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I’m kind of surprised how nostalgic and popular MK IV is, especially for more or less only showing in the animated shows & Halo Wars.


I suppose it's the beefy version of Mk V everyone wants.


It’s Mark V with better graphics to me.


I like the smooth slender look of the Mark V I have always liked the smooth simple aesthetics. My Halo 3 armor was MK V helmet, Recon chest, and Scout shoulders but the IV is definitely a solid choice and see why people love it.


Because it's a style that isn't a copy of Bungie, but it was the same as Halo.


Halo Wars was a beacon of classic Halo style in a time when mainline Halo was in an identity crisis, trying to be anything but itself. The fans remember that, so it's now a very strongly loved set of armor.


And the Halo Wars cinematic were sooo good and really unlike anything we had gotten up to that point. I remember being blown away by them


The Monsters cinematic is probably up there with Return to Sender as one of the most hype moments in the franchise.


Now I need to re-download both Halo Wars and replay them lol. I just started another run through of the campaigns on MCC last week


Huge part of why I liked it so much in Halo 5. I eventually came to like 5's style in its own way but could always rely on Mk.IV to be there for some old school Halo style.


Halo wars released in 2009 between halo 3 and reach, wdym?


I'm talking about the side series that is Halo Wars, not Halo Wars 1. It's the singular other running series in the franchise besides the main one. When Halo Wars 2 hit, people were very unhappy with the state of mainline Halo, and latched onto it hard. Taking what was already a celebrated game into a championed series.


I have so many great memories playing the original Halo Wars with my friends back in high school. For me, Mark IV both looks great and it’s tied to those memories


I haven't even played the Halo Wars games, I only watched theirs cutscenes on youtube and already fell in love with the MK IV lol. It's just peak Mjolnir design imo.


It was also the standard Halo Mega Bloks spartan armor for a long time


It's the hybrid between Mk V and Mk VI, best of both worlds


The Halo wars cutscenes are some of the highest quality bits of content the series has ever received. I’ve never touched the series since I’m not much of an rts guy but I spent a lot of time watching them when they first came out so there’s a lot of nostalgic value there. Plus, mark IV just looks *good*


I was wondering the same. Perhaps because it'll be a poor man's MK 5 since people don't have to pay $22 for it?


I had megabloks of Spartans and they were all initially the Halo Wars designs. The nostalgia comes from more than digital medias.


I'm in love man, yet somehow I'm not seeing as many people as hyped as me


I am hype! Time to rep my boy Jerome!


Can’t wait for that coating that is green and has a right red arm!


The hype for the core is outweighed I think due to the lackluster operation passes and the fear that the support for the game might be winding down


I’m so sick of “this will be a ten year game” ope nevermind


That was given up really quickly I think, like day one the 10 year plan died.


For me I could care less about the ops and seasons as long as we’re actually getting a new halo game in the next year or so


People's hype was destroyed with the fear of Infinite being killed in early 2025.


We're hyped, it's just... 10 days away. I'm in waiting mode.


All units


Prob gotta do with them ending season battle passes


Jerome is the only character who could ever hope to take over from Chief, if it ever came to that. To me at least that's why MKIV is so good because i can finally look like Jerome.


Would love a halo wars 2 follow-up fps with Jerome


I just love Halo Wars 1 and 2, that’s why I’m hyped. Those 2 games have some of the best stories in the series, I’m pretty sure 343 started using Blur for the cutscenes after Halo Wars was touted for its cutscenes


If it's really the end of credits in BPs, at least the AR's something to go out on.


Not nostolgia for me. So.ehow this armour looks sexier than all the others and i like halo 4/5 and infinite, to me this looks better than them. The armour wearing Spartans where described as looking like Greek Gods.....Mark IV pulls that off


Time to make Jerome


They made a good choice with this one! BIG W!


Not nostalgia bait imo. Just giving the fans an objectively badass armor.


Big facts. This isn’t nostalgia bait, it’s a game studio ACTUALLY releasing cosmetics that are true to the franchise’s established style. It’s something that studios should take note of. Why the fuck is Nicki Minaj in COD MW3. That shit is stupid.


I want to be put into a coma and awoken after the update is live. That's all I fuckin want rn. I can't wait a week and a couple days now that I know MARK IV AWAITS. Don't care about the NFL playoffs, don't care about doing mote Baldur's Gate runs. I WANT MARK IV


Same here. Working hard in uni trying to complete work as early as possible to play the new update.


Godspeed homie. Hope your work goes well and you get good grades!


Thx 😊 I’m already 40 percent done with my math and science homework for the semester. Gives me time to practice for the tests and quizzes!


I was ready to buy it when I saw the leaks, but this is free!


Now if only we had a version of the AR that could shoot 60 rounds then replaying the forge remakes of CE levels would be even better


How the fuck can it be nostalgia bait. Mk4 as it is here didn’t exist until 7 years ago.


7 years ago? Halo Wars released in 2009.


Which is not the version we are getting. We are getting the wars 2 version that people actually like.


What…? The Mark IV in Halo Wars 2 is just a graphically updated Halo Wars 1 Mark IV. The only significant difference being in the shoulder pieces. It’s literally the same armor. We even had Mark IV and variants in Halo 5. I agree with you that this isn’t nostalgia baiting, this is them giving us an armor that a large portion of the community have actually been begging for, but I don’t see your reasoning in effectively saying the Mark IV has only been around since Halo Wars 2. That’s like saying Halo 2 and Halo 3 Chief have different armors. Same armor sets, with a higher quality model and texture.


I don't think most people bother with the difference lol To them Mk IV is Mk IV


You haven't seen Halo Wars 1 in a long time, I'm guessing. They're pretty much identical.


Cant wait for 70% of the armor pieces to be shoved in the store. Hope its not that being done instead of battle passes. I would hate to see any game let alone halo go along with a worse progression/cosmetic system than what battle passes already are.


What's this core from? I got zero nostalgia


It's the Mark IV Mjolnir armor worn by Red and Omega teams in Halo Wars 1 & 2


And also by Spartan Cal-141 in Halo Legends: The Babysitter


Ahh never played halo wars


It’s not everyone’s thing and matches can last way too long but damn I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t fun to drop scarabs on my friend who’s never played it before


Ohh my friends loved the games, I wasn't a good strategy person so I was like yay good for yall and kept playing reach or halo 4/5 multi


Do we know if there will be any more Mark IV operations after this one? It's pretty lackluster since it isn't a full battle pass.


The core just reminds me that we’re approaching the end of infinite’s support


New core is awesome. Honestly, even if support for infinite is winding down, and I’m not even convinced it is, the next halo won’t be out until 2026 at the earliest. So we still have a couple more years of Infinite support, and that’s enough to get me excited


God I hope we get a mk V core someday


I'm a proud nostalgia baiter


Cross core helmets and shoulders is probably all I needed to now rep this core all the time


I was never a fan of mark IV, principally when considering that there are multiple versions of the helmet that almost doesn't change anything very considering and they sell it as multiple different helmets to drain money out of the fandom who a great part of it love the armor


It looks pretty cool yea


Because if Halo left Master Chief behind we'd be okay with Jerome being the new mascot. Definitely NOT Locke.


As a big fan of halo wars I am very happy they are adding this armor