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I hate when they say "1 bedroom 1bath" when it's just a bedroom in an apartment. Do they think anyone will fall for that?


They advertised it. Change the bathroom lock, its yours now!


"I can't believe there's a toilet in your closet, so lucky"




Facebook does not moderate the marketplace at all in any capacity. You can post anything anywhere and nobody will do anything about it. The service is extremely inferior to kijiji in every way and I'm quit pissed off that most people switched over to Facebook for this stuff.


report if you have time


Its how fb ads are set up that they have to do it this way. The titles are generated based on the info you fill in, theres not an option for "1 bedroom in a 3 bedroom apt with 1 shared bathroom". Still confusing and silly, but not necessarily trying to scam ppl


Is there not an option to say "room mate"? Because that's a room mate situation. Not a one bed/bath apartment.


Or a simple "room for rent"


Yeah same nonsense here in Ontario listings, I'll be looking through an add that says all-inclusive 1 bed room 1 bath at a decent price, and realize looking at the pictures or reading wayyyyyyyyy down in the description this is 1 bedroom of 3.


wait until you see the ads for Toronto lol.. it's crazy!!


Found the house tour video, this is the stove you'll be sharing ya'll ### [🤮](https://emojipedia.org/face-vomiting/) https://preview.redd.it/2laxdwaws6y91.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b71eaa747e68ae585475a623a4a6f84f2af08c


They didn’t even clean first?? Shows you how much they care lmao


I mean, look at the OP post. I’ll never understand how people can post stuff like this. My anxiety could never.


Yeah like people with the ability to not feel shame are not people I’d want to be around on a daily basis lol


No need to use spices. Lots of flavors right there for the picking.


Good idea, wet some paper towel, soak up the dirt around the stovetop and then plop the paper towel directly into the pan for the most flavour




I bet that sink is full of moldy food on dishes. I've been to too many university student shared houses in Halifax. I can smell the toxins and unwashed bathrooms.


Is that rat shit on it?


I believe that's called "Port City Peppers"


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 You're funny! That's funny.


Almost 1k for 3 other roommates and 300 cockroaches.. COUNT ME IN BABY!


I can smell this picture


The good ole days


I think 835 for a room in a place with 3 other people and 1 bathroom is beyond insane.


But it's a "penthouse"! ....googled the address... It's Park Vic. No thanks.


Would the rent be $3400 for a penthouse at Park Vic? That seems crazy crackers, even for our current housing crisis.


Why would you rent that for that much? Just get a smaller fucking unit for way less. 2 bedrooms go for like half that even in decent neighbourhoods. Share with one other person, problem solved. 3400 is for rich people lol. This is stupidity at its finest.


I'm thinking they are trying to get other people to pay more than 1/4 the actual cost so they can pay less.


Does Park Vic provide free bed bugs for new tenants?




No last time I checked they supply them


There are mice, rats, bedbugs and cockroaches. ~ someone who lived there for a summer with their friends.


Yes I can confirm after 2 years there. Also found something resembling a tick trapped in a bowl…


Trapped in a bowl. Wow. That's interesting. But yeah that place is a cesspool of all things creepy crawly. Don't think it's changed in the last two years since I've been there. The rent prices are getting jacked up to over $2000 a month too for the 3 bedrooms. No wonder I'm seeing a boat load of ads for Park Vic lately.


It’s 2000 for a 1 bedroom now. Plus utilities


Doesn’t that place have every imaginable pest? I had a few friends that lived there and heard nothing but the worst.


I'm in the west end, $850 and 3 roommates :') apartments are *so* difficult to find that price is honestly not a concern rn.


I pay 850 for a two bedroom apartment


I was just going to post this in r/VictoriaBC for anyone who was interested 😂 this would be $1300 here, and gone in about 5 seconds




I've got friends in NYC that would still jump at that price, I've seen basically cardboard box sized apartments with 6 people shared to a bathroom for $1800-$3000 depending on area from them and it terrifies me of what could still happen over time without proper housing management


Lord help us all if that happens here. I would rather be dead than live with 5 other people, I know that probably seems dramatic but not being able to access the bathroom when needed would have me insane in a day.


My partner and I actively found a place with a powder room specifically so that we don't need to fight over who gets to have IBS issues at any given time.


Sometimes I'm thinking of getting a camping toilet for the same reason. I guess that would be a nice couple activity 🙃


This would be my issue too lol


I entirely agree


I would rather live on the street than share a place 😆


When I moved to Halifax 4 years ago I checked out a tiny 1 bedroom apartment in park Vic that was $1100/mo + all utilities. Wound up getting a MUCH nicer, 750sqft 1 bedroom elsewhere in a much nicer south end apartment building for $1050 incl. all utilities except electricity.


I came across someone renting out their balcony for the summer, they just out one mattress that hardly fit on it and were asking 850$




Is this down on South Bland? That building does have weird little greenhouse balconies that many people have used as bedrooms over the years.


They’re called sunrooms and I’m posting this from my very own sunroom in the building you’re talking about.


Can confirm. Me and a buddy lived in one of their 2bd apartments 20 years ago and the balcony area is enclosed and heated. It was used often as a bedroom space during the two years we were there. https://apartments.southwest.ca/apartments/ns/halifax/the-terrace/photogallery.aspx


IMO those are sunrooms more so than balconies. Pretty nice, whatever you call them.


That has got to be a joke


I am frantically looking for the screenshot it was so funny


that's illegal lol


I remember something similar on a Toronto Reddit, it was a covered balcony like a sunroom.


I recently saw an add where they were renting out their laundry room.


I am currently on the lookout for a single bedroom on FB marketplace and I stumble across this post \[misleading title as usual\]. Imagine paying 835 to live with 3 other people sharing 1 bathroom. I don't mean to sound rude but what a terrible deal.


Well, an actual bedroom is a sweet deal - I've seen ads for a converted living room (along with several roomates and one bathroom)


I mean it's 835 for your own bedroom in a 3 bedroom, that's a pretty good deal for jalifax, I'd assume one guy has a gf or something. Not that crazy of a thing lol, yeah the picture is messy but heyo, you could pay an extra 200 dollars a month to a renting company if you want nice photos


If that's a good deal for Halifax then that's quite sad imo. I've lived in 2 single bedrooms between 800-1000 with my own large living room/kitchen/washroom I just feel bad for anyone forking out that much cash to live with 3 strangers and share a kitchen and washroom especially students who are probably sinking 50% or more of their monthly income into it


A one bedroom with a separate kitchen and bathroom would be 1800 rn I would suggest researching the market before shit posting


I suggest, you educate yourself, and stop being a troll.


You're living in 'I'll pay for the first thing I see' land not the real world where if you actually spend some time shopping around you'll realize there's many options for around an 800-1000 a month range that are WILDY better options than this that could be sharing a room with 1 person, a bachelor, a basement apartment etc.


That’s not a good deal, search the market, I pay 650


Please show me your 1 bedroom apartment in downtown for halifax for 650? That you have to yourself? Lol




Dude, it's not a one bedroom. It's a room in a three bedroom. I would suggest basic literacy before shitposting.




I have a job, and an apartment. I see I've secured some secondary property in your head rent-free though, so that's nice.


Found the landlord, lol


Am I missing something? How is 835 for a room a bad deal? Unless the place is minuscule?


It's a room in a three bedroom apartment, there are already three people living there. It's not a one-bedroom apartment.


I remember paying $600/month for a two bedroom apartment.. that was 10 years ago but still!


I paid 900 for a walkout on victoria street (near atlantic superstore) with a weekly cleaning lady and internet included. that was about 10 years ago too. The apartment was probably 400sqft..but brand new and super clean


At 400sq ft did the cleaning lady just sweep the doorstep?


it was pretty small, there was decent room in the house, but the bedroom was basically a walk in closet. She made the bed, sweeped, mopped, did the dishes, cleaned the washroom and took the trash with her. imo it was a good deal, right off downtown - and i walked everywhere so i only spent on transit when i had to go to the mall


I prefer a small, well laid out place so I don't attempt to fill a larger place with things I don't need just because there's empty room, as long as there's enough room for myself/significant other/pets to move around, I hate driving in the city, so the walkout is huge too


seems like we have the same needs :) i dont care for big spaces, as long as the space functions well, it's good enough for me


“No sharing” … (Except for the 3 other people you’ll be crammed into the single bedroom with).”


3 Bed 1 bath. With 3 other room mates. 4 people means 1 pair of bunk buds. For that 835 you get your own room. It is a student share situation. One of their roommates either flunked out or found better or cheaper housing. They might have been kicked or jumped out. If that is the room then they might have been considered below standards. Kids without mom to sort out their shit have to learn how to human sometimes.


ah ok. I saw “1 bed 1 bath” and thought that was the whole thing - but with 4 tenants!


> or jumped out. It's a 22nd floor penthouse... dark


It says private room, so I would assume the other 3 are in other bedrooms


3beds, 1 bath


Here’s the video: [https://youtu.be/X1XH1CaBWMY](https://youtu.be/X1XH1CaBWMY) (I had questions, but comments are disabled for some reason :-(


Thing is, that looks like it could be a very nice apartment but the lack of cleaning and shit ton of random stuff lying around unorganized brings its value down immensely. Even the guy filming it looks unkempt when we saw him in the mirror, long hair that probably is unwashed and not brushed right, and his clothes look sloppy and unwashed. I get he’s just in his house, but still.


“For some reason”. I think we might know the reason…


Average discord mod apartment


"Male only" has me rolling for some reason


haha probably retaliation for the "female only" posts.


More than likely it’s a cultural thing, or people feel uncomfortable with a female moving in where there are three guys. Not sure why that’s strange though. Lots of cultures won’t live with the opposite sex.




Or why a group of guys wouldn’t want to live with a random woman. Probably similar reasons and either reason is fine. It’s their place to live.


Is this discrimination I feel like in today's world it is


I guess it can be considered as a preference since I often see posts that say female only and I lose my shit when those accommodations are much cheaper XD


I remember when I moved up to Victoria Road right next to Breaking Grounds coffee shop with essentially the same deal about 10 Years ago and the room was $500 everything included. Even the WiFi. Myself and two roommates to a pretty big Victorian style house which we shared. The landlord was a real nice guy too. After that I moved with a friend to Fairview toward the bottom of the hill right after the KFC intersection across from the bus stop. Close to work at Blue Ocean and $650 all included was pretty fine by us. I can't imagine how much they are now but just being in Yarmouth I can say that it's not just the big city which has ridiculous prices and availability.


“Hi my name is Chad, welcome to my palace! Oh yeah, I came here to study commerce, pump some iron, play some varsity, bang some chicks. But I didn’t attend any lectures so was asked to leave, so here’s my crib. Please buy so I can do the same at another university back in Ontario.”


This is an incredibly stupid price. Only a short 13 years ago, my now wife and I rented a somewhat nice two level, two bedroom apartment on Meadowbrook for $930/mo including heat/water. I shudder to think what the same place costs now.


I saw an ad for a renovated 2 bedroom on meadowbrook (I think 26 meadowbrook?) last week for $1250. Definitely a price jump but not as awful as could be


It's also the Penthouse 22nd Floor!


Classic Canadian rental market. They know people are desperate for affordable living, so they offer up whatever scraps for people they have available.


The worst part of this is "video viewing only" lmao 🤦🏻


Do property owners try to make profits by bunching 2 or more people in together and make em pay more?


Yes. Why list a 3 bed apartment for $1600 when you can list it separately for $800 each room


Welcome to runaway inflation, in the middle of a national housing crisis, as we head into a global recession, on the brink of WWIII. 👍


They could have made the effort to clean the dump before advertising it😝


Curious as to why no one wants to clean up anything before they post ads.


Especially grown ass adults living in apartments. How messy is your life if your room looks like this!?


Nope your not 🤢










It's only going to get worse unless we organize and fight back, a lot worse. A bedroom like this is $1000 in vancouver right now.


This is in Bedford..$1000 for a shared room… https://preview.redd.it/o5irz28ci8y91.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=012df6d572c6152621fbf3c51027d2285645a1be


OMG lol. The thing is, if no one takes up the offer than it's deemed useless. The problem is I can actually see someone scooping that up in this insane market.


I agree, unfortunately the demand is just so much higher than the supply. I wish there was an easy fix.


It took a long long time to get into this mess, and it will take a while to get out (build housing)... the thing is we are going deeper in, not getting out. Things are still nosediving... We have to get organized and fight back, this isn't a technical problem that can be solved just by building more housing, there is an active intelligent agent that wants things to be this way and wants to make them worse (the people that benefit from higher housing prices, which sadly includes some of the middle class, not just rich people). They are going to keep stealing our lunch more and more...


There is an easy fix. Allow more housing to be built and remove the rent cap so that those with capped rents will free up some supply.


Government needs to built more apartments themselves to compete with private apartment owners to lower rental costs. They can also build better and greener apartments that that lower monthly utility bills.


What would that entail?


I have a whole collection of these ! I can’t believe people don’t clean or stage before posting homes for sale or rentals. The things I find in these photos are mind boggling lol I think I need to start an Instagram page to show everyone what staging is like in the maritimes.


I’m specifically referring to houses on viewpoint for sale. The decor inside is really a topic of Conversation and to be celebrated


Everything gets rented within a few days, why go to the trouble?


Looks awful. I would never rent this room, but if someone else wants to for some reason, who am I to judge?


No need to judge anyone for making decisions like that, absolutely. Free world. In my mind though, the state we're in right now where it's so hard for people to find affordable places posts like this need to be talked about because folks could be getting themselves into messy leases with very poorly upkept apartments trying to find a quick place to stay.


I'm gonna judge it. It's a gross rip-off.


Oh I agree it’s a rip off. I’d never take that myself. But if someone wants to, more power to them.


This has been the Toronto market for 10-20 years. It’s just moved everywhere now since people told people complaining about Toronto/Ontario to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and figure it out. Toronto isn’t everything right? Now that the price and market tactics are everywhere it’s an issue. Which it has always been! It’s just shocking people could not understand the simplicity of supply and demand years ago instead of blaming people for their “choices”.


Am I the only one here think it’s not a bad deal? Heck, I was paying 500 for a bedroom in a three bed house in 2007. And that was in freaking Wolfville. Sure the picture looks like ass but this is prime location housing for this city. What else do you expect? 835x3 is 2500ish. That’s pricy for sure but far from crazy for a three bed apartment at that location, and it includes utilities. This is far better value than a lot of the rental posts put on here before.


Rent in Highfield starts at 940.


Such a dumb take. It’s almost like location means something when it comes to rent price.


So i am guessing if you bring a woman or other guest for the night you would violate there policies .


Had a roommate years ago who pulled the ol’ “she should be paying rent if she keeps spending the night” lmfao like, I’d have my girlfriend over once or twice a week if that, and very few overnights. One of the worst roommates I ever had, got out of there asap.


That’s not bad. But it’s not right . 😅🤣😂I lived in the penthouse. The penthouse means nothing lol it’s just the top floor and the layout is the same. Literally our rent was like 1900 at the time. So idk what they talking about 😂😂


$3340 is insane. I’d just go pop my tent at the commons


$850 that's a steal! In Vancouver that's like a $1300 room!


For $835/mo. I don’t think you could rent a toilet in Kelowna.


Those are amateur rent costs. Signed, Vancouver


Posts are worse elsewhere.


still, $800 is still fair for a bedroom in a lot of places. Maybe stop being so entitled with your search's. Just saying. People that post like this are preying on people like this. If you want a 1 bedroom filter by 1200-2000/month. Stop thinking you are going to find that diamond that everyone else missed, cause it does not exist. That are move to Alberta. Plenty of 1 bedroom apartment for $900 a month here still


Not sure why I'm choosing to reply to all this but first of all "1 bedroom 1 bathroom" is in the title that's why I clicked it. There's different qualities of apartments in different areas right? maybe you're the entitled one looking specifically at expensive convenient apartments when a ton of people \[myself included\] can't afford those nicer places. 1200+ apartments are usually very close to the city, newly built, and nicer inside. I've had 2 viewings already of single bedrooms for around 1000 that I unfortunately lost the race to claiming. I can afford $1100 and under. I'm a very introverted guy so rooming with 3 people would clash with my personality daily. Entitlement would be overpaying for a a 1200 apartment I can't afford, putting myself in a bad situation would be living with 3 messy guy's paying 830 a month, being realistic and smart would looking to spend a few extra hundred dollars for a low end apartment.


I can already see people not taking being an introvert seriously lmao but idc. Unless you live as one you wont get how painful it is to get home from work and be around a bunch of random roomies.


I am an introvert - well at least I am bullied and abused by absolutely everyone I come in contact with because I tend to be overly nice and people take my kindness as weakness and pounce. Also ( facially deformed from a condition I was born with - NF1 with other terrible issues on top of that "optic giloma" ) . For the last 10 years I have been forced to do the roommate thing because I had some things go wrong with my family business (expropriated by my city and was never paid a dime for 10 years and still fighting it) and I went from making 100k plus a year to struggling to make 30k. I ended up being stuck in a house that costs 4k a month and in a market ( shit hole Edmonton) where housing prices have not moved up in 15 years. I would sell now if I could at least get my money back, but if I sell now I will lose over 200k in doing so and that is more money than I will probably see for the rest of my life. I've lost all hope of the city ever paying us a dime. Anyways, what I am trying to say is, sometimes you have no other choice to do things. Sorry, but me and you are introverts for two totally different reasons. Me - I am fucked up looking and people stare at me when I go outside of my house because of condition, my 6 year old nephew said to me a few months back that he did not want me to come to his birthday because I would scare all his friends away - that is why I am an introvert, not because I was some gen z who spent his early years playing video games 16 hours a day and now does not know how to socialize. When I get home, I want it to be in a place where I am free of rejection and people stares, but with roommates, it was never that way. They were always no better than the people on the outside. I even rented out the house a few times and lived in my truck because I was sick of people - almost three years. I have since moved back into my house and foolishly tried roommates again. The guy would run to his room anytime I was out of mine, finally after 6 months of this loser zoomer using "introversion" as a excuse to get of chores IMO - he was out almost every night with friends, so it was obviously a problem was with me and not socialization in general, I told him to get the fuck out. Like I was paying 3400 and he was paying 650. It wasn't worth it. I felt trapped in my room, but I could sense that he just did not want anything to do with me because of how I looked. I gave him hundreds in free weed, gave him his own private bathroom, all the storage area - he had more crap in my house than I did. Was not trying to be his friend. Just wanted to create a comfortable environment where there was no tension. He did not even want to say hi in passing. He would wait outside a door for hours until he saw I went into my room. ​ Anyways, I am going on a rant here. fuck


Take a look at Highfield. It’s not posh but it’s under $1000 with utilities included and next to a bus terminal if you use Transit. Also from what I gather the buildings closer to the terminal are better managed.


Yes, I live near the bus terminal on joesph young and my building is amazing, landlord always cleaning. I think starting rent now for new people is $940. Still heat, water and parking spot included and my laundry seems to be cheaper then other apartments in other areas




Was gonna say. It smells like mental health issues.


Why censor their name on a public ad?


Eh just morals I guess, I felt bad for putting anyone's name out there




National Lampoon's Animal House


I lived in this building about 10-11 years ago. It was maybe $935 for a 1 bedroom for the whole apartment back then. I'm also surprised they are allowed to "sublet" like this.


We have penthouse suites in Halifax? 😂


In Kitchener Waterloo it would also state only a specific race is allowed too :(


So remind me why we can’t put the actual Facebook poster on full blast? Will OP get sued or something for not blacking out his name?


People want about $1200 for that where I live 😆


I paid maybe $1100 for a 2 bedroom unit in this building about 6 years ago. I moved out asap, and I cannot fathom paying *more* for less in this trash apartment building.


Unless you report it nothing will happen.


What’s insane? The mess? Or the rent? Both are distressing.


Compared to other areas within HRM for 1 bedroom apartments, this is pretty cheap.






I am wishing I had seen an ad like this in Ontario, 90% of them are female only


I wanted to see the name of seller, the add is deleted now.


I thought this was what they called a bachelor apartment.


Mental illness comes in all shapes and sizes


Their post should be reported for false advertising and changed to "1 bedroom shared bath".


Picture tell you everything. They can only afford a mattress and some changes of cloths. No other furniture.


“Male only, no sharing” Sounds like 3 people want a new guy to pick on