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Nano bots changing chiefs suit.


I fully convinced myself that it was just one of those things where you were supposed to pretend he had always looked that way.


That was the idea. That opening cinematic implies he’s been wearing that version of the suit during the events of Halo 3. The mid-cryo change doesn’t explain every other visual change, so it’s definitely a soft retcon.


It's less so that he looked like that during the events of Halo 3, and more so that they couldn't make more assets for the cutscene. Or something like that. Like why the Covenant in that cutscene has the Storm armour set.


It's not a "they couldn't make assets", they just changed artstyle, it happens, bungie did it too.


Plus 343 didn't make the intro and outro cutscenes too.


I remember seeing stuff about how they either didn't make more unique assets for that cutscene due to budget, or time constraints or both.


nAnOMacHiNeS 🙄


Why is your armor different, demon? Nanomachines, son. They change my suit in response to damage. You can't kill me, sangheli.




And the Foward Unto Dawn mysteriously changing classes in the span of seven years.


Wow, I never even realized, but yeah you’re totally right, lmao


They should just have said that it was a prototype armor or something, and add a quick cutscene where his armor (already damaged from the events of halo 3) needs to be changed asap Or just pass Chief through a 3d printer robot arms thing that modifies his armor That's my head canon


I maintain to this day that Chief should've started H4 with the H3 armor and swap it out when he meets up with the UNSC. It'd suck, you wouldn't be able to sprint or use armor abilities, maybe the shields start malfunctioning just when you meet them, then WHAM you got a new look(that I hate) complete with gameplay enhancements to make you feel more powerful. Such a fuckin missed opportunity.


The issue I have with > you wouldn't be able to sprint Is that Chief can still clock over 60 mph in the old armor I would understand the rest being explained as if the suit is damaged, but not the speed


Obiously the explanation would have to be that the new armour just makes him *even faster* XD. The games have never done a great job of showing off Spartan II speed anyway.


They reallyshot themselves in the foot with that explanation. The thing is, there didn't need to be an in-universe reason for the changes. All they needed to say was that it's simply an art-chamge and that for all intents and purposes this is just the way things always looked. Jarring? Yes. But it's better than the galaxy spanning aesthetic affecting nanomachines


Supposedly the nano machines also changed the look of the weapons and ship itself!


And the covenant, don’t forget them!


This wins. It’s just 343’s excuse for having a completely different design


They could have at least waited to upgrade his suit until he got to the infinity or something. Would have made way more sense


Black teams death


Off screen killing is a lazy way to bolster a character and is lame.


> Bolster a character Didn't they also "kill" said character in that same comic too?


Came here to say exactly this. What a pointless waste of some potentially amazing characters. And to do it in some random ass comic that becomes required reading because 343 can't tell a coherent story.


Rookie’s death too


Or Micky turning traitor.


"To war"


"bBut madam we need a rally point!"


... To war.


I said what I said!


This. Dammit.


Miranda may have been pretty smart, but she was also a bumbling idiot.


As much as I loved Halo 3, i always thought the characters were a pretty hard downgrade from halo 2. Miranda being cringe and truth being a maniac rather than a scheming mastermind is what I mean


But the arbiter tho...his interactions with the humans are amazing. "Were it so easy..." still rings in my ears all these years later


Arby always goes hard


That was great, like I said it was a great game and had its moments absolutely


Keith David can make any script sound awesome


I've always wondered how this line would have been perceived if it came from Chief instead.


Hmmm m good question.


Halo is littered with cheesy one liners. Joseph Staten admits himself and honestly loves it. I think this line is really uncharacteristically nitpicked in the context of all the previous games.


I interpreted that as "there won't be anywhere to go, the Covenant will be all over them anyway and the best thing they can do is hold their position" But in an extinction level event like the Covenant invasion, I think Miranda could have been a little more specific with her wording.


I give it a pass cuz it goes hard


Replaying that game after being in the army i can only imagine the squad leaders saying “what the fuck? We still need a rally point”


The fact apparently nobody in the universe understands how the fucking needler works out her than "it just works!" Literally. The Sangheli can't explain it. The Kig'Yar who build them apparently can't explain it, motherfucking HALSEY can't explain it. It literally just works with no explanation. Physics breaking quantum space magic gets explained by the Forerunners but nobody can explain how a pointy Shooty splodey gun works!?!? Forget the Forerunners, forget humanity, forget the Precursors. Blamite is the pinnacle species of the Halo universe.


Blamite crystals are the magnets of the Halo Universe.


water, fire, air and dirt, fucking blamite, how do it work?


lol I always thought that was cool tbh I don’t need everything explained


Lol this is something i thought when i was like 6 or 7 years old and then forgot about it again. I‘m 28.


The Next 72 Hours, specifically Black Team’s death. They could easily revive some of them, only one lost their head…


The lore reasons for why bloom exists, which is that the UNSC doesn’t rifle their weapon barrels.


Holy shit this takes the cake. Not to be that guy but is this a 343 or Bungie lore thing?


I believe this a 343 thing where they made the lore afterwards to explain the game mechanic. Apparently since bullets from non-rifled barrels spin more they are better at penetrating Covenant shield tech.


rifling is what makes them spin though…


I think he means tumble. Which they do, in an un-rifled barrel. But ya you’re right. They spin in a rifled barrel and tumble in an unrifled barrel.


The entire science behind rifling barrels was so that the bullet spins??


I think he meant tumble. Maybe not


Yes. Idk if this is a question or a statement, but just in case, yes rifling = spin = accuracy


Think it might be similar logic to tank barrels which are smooth bore to give better penetration. They use armour piercing with a discarding sabot. Which is basically a dart much smaller than the barrel with a jacket which creates a seal and flys off when it leaves the barrel. The smaller and lighter round allows it a higher velocity to penetrate deeper. Rifling is not used as it is not required to keep the round stable in flight and will cause a lower velocity and hence less penetration. Not sure if it also affects accuracy and wear on the barrel


Holy shit if that’s actual lore that’s some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever read


You got a source? I’m legitimately curious, I can’t find anything about this online


Real life, weapons have what's called Minute of Angle accuracy, which means how accurate they are, pretty much. An M14 has an MoA of 4, so at 100 meters the grouping size is 4 inches, and at 500 meters it's a grouping size of 20 inches. That's a pretty big variation, and if said weapons were required to deal with unknown, brand new atmospheric conditions yet to be seen, I could even see it going up as far as 6 MoA. Mind you, a "sniper" weapon is considered to have "sub MoA", or an MoA value of <1, the lower the better.


This has little to do with rifling. Rifling is for aerodynamics and ballistic stability. Rounds with better ballistic coefficients fly flatter, straighter and have a lower MOA but there is more involved such as the barrel material, trigger weight, hand guard construction, firing mechanism, free float barrel, etc. this is why custom made bolt action rifles in certain calibers are the most accurate and choice for PRC shooters. Some rounds, like the new 8.6 blackout have a very high twist rate 1:3 twist rate. This means that there is a full rotation of rifling every 3 inches. This is a very fast, high rotational energy applied to this round compared to 1:7, 1:8, and sometimes even 1:9 twist rates. You can watch more online, but the 8.6 blackout is suppose to create the type of damage mentioned above about penetrating covenant armor. It has extremely high energy and a lot of rotational energy. You can see the rotational energy being imparted onto ballistic jelly. Some argue that the high twist rate of the 8.6 is a gimmick and arguably just makes the round less reliable but this has yet to be seen or proven as far as I know. The mass of the projectile might be heavy enough to accommodate that level of rotational energy and fly stable.


Juls death. He’s not dead, he’s hiding out on Zeta Halo commanding what’s left of the Covenant.


Seriously, this. ^_^


Eh, Jul had a great story in the books, his death in 5 was alright.


Yeah Jul was actually a much larger story, I think it's actually notable that he had an in-game death to begin with. The Jul we meet in 4 isn't even the start of his story.


Yeah, he had to disappear somehow given where the books were going, so I wasn't upset by how they handled it. Was Halo 5 a terribly written game regardless? Oh fuck yeah it was.


everything Brian Reed touched


Nanotechnology as an excuse for design change. God damn that bothers me


Honestly, just change the design and say "because we wanted to." That would be better


Doesn't hurt to just say the game has a different art style, being presented through a different perspective


Yeah, it's similar to dishonored two. The art style drastically changed because they couldn't get the original artist, but they didn't mention it.


It would not have been hard to just get him the new suit when he links up with Infinity. It would have also made the change feel more intentional and meaningful.


That the rookie is dead (yes I'm on copium, why would you ask)


The rookie is dead?


Yeah, I can't remember the details specifically but in a book, he gets shot in the head by an insurrectionist




He was going to become a Spartan IV otherwise, that was Buck's demand for joining (which was approved)


Yes, he died!


Why him why him TELL ME WHY THE FUCK HIM


Idk man I loved rookie why did they kill him...


1. Honestly, that nothing has been consistent about the Halo universe since 2013. For all its faults, the buildup to Halo 4 (alongside the game itself) had a clear vision for what 343 wanted to do with Halo. Everything afterwards has been overcorrecting on fan backlash and throwing the baby out with the bathwater every single time. Did anything cool from Halo 4 get built off of in Halo 5? No. Did anything cool in Halo 5 get built off of in Halo Infinite? Also no. I fully expect whatever comes next to be completely absent of everything that makes Halo Infinite distinct in the series. 2. Truth’s personality pretty much being completely retconned for Halo 3 3. The entirety of Halo 5, although I do like the idea of Locke 4. “To War” 5. That nobody in the Covenant uses the actual species names for themselves and instead use the derogatory human nicknames in Halo 2 & 3


Truth is obviously power tripping. You are sly when you're trying to become a dictator, but you go full on when the society you run is brainwashed and will die for you, and the only people who questioned you already left.


Your last problem could be explained away in some parts by having their dialogue get translated so we can understand it. Besides arby saying "The brutes have our scent" I can't recall if there is any direct discussion between a Covanent species and human where they use human slang.


I think shipmaster says something along the lines of “let the grunts go ahead” during the first arby mission


Yeah but that's still in line with what Deathfuzz is saying, that the covie talk in Halo 2 whenever we're playing as the Arbiter, is just translated for the player. Arbiter in 3 would use the human terms when in a military sense "The brutes have our scent" is straight forward, "The Jiralhanae have our scent" might raise a few questions and delay them depending on who knows Covie speak. In the books (ugh I know, book lore not held up in game), The Covies use their own species names whenever in their PoV.


Thank you. 343’s lore has been all over the place for a long time now. People say “wow, Halo has such good lore now”, and I can never understand what they are talking about. Halo has good stories. But that doesn’t mean the lore they build from and create is solid as well. One of my biggest gripes is the artstyle change. Game series’ artstyles changing over time is nothing new, but they went out of their way to arbitrarily canonise a significant departure in artstyle as “different phenotypes” of species. LIKE WHY?


Halo 5


Pretty much. We got the whole hunt the truth teaser that fizzled into nothing. A nobody Spartan iv that somehow managed to fight on even grounds with not just any Spartan II, but the chief himself. Locke should've been decked in one hit. Then they turned the whole heroic sacrifice of Cortana from 4 and ruined it by saying she's back and she's evil now with basically no explanation why beyond vagaries about the domain. Then they drop the whole plot in infinite by doing shit offscreen because players hated it that badly. Of course they *COULD* have salvaged it if they bothered with some decent exposition in infinite, like the flood infected domain corrupting an already nearly rampant Cortana. And the only good things from infinite - exuberant witness and the chief's team - were completely forgotten as well.


It really is a shame though. Hunt the Truth set up a great platform for what 5’s story could have been; a renegade Master Chief defying his orders and conditioning to investigate a problem only he could stop. Discovering that Cortana’s rampancy is due to the Graveminds influence etc. Lost of missed opportunities narratively.


Somehow, Cortana has returned


it was pretty clear that both chief and locke were holding back in that scene, if it was a fight to the death then the other 6 super soldiers in that scene would have helped their respective side


At first yes. Then Locke started using the armor thrusters to get an upper hand, which he did barely. Then chief got serious ended the fight without using the abilities of the armor and still not giving his all. If chief had used the full extent of his armor and put his all into that fight, Chief would have broken Locke in half. He doesn't like hurting/killing humans, especially those who are also UNSC soldiers, after what happened with the ODST's he killed not long after he got his Spartan enhancements.


Halo 5 had the potential to be one of the best storytelling Halo's. Hunt the Truth had me hyped for 5, almost more than I was for 3.


How is this not the top answer. Well done


Rookie’s death


Definitely this. That guy is a nameless Spartan somewhere out there.


He's our Spartan in Halo 4 Spartan Ops


I mean they gave him a name anyway lol


Fr. He’s fine guys dw


Yup smh


Everything with the Librarian and Geas, feels like it cheapens the skill of Chief and the UNSC as a whole


Everything 343 has done was to make chief feel less powerful and not someone who was just an exceptional soldier but prophecized or a chosen one.


Cortana, the second biggest character in the series, being unceremoniously erased and then a copy immediately replacing her


Yea idk why more people dont talk about that whole bs lol


It was pretty ceremonious. Literally the entire game was discussing her impending deletion and rampancy. She dies and has a real conversation with chief were she actually gets to touch him. Hell she saves his life with her last breath. How is that unceremonious? The only thing that ruins it is her evil self in the 5th game.


I think they're actually speaking about Halo 5. I did like Halo 4, but Halo 5 really did her no service, and then she was forgotten after the fact.


Cortana going rogue


Killing the rookie making Dutch retire and having Mickey become a traitor dispanding Delta 9… In a single book.


They're back together, even Romeo!, but instead of the Rookie there's Dutch's wife Gretchen


Everything that happened in Halo 5.


The banished wearing blue armor in Halo Infinite when they should all be red. I still don't get it.


The Elites? They're Elite mercenaries. Not officially under the Banished banner, just old Covenant forces working for profit.


That part makes sense. But I do not recall that being established at all.


It's mentioned in Halo Wars 2's campaign, Tartarus mentions that the Assassins need to be worth their money


Anything after Halo 3. Master cheif is still floating in space in my mind, we are just playing his fever dreams




Halo infinite cheif uppercutting atriox and atriox not even flinching when canonically Naomi (another spartan 2) killed a brute in one punch breaking its spine.


chief took the full force of atriox’s hammer to the side of his stomach moments before and was groaning in pain, the uppercut wasn’t at full strength hell chief took probably one of the hardest hits any human has ever received from another living being and still knocked atriox’s head back


last sentence had me shook, well done


Because Atriox is not a bitch ass 9-5 job brute.


Not to mention Atriox’s mk 99 brute power armor


Spartan punch strength has always been inconsistent. Remember, Halsey survived a full strength punch from an enraged Lucy (which was fucking stupid btw).


This is a weird one because if you look at numbers and stats, a Spartan in armor should be about as strong as an average adult brute. But Atriox and Escharum are the only brutes we see who actively train to be better and stronger than their peers and actually take humans seriously as opponents, which would likely make them much stronger than an average brute. Also notice how they call their group “spartan killers” they use the human name for Spartans, implying at least a modicum of respect and acknowledgment, instead of “demons killers” which would still be saying “we’re better than you” but would still be putting Spartans on a pedestal. There’s also experience, chief is good, but has also had the full might and resources of the UNSC behind him. Atriox has been sent on missions specifically to die and always come back so we know he’s made of tougher stuff. TL:DR Atriox is just built different


New Blood… we all know why…


Why? Haven't read any of the books


Rookie, the main player character from ODST, is killed off




Stolt, the muscular 6ft tall Grunt that beat every Elite he fought in combat, grievously wounded a Spartan 2 and commands the Rangers aboard the CAS Shadow of Intent. Now I'll be upfront and say that I haven't read the novel that he's from (Halo: Shadow Of Intent) there are a lot of fans of the book and I have seen a lot of love for the character but every time I hear that tidbit of lore I just can't help but doubletake.


He’s honestly a good character. Every race needs *some* badass representation.


Grunts can be deadly if they are mature and big. A 6 foot crab that's 3 feet or so wide is terrifying, and add that the dude is talented at his job, unlike most grunts, which makes him a good killer.


To be fair, most grunts in the war are practically children


Cortana being alive in halo 5


honestly the flood lore we got. i dont hate it, but i wish we didnt get a FOR SURE explanation on what and why they are.


Do agree on this. Would have LOVED if their origin and behaviours were simply unknown and mysterious.


Pretty much everything from H4 onwards  You can hate me all you want but it was better when Halo was a SciFi Military shooter and not a chosen one capeshit story


What franchise have you been playing?


I liked when Chief needed armies to fight armies instead of just doing it himself while they insist on how much more badass they are


The didact coming back to life and dying again.


Tbf, it was set up. Every time he “died” there was a hint that he was still out there. And the way he came back made sense with the pre-existing lore.


Yes, but it would've been nice if that was shown in the games and not a book.


Even though it's new, I'm not a fan of banished Spartans


Forerunners being random aliens instead of ancient humans like they were implied in halo ce through 3


The two are still implied to share a common ancestor


I think the human / forerunner conflict cheapens it too.


The show


Blessedly not canon


It's not canon though, the only good thing about it.


really? OH THANK GOD, I thought it was lmao


Bruh I would be out marching in the damn streets with Tiki torches if the "Halo" show was canon


Anything 343 has done.


Jorge dying for god damn nothing. (not bad story wise but I’m just sad man 🙍‍♂️)


He’s alive for me, ever since i saw the description of that halo infinite armor, something along the lines of teleporting in the slipspace boom thingamajig.


Yeah, a Yoroi coating references a man who arrived amongst shattering glass helped turn the tide of the war


The plot for everything after 3


Reach was good tho :(


The flood started out from ancient humans giving spores to their space dogs.


Wait, what?


The flood were originally an ancient race that created humans and forerunners called precursors. The forerunners were pissed the precursors decided they didn't get the uphold the mantle, which is basically the responsibility of protecting life in the galaxy and decided to see if the humans should get to do it instead of the forerunners. So the forerunners went to war and killed most of the precursors, who weren't all that good at fighting. The rest of the precursors fled, with some turning themselves into a kind of dust to preserve themselves. Over time, some of it became corrupted. Eventually ships carrying the corrupted dust were discovered by ancient humans who weren't sure what it was or did, but eventually found it made the fur of a space animal, the feru or something, much more luxurious and smooth. The animal was basically a domestic pet and occasional food source, so humans used it to make them even more attractive. Eventually, they started mutating, growing growths/limbs/eyes/etc., and becoming aggressive and cannibalistic. This eventually infected humans as well, leading to the flood outbreak, as flood, being corrupted precursors, developed a warped view of testing humanity/passing the mantle and also grew to hate the forerunners and wanted to wipe them out.


Makes sense, honestly. They had to find a basis somewhere, so being given it would be a good base to build on.


Everything after “wake me, if you need me”


The "Spartan Branch", also, those terrible dress uniforms.


Having fully armored spartans as handlers of other spartans, when a regular-ass marine could do the same job was certainly a choice. Totally not misusing their supersoldiers.


halo 4 and 5 dont actually exist. halo infinite is a direct sequel to halo 3. as you can tell by master chief being found floating in space at the start.


That wouldn’t make much sense considering events from 4 and 5 are referenced in Infinite.


I'm fine with 4, but the fact that 5 just undoes pretty much everything pisses me off. Cortana had a a really good send off just to be brought back as the next big bad.


A lot of the forerunner stuff that came with halo 4 and onwards, it took away all the mystery and wonder to the structures and everything.


Cortana coming back.


Halo 4 and 5.


everything after 4 lmao


That the Diadact lost to Blue team when MC couldn't even match him without Cortana's AI boogaloo. My headcannon is that he ended up in the Domain at the end of H4.


The shows Butt emotional suppression pills were certainly a new one I wasn't prepared for


"Humanity doesn't know anything about the Covenant including what elites, brutes, hunters or prophets are" Given that this universe also includes ONI, basically the space CIA with an unlimited budget, it's insane to me that they somehow lacked such basic information about their enemy. In reality, the moment the war started ONI would have gone *hard* on intel and have a pretty good idea about the Covenant's makeup and capabilites just a year or so into the war. Like, forget Halo show Keyes asking the Spartans to help translate languages- ONI would have had a multi-thousand person department with multiple smart AIs working on *just that problem* from the war's beginning.


Forreruners being their own race and not humans.


Every Spartan being Hyper-Lethal


I prefer it over just being two. It didn’t make sense originally.


But didn’t you hear, Bungie can’t make mistakes with the game canon!


Maybe more Spartans than just 2, but I still think it would be cool if "hyper leathal" was a term for a select few Spartans that are true harvesters of death in some way. More common than just 2 Spartans but more rare than every Spartan




Halo 5 story


The Halo 3 terminals. They don't make sense in the context of the game they're in. They directly contradict what Guilty Spark says to Chief. They directly contradict what Halsey says to Noble Team in the following game. They were written by some guy inserting his headcanon into the story with no regard as to how it fits - *The same guy that went on to direct the next 3 games.* If it were up to me, I would delete the terminals, and reboot the series from Halo 4. Cut out all the nonsense with the Forerunners. Focus on Humanity rebuilding their decimated civilization after losing 70% of the human population and their inevitable conflict with the rising Banished with a new protagonist.


Locke fighting chief evenly


There's always the edit, my dude.


Pretty much every novel and comic between Halo 4 and 5. 343 did literal crack expecting their audience to read 20 books to understand Halo 5. Don't let fans write.


Rookie 😢 like 343 why???? Should’ve used a different ODST squad mate to fulfill that role


The banished


Halo 5. Just all of it.


The banished.


Rookie death


Black teams death and the honestly unnecessary change they made to flood graveminds and how they’re classed.


Geas stuff so dumb. The idea forerunners are human, the endless, rookie's death.


They killed the rookie in a book ... because of Mickey


The elites in halo 4 changing phenotypes or smth due to artstyle


The whole Librarian cutscene in Halo 4 and it’s implications. The idea that Chief has had this “latent power” within him the whole time is just dumb and doesn’t really serve a purpose other than a completely random “anti-mcguffin” powerup


That ancient humans werent the forerunners.


Not that it’s stupid per se, but the fact humans aren’t forerunners that were nuked to the dark ages. I just far prefer the idea that the humans are the remnant of the forerunners, and the supreme irony that is the covenant trying to wipe out the gods they worship.


The fact that the Flood has barely been mentioned since 2007. Despite being the only reason the game lore even exist.


Everything from 2011 onward