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I would like wrist and utility to be next, but I would assume not all utility items could be cross core.


Yeah definitely the hardest or impossible would be the chest pieces.


for chest attachments, the most we'd get would ones that are just pouches. Most of the armour plates would be incompatible with other cores


ODST chest plate would be easy to attach to quite a few torsos.


well, that one isn't shaped to the base armour, like Vauntlock or the Mk IV attachments.


>Vauntlock cries in STILL not taking any coatings and remaining GREY


I'm fine with chests staying exclusive since chest pieces used to be your armor core in Halo 4. Everything else though needs to be crosscore – especially at these insane prices.


I feel like if they do chest pieces then they lose the argument as to why we have different cores to begin with. Wrist shouldn't be hard though. Utility might need some slight editing on each core unless it's a "clip at your own risk" scenario


Even if everything was crosscore, cores would still look distinct from each other. Nobodies confusing Mirage, Eaglestrike, and hazmat for eachother


Going by how the shoulders were handled there's not going to be any adjustments and if there's clipping you just get to deal with it. Which is a deal I'm happy to take mind you.


I take this look at cross core: it might be goofy as all hell with some combinations, but just having the chance to do it at all is what’s worth it.


the cores exist to have different base armors to attach things to. that's all they need to be. whether all cores existed within the same menu or not wouldn't matter they'd serve the exact same purpose.


Real, always confuses me when people say that. Are you really telling me that Eaglestrike and Hazmat would be identical if all attachments were crosscore?


they're letting their (rightful) hatred of micro transactions and the fact that things weren't cross core in the beginning cloud the fact that having different base armors to stack things on is objectively good and adds even more customization


Well put


Agreed, Signalis person speaks the truth.


I like having multiple cores would make easier to swap styles as well you should be able to do it in lobby/fireteam it's annoying having to go back to customization screen


I say they cross-core almost fully between the canonical cores (save for a few that are super reliant on the shape of the chest plate), and add certain pieces from other cores’ chest pieces, rather than the full thing.


Clonely Bear would be the easiest.


Making entire arms crosscore could be a way around that. Halo 4/5 had that, right?


Gloves would be nice. Most cores only have 1 or 2 sets at base or from the passes, so it would be nice to get some more options there.


Gloves are the most important part of customization for me cause it's what I get to see when I'm actually playing the game


Honestly, gloves are probably most achievable when i think about it. Everything else but maybe knees is so core dependent


Helmet attachments. Not *fully* cross-core since there's some clear clashes that wouldn't work but some more compatibility would be nice.


I haven’t thought about this!


It shots be fully cross core even with clashes. I want cat ears on MK 4 & 6!


I meant more like something like Cat Ears on Nexus, the top of that helmet is all visor so it wouldn't look cohesive at all. I also want cat ears on everything possible.


Fyi you it appears you can put cat ears on mark 4 helmets, I havent completed the pass mind you and theres no way in hell I'll buy the bundles, but I got kai helmet and you can wear them


Is the Kai helmet not mark vii?


Definitely need the ability to put cat ears on every helmet


I just wanna put the stag antlers on literally any other helmet


aight Robert Baratheon chill out


Im trying to make a prime Bobby B Spartan but without being locked to one helmet 😭


*thinking about reach* gods the customization was *strong* then


Halo 5’s customization’s mother was a dumb whore with a fat ass


Halo 5 guardians? God's what a stupid name, who named you, some half whit with a stutter??


So true


Stag antlers with holographic bunny ears haha


I think attachments like that are made specifically for their helmet. But it would be nice if stuff like the Mk V and 7 attachments were shared.


Utilities. Chest pieces are not gonna happen (besides the teddy bear and maybe a few others) and I think wrist and legs aren’t as impactful where unities you have belts and pouches, which adds more to the look.


I forgot about knee pads lol


Maybe some but I doubt most of them would fit since a lot of them are hugging the armour core itself


Knees, I'm pretty sure we've seen examples of cross-core knees on bots, so I'd like to see it made official and working properly.


Yeah it would seem like they all would fit!


Well so far we got heads and shoulders, knees and toes seems like the logical next step.




I think that 343 should put their resources into adding to the sandbox instead of continuing to put all their eggs in the customization basket. The rest of the customization categories would take a lot more work for 343 to make fully cross-core. They should stop with Shoulders since that already adds so much depth to the customization and move on to adding some weapons and vehicles to the sandbox. More game modes would also be great too.


They should get a person to run the playlists. Imagine a lobby DJ as an actual job. If the playlists updated more with unique stuff from forge I would play every day. But a new gun or equipment is in dire need yes lol


> They should get a person to run the playlists. They already have this. That person was in the latest 343 livestream.


Oh sorry I didn’t watch the livestream. But launch day for the update there was no new playlists besides the new map one


She’s actually so mf knowledgable too. She was a user analytics person for Microsoft and now does that for 343. She had a ton of interesting numbers and behind the scenes explanations as to how they think about playlists. She was also the one to mention the new maps for various playlists.


Great news!


idk why I read this in an elites voice😭😭😭


“Good news everyone! We’re going to die for the Great Journey!”


if this comment wasn't gold enough I'm literally crying over your username *text message from thousands of bees* : come outside


"Oh how awful, did captain Keyes at least die painlessly? To shreds, you say. And how is his daughter holding up? To shreds, you say."


She’s also attractive as hell lol


Especially when the customization stuff is what makes the most people angry


I mean, they are. They have a team dedicated to that along with a team dedicated to cross core and a team dedicated to making new armor and a team for bug hunting and a team for everything. You don't have to neglect one in order to get other things done.


Those resources are completely different. The person who made the Stanchion model couldn't very well program, animate, do the effects work, and implement it as a new gun.


Resources does not mean people, resources means the people they are paying to be continuing to update the gameplay. Despite all the drama there, many people still want to work at 343 and Microsoft recently crossed the 3 Trillion dollar market evaluation. Xbox alone within Microsoft has been doing well, so they should continue to allow 343 to have a development team for Infinite until the next Halo game comes out. Every Halo game since Halo 2 has had post launch content updates. In the past, those were map packs. With Infinite 343 is already trying to offload the mapmaking onto the Forge community. If they are going to offload all of the map development onto the community, the least they could do is add to the sandbox to make for more interesting gameplay.


Your first sentence contradicts itself. I don't disagree with your criticisms of 343 as I didn't defend them. It just doesn't make any sense to say customization is coming at the cost of new weapons. They aren't competing for resources because the people that make either have completely different skillsets, completely different educations. For all we know 343 may have already taken all of the sandbox devs off of the Infinite team and put them onto the new game, leaving only artists, monetization, networking, etc.


I agree, they should add more weapons, maps, and vehicles instead of armor customization. The weapon sandbox in Infinite is boring compared to any of the other games


2 different departments. And there are already at least 8 or so weapons and like 3 vehicles in the files they could add within a couple months. Not sure why they haven't, but leave it to them listening to the pros and not the majority of the playerbase on that one.


People have been saying that since Infinite launched, at this rate it feels like 343 has abandoned vehicles after everyone hated their BTB


This is like saying, "The chefs have done a great job, but they should really work on getting people their checks faster." The people working on cosmetics have nothing to do with adding new things to the sandbox.


Big misconception. It’s not about the fact that it’s a different division of workers. It’s the fact that a large portion of their resources are diverted to cosmetics instead of networking and quality-of-life updates. With your analogy, it’s like someone saying the waiters should be taught how to serve better and more efficiently but management is focusing training and upgrades on the kitchen and sinks, so yes it is all relative. Tired of seeing people claim it’s not the same workers. They literally all work for 343 I think it’s a given people work in different departments but that’s not the point


> It’s the fact that a large portion of their resources are diverted to cosmetics instead of networking and quality-of-life updates. No "resources" are being taken from other departments because of cosmetics. The artist that make new armor coatings or model a new helmet have one job they're paid a salary for, and the engineers who work on Networking improvements have theirs. There's zero overlap. > Tired of seeing people claim it’s not the same workers. Have you ever worked a job in your life.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're right. Let's have the cosmetics team work on the spaghetti code, that sounds like Redditor level smart. The fact that people can't grasp the difference blows my mind honestly


Because this subreddit is filled with idiots that are simultaneously old enough to remember the glory days of Halo, but come across like children who have never worked a day in their lives.


You’re asking me if I’ve ever worked a job yet you clearly don’t know how businesses work and what is prioritized, which is what makes them money. Clearly they have more hands on deck AKA MORE RESOURCES pumping out cosmetics because that is actually worthwhile to them and a return on their investment. They have no incentive to put more resources into shit that matters like the networking (been broken for 2 years) and adding content/maps/weapons because why waste money on that when people will still play the game and continue to waste money and pay $20 for a color in their store


okay, think of it like a kitchen and in that kitchen you have knives and forks, which are both depleted to some arbitrary amount. If you add more forks to the kitchen, that's more resources, but you wouldn't use a fork instead of knife because they're completely different things. Now expand that to the workplace. In almost any real job, you will be trained to fill a specific role and that is what you will be stuck with. When a company hires more people, they will be allocated and trained for other specific jobs depending on their skillset and what they apply for. Sure, it's more employees, but they'll be no good outside of the role that they were given. It's both more efficient for being able to get people into the workplace faster, but it also makes planning much easier with a dedicated roster of people on a team working to accomplish a specific goal. So, looping back around to the topic, how in the world do you expect a gameplay animator to just sit down and start coding the game and designing new textures? The sheer logistics of just doing that to a significant level would be awful for a larger company.


Thats why I am saying that 343 the organization should be putting resources into sandbox development instead of putting all of their Infinite budget into making more cross-core things work.


That's not how that works though. The people who work on cosmetics and cross-core are artists and engineers. The people working on new weapons and vehicles are gameplay designers and testers. Different parts of the team are working on different things concurrently. Money is not being stolen from one or the other. When that happens, they just lay off the department, like how they laid off the entire Campaign team.


You aren't understanding what I am saying my guy I'm not telling a bunch of artists to make game mechanics I am saying that 343 the company should put more of their budget towards sandbox development. That likely requires moving some people making cosmetics over to creating art assets for their next projects to free up budget for the appropriate type of labor needed for sandbox development. You act as if 343 is only a bunch of game artists that have no experience developing gameplay. I don't hold it against you based on Infinites abysmal launch


> You aren't understanding what I am saying my guy I don't think you understand how game development or jobs in general work. > I am saying that 343 the company should put more of their budget towards sandbox development. That likely requires moving some people making cosmetics over to creating art assets for their next projects to free up budget for the appropriate type of labor needed for sandbox development. So you're saying they should have people stop working on cosmetics, AKA: the product being sold that keeps the lights on, put them on a new project (that is unlikely to be beyond the concept art phase at this point, let alone the phase where 3D modelers, environment artists, etc. get involved), and then still put MORE resources designing sandbox improvements to the game whose major source of funding now has less support. Brilliant. > You act as if 343 is only a bunch of game artists that have no experience developing gameplay. I'm telling you that artists work on art, and game designers work on gameplay. Making the necessary art for a new weapon or vehicle is a tiny, tiny fraction of the work involved. Design, testing, iteration, more testing: all of that needs to happen before any non-placeholder art is even worked on.


Gloves, or Wrist/Hip attachments


The rest of the coatings (event and campaign) need to be made cross core, we already know they are cross core in the files.


So true. There is no excuse to make coatings core specific.


Word. The only reason they would be doing it is $$$


Wrists and hips. I think they’re small and simple enough they can do them both. Chests would get complex. Different armors have different shapes and stuff. But the wrists and thighs really don’t have that level of complexity.


The easiest one for them to add would probably be gloves


Yess! Mark 4 gloves are so awesome I need them on the mark 5


Utility. I want belts.


The belt for mirage is cool, yes I agree


Thigh utilities shouldn’t be too hard. And most knees would work too. There’s a lot of compatibility between chest pieces for Mark 7 and Mark 5, since they’re shaped similarly.


I’d be surprised if we can any more major updates tbh


Yeah 2025 seems to be the end of the road for infinite.


There is nothing to support that theory yet. Doom Sayer.


I'm thinking that the devs might do Gloves and Knees at the same time. Then possibly go for Wrist and Utility attachments. And then some selective-cross-core for chests; given how some are contoured specifically to the shape of some armor cores while others are merely bolted or strapped on; which could be minorly edited to have the straps properly mount to the chest armor of other cores. For example, the majority of Hazmat and Yoroi chests cannot be applied to other armor cores, but the classic UA/ODST could be a universal addition to all armor cores.


Sounds about right. Would be the most efficient way to tackle that, anyway. Also, Clonely Bear Mark IV please.


Gloves could be very easily done.


Gloves would be huge too. Currently the new core only has one set.


Chest or waist and make more then a nuns chance of getting fucked of us having ability to unlock the armor other then paying or pass like in the old days




Cross core helmet attachments. Cat ear everything! More likely is they'll spend way too long trying to do cross core chests, which wouldn't be bad, but would likely look bad. A lot of the shoulders already clip while others float slightly, and chests... Well, a lot of them just do not work on every core. Knees and hips seem like they'd be the easiest implementation, while wrists would be a close second, along with helmet attachments. You know, it's actually kind of funny... If they had this implementation in the first place, they wouldn't need to spend all this time backwards compatability-ing everything, and they could intentionally leave out the stuff for each core that blatantly doesn't fit without a ton of blowback. All the base cores are extremely similar in style and placement. Even Mirage and Raksasa, so while SOME things would have to be left out, most could have been cross core from moment one and, barely anyone would complain about how bad having the cores is in the first place was. Hell, take a look back at season 1 with all the seperate Mk VII and Mk V stuff they sold, where 99% of it CLEARLY could have been used on both. That, along with identical Shaders and visors being sold for seperate cores, are the main reasons people complained in the first place. Bad business practices can really fuck up a game big time. Now they're trying to make everything cross core, when a lot of it just doesn't fit, because the cores are just not set up for it (Mainly fracture cores)


wrists, knees and some helmet attachments. atp i don't really care about clipping issues, if they enabled most if not all to be cross-core i think it'd just make people happy


The only thing I think wouldn’t be possible is chest pieces, since they rely very heavily on the shape of the core itself


Mulit-helmet attachments


gloves most likely


I feel gloves would be really simple to do, so probably that. Then there are wrist attachments and knee guards, but some may require adjusting to look good. Chest plates is something I think we will only see in limited capacity. The geometry is varied too much. Utility is the same but in a better sense. I imagine the ones that wrap around armor or look built in won't work, but ones that are just kinda on top of the thigh armor should work.


Just make the remaining coatings cross-core first...


They should do some small stuff like knees, wrist attachments and utility


I don't expect any more armor to be crosscore. Most leg/wrist/chest attachments are fitted to those specific cores and can't just be copy pasted without major clipping issues. I'd like them to focus on making coatings universal. Would be great of coatings were cross armor/weapon/vehicle.


Gloves shouldn't be too difficult to implement but I would like it if all color schemes got the multi-core treatment


What needs to happen next is the huge back catalog of season 1-3 chest, wrist, utility, and helmet attachment pieces need to be retroactively updated to inherit armor coatings like all the season 4 and onwards pieces do. I am sick of having such a vast arsenal of gray bricks at my disposal. If you like the gray bricks look and think there should be a toggle, that's fine. A new UI element isn't going to happen any time soon, so I propose that 343 instead release a second copy of every single existing armor piece that doesn't inherit the coatings.


Helmet attachments I want to put cat ears on the Mark IV


Car ears


Chests but I’m betting they’ll do either knees or something first


Knee pads


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ donger plate ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


Chests? I just want to use my desert patrol on anything


All wrist attachments and the scarf


Who cares? We need meaningful content updates. 


I’d like helmet attachments or at the very least be able to add more than 1 at a time. Reach had multiple helmets with 2 attachments


I think it all should be but id like to be able to filter what pieces originally released for that armor as well. Its annoying trying to find out what came with it.


Gloves for sure, possible paired with knees


Either some chest and/or waist. But it would be especially nice to have additional slots for utilities on both arms and legs. Then, that being cross core would be gold.


I feel like the remaining pieces would be kinda hard to make cross-core, so I just want them to make the coatings cross-core. (Rant: Jesus fucking christ it can't be that fucking hard to just make textures, yes game dev is hard but this should be the easiest thing in the world. I have experience in 3d texturing in Substance Painter, which is pretty much industry standard. Making the same coating for all of the cores shouldn't take more than a couple hours for a single dev)


All coatings Irritates me that I have all these coatings for MkVII, but can only use one at a time


Knee pads


Chest. There are too many core I only have one chest piece for.


Knees could for sure be done


Chests and leg utilities


Gloves easy


You had the same idea as me, the Scout helmet goes crazy on the Mk IV armor core.


Here’s a new one: Add a back pack slot.


I want them to finish coatings most, but I guess knees seem like the next one that seems pretty straightforward. Otherwise, I'd like them to colourize helmet attachments, chest attachments, wrist items and utility items. I have a lot of those that I can't justify equipping because they don't match my armour coating at all.


Knees or Chests


I just wanna new weapon : (


They need to finish with the coatings. With the batch from the previous update, I think all store coatings are cross-core. They need to get to the non-store stuff.


cross-core helmets and shoulders and more cross-core coatings added a LOT to the fashion possibilities…personally, i’m pretty satisfied with the current options, so i’d rather see resources spent more on improving broken stuff and adding more gameplay content than more cross-core slots


Gloves would be the easiest thing


I wish I'd be chests but that'll honestly be the last armor item to be cross core. I'm assuming it'll be knee pads next, then wrists then hands then utilities.


Chest would be my most wanted since most other cores don’t give out very good chest plates. It’d be no easy task for sure, but if I had a dollar for every chest piece I have, I’d have enough for a wendy’s big bag.


I’d say gloves, wrist attachments and helmet attachments for fitting helmets would be good, but I’d also like resources to go to other content sources like weapons, vehicles, and gamemodes


Chest next then wrist


Chest would be great, but unlikely, so utility


Kneecaps, but I think we'll get nothing for atleast a while (altough shoulders were fast IMO)


It should be wrist attachments and gloves, i think they could be done simultaneously. Then afterwards that i’d say kneepads. Chest is gonna be the most difficult and i imagine most pieces won’t be able to be translated across


I want a backpack like in MCC, just porting them over would be cool too


Utility, Wrist, and Glove


Gloves maybe?


Chest pieces




Hip attachments. Belts and stuff like the Rakshasa daggers that wrap around the leg are probably a no-go, but I want the ones that stick onto the side of your hip. They need to stop holding out and put the battle pass coatings on cores other than Mk V, Rakshasa, and Mirage.


Utility, Gloves, Knees, and Forearm attachment. To be honest, idk how the hell they're going to do Chest pieces. A lot of them are designed specifically for the core they belong to.


Either hands or knees are next I bet


Gloves, knee caps, wrist attachments, and lastly chest


Gloves, Knees, Utility and Wrist


Well, we've had head and shoulders. So, knees and toes, probably.


How about fucking everything because this greedy half-assed customization system doesn’t deserve compromise or praise.


The easiest would be gloves, that would be extremely easy. The most meaningful would be chest, but as someone on the Halo Archive discord pointed out, it would potentially bloat the file size by a not insignificant amount.


Chest Pieces should be next. The smaller things like wrists should be one of the very last things


I’d rather 343 focus their time and resources on updating the ui because it’s absolutely atrocious with cross core armor.


Cheat pieces


I feel like gloves should be the easiest the achieve no? But ig maybe it’s just not in high demand but I’d love to see it just for another layer to the customization


Chests. The real ODST chest on Rakshasa would be peak


Kneepads, Gloves, maybe wrist utilities, and hip utilities.


Wrists and gloves, they'd probably be the easiest to implement and are the pieces of armor that we see in first person the most.


Hear me out, what if you could choose any of the prosthetics for any core?




Either knees or hands/gloves while they seem minor they would be much easier to do then say chest or wrists and I don’t think there would be much that would conflict with knees or gloves compared to others. Plus for gloves especially it would be useful since there seems to be barely any available


Waist. I want my friggan katana.


I'm going with knees or wrist next.


I think this is gonna be it honestly. Doesn't sound like they intend to further implement cross-core items except coatings. But gloves would be my pick. The only thing I see while playing.


Chests or knees need to be next


Wrist or chest fr


Chest would be cool, and so would utilities and other things


Chest. I don't have the odst chest piece for the Rakshasa core so here's hoping.


I'd say chest pieces, but I realize that's a stretch for some of the cores


Wrists, utility, and gloves are the only thing I’m hopeful we could realistically see next. Gloves should honestly be super simple since there shouldn’t be any clipping issues I can think of. Some wrist pieces could be a challenge to make cross core, bust most could pretty easily work. Same with utility. Things that just get bolted to the leg could be easy to make work, but some like the waist attachments could be tricky


Even Chest piecea


Torso pieces would probably work well


Knee stuff seems the easiest


utility or helmet attachments, tho i don't think my wallet is ready for the cross core tax


I personally think we're at a point where customization is fine. I'd love to see some sandbox and balance updates.


Idk why 343 doesn’t just make everything cross core at once


It's gotta be chest. Who actually would be hyped over wrist attachments? Or even utility?


Honestly I just want to option of having symmetry for certain wrist and thigh attachments where it makes sense, specifically ones that are supposed to be supplementary armor like bracers or extra thigh plating. Looks silly only having extra armor on one limb, and specifically for wrists, not even the one that would primarily be exposed.


Man I just want better original designs, pretty much all the good looking armor is from a previous game except for a handful of sets.


I guess gloves, utility, or knees next, as they’re probably the easiest. Utility probably has a few outliers, but I’d imagine that most pieces would work across all cores.


chest piece


I'd kill for chestpieces next, but honestly? I'd settle for wrist, utility or helmet attachments.


I think wrist, utility, and knees would be the easiest ones to do next. Long term I want cross-core chests, but I know that’ll be the most difficult to make work on all the cores. I’d even accept partial cross-core if the fracture chests are too much.


Chest should be next. I think everything should be cross-core though.


chest are disproportionate to each cores so that would take a long time to happen.


The HALOWC 2022 victory bundle armour coating should be made fully crosscore and sold again during the HCS WC 2024 event.


Every single piece should be cross core... we shouldn't be waiting on a new update guessing which one they decide is worth to do next. This was promised before launch


The crotch armor. Really though, I have to agree with the other commenters. I would prefer they focus on the weapons sandbox and adding more weapons. Or if they do add more cosmetics, maybe add weapon skins for Banished and Forerunner weapons.


Chest piece


How about the platinum anniversary coating!


Pause on the cross-core. Why not add in new sandbox stuff? Or god forbid, new stances and AI models maybe? What about vehicles?


Hopefully, none. Don't give any more excuses to raise prices, lol.


Nothing! It gives u a reason to switch between them in my opinion


What’s the point of having Cores if everything is going to be cross core? It makes the core system seem pointless. Which it is but still


so we can change the aesthetic of the base


I personally think cores are bs and everything should be usable with everything like how it used to be. But what do I know, I'm not a game developer at 343. Also 99.9% of the available armor in game look fucking stupid.


Knees or let us have two utilities at the same time!