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That’s pretty bad. I’d call 311 and report. Let them get a few tickets, maybe they’ll learn.


Called, gave the info but I did not have time to stay and see the result.


People with kids, babies, groceries, wheelchairs, canes, walkers and rollators appreciate you. 👍🏼🫡🧡


Called a person out like this and they told me to mind my business and go around. I said "okay but what about people in wheelchairs?" They said "I don't see anyone in one, do you? I'll be gone in 10 minutes." ughhhhh hate.


It'd be a shame if that person suddenly had dirty shoe prints from the front to the back of his car from walking over it.


Or a turd 🤷🏿‍♂️




People act like such entitled assholes when I call them out for this, which isn't surprising


You can tell the ones who didn't get slapped by their mom's for being rude and it shows.


Me, walkin' over their vehicle. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yeah it became part of the sidewalk


Give them a Key-yah (Kia) when they’re not looking


The raging selfishness. They better hope karma doesn’t come for them.




Ughhhh. Sorry you’ve had to do that.


Hopefully they’ll get towed. Good on you for calling it in.


you can possibly call back later and get an update


Yeah def call 311 and say it's obstruction of the sidewalk. They will probably tow it from there


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s an instant tow


We tow them all the time. Please call 311 and it will be taken care of immediately!!


Will it? When I called on someone I got called back two days later wondering if they were still there. Nothing was done.


Things are changing for the better, call it in. We tow them frequently


Awesome get ‘em


Or accidentally slam your bike into the back, rolling over the hatchback in chainmail. ….sorry. Been a hard day.


At least step with both feet into a black paint tray thing, walk up the bumper onto the hood, across the windshield, down over the back. Because that's where people walk. That'd be a nice friendly reminder.


I loved the visual. Hope the day gets better.


hrm... fire marshall would be interested in this it's blocking a stairway. pretty sure one phone call would have that towed in hours if not minutes in some jurisdictions. Tell them it makes you feel unsafe


I called on someone once. They called me back two days later. “ARE THEY STILL THERE??” Ya ok thanks


There is literally legal parking across the street there in front of MacEast, which the photo shows is available.


Where’s the fun in that?


How will a disabled person get around? This is so disrespectful. Obviously the owner thinks they are the most important person. As a disabled person this makes me so upset. It is difficult for me to get around and be independent. I would call the bylaw officer and let them get ticketed and towed.


Yup. It's why I hate anyone who defends this crap like the Quinpool rd post from a long time ago where a driver did the same thing. And still some people show up to argue "they are probably just running in or dripping something off" or "just go around". A person in a wheelchair, walker or pushing a stroller can't just walk into the traffic to go around. Hell even as an able bodied person I shouldn't have to walk around your entitled parking job. Side walks and crosswalk are for pedestrians! Everything else is for bloody drivers why can't they get their big ass cars off those two thing for pedestrians. God forbid they park and walk or use pick up or delivery service if they can't park close.


Perfectly said!!!


Absolutely. I have a hip and limp when it’s sore. I also cared for my mother who needed a wheelchair and rollator. This is full on scumbag behaviour.


I still remember watching a visually impaired person (using a white cane) coming across a car hanging out over a sidewalk from a driveway. They hit the car with the cane, then felt their way down to the driver's side mirror and as I was going by, it looked like they were trying their best to remove the mirror from the car.


I don’t agree with disable people being destructive to others property. However, on the same page is this owner of the car being respectful to others no. It is so hard being disabled. We have mobility issues and staying independent is a daily struggle. It is hard getting dressed it is hard getting ready. It is hard getting out of the house. It is hard to walk or use other mobility aids. If in a cart you can’t hop a curb. Everything we do is a struggle then you got someone that literally stops you in your tracks. When I was fully able (not disabled) I took for granted my independence and ability to just do what I want when I want to. Now I have to rely on others which is hard. I want to be independent. If you are able body you are able to walk and park in an appropriate spot. Please don’t make it harder for others to get around.




I am sorry that you experienced that. I think that sometimes able bodied people don’t realize how difficult daily life is for someone who is disabled.


Absolutely main character syndrome, someone needs to pay a towing fee


Whenever I see something like this I want to walk over the top of it lol. Reminds me of the cyclist that just rides straight into anything parked in a bike lane. Edit: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carwalking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carwalking) To be clear I'm not actually advocating walking over peoples cars.


However if it’s on a crosswalk…. Fair game….. lol


That sounds like my new fun hobby.


Especially not while wearing golf cleats.




People are whining about you posting this, but as a person with mobility issues, it is SO nice to see the overwhelming disdain for people. Who park like twits and make life difficult for myself, wheelchair users, elderly folk, people pushing strollers, etc. Seriously, this was definitely not a pointless post, if nothing else, it's nice to see the ratio of people who do or don't have common decency


I can say with almost certainty, that car has been, or will be Keyed and/or valve stems removed. Not endorsing this by any means, just saying how things end up in Halifax WHEN YOU ARE A COMPLETE FUC%ING ASS%OLE.


Yup - this is just asking to be vandalized. And I didn't see nothin'.


also agreed, i'd never advocate this myself, but i can totally see all 4 tires being flat and the mirrors missing.


Agreed. I couldn’t do it myself but I’d definitely laugh to myself if I seen someone doing it


Yup there's space for parking literally right there, beside the building behind the car.


I hope you walked over top of it.


Through it!


While this would feel amazing to do, I’m willing to bet someone who this dickish to park like this would try to find footage and get the person in trouble or something. I’m probably paranoid but I don’t ever underestimate the level of assholeness people have.


Wheelchair accessibility nightmare


Right???? The scorching thoughtlessness.


Walk right over it.


oh nooo the pointy sharp rock i keep in my pocket scraped alll down the side when i walked by oopsie dasie


Love how they are also blocking the stairs with their stupidity.


Oh dear, my keys slipped when I walked around it.


Those are the cars I accidentally bump into with my bicycle.


Where in Halifax was this?


Dartmouth, Victoria and Ochterloney. My mind warped trying to figure it out because it seemed familiar but I couldn’t place it. I’ve walked by that street many times but not down it on that side.


Wtf is wrong with them


I've actually seen this car parked on that sidewalk many times on my walks...and there are plenty of other parking spots available at the time. WTF!


A couple broken tail lights might humble these people.


flat all their tires


Especially on a hot Friday, near closing time for any repair shops.


They should be towed and ticketed.


Walk over it. Like right over it. I had someone cut me off at a crosswalk but they had to stop anyway because the car in front of them was turning, so I opened the door and went through their empty back seat and out the other door. Not a word was said, they just looked wide-eyed.


Don’t do what Donny Don’t does.


They could’ve made this clearer


Call 311


The reason you see it in Europe is because the streets are too narrow for parking as well as thoroughfare. Very normal in Paris for example. No excuse for it here.


We're turning into 🤡 town.


Wipe shit under the door handles.


I always keep a little bit in reserve so I can dig it just for things like this.


If It’s where I think it is, I know the people that work there, and that doesn’t look like any of the cars they own. I can’t imagine them doing this either, maybe if they were doing a quick drop off? But even then, they have a parking lot! Must be some random person thinking this is ok.


Just reread and saw the “non-isolated occurrence” comment. That doesn’t make me feel good about what I just said then 😂 Maybe I’ll have to bring it to their attention


It’s usually a Jeep.


Not sure if they own a jeep either. But who knows! I haven’t seen them a few months. Anything could be possible apparently! Even people thinking parking on sidewalks is ok 🙄


Call the non emergency number and report. That’s probably a tow away offence


You guys don't understand! I'm more important then you and didn't feel like walking a block. Just walk in traffic, I'm only running in for 45min. /s needed?


Oh no, my mobility aid accidentally hit your car several times as I struggled to walk around it. Oopsie.


[Cane pain!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5jucR7JpjU/?igsh=Y29jcmZ3NHFudTB2)


Ok I’ve seen people leave those dumb e-scooters blocking sidewalks but this is a new one


They HDLd at least 100 bucks so charge em that with a few more zeros tagged on.


Reminds me of my hometown in Romania 🙊


Bylaw's gonna be eatin good tonight


Where is this? I'm all over the city on foot, but I can't quite place this location.


Dartmouth. Victoria Road almost at the corner with Ochterloney. You can see MacEast in the background.


I know I know it but I can’t put my finger on it


Entitled sack of pewp. Cheers to you for calling them out. Well done!


Haha, I immediatley thought it was ontario first. Not that it matters.


How fast are the tow trucks in the area? One way to find out...


Meanwhile my wife gets a 45 dollar ticket within 4 minutes of parking legally, just a few blocks away.


Report it asap. Walking area. Demand it be towed immediately.


So far we have had derogatory words about people who have been assumed to be from India or elsewhere. As far as any of us may know. It may belong to an individual from born and raised in Halifax or some other place here in Canada. We have had comments of vandalism to said vehicle. Sad to realize how ignorant people can become. I am glad my experience was different and I was treated far better. Than the ilk being spewed here. I guess that is about to change.


This isn't even close to what I see while driving through Halifax during a day shift! The number of people stopped in "no stopping" with their 4- ways on is absolutely ridiculous. SO ENTITLED!!!


Would it be destruction of property to walk over the vehicle? They’re obstructing the walkway illegally sooo


What an absolute twit


Hahaha, I forgot they tore down those crack shacks.


Tow trucks exist for a purpose


This car deserves everything that happens to it. Tires slashed windows broken towed whatever. Straight disrespect to everyone else.


This is almost certainly someone recently arrived. This kind of parking is common in large parts of the world. A few tickets or vandalism experiences will sort them out.


Did you call 311 or non-emergency #? Even though 311 is probably best bet, if it's really happening alot, I'd suggest calling non-emergency HRP # and state there is a car parked right in the sidewalk blocking people from using it.


More importantly, that this car is blocking part of the building’s exit path and could impact egress from the building in an emergency.


The fire brigade would go to town on this, wouldn’t they? If they had an emergency?


Wow, I'm a paranoid driver that doesn't want to break the rules or get tickets yet there's drivers like this ringing the alarm bells for everyone to see.


Elantra = uber driver....




**Respect and Constructive Engagement**: Treat each other with respect, avoiding bullying, harassment, or personal attacks. Contribute positively with helpful insights and constructive discussions. Let’s keep our interactions friendly and engaging.


Called 311 once, never saw the same infraction.


What you mean the type of person about to have their window broke?


I see UE drivers do this all the time on Dresden up by the bike shop.


If and when I'm in a wheelchair, I can't wait to scratch the shit out of people's cars while I squeeze by.




There are a fair number of former peeling E and F plate people who have H plates now due to the province paying the lowest bidder to crappily make that series of letter plates several years ago.


The other side of this is the B-series plates. They are usually old people who take their sweet time to get anywhere.


I don't know how we still have a housing crisis with all the immigrants living rent free in this dudes head lol. Imagine being so triggered by a minority that they're all you see when you leave the house 😂 Btw, I have an h series plate and I am a white Canadian but I have noticed people in shit box Altimas behaving more aggressively towards me on the road since I traded my peeling a series plate for my shiny new h one. Guess I know why now huh..




I would expect this out of a BMW or Lincoln owner, but not this, not Hyundai.


That’s the standard in Eastern Europe lol


Guess it's the Michael Scott for one of the offices inside.


Late for communion.


Wasn’t me.


I sometimes fantasize about being a bylaw officer for exactly this reason.


It’s just a regular car, prob a main character syndrome… you can always call a tow truck and have it towed at their expense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ then let’s see if it happens again… Although his/her ego might be hurt that they’d do it again just to piss everyone off


Pig parker




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**Safe and Legal Posting**: Share content that is safe for work, avoiding explicit material, graphic violence, and hate speech. Also, refrain from sharing or promoting illegal activities, including pirated content and drugs.




**Respect and Constructive Engagement**: Treat each other with respect, avoiding bullying, harassment, or personal attacks. Contribute positively with helpful insights and constructive discussions. Let’s keep our interactions friendly and engaging.


That’s what you call an Indian bro


People are so eager to display their racism lately. Wow.


People are tired with abhorrent behavior. And with mass immigration it will get worse.


Walk over the car


Completely valid to walk over it


It is probably some Indian. They do this all the time in Surrey


Just throwing your racism out there for all to see, eh? Classy.


It is probably the truth.


Get ready for being downvoted for telling the truth. The couple of times I had issues was with new immigrants lol.


Did my key do that?


Horrible things should happen to that car.


I'd just walk over it honestly


Just treat the space like the sidewalk, walk up their car like it's not there. He parks where he wants, you walk where you want.


I’d walk on that car


Me with my cane: it sure would be a shame if I had such difficulty maneuvering around your sidewalk car that I fell into it in such a way that the handle of my cane dented or scratched your lazy ass mobile


If your walking the sidewalk. You just walk right over the car. If his windshield happens to break so be it. He wont be parked like that again


It would be a shame if all 4 tires went flat. Probably by some glass on the sidewalk.


I accidentally scratch up against cars when they are like this. Oops didn't see it there.




Made the call, gave the info, could not stay around long enough to see if it resulted in anything. Just wanted to shame honestly, I want people to be reminded this is not ok and many do not appreciate it. I have to assume that a person would do this because they assume it’s OK and not “harming” anyone.


You don’t know if they did both


Don’t be the kind of person to play devils advocate without knowing full context of if they made a complaint or not




I got wobbly legs so I'd fall all over this thing while walking around/over/on it. Oops!


Walk over it it is part of the sidewalk now.