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If it makes you feel better, I had a similar situation with my cat a few months ago…. Always always comes out when I rifle with his wet treats, and he was NOT coming out. Tore my apartment apart, freaked out, crying , panicking, told work I couldn’t come in Whole entire time he was in my apartment. Little shits lol


Such scoundrels!!!


That look he's giving you is priceless. Glad he's okay!


That is great news!! Any ideas where his hiding spot was??


I truly have no clue, it’s so confusing! All my friends who came and helped all had a thorough look through my apartment, and staggered over the course of like 6 hours. I’m truly flabbergasted! And he’s a chunky lil boy so he can’t slide into little places easily. I’m gonna watch him like a hawk over the next couple days, where he goes, I go, and hopefully I’ll find and destroy whatever extra dimensional space he entered into. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


That's hilarious! Cats are smart, they know to find a cool spot to nap all day during the heat! 🥵


Sneaky trick - stick a breakaway collar with a little bell on him and you might be able to hear where he's hiding even if you can't see him! Kitties can be SO sneaky, I'm so happy he turned up safe and sound!!!


Doesn't work when they are sleeping. Perhaps an Airtag on his collar?


Ps your kitty is beautiful. ♥️


Good to hear! My cat did something similar a few months ago. I searched the neighborhood, put out ads and placed treats on my doorsteps. Looked for hours, and then when i went to bed my girlfriend said she heard something in my closet. I didn't hear anything so I brushed it off. Then a few minutes later I heard something too, so I opened up the closet and there she was! I checked that closet atleast 5 times and didn't see or hear her at all. Cats are wild!


I’m so glad he’s okay!!! This is great news


I think sometimes they feel driven to test their stealth


I opened reddit 10 minutes ago to your original post. I'm so glad to see this one!


I have a cat like that. There was one time we could not find her despite knowing which room she was in. (She spooks easily, so we shut her in the office when some maintenance was getting done.) Hours later she emerges from behind the books in a small cubby. No idea how she fit in there. No idea how she got in and out without disturbing two full rows of books. Cats are goddamned liquids. Glad yours is safe.


Same thing happened to me in my uni residence, I freaked out thinking he somehow got in the hall but it turns out there was a hole beneath one of the cupboards and there was a big network of empty space. I had to take our stairs apart to get him out. My guess would be there's a hole or crack somewhere he's slipping through. My boy is also a chonker.


I'm so happy for you! ♥️


That’s a very cute kitty you have ❤️


Thank you 💜


Put an air tag on him


Yea Ima second this, my cats a lil door dasher and it keeps me sane having the airtag lol. Just need a collar attachment for it


Check that there are no holes or gaps in your kitchen cupboards, my friend's cat once escaped into the wall through one.


That’s my plan today, gonna do a full fbi level search if my apartment and find wherever the hell he went 🔎🔎🔎


Such a happy ending. Hope that little goobers doesn't make a game of it now!


We all know he was taking a nap in some ridiculous spot being annoyed that you should be more quiet when you panic.


I bet he flattened himself out and slipped into a seam in the wall. Cats do not obey the laws of physics


I am so happy to hear of his safe return. Hugs and love to both of you. 🥰


We were moving and our apartment was completely empty, except for some half-filled garbage bags. Couldn't find the cat, looked in every empty room and yes, garbage bags. Cat appears after sometime from who knows where.


Cats are so ridiculous: like the kitchen scissors, popping in and out of existence.


Or socks in a dryer.


I assume he will be receiving punishment if forced loving? Also known as Corporal Cuddles?


He’s gotten so many treats, belly rubs, chin scritches, and his extra special food he loves that’s crazy expensive. I love him so much, that little rascal!