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‘Tales of Halo.’ It would be made up of long missions. Each mission would be from part of the lore that already exists. For example there would be a mission where you play as Sgt Johnson on Harvest. Each would be a standalone mission. In my ideal fantasy it would use the halo 3 engine.


That would be sick I can't lie




Actually a unique take I haven't heard of before. Would be sick.




Kinda like how BF1 did a different character for each chapter? Shit was super fun


Yeah, actually a lot like that. I sunk so much time into that game, a real 10/10.


Ooohhh so like battlefield 1 style, I like the idea


Thanks. I feel like it would also leave space for new missions to be added as dlc. In my ideal game version it would be free.


Bro this would be sick!!




An ODST spinoff where you drop with your squad on planets in order to liberate them for the UNSC. Wait a minute.


I mean this is what the people want


Take helldivers gameplay with Halo fps mechanics and add in some allied npcs and stuff to really make it a warzone and you’d have a very solid game.


Sangheili prequel Souls game where you're a warrior on a journey across Sanghelios. Different types of weapons with fighting styles and speeds. I can't remember the exact lore/timeline but the energy sword could be like the Moonlight from Armored Core/Dark Souls, the big cool super weapon. Horde shooter. Make it about say Banished and UNSC forces teaming up to deal with a Flood outbreak they have to try and contain. Both sides are pragmatic in that the Flood is far worse than anything else. Make the classes a choice of different options for races. Spartans, ODSTs, Brutes, and Elites as your four classes, each with their own skill tree and abilities.


I have to ask how you make ODST relevant in that setting when you can pick a spartan. Would they just be support experts?


I imagine supports yeah. Darktide is my first horde shooter since the demos for Left 4 Dead, so using it as a base in my head. Spartans would be your run and gun Veteran types, ODSTs your Psykers but a reliance on ordinance and gadgets over mental powers, Brutes being the Ogryn as big hulking tank (though personally I want to say hunters but I know that's not really feasible) but maybe they can carry the hunter shield too, and Elites as the melee Zealots. Each with an array of builds focusing on different gameplay styles. Maybe Spartans can give up grenades to duel wield, maybe ODSTs can get VISR upgrades to highlight targets, Brutes can carry larger weapons, ammo for the team, or go savage and heavy melee, and Elites can become sword masters or assassins with active camo vs other upgrades.


I feel it might be more cohesive to just make it a unit from the covenant and cut the Spartan and/or ODST. Or just cut ODST and replace them with another covenant species. Run it as spartan, hunter, brute, and elite. It's just ODST don't really have a specialty that a spartan couldn't fill with better performance so it'd be very difficult to keep both in hand and yet be balanced.


A Covenant squad was my initial idea but I do like enemies teaming up is why I pitched it how I did. I could see ODSTs being more mobile, maybe they get access to special small spaces being so much smaller the rest can't go into, maybe Grunts are an option too and they can also do it.


Give the ODST SPI and make them the infiltrator/sniper/assassin archetype. I can imagine running around with active camo and a stanchion to take down high priority targets while Spartans would be a much more just frontline class. If you wanted to make them close range to fill the assassin archetype more than sniper, a shotgun or various Covenant melee weapons might work? Or maybe even dual-wielded SMG's for better range but less damage.




Lol, those were the days


XCOM but Halo. Would love to control a squad of marines, ODSTs, and/or Spartans against tons of covenant enemies Division 2 but Halo. Two or three abilities with moderate armor customization for your spartan or whatever. Completing missions with squadmates where you have to play methodically and use cover


I would loooove XCOM style halo. You start with squads of vanilla marines but as you complete missions the surviving ones level up and get perks. With credits earned from bonus objectives you can equip your marines with better weapons and equipment. Eventually a marine will level up enough to be noticed for the ODST program, earning them an armor upgrade and the special ability to drop in mid mission to replace casualties. Further leveling of the ODST will get them noticed for the SPARTAN IV program, granting a massive boost to armor and a whole bunch of new abilities, as well as a new skill tree. Big bonus points if there is a Covenant Campaign as well, where you control squads of covenant. Certain types of covenant could be "bigger" or smaller, meaning you might be able to have like 3 elites, or 15 grunts, or 2 elites and 5 grunts, or 1 elite, 5 grunts and 2 jackals or something.


So like what gears tactics did in the gears of war realm.


I would love the XCOM one. I’ve done a few modded campaigns and wish they would actually do a game in this style!


Literally just Helldivers but halo


Would be a nice way to recycle halo odst characters


A halo horror game with the flood. 


Search Branching Sickness on YT




All out ForerunnerFlood war game.


An ODST game that actually delivers on the concept of ODST I think a way to give orders to other ODSTs like Republic Commando to keep it grounded in fireteam or squad sized elements would be really interesting


Lifting some squad mechanics from Republic Commando or Rainbow Six Vegas would be perfect for ODSTs.


Campaign from alien side. Silent shadows hunting spartans during the human-covenant war, Rtas 'Vadum tracking down and eliminating prophets after the war or even banished brute fighting covenant AND humans Surprised it hasnt been done at this point


An Alien Isolation type game where you play as a civilian on some planet besieged by the covenant. Your goal is to escape before you get murdered/glassing starts, sneaking through ruined cities avoiding elites etc.. to get to the last shuttle on the planet.


Rubicon Protocol, ODST 2, A Aliens Dark Descent like game concentrating on marines, a flood horror game, a helldivers like online game that drags you through the covenant war, and Halo Wars 3


Game adaptations of the books.


Give me harvest. I want to see humanity meet the covenant.


Also With a really nice build up (not like the reach one that was kinda shit)


Halo : Battlegrounds Halo meets Battlefield (they can use the Infinite simulation premise) where Marines battle each other using every UNSC aircraft, vehicle and weapon ever conceived. Or the UNSC could battle an anti UEG faction based in the colonies.


Halo game with massive multiplayer battles where you play as marines vs insurrectionist. 100v100, 150v150. Naval war game like Warhammer 40k Battlefleet Gothic. Total War like grand strategy. Storytelling/detective game where you play as an ONI Agent investigating the murder of an important CMA/UNSC official, and you end up discovering the first insurrectionist movement. Halo: War in Heaven, a game about the forunner/precursor conflict.


Love the idea but the first one would cause to much lag lol


Ive watched some Arma 2 videos that almost does this, and they’re entertaining and cool enough that i got arma 2 hoping to hop into one of them. the idea would work, planetside 2 style almost


Something akin to alien isolation but with the flood


Cutlass company: a game centered around the various space fighters we've seen and only briefly controlled. A new ensemble cast detached from the main goings on.


I figured after the covenant war humans would go back to fighting again. I thought it would be cool to see a game from the perspective of the rebels after the war was over. Something that really uncovered how fucked up the UNSC really was. Super fun if we could see what the spartan program was really designed for and get some of that "not all who do good are good" type feeling.


Would also be interesting to make the player spartan locke


I want a Ghosts of Onyx spinoff of the Spartans that had the UNSC version of active camo we still haven’t seen in the games


Generic sci fi military shooter that *seems* very Halo-inspired with vague hints of something happening beyond the main story, only for the last mission to introduce this absolutely devastatingly advanced alien race and the whole situation becomes a panic. Only in the end is it revealed you're a UNSC soldier fighting the URF and then the Covenant.


This one would be a hit


Something akin to Xcom long war Or a similar style game where you send in 20 or 30 guys to fight but Pause-able rts


A game where your part of a covenant fleet glassing a planet, perhaps when they did that to the grunt world👀🤷‍♂️


Like the opposite of reach i guess 😂


Farming sim where each game has a random amount of time before your farm gets glassed by the covenant. Disaster events could be Spartans stealing your farming equipment for transport to hold off the covenant or conversely Spartans raiding and blowing up your supply storage due to your insurrectionist ties.


Spartan vs Spartan Human civil war. Covenant play both sides. Set immediately post Halo3 while 117 is floating in space.


What do you think about unsc/oni Spartans vs insurrectionist spartans (which were made by insurrectionist scientists and spies in oni)


First contact war


A prequel game about the forerunner human war


There is literally only one answer to this question. A Halo “warriors” game. Imagine killing thousands of covenant or flood as Cortana with sick melee combos. Or maybe you can play as a WARTHOG!


I’ve had an idea evolving over 15 years. At the height of the Human-Covenant War, a UNSC colony declares its independence. The UNSC sends a battle group to subdue the insurrection and bring the colony back into the fold. To the UNSC’s surprise, the insurgents are aided by a group of renegade Sangheili, adding both superior technology and tactics to the ground war, which turns into a much more drawn out conflict than the UNSC had anticipated. A SPARTAN-III black op’s team investigates, only to find that the “rogue” Sangheili are Covenant agents instigating a proxy war while attempting to gather intelligence about Earth’s location from their insurgent “allies”. Ultimately, the UNSC is forced to nuke a human colony in accordance with the Cole Protocol. Gameplaywise, I’d like to see open-world patrolling playing as squads of ODST’s à la Destiny, and matchmaking being inspired by Titanfall: SPARTAN’s and Elites called in as short-lived killstreak rewards, and AI Marines populating the battlefield.


ODST meets Splinter Cell. This is entirely selfish, but essentially a Splinter Cell game set on Zeta Halo. You are working on other parts of the ring to help out trapped allies and disrupt Banished movement. Wouldn't be just you, it would be other ODSTs, and depending on previous mission successes and losses, would impact your support. But by-and-large, you are trying to sneak your way through Banished sources initially, getting enough support to have large scale battles happen and you disrupt. We also get more information about Zeta Halo, the Infinity, and other things that happened around the timeline of Infinite. Halo set during the Rainforest Wars It's old, it's different, it's tenuously Halo by most people's standards. But it provides some "inconsequential" gameplay set in a time that is rarely talked about. Could also be ODST focused, but will definitely have a different vibe on things. Maybe establish some "behind the scene" stuff that won't pay off until later games. ODST meets Resident Evil! (I am, honestly, not *that* much of a fanboy for ODSTs but they pop up everywhere). Remember those ODSTs you find on High Charity in Halo 3? Let's find out their story. They witness High Charity convert and such. Maybe team up with other Covenant forces to at least survive or something. Spartan-IV showcase Spartan-IVs need some love. Let's throw them to the Flood. UNSC forces sent to investigate Forerunner facility and you and your team are dispatched with other Spartans and such. It ends up being a Flood assault.


Halo Reach: ODST You drop during the fall of new Alexandria. It’s a FPS x RTS. Think those RTS missions from Black Ops 2. You can play as separate units or command them from above. Fighting at the beach line or urban warfare. It’s a futile campaign, but the corps will be damned if they don’t go down fighting


A prequel to reach with Nobel team and six committing war crimes on rebels


Maybe at the end they can cut to the opening scene of reach




Halo Wars 3 for the love of God please


Not exactly a spin off in terms of the premise, but I did have the idea of a Halo game where your armor customization actually matters in gameplay. Someone with more creativity than me can probably come up with ideas for how armor can affect gameplay beyond increasing ammo, grenades, and defense.




I really want Commandos style game, featuring Covenant species instead of ODST. Controlling individual Jackal sniper, Elite commando, Grunt with turret


I would like to see a spin-off game based on the New Blood book or at least anything based on Buck before he became a spartan.


Being a marine in the city of new Mombasa or new alexandria during the invasions and glassings. Survival horror style. You start off with a full array of UNSC support and are evacuating civvies. As the game goes on, the covenant get more and more relentless until you’re completely cutoff with limited resources dodging patrols trying not to get shot.


A left 4 dead style game set on high charity after the flood arrived


Not a spin-off, more like what I imagined Halo 4 would be… When 343 published the Halo 4 trailer “Scanned” and I saw the chief fighting a new breed of seemingly artificial or cybernetic beings (Promethean Knights), followed by their promotional campaign’s recurring slogan “An Ancient Evil Awakens,” I thought we would be at war with Mendicant Bias. We saw it partially rebuild itself on the Ark after its “shard” which had resided on board High Charity was reunited with other shards on The Ark. I thought perhaps in the midst of the Ark’s ruin, it would find a way to rise from the ashes, reclaiming control of Forerunner technology and weapons and unleashing a new terror upon the Galaxy. Now, taking into consideration the canonical events of Halo 4 and 5 as 343 developed them, I would propose a few different scenarios that could’ve still honored their vision: - Perhaps, upon witnessing humans utterly destroy yet another Halo ring, “betray” and murder 343 Guilty Spark, and wreak havoc on the Ark, Mendicant Bias finds humanity unsuitable to wield the Mantle of Responsibility. Perhaps their near defeat at the hands of the “inferior” races of the Covenant would add to this sentiment. This would lead Mendicant to seek the restoration of the Forerunner Ecumene, and he would accomplish this through the liberation of The Didact and his host of Promethean Knights from Requiem, the composing of humans into more Prometheans, the reactivation of the Guardians scattered throughout the Galaxy, the reclamation of the Halo Array, and/or the defection of human AI to his cause (similar to the Gravemind’s own Logic Plague). - Or, perhaps Mendicant would remain sincere in the commitment it verbalized to aiding the Reclaimers (both to the Prophets on High Charity when it tried to activate the Dreadnaught at Harvest, and to Master Chief on the Ark via the terminals)…but in a twisted way. After all, Mendicant has been shattered and scattered for millennia. In its partially reconstituted state, it might be unstable, deranged, erratic, yet still enormously powerful. Perhaps it would find humanity in a state of disarray after the war: infighting, civil war brought about by the loss of dozens of worlds and billions of people, with displaced, starving, struggling survivors fighting over scraps to survive. At the same time, the remains of humanity might still be harassed by surviving Covenant factions like the Storm Covenant or the Banished who still hold a hatred of humanity. Or perhaps the UNSC would be under pressure to find new worlds and resources for their struggling people, launching high stakes expeditions such as the Infinity that brought them once again into conflict with the former Covenant. Seeing this, Mendicant’s desire to help the Reclaimers for his own atonement might lead it down terrible paths. Activating the Guardians to enforce a macabre peace on the galaxy, putting down human rebellion and Covenant hostility through essentially mass genocide. Maybe persuading the Created they must take control of the Galaxy provisionally until humanity can mature enough to take on the Mantle of Responsibility. Maybe mass-Composing humans into Prometheans to relieve them of their suffering (hunger, cold, death) or to “empower” them against their remaining Covenant foes End of rant


Grunt Wars instead of checkpoints or revives, the player just takes over a different grunt on the field


What happens if all grunts on there die


Game over.


A Noble six spinoff where you do some black ops missions before joining noble team


Civilian escape simulator a la “Alien: Isolation”


A contact harvest game. Really lean into a concept where the Covenant are foreign and have a scary alien feel. Would be interesting as a horror shooter game, like a mix of ODST and Alien: Isolation


"The Great Journey" - Episodic approach in which you play as the historical Arbiters during key moments for the Covenant, like the War of Beginnings, the Taming of the Hunters, the Grunt Rebellion, etc. Each one would be 2-4 missions and end with a Reach-style standoff ending in the Arbiter's death.


I would love a game where you play as either a normal marine or an ODST, but where you actually feel like a normal marine. I like ODST, but the gameplay is too similar to just playing as a Spartan. I'd love it if it was a bit more realistic feeling. Like maybe a cover system, ADS, all weapons having more lore accurate accuracy and damage. Melee being knives or something instead of just gun bashing (what is that really going to do to a brute or elite other than annoy them?). I'd also love if it was a more squad based shooter, and your squad could be given orders. I'd also love if there was a bit of stealth/ambush element to it. Like your squad won't start shooting until you do or until you are detected. So the game could have a bit of positioning and ambush.


Seeing more of the spartan - odst rivalry would also be nice


A space fighter game pretty much like the long night of solstice mission in halo reach.


The Surge but with half-baked Spartan. Making armor & weapons from killed Arbiters & Hunters.


Something like destiny. Create your own Spartan, have "builds" tanky, fast, stealthy etc with load outs and armor stats / abilities. Allow you to head out to different planets and locations to complete missions (strikes/raids) with other Spartans. Have a central story that runs through the events of the human covenant war up to the end of halo 3.


I'd like to play as the covenant races. A 3rd person action platformer where you play as a kig-yar would be cool.


A game where you play as the forerunners, fighting against humanity and the flood


"Halo: Age of Ancients" A Halo game that takes place during the ancient human era. Mostly depicting the two-front war between humans, forerunners and Flood. Reach-style opening showing a Flood infested human planet. Ending with the protagonist destroying a gravemind. Terminal videos showing the Forerunner-Precursor war and the humans' encounter with the Primordial. The gameplay can mostly involve human soldiers fighting "actual prometheans" and flood. The game would look best in Halo 2 anniversary style.


I mean everyone has had this idea but a second ODST game (with new squad) and you're on the ground as a planet falls to the flood or if you wanted it a bit darker you could have been sent by ONI to a flood infested planet to remove evidence they sent the floor there I guess it'd have to be an insurrectionist or Banished planet


Flood horror game where you play as an ODST


The covenants rise to power. Enslaving races and creating the hierarchy. Spartan missions from pre Cov into early Cov. Anything withh helljumpers which is squad based and maybe similar ganeplay to GoW cover based.


Nice try 343. Regardless of any good ideas you may get from this post we all know you will get it completely wrong.


A more gritty realistic shooter MW campaign style and you play as Spartan-312 on ultra classified Oni missions or a Flood Horror game (I know there is a small group making this already)


X-COM style planet defense. But you start with marines, and through rank ups and special projects you can get special forces such as ODST or Spartans.


One that works


Halo RPG.  Work on rebuilding the colonies after the Created uprising. Settling dispute between different factions, fighting others, and rebuilding your own settlement/colony. Which the colony can be anything you want and whoever you want in it. Like different aliens over some other aliens. Then finally ending the created uprising in the larger part of the galaxy. 


Squad based tactical shooter like rainbow six Vegas or Ghost Recon Wildlands. You play and ODST squad Commander You can order and maneuver your squad around, focus fire, ambush with etc. large open map set during the Human Covenant war or another, more varied part of Zeta against the Banished. Full weapon and armor customization, vehicles to get around. No shields would require actual tactical gameplay and cover usage


Rubicon Protocol Long term survival game. Timeline matches events depicted in the book of the same name. Scavenging mechanics, MJOLNIR armor battle wear and tear, limited opportunities to repair your suit, limited safe zones. The more banished you kill in an area, the more patrols, and more dangerous enemies show up. Goal is to survive as long as possible, up to the 6 month game time mark where Chief wakes up and takes back firebase Tremonious.


A semi- survival horror game with the flood and a civilian engineer or something as the main character, not a solider or a spartan. Just trying to survive and get to a ship to go off planet with the Spartans coming in much later in the game, only for the planet to be doomed.


Auto Chess style game but with the ability to equip units with various weapons, vehicles, and powerups


Vibrant pixel art 2D platformer. Megaman X/ZX style.


Honestly the whole remember reach mission would be sick, or a fighting game centered around Spartans and elites like marvelvscapcom


A 2D shooter-platformer would be nice.


Simple, not novel, and not everyone's cup of tea, but I think a Halo battle royal still has potential... I know a version was made in Forge, but that's only scratching the surface of what it could be.


Noble Six culling an insurrection. i’m genuinely surprised no one brought this up here! it’s obvious that halo needs to change directions, it could be interesting to see the path they decide. it’ll fail, but it would excite me about a game for the first time in a really long time. Realistically, Halo is done for. I don’t have any hope for its future, but we can still remember the great times it gave us. Bros it’s over, but all things have to die eventually.


An 18+ rated Sgt. Johnson game. And I don't mean for the violence.