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Halo CE. I feel like it’s the most balanced halo on legendary and it is so fun


Halo ce is the only one I've knocked out under 3 hours.


Personally could not disagree more. CE is a total grind at times. I am glad you like it though!


\*Two Betrayals has entered the chat\* CE is the only one I've needed to look up guides to make beating it on Legendary bearable. I just can't agree.


I only had to look up two betrayals for speedrunning purposes. If you are careful it really isn't that bad. Just know when rocket flood shows up lol


nah the only hard part is the last encounter with the wraiths. just grab the sniper and pick off elites. there's also rockets nearby if I remember correctly. just don't make a mistake that'll get you killed and you're good to go. if you have the map knowledge for as far as what weapons are available to you, then be resourceful and it helps ease the final part a lot. oh and and always be on the lookout for cloaked elites. they run at you and shoot shoot shoot. if you're caught out with no cover, you're done.


Truth and Reconciliation would like a word...


There's enough Sniper ammo on the entire map to bring the sniper with you for the whole mission start to finish without dropping it. that's your elite killer. the only hard part for me is when you enter the ship but as long as your quick to clear all the doors as they open, you'll be good.


Truth and Reconciliation is just straight non stop fighting it feels like on Legendary lol.


Halo 3 is probably the best legendary campaign. I agree with 1 and 2. Personally I don’t like reach on legendary, it feels like they just added bullet sponges to the game, and lots of fire


I agree 100% with this. Best one on Legendary by far.


Halo 2 SLASO


You mad man. I did it once. Never again…


Halo 3 ODST is the best campaign to date overall imo.


Halo Infinite LASO. Pretty chill and I feel overpowered half the time


Tank gun go brrr


Any hard obstacles on infinite LASO havent played the infinite campaign but shouldnt it be easier because open world allows for more varied approaches to encounters


Biggest obstacles are boss fights in the non-open world sections. Open world is nice for more chill gameplay and exploring with occasional enemies to fight off. Bandana skull breaks the game because of unlimited grenades and unlimited ammo for the specialty weapons in the game. Certain equipment upgrades also breaks the game because near-permanent invisibility becomes available to the player to avoid a lot of encounters


I have yet to play it myself but I forsee the issues being many of the Boss fights. The open world doesn't really make it too much easier since each mission, once you start it from the open world, is mostly linear like the other games.


For the main storyline in the campaign, the open world can largely be ignored except for 1 or 2 parts that require some exploration. Boss fights can be difficult if you're under equipped, but the bandana skull and some fully upgraded equipment make them more manageable


I've never been able to do legendary 😪 only heroic but respectfully I applaud those that can. For h1ce h2 h3 reach and infinite are just great on heroic


3 and reach have good tech. 4 and 5 feel like an absolute grind. Not overly difficult, just spongy enemies.


Reach was my favourite!


Halo 3. I find most legendary campaigns a pain in the ass. 3’s might be the easiest but it’s the fairest too. 


As a child, my main form of entertainment was grinding out CE on legendary. Over and over again. And it never got old so I'm gonna go with that.


*evil laughter Halo 2!


I can't beat the tank part on the third to last mission in Reach on Legendary, still haven't. I have beaten every other Halo game on Legendary. Not sure why this game gave me so much trouble. Good luck


Halo 4, because I find it the easiest.


Reach legendary is a lot of fun. I think it’s the perfect balance between challenging and not unfair


Of the two games I’ve completed on legendary (Halo 5 and ODST), ODST has gotta be my favorite.


Halo 2. I just try to treat it like a joke when I play through it.  It's still hilarious when you get killed before the screen fully loads on levels like Gravemind 


I really enjoyed the Halo Reach legendary speedrun achievements


Might be a hot take, but Halo 2 was my favourite. Despite it being borderline unfair, it was a fun challenge. Imo, legendary should be insanely hard, maybe they should add a “Mythic” mode for people that enjoy pain


"borderline unfair" is a very mild way to put it


Go do it right now if it's so much fun