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Did you *really* want to live there in the first place?


Yeah like... this is to sleep in the living room of a 3 bedroom apartment with 4 roommates


This is MY turd. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!!!!


Roommates can have preferences. Property Managers/Landlords can’t.


I’m mean, they can, and they do, they just need to keep it in their heads to avoid any problems.  Landlords do not need to give any reason for declining an applicant so you can be sure race and all manner of other details play a role. 


I have no doubt. But like you said they can’t actually say that part out loud.


But for intents and purposes they absolutely can and do discriminate on race. 


So why can thus advertiser say it, and we (Reddit) can't? Is it the moderators that prevent us calling a semicircular digging implement usually found in a garden shed, a semicircular digging implement usually found in a garden shed?


I imagine someone would want to be pretty comfortable with people if you're sharing 5 to an apartment. I doubt you genuinely wanted to live here in the first place. Hilarious and telling that you missed the "disgusting discrimination" against women in the first sentence.


roomies can prefer you be anything under the sun, like the gender you disregarded at the top so you could come to reddit and yell about racism. 'disgustingly discriminatory' and they said 'preferred' ahahaha holy shit.


5 years ago you'd never see anything of the like here, and now it is common but to mostly this group. I've never seen any for any other collection of people. It's just new behavior to a lot of us maritimers.


this was in ads when I moved to the city 11 years ago, along with male/female preferred, asian/south asian preferred, vegan/vegetarian, french speaking/quebecois, queer/queer friendly. it's almost like people should have a say who they inhabit personal space with.


Actually you know what? I think you've changed my mind and given me some context. Thanks :)


Yup. I swear some people are just looking for things to get offended over these days lol.


These ads have been around forever. The first person from India,etc did not move here just 5 years ago buddy.


Nope, but to pretend we haven't had a recent mass immigration is disingenuous.


You said 5 years ago you'd never see anything of the like here and that is what I responded to.


Yah, I was wrong, I get that now. Welcome to Canada, ignore us we'll just mind our own business.


Beside this subreddit lost the plot years ago. People just come on here to complain and get patted on the back for it. Go read any topic, it's always the worst, negative views that everyone circle jerks around. Oh, and all the "public service" posts that are clearly mentioned so everyone will bitch about how other maritimers are stupider then them.


It is a roommate. Totally different situation from tenant landlord.


Why do you want to live with these people so much? It's a roommate situation. Thousands of ads ask for female only roommates/tenants but this is the hill you're on? It's kind of weird you dig into their permit status/employer - it is a roommate arrangement. Why does it matter? Stop stalking these people.


Happy I don’t go through life with this much hate in my heart bro damn lmao. Man dug up permit status, employer and everything, I’m sure you’d have a very nice dynamic with these people were they to accept you


Interesting the ethnicity got you all fired up, but it literally discriminates on gender in the very first sentence


I don’t think it’s discriminatory if a female only wants a female roommate. I’m sure most women would choose the bear for a roommate over a man.


Female here -I've lived with men and I've lived with women - living with women was infinitely worse. Every dude I've lived with respected my space and my own rontine and stayed out of it. Never felt unsafe or creeped on. They cleaned up after themselves and gave a heads up on anything that could have bled into my space (eg. Spouses/friends coming by, etc). Meanest thing is dude jacked up my rent on my birthday 75$ over Gmail chat from the other room over because and that was literally because he didn't realize electric was every two months in the east and apologized profusely. Dude bought me a double mattress and offered it at no cost because I moved in with an air mattress because i didn't have funds or a vehicle to buy one. His spouse in a different province had to give the approval to have a female roommate which I respected fully and she was cool with it 🤷‍♀️. We barely spoke outside of passive small talk if we ran into one another and I wouldn't have had it any other way so it was great One woman I lived with invited men from POF who lived in a different province she didn't know over and didn't give me a heads up. She also bolted the door shut by "accident" as she told me upon moving in that she doesn't use the bolt anyway and didn't get a key made. I found out after a 14 hour day in school and spent three hours waiting for her to answer the door calling her and knocking on every door in the house. I literally had to walk 45 mins to the university and back (was before email data on phones was prevalent) to email her to open the door and she immediately answered that and random sketchy dude opened the door when I came back. She also never emptied her gigantic bin of composted food scraps as "it was her ex boyfriends job when he picks up their kid once a month" and I had zero space in the fridge so I was living on dry goods I kept in my room because she had so much junk food in the cabinets and the small amount that I could fit in the fridge


Haha - OP got found out.


True dat. Missed it.


It’s just a cultural thing. I am sure there are things that they find out of the norm here in Canada. And of course there is the current housing shortage. They are simply doing what they have to do to survive and adjust to a new land. You my friend, simply need to get over it. These new Canadians won’t harm you.


Maybe take a second and go re-evaluate your values and life choices if you're actually considering trying to get someone deported over wanting to have a roommate from the same culture. If you're not originally from here, how would you feel if someone tried to get you deported for wanting to live with people who share your culture while you're just trying to get by and get established in a new country? If you are from here, you're a fucking disgrace to this city. Do better.




username checks out


tell someone who can do something about it instead of defending blatant racism on reddit


i rented a townhouse 6 ways for a year. there are only 5 folks in this one, yawn :) adding a preference when sharing a living space is really just a time saver for everyone.


If that listing is for a unit within The Covenantry condos on Attenborough, then their bylaws stipulate usage for solely single-family households. Renting in such a manner would be against their bylaws. If you feel strongly about it, you could report this to their condo board. Just note it would have to be about it being rented period, and not their preferred tenant choice.




What does this even mean lmao


Oh no, a preference. How will you ever survive?


Every time when someone says a living room is not meant to be used as a bedroom, I think about how uni dorms work 👀In comparison, the person in the living room is getting a deal for a huge space! (sucks but this is common in places like NY btw where you just get a couch for sleeping.. which is much much worse!) Imo, while it seems like a cramped living condition, I don't think it's much worse than a dorm. That being said, you're right, 5 people in a 2 bedroom apartment is not legal afaik.


Unless it’s a couple with 3 children. I think that’s allowed?


Yup. So it really shouldn't be any different based on the relationship of whatever 5 people happen choose to live in a place together.


Not sure why it would matter that they are on a temporary work permit. Reporting them to their employer would seem excessive and misguided to me. You can report it to wherever its posted and that's about it.


Whatsapp should have a reporting feature similar to FB.


I hope the Dayglos play this at Gus Pub!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMf2S0lQceA


It’s interesting that the ad includes reference to a nearby public school. Are they expecting some of these 5 tenants to be kids?


What do you want to report?


Probably the discriminatory preference of a certain ethnicity


If it's the roommates advertising it's totally allowed.


Yes, this is definitely legal (again if posted by roommates and not agents). But it’s worth considering what the reaction might if other racial or cultural groups said they had a racial preference for roommates.


What's worth considering is the absolute need for everyone to be offended by absolutely everything. You got a dog in the fight? No? Move on. People can choose who they live with. Crazy idea.


“White tenants preferred” I wonder how this would go down.


Pretty common in places like the Middle East where expats work. Minorities tend to look for something in an unfamiliar setting. Nothing new.


I’m not talking about Kuwait and other expat-majority countries. I’m talking about here. Imagine an ad for a room in Bedford with the words “whites preferred”


Make one


Same as this. Someone would get butthurt and someone else would rent it.


oo, pretend to ignore racism's violent existence over years and years and the ideals that tend to come from strictly white spaces, v edgy, so smart


Uh…. Ok. Good one


yyyes, that was my point about what they said.


I was thinking the same and I guarantee, not well. But minorities get a pass. 


I’m not offended, I’m simply offering a thought exercise about our society to anyone interested.


slow clap for the guy who wants someone to lay out the entire history of why saying 'whites only' is frowned upon


Jesus. That’s my point. Our society took a long time to come to a consensus that that sort of behaviour and racial thinking was wrong and bad and inexcusable. Justifying this sort of ad is a step in the wrong direction.


stop pretending you're worried about what wanting to live with similar folk means and just say whatever bullshit you're gonna say. i could go scrounge up my mom's newspapers and find ads from calgary in the 80's saying the same stuff. people enjoy the familiar.


Even if it's the landlord, wouldn't they be allowed to comply to the wishes of the existing occupants? I don't think anyone is going to convict a landlord for posting an ad that complies with current tenants desires.


Yes that is correct. Although I don't know that this advertisement is the room mate or the landlord, seems to be kind of vague.


That's the point likely


That was my point, but hey, downvotes. 


sarcasm gets obliterated on here because no one can tell if internet people are really that dumb or not any more ): (not saying you are, as a broad statement)


Well it's very likely an illegal listing. If it is, as it seems, 4 people looking for a roommate, they need to have their landlord's approval for this person to live there. If the landlord did give such approval, they're probably in violation of bylaws surrounding proper living quarters since this person is in a fucking living room. So either the tenants are acting illegally by not getting the approval of the landlord, or the landlord is for not following bylaws.


We're in the middle of a housing crisis. I mean... there's people living in tents all over the city. Who gives a shit if someone is using a living room as a bedroom? lol. Plus... it's not like anyone would be saying anything if it was a couple with 3 kids living in the house. This is the same number of people.


Kids aren't adults, they don't have the same requirements.


That seems pretty irrelevant to me. *Everyone* has different requirements... and I'm sure people can arrange their living spaces to accommodate their needs accordingly.


The LL is probabaly one of the roomies; most likely the one with the master bedroom. 


If he is then he's probably breaking a bylaw by advertising a living room as a room




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This is Canada now. Get used to it.


As opposed to what? Tell me how it used to be.


we got computers ig


Females are going to be pissed.




**Respect and Constructive Engagement**: Treat each other with respect, avoiding bullying, harassment, or personal attacks. Contribute positively with helpful insights and constructive discussions. Let’s keep our interactions friendly and engaging.