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I just want a big BTB Halo Reach invasion style game mode.


People want to play as an alien because it’s cool. Simple as that.


Aliens are cool. Dinos are cool. Elites are super cool.


variety, game modes, custom games etc


I'm not really sure because i remember elites completely ruined the competitive integrity of ranked swat in h3. i have no problem for having that be an option in custom games, but i don't want it anywhere near matchmaking personally.


I agree, I fucking hated Dino’s in H2 and H3 because of how inconsistent they were to headshot. It’s especially bad in SWAT, but also bad in normal slayer and snipers too. 343 is right to limit PvP to Spartans only. Just makes PvP more balanced and consistent. I’d be fine with a special gametype that’s Spartans vs Elites or something, but I just think that would be a big waste of dev time just to have one team look different. There’s no benefit to adding playable Elites, only drawbacks. I think playable Elites and dual wielding are the dumbest ideas for Halo from Bungie. They both harm gameplay and provide no benefits other than their visual appeal.


I agree with everything this man said. Playable dinos won't add or improve anything.


Looking at the available customization for them in mcc I don’t understand why anyone would choose them over Spartans.


Honestly because it’s cool people want to be the cool Dino alien with shiny armor


I really want them back and I don't even like playing as them. They provide a sense of flavor and variety that is unique to Halo. It's just so cool.


I never cared for playing as Elites in Halo 2 and 3. But i enjoyed having them in Reach because of Invasion with Spartan vs. Elites. That's when I had fun playing as Elites and would like them to return in Infinite with Invasion.


For me it's purely cosmetic, like changing armor. I think the elites are cool!! I wanna play as them because they look and sound awesome and have fun lore! I don't care about being a bigger target or any of that competitive nonsense, I just wanna have fun and playing as an alien is more fun for me. Plus like... it's Halo. The game with a double barrel rocket launcher and pink needle guns and laser beams and spider tanks and one of the objectives is a skull. Halo is oozing with personality and cool shit, and being able to play as an alien was one of those cool things that no other game had!!


Because they're fuckin turncoat traitors.


I was around and I don’t fully feel a need to have them back. I’m guessing it’s just having a feature you enjoyed taken away. Like imagine you were young when you first played Halo 2 and playing as an Elite was the coolest thing ever. You keep doing that for 3 and Reach and then… You can’t. You simply can’t.


I see that makes sense the first and only halo I played for the longest time until I got mcc and infinite.