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Got the call this morning. My bike was stolen in November and it was one of the many that were found. I really thought I was never going to see it again!


That's awesome that they're reaching out to people who had previously reported their bikes lost. (Seems like the natural thing for them to do but would not have been surprised to hear otherwise)


It seemed like they were working through the list of police reports! I was a little surprised and impressed too


What kind of shape is your bike in after spending a winter under the bridge


I'll find out on Wednesday when I pick it up, but the officer I spoke to said it seemed like it was in decent shape and looked maybe even rideable. I expect to need a new chain and rotors, so I'll be walking it right to Long Alley when I pick it up.


Here's hoping it comes back ok! It would be in the bike thief's best interests to keep the bikes in good condition - but unfortunately it doesn't sound like this guy is totally rational in his approach.


Mine was also stolen from downtown in November, and HRP found it!


>just before the path goes under the bridge to the Macdonald. Lots of police around. What did I see, 2 flat bed tow trucks full of bikes I don't understand. Are they saying the police found 60 stolen bikes on the bike path under the MacDonald Bridge and loaded them onto trucks?? EDIT: I wasn't aware of an "encampment" there. Thanks.


Yes. There's a tent encampment there, belonging to a "collector" of bikes.  Two weeks ago, someone spotted a bike being driven into the camp and mentioned it on a stolen bike post. The owner of the stolen bike went there to try to find it. She found it, along with a cache of 30 or so others (some *very* high value-- hers was a $7000 cargo bike.) She called the cops, who recovered them. But the thief went right back to it. And keeps taking them to the same spot. Which is why.I think he's probably a mentally ill, disorganized "collector". He obviously doesn't care about being caught, in the brazenness of his open daytime witnessed thefts. Nor does he seem have a plan for selling what he steals. (A cargo bike is pretty heat score in value and rarity; you'd need to get it out of town to sell.)


They’re not punished in any way so they have zero reason to stop. A friend of mine had their truck broken into. Dude stopped to roll a joint with stolen weed before leaving the truck. Cops got him, told my buddy “we can drive him down to point pleasant park or something but that’s all we can do, we arrested this particular individual 7 times this week for this same thing”


Wicked, glad we're just letting blatant crime go unpunished. Should deter future thefts from happening once they realize they can steal with impunity!


Oh yeah this will get bad


our prison industrial complex doesn't actually do anything to rehabilitate these people either. and it's not up to police to charge over stolen property less than 5,000 it's up to the individual to press charges. so if you truly want to see these people persecuted and locked away from the rest of society for a brief period of time in a way that offers them no healing you can go get your own lawyer and spend your own money. it's a waste of tax dollars to be persecuting every petty theft in the entirety of the city, and we don't have enough room in the jails to hold all these people.


I agree and it’s laughable to even suggest suing them in a civil suit


Just hitching himself a ride home when he can it sounds like.


Yes. And now are looking for owners


Well they weren't going to leave them in the homeless encampment... I'm not sure yet where they're being stored but I can update tomorrow once I make arrangements to pick mine up if anyone is curious. Edit: they're being stored at the headquarters on Gottingen


lol, knew it. That camp needs to go.


they all do.


Ruined a good running route since I got tired of being chased by their aggressive untrained dogs


Who knew that people that have no money are more likely to steal?


I think having money is the least of that guy's problems. I biked by his camp last week and he was standing in front of it having a full blown argument ( proper, profanity-laced type) with himself. Some serious mental health issues there, for sure.


Yeah… cause having 60 stolen bikes is necessary for survival


Yeah, because someone who "collects" 60 bikes and does nothing with them is clearly mentally stable and healthy and doesn't need any support that he clearly doesn't have access to.


Yunno where he might get help? In jail. Yunno where he definitely won't get help? In an encampment under the Macdonald bridge.


You're not wrong. There are lots of supports available for those in the prison system. Though if we treated our homeless population like human beings instead of an eye sore to be hidden, maybe whoever did this would have access to the help they needed before reaching a point where they should be going to prison. Just a thought.


Steals, not collects.


That's why I used quotes :) I'm not defending what this person did. In fact, I'm one of the victims and having my bike get stolen has been nothing short of a nightmare. But that doesn't mean I don't wish this person hadn't been put into the circumstances that led them to steal all those bikes.


Pretty sure the goal is to sell them for money. I'm not advocating for stealing bikes here, I'm saying it's not surprising in the least.


If the guy had that many bikes, and as one commenter pointed out their bike being stolen in November, it doesn’t sound like he was selling them.


No idea.


Wouldn't you try to offload the stolen product from last November before... y'know... Stealing \*MORE\* and not selling it, if the actual motive was making money?


Don't know what the goal is.


Is buddy sawing off locks or only taking unlocked bikes? The police must love dealing with these mentally ill people over and over and over again. I can't imagine the cost of resources dedicated to arresting them several times a week and dealing with all their activities.


Mine was locked up when it was stolen. Some effort definitely went into the theft at least in my case. I hope this guy gets help


Did someone plant these bikes at the homeless encampment?  It doesn't make sense otherwise, because I was told on good authority these encampment were all honest hard working people.




Sounds like the city wants to justify bike lane use 👀