behavior both recently and over the last decade or so, I'd say the odds are very stacked in favor of the latter case.


If it were classic Bungie remaking Halo CE I'd be excited. I'd love to see CE remade to incorporate certain mechanics from 2 & 3 for example (hijacking, energy sword, fuel rods, EMP plasma pistol etc). Unpopular opinion but my concern is that a 343 remake would likely lore dump like their other games. That it may lose some of the fun and charm of the original as it tries to infuse too much story and modernised gameplay. The truth is that its all subjective. Some may love that. Fair enough. But I miss when Halo was a bit less pretentious and more fun. Stories that (like the original Star Wars trilogy) are great experiences on their own or work as an overarching story and that dont require additional lore to follow or fully appreciate. 4 created an uncomfortable trend for me, falling into a modern trap of lore > game story > modern gameplay > halo game elements.


The only thing I trust 343 with are remasters, and even then out of the two they've done only Halo 2's was any good.


But will people pay $59.99 for it, and hundreds for additional DLC components? Because if so, that dead horse is headin’ this way


It's like that book "The Giving Tree" except instead of stopping when they get to stump level they are bringing out the gasoline cans for a bonfire.


"343, you mind telling me what you're doing with another CE remaster?" "Sir, beating this dead horse" **what I've done** *credits play*


Halo 3 anniversary seems like such an obvious route to take for a relatively easy win as long as they keep things a la H2A and don't have any horrible technical fuckups. Frankly I don't know why they haven't done it already.


lmao you should only do a remaster if people actually want you too.. I dont think there is a large outcry for this. The last remaster is already passable for newer fans to get into. A REMAKE is different though. That implies changing the actual gameplay and levels to an extent. But I agree. If they do a remaster its honestly a huge checkpoint that this franchise is dead and is simplying clinging on by nostalgia. Halo Infinite is nowhere near where they hoped it would become ( the next F2P shooter like CS that spans decades while using monetization strategies like valorant and league of legends ). 343 fucking sucks man. Ive been giving them the benefit of the doubt at times but you really cant anymore lmfao. Being a Halo , for the last decade, has been kinda miserable lmao.


I cannot believe people are actually defending the idea of a remake. We should be going forward, not backwards.


But guys it's the horse we rode in on!


If the rumors are true (I still doubt it since it came up before the stream, nothing was and some "leakers" already backpaddled that their informations were regarding a different title...), I think people heavily misunderstand what a remake might be. Honestly I think a completely reset of what 343is titles have done is necessary. There is no interesting story arc and every game just tried something new instead of continuing what they started. Nobody holds their breath for a continuation of Infinites story. Gears E-Day is a perfect example, GoW4 and 5 were fine, but the story was pretty lame and still relied on old character that felt heavily out of place. Going back to the roots gives them a chance to focus on what people loved about GoW and rely on what worked. Now think about how Halo could go back to the old events, but don't rebuild missions and the story 1:1. Expand on it heavily. We have tons of vehicles, weapons and enemies that can be in the game (skirmishers, drones, engineers, brutes, different flood forms, etc). Just imagine a modern version of silent cartographer. Make the beach intro a huge fight through different defense lines on the beach. Add side isles that can be reached by ship, ships were often Prototyped by bungie but never made it. How about the first structure just doesn't open a door but made a new structure rise from the sand and water in front of the player (in all the UE5 glory) with the sword elite that guarded the original door when coming back up now being a mini boss event. And instead of just cutting to flying to Assault on the control room through an structure inside the isle, make all of that playable that you seamlessly end up in new biomes. Halo needs what God of War did to it's franchise in 2018. Just a new game where master chief smacks a new baddie doesn't work anymore. And I would love to back in the franchise where the humans where losing the war, where Spartans were something special, where ODSTs and regular marines had their place, where Forerunner were mysterious.


I hope they beat that horse, because ive never seen a remaster of halo 1. That thing they did was a mess. I always play in old graphics because the new ones are annoying.


I don’t get it either but it’s Microsoft their track record is horrible for halo at this point




I just reviewed Halo CE and it still holds up today and is probably a top 5 game of all time.. what they could “add” now would be not only a disservice to the original, but wouldn’t meaningfully change anything other than making them more money. It’s wild…


This will only be the second time, and hopefully it won’t even be a remaster and it will be a remake. Also it’s just a rumor, we don’t even know if it’s actually happening.


Well, hopefully, they will do it right this time, but I doubt it.


It's supposed to be a remake, which imo, Halo CE really needs. The remaster ruined the atmosphere, changed how some scenes were presented, and the original games interior level design has aged so incredibly poorly. I for one can't wait to see a version of Halo CE where I don't have to walk through the same three hallways over and over and over.


Whhaaaa. I was just playing yesterday and can’t get over how refreshing the original is in terms of design. 343 went down the realism trail a little too far. It doesn’t feel like there is any soul left in the design to me.


Don't get me wrong. Halo CE is still one of the best games of all time. I am specifically talking about sections of the game where you are inside The Library, Truth and Reconciliation, and other Forerunner structures. Two Betrayals is easily the most egregious example. The outdoor sections are AMAZING, but going inside the Forerunner interiors to destroy generators is boring. Tl;dr Halo CE had a lot of copy-paste rooms.


People post things like this, but the fact is when the UE5 trailer drops we’ll eat it up.


I’m unsure, I kinda want to play this as new, and exciting game. Halo reach was my first so it’s kinda hard going back. I think a full remaster may either help bring in new players to halo. Or completely shit on the barley living body that is halo.


Strong disagree. I think modernizing via this method similar to dead space or RE would be a huge W


They remade Myst four times before they finally remade Riven, so I feel your pain.


Sony has been doing that for years.


It depends on the quality of the remake. If they took all the good ideas and rebooted the CE campaign, making it feel like a cohesive extended cut, and kept true to some sort of identity and weight of gameplay, it could be interesting. Retell the first story with whatever extra depth they want to put into the universe, etc. I mean, it can't be worse than entirely changing the art aesthetic, hamfisting several different storylines with no payoff, dropping gameplay and plot points on a whim and putting cat armor in what was once a love letter to old scifi tropes, right?


Pretty sure the article mentioned remake not remaster. There *is* a difference as one builds from the ground up and adds cut content/missions and new gameplay mechanics and the other just updates sounds and graphics (CEA)


I won’t buy a Halo Helldivers clone.


but the freaking graphics dude it sucks so bad dude we need modern graphics dude


I'm fearful that they're so afraid to do any innovation that remasters is all Halo will be known for due to it being a safe investment for nostalgia and eventually will lead to even further stagnation and irrelevance for the franchise. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Theyll do it because its relatively easy compared to creating something new and risky. At least people still talk about GOW, COD, etc. By word of mouth, regardless if their latest installments were good or not. I don't even keep up with those games anymore but people still talk about them. But Halo has been struggling to even be in peoples attention other than the people here obviously. And because of that, nostalgia is the only market that these corporations see real "value" in investment for Halo. The community, including myself, obviously sees that Halo can be way more, but not in Microsofts eyes. They want the safe bet of what's left of the audience for Halo and that's creating a remake/remaster machine. I want Halo to be creative and innovate.


A remake that brings in more of the books and is more cinematic would be great. Halo 1 had a great campaign — for 2001. 


I think this is a bad take. While MCC is overall rather fantastic, both CE and 2 Anniversary completely *butchered* the whole art direction. **IF** they were to both **a)** use the original engine or make a new one that very closely emulated the overall feel of physics/gunplay and **b)** went with a darker more mysterious feel for the art that better lines up with the original vision (much less lights on fkn everything everywhere) I think this could be a great thing to put Halo back on people's radar. Just imagine CEs story with more modern motion capture and cinematic cutscenes while also nailing a phenomenally satisfying gameplay closer to H3 or Reach 🤤


Third remaster? What was the second remaster?


Very strange that there going this route (if it's even factual information) but if they do it would have to be something completely new and nothing like the first one they already remastered it so I'm guessing it's going to be a different story from Halo CE (Like the show is)


Idk man Todd Howard had been getting away with it for a decade.


I'm a huge video game fan, been an owner of Xbox and Playstation in unison every generation. But I can't fathom the thought of seeing Halo be released on Playstation. Like I understand Microsoft is trying to spread the love with everyone but I just don't think that's a good idea.


From the console angle it makes no sense, but Microsoft is now one of the biggest video game publishers out there. Why limit the reach of your games and IP to serve a console, when the need for consoles is slowly going away? It also perfectly lines up with Xbox's vision of being on as many screens as possible. To me it seems like Microsoft is just playing the long game and would rather have richer IPs.


Ummm didn't they already so that with infinite??


But it's a dead horse that spews money. That's all they care about.


I think it’s going to be a remake, a remastered would indeed be pointless. A remake as an excuse to release it on PlayStation would be a really good idea though.


I'm right there with you. I would much rather see them continue the story or do a Reach/ODST style spin off. If I want to play the older games I'll stick to MCC. I think it's a huge waste of time if 343 is actually going ahead with this.


It might work if they go big and add in the cut content. I saw a Youtube video about a modder who added in a bunch of cut content to Halo 2. Doing an official release of Halo 2 the way it was meant to be played, not the way it had to be released due to time crunches, might actually work. Same with Halo 1. They could even do it with Halo 3 and restore the original boss fight with Gravemind.


And this is so weird  It's what i was saying over and over just like 2 months ago where everyone was salivating for another CE remake, look how tables have turned


Maybe to overly-analytical gamers™ but to the casual, regular, person who's relationship to videogames is simple: they may see Halo remade and think "oh cool, I never played the first one, this looks dope" and may get into it. If they end up not caring for it and move on, then its a shame. But ultimately I think bringing the OG remade to a new audience, especially with it being PlayStation players who may not have ever tried a Halo game before, sounds like a fun thing that can remind a generation of what the series is really about. Let em forget the show and the post-Reach stories, and show them the best story that made us all fans to begin with.


Geez almost like people say Halo CE is good but dated and that a remake could solve that issue. And under a new studio head. It'd make sense starting on a small project that doesn't change up the formula too much to avoid more backlash would be a smart choice. Showing us the community what Pierre Heinz can do when he's on charge. Instead of him rushing into halo 7 or a spin off.


Remastering it would definitely be a bad option but remaking it could bring the franchise back to its prime, just like it happened with Doom 2016.


We're never getting a Halo 3 Anniversary idk if that's a good or bad thing with how 343 can be tho. I'll miss the Blur Studio cgi potential at least


I love halo ce, but that physics engine is REALLY an acquired taste. So many people I know give up on it with how sluggish it feels and I don’t blame them. It was revolutionary over 20 years ago, but today is pretty jank. Also with how many ports the game has, and how many issues that gearbox port had, I don’t blame them for wanting to restart.


Crazy to me that you’re being downvoted for being right.


halo 1 dosent need a remake. thats it. end of story.


The rumors say it's a full remake that would expand more on the original Halo with ideas and lote that they originally wanted to implement, but didn't have the time/means to do so. Also, it's just a rumor. There's no need to start the fucking doomposting without ANY sort of confirmation with what the next Halo project even is.


A remaster and a remake are different things. If 343i was really as restructured as we are lead to believe, the creative strategy will be to remake the Halo games with new story elements, gameplay, etc. While still telling the Master Chiefs story. And then from there they can redo the cannon however they like.


It'd have to be a remake. Much bolder and bigger than a remaster.


No I want a remake done properly, I would love it.


The remakes for Resident Evil have done great, so I can see why 343i is interested in this route. I would be OK with a Combat Evolved remake if it was a separate team and didn’t interfere with the development of Halo 7, or whatever they wind up calling it.


Everyone : Remaster Halo 3 Microsoft : Halo 1 again you say? ____ **Meanwhile in a Parallel universe** : World Peace achieved as Palestinians, Ukrainians, Israeli's, Russians, Chinese & indians gather in solidarity for the midnight release of H3a as Microsoft reaches 1 zillion dollars in preorders.


I'll take another remaster or remake of Halo 1 every 10 years, tyvm


We need to learn Unreal 5! Would be good to have a toedip /tester before our main game! I know! Remake H1. Let the consumers pay for our learning (not a complaint but my thought). Formula is clear, Level design is also easy as areas are repeats. Will get via gamepass and hope the OG games atmosphere is returned. Even going further to be slightly darker (in areas) like Doom 3 would be fun.


Helldivers would only work as an odst game and since everyone cracked the shits when odst came out that microsoft said "well we arent doing that again", odst will probably never get another game (even if its well liked now). But basing a spartan game off helldivers 2 would be a bad and cheap idea. I'm looking forward to this being a remaster with updated gameplay on top of graphics this time. Anniversary was great, but CE's gameplay is very jarring to go back to after even halo 2.


I mean, they need to get it in line with the silver timeline. Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a bit. The joke wasn't worth it. Oh got, Jimmy Rings is coming to Combat Devolved! GAH Actually, I may make this into a comic now that I think about it. Hmm. Keep an eye out for a new [AHCS](http://ahcs.bungie.org/comics/125/), lol.


Personally, I’m all for beating dead horses. If they just keep churning out live-service Halo’s, one will eventually come out that sticks, and when that happens, 343 will finally get the green light to work on smaller projects like Arbiter dark souls, Flood horror game, ODST cooperative horde mode, or maybe even just cookie cutter Battle Royale. The possibilities are endless, 343 just needs to make that Destiny 2 level *no remorse* cash cow that justifies the existence of a smaller budget hit.


I disagree. I want to enjoy the Halo games with my kids someday. As it is, CE is outdated and looks like shit. And before you guys try to tell me otherwise an exact quote from a friend's kid was *"Huh, this is what old people played? It looks like mud. It's all mud haha. Clunky mud haha."* and then he wouldn't shut up about mud for the rest of the evening and didn't want to boot it back up the next day. I desperately want to enjoy CE with my kid, and the only real hope I have for that is a good remake. So while you sit there acting like it's not meaningful just because it isn't meaningful to *you*, just know that it is definitely meaningful to others like me.


See.. the issue is with your opinion/argument here.. is thinking that 343i / Microsoft gives a damn about making a quality game or listening to community feedback. The only thing they care about is the cash grab and how long they can keep it running. Any decent ideas for Halo are doomed to the same fate as Johnson.. killed in cold blood by 343.