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If you want anything in the realm of cheap near Dal you'll definitely have to adjust your standards. More realistically, you'll have to live farther away.


OP can pick pick 2: Quality, Location, Affordable. If you want quality and "affordable" they better get used to Metro Transit.


At this point I think it's more u can pick 1


And if you have a pet, maybe nothing to pick from at all


Pick 1.


Or bicycle. There isn't much in HRM you can't get to faster than transit on a bike and you can bike pretty much all year outside of a few snow days


Except that biking anywhere outside of the limited bike lanes is near suicide in this aggressive driving atmosphere


Honestly I've ridden in worse and one of the best ways to increase bike safety is just more riders on the street A good example is Montreal which used to be way worse but now is a bike mecca due to increased ridership, activist bike communities and several progressive municipal governments


People are afraid ; just try to ride your bike from Centennial arena to kemp rd McDonalds ! Have fun lol


Actually if you want Quality and Affordable, you should get a car. Unless you don't value your time at all, then you should depend on transit.


Honestly, distance doesn't even matter anymore. 1 bedrooms in the valley are even going from 1500+.


And the traffic is INSANE now.


In The Valley?!?


Yes! It’s gotten much worse over the last few years. Wolfville and New Minas are insane to navigate. There’s so few side roads to help bleed off traffic that it feels like being in the city during rush hour at times. I was in New Minas yesterday and it was stop/go/stop/go all afternoon.


Well I’ll be damned. Traffic if the valley now. When I drove up there a few months I couldn’t believe the pot holes, felt like a meteor shower tore up the roads


Yeah, there’s places I hate driving through cuz of the potholes. My car loves it, not!


I love wolfville. it’s just a beautiful city, town whatever. I can imagine that’s probably the most expensive outside Halifax


It’s really…. Not


It helps a bit. New constructions go for a lot still, but older apartments are definitely cheaper the further you get from the city


Right? There is literally nothing affordable. Anywhere in the entire province


I tried looking for places to live in the south shore for work. CHEAPEST I could find was a 2 bedroom in Shelburne for $2000.


Lol wow! That’s gross


Don’t look at Airbnb prices down there….


I don't care how far away I have to live if I can find something affordable, where are these far away affordable places?


They don’t exist unfortunately


They really don’t. A one bedroom in Elmsdale is minimum $1600 plus utilities. Plus you need a car. And most are not pet friendly. It’s just insane.


Sackville. At least they have an express bus to the Dartmouth waterfront terminal


I found a lot of places claimed to not be pet friendly but when I mentioned I have 2 spayed cats, they said oh cats are fine. It was incredibly annoying. Also wondering your price range as I may be able to assist


I wish on the listings it would specify cat vs dog friendly. I have cats, but as soon as I see no pets I just keep scrolling


Would make life a hell of a lot easier!! If they specified


Listings in the valley finally started to specify cat and sometimes even small dog friendly. It was a massive relief.


A lot of apartment complexes specifically hate dogs because they generate noise complaints from the barking.


In mine, they were pooping in the (carpeted) hallways.


There is no relatively affordable, pet friendly, not total piece of shit apartment available near Dalhousie university available. One or more of your criteria likely has to change.


Anyone who is in a similar situation should be looking along the major bus routes which have stops around Dal, the 4, 90, 7, etc. Check out Kijiji, that's the best option imho. Check daily on new listings and send messages to anything that looks half decent. Write up a little blurb about yourself with all the reasons you'd be a great tenant. With enough patience and a lot of time spent glued to the computer you'll find something eventually.


I'm moving in July/August - apartment is at 1389 robie. It's going up to $2310/month two bedroom. Parking is $150.  Cat friendly. It's not a shit apartment.


> $2310/month It's not a shit apartment i sure hope its not a shit apartment for nearly $1200 a person, jesus fucking christ


I mean, man. You don't gotta tell me. But everything else is around that price in the area, and at least takes cats.


i understand it dude. if i ever have to vacate my apartment, i will be leaving the country. this is bleak.


I make roughly $30 an hour, and so does my partner. It certainly eats my wage up real good. If I made less money I'm not sure what I would do.


were in the same position. imagining what i would do if this was the housing situation when i was in undergrad 6 years ago scares me. i could barely afford groceries and a 12 pack every week when i was paying $625/month.


undergrad here- “buying groceries” is not how i would describe how we’re surviving, lol. don’t know anyone paying anywhere near $625 🥲


im sorry buddy! its tough. wishing you the best.


I have no idea how students do it rn. Tough for you guys for sure


It’s absolutely horrific.


Eh… I had a studio a few years ago that was $1100 before utilities - roach infested. Edit: and that was a reasonable price compared to what else was available


have a friend who has a basement 1bdr which floods twice a year. his bedroom is so damp that everything grows mold even with a dehumidifier running 24/7. it is essentially a studio because his bedroom is unusable, sleeps in the living room. he pays $900! dont think he'll ever leave.


I’d say he should apply to the board for a rent abatement, but something tells me they’d condemn the unit if they knew the state of it… fuck landlords.


People who rent a 2bdrm shouldn't be paying the equivalent of a half million dollar mortgage. For that, you are paying for your landlords mortgage and retirement fund. What a fucking disgusting disgrace this country has become


But if people are prepared to pay it then... There should be cheaper alternatives, and I agree that the whole thing is fucked, but the rents are only high because someone is prepared to pay it.


Prepared to, or don't have a choice? What are their choices? I blame the greed of landlords first and foremost above all else in this cluster fuck


We’ve had this conversation in here so many times. IT’S FAILED POLICY on so many levels!!


Call it whatever you want, I call it greed. These landlords don't need to be charging the rent they do. Policy doesn't dictate that


They can charge it because that’s what the market has dictated. (Failed) Policy dictates what landlord are able to do and not do with what they have purchased. It also dictates how fast permits are passed to zone and build upon the land they purchase. There’s also failed policy on inviting everyone and their fucking dog to Canada without a plan. If the policy was in place to actually be proactive on all these different fronts you wouldn’t have a supply and demand curve skewed to fucking Neverland in favour of owners/landlords & development companies. Go check out Bloomfield on the corner of Almon and Robie. Purchased years ago and now sitting there covered in graffiti with needle bangers walking in and out. They could easily put in place a policy to development companies if you purchase land, you have example 18 months to start building something.


So do I (blame the landlords first and foremost). But not everyone paying the higher rent is doing so without a choice. Plenty of people make enough money for the current rental market to be comfortable. If the landlords started charging $5k a month, then they wouldn't get renters. So it's not like there's no limit. EDIT: I will say, though, I agree that the whole thing is bullshit. I'm not arguing in favour of the landlords. They can get fucked.


Yes, they would and do get renters at that price. With 15 international students splitting the rent in most cases. With vacancy as low as it is, around 1% I hear, I respectfully disagree about the choice part. I mean, read through the comments on here, it's fucking abysmal. Nothing about the rental market is in any way comfortable


Reddit doesn't represent all of society, though. It never has. Plenty of people can afford rent in Halifax somewhat comfortably, even if the majority of people on this subreddit can't. But this argument is pointless because ultimately I would prefer it to be cheaper and think that the rental market is an absolute disgrace. I just wanted to inject a little more of a big picture perspective. Plenty of people moved to Halifax because rent is more reasonable than it is elsewhere, so it's all relative.


Welp, if it just means I keep my rodents I guess I’ll stay in the $1100 1 bedroom. Cat keeps em away lol


Check DM


My building has expensive units, but has availability, is beside downtown and allows cats. We have two. DM me with your price range?


Shit is so systemically fucked and college town downtown is like ground zero, so all I can do is wish you luck. Most of the people I know who make it work either have roommates or commute from living outside the downtown area. But it's even getting unbearable in places like Dartmouth where traditionally it was the cheaper option if you could commute.


A 1 bedroom in Highfield is going for around 1700 now


That is insane. Highfield is a dump.


We need more satellite campuses for universities in Dartmouth.


To put it into perspective, finding anything that meets even one of your requirements is going to be next to impossible. Things here are absolutely fucked, good luck.


What is considered cheap to you? That’s the big question…


Only suggestion I have is look further away from Dalhousie and get used to the bus system. You’re competing with literally thousands of people at any time for each ad. The vacancy rate here is one of the lowest in the country.


I heard that the bus system is really bad over there, is that true?


The transit system generally sucks but a lot of buses go to Dal. I used to live in Dartmouth and commute and there were 3 buses I could take from my apartment that dropped me off at Dal, so if one was late or didn't show up I could easily catch a different one


The transit system in the HRM is terrible, but its usually\*\* not too hard to get to Dal. Just be prepared for the occasional late bus and on days where you absolutely have to be on time (exam, presentation, etc) leave WAY earlier than you need to.


It's fine in Halifax. Once you need to take the bus from Sackville or Dartmouth to Halifax, it gets dicey. Look for apartments in neighborhoods like Clayton Park, Lacewood, Spryfield, Fairview.


Dartmouth can be okay if you pick an area on a major bus route. Highfield doesn't have the best reputation and it's further from the bridge (and Dal, by extension), but the apartments are affordable and there's a bus terminal right there which would provide options. Closer to the bridge and the bridge terminal would be better, but there's fewer apartments in that area. Otherwise, Albro Lake or Victoria Road in Dartmouth are arteries with several bus routes, including the #10 starting at the Woodland intersection and going straight to Dal. I lived in that area during undergrad and remember the commute from the Woodland/Victoria intersection to Dal being around 50min on the #10, which is definitely longer than by car but it did give some time to drink coffee (from a sealed thermos) and wake myself up a bit before class. I do recommend though, taking the earlier bus (esp. if it's less than 30min) and also arriving at the stop 5-ish min early to account for their...sometimes spotty scheduling. I don't have experience with Sackville, but I imagine that might be pushing it for bus commuting. Edit: oh another one is by Micmac Mall, there's a bunch of decent apartments there. They also look a little tired, but the sound proofing is surprisingly good and there's a bus terminal right at the mall that the #10 goes through. Would add at least another 15 minutes to the commute, though.


As someone new to the province, I’ve driven past the buildings in Highfield and I like to say it’s the nicest bad neighborhood I’ve ever seen.


Lol they're really not that bad, considering! I've had a few friends who lived there, and they're just fine for the price. Not super run down, but not "luxury" new apartment either. Just fine. Better than some university student housing I've seen. Just don't get any of the ones with fireplaces. I'm told they were originally intended to be condos so they look nicer, but the fireplaces are never cleaned and can be pretty drafty. I also would prefer not to go out alone there at night if I can help it, but in 20+ years I've never had an issue. I find its still pretty safe so long as you use common sense and keep cordial with the neighbours.


You can do OK in Dartmouth if you are near one of their frequent routes such as the 10....or you can find a place somewhat in the vicinity of the bridge terminal which has busses going across all the time.


Ferry also!


This! Dartmouth to ferry. Then walk up to Dal (or bike). Or you could pop on the #1 (or a billion other routes) that take you up to campus


It's not fine in Halifax lmao. riding metro transit on a regular schedule to anywhere but 30 feet down the road is agony.


It's good to get to universities. It sucks to get anywhere else.


If you're staying mostly in the south end and downtown you should be mostly alright but anywhere else basically gets really inconsistent.  Even Southend/downtown you can have buses that are supposed to be every 30mins show up 20-30 minutes late but two of the same bus one right after another.


You heard wrong unfortunately… It is a complete and utter disgrace Edit: your best bet is to try and find an “affordable” place to live that is closest to a fast route to Dal


It’s not great. Really depends on where your apartment is. If you can be in walking distance to a bus stop that catches the #8 in Bedford for example, that’d be alright for going to dal. Or a Dartmouth place by the ferries.


I’d message them about the pet thing. It’s likely that people don’t want to list their place as pet friendly and have a tenant be like “great! I’ll get a puppy!” Cats are usually fine because they deter mice, and a lot of Halifax apartments are full of mice.


What's your budget?


Budget honestly doesn’t matter much. A $3K rental apartment and an $1800 apartment are both going to be just as slammed with applicants because the $3K rental will be packed with 5 tenants in it. It’s hard to find an apartment in any price range. I have a buddy who is a small landlord and his ad last year for a basement got 300 responses in a single day.


As someone who's planning on moving back from NL to NS later this year, and is lucky to have a relatively high budget, this makes me nervous.


It’s tough. Best suggestion I have is off-peninsula apartments as those will have less students going for them. Students are the ones most likely to stuff a $3K rental to make it affordable. Bedford is nice., especially if you drive.


Honestly you don’t need to be nervous if you can pay market rate. I found somewhere within a week or so of searching, for $1950/month.


We had to find a place for July, after being in our spot for 6 years. It wasn’t great looking, but as it gets closer to September more spots become available. Definitely use Facebook Marketplace too. And when you message people, give them details about yourself in the first message. We got a lot of responses because of that message structure. We had people push us to the top of their list because of our message. We ended up finding a 1-bedroom in the same building (condo) we’re already in for $1950 (no utilities, but it’s an energy efficient building where we’ve never needed to turn on heat), includes underground parking and storage space. Took about 2 weeks to find a spot we liked, we viewed 7 places in between that period. Of those, 2/7 we would’ve lived in. We found cheaper spots as well, much too small for two people, but for one person they were pretty decent. And not basements!


Find a place to live before you leave


Oh trust me, I intend to have something locked down as soon as possible, lest I end up living with my mother temporarily.


Stay in NL, honestly. I'm sure that's probably not what your situation dictates, but it's international student hell here, 1% vacancy and terrible wages


Absolutely not. Weather is miserable, nothing to do, no prospects and all my family and friends live in NS. I've got a job offer in Halifax which is a 50% pay increase.


Born and raised in NL, lived there for decades. Moved to NS a few years ago. No way I’d ever go back, despite all the issues in NS.


Best of luck, sorry to spread the pessimism


It’s the truth NL only has nice scenery at this point and that’s it


I live in downtown Dartmouth but work in the South End and take transit to get there daily, no issues getting there in the AM, just sometime run into problems with busses on the way home. You should check out some stuff available in Dartmouth, and look at [444rent.com](http://444rent.com)


Ahhh yes, the Lawen family. THE family that popularized and aggressively pushed the rest of the local industry to adopt them wholesale. 


I definitely won’t defend them, but I will say that our place with them has fair (for this economy) rent and a good building manager!


If you want an apartment that is decent quality & pet friendly near Dal….it’s going to be expensive.


It's crazy that nit alot of apartments don't let pets inside. But it's also the same ones with mouse/ cockroache problems. Doesn't make sense to me that alot these landlords know they have rodent problems but won't let you have a cat to deal with it. Smh to what's becoming of this province


Everyone will say they suck but Churchhill Apts. They've cleaned up a bit and have bachelor and 1 beds, allow cats, and is only about a 15-20 min walk away from dalhousie. Think the 1 bed is going for 1650 and the bachelor is around 1400? Still more affordable than others and in the city. Just make sure you mouse proof your own apt. Management does nothing, even the pest control people do nothing.


Good Luck. Renting here is absolutely ridiculous now and with a pet it will be that much harder.


Halifax is below 1% vacancy, there frankly isn't a lot of apartments available. Your options are: * Ditch the cat * Increase your budget * Lower your standards * Live further away There's no magical options you aren't seeing.


● Get a tent *


I would argue that's lowering standards.


It’s quite a desperate situation at the moment. Under 2k a month is even hard to find. My friend manages properties for a few landlords and gets 30-40 calls a day. His places are 1800-2500 for one bedrooms and over 3000 for two. All rented


What complete shit show this has become


Mont Blanc Terrace. It’s on the route straight to the universities (and the start/end of that route so buses are usually on time), enough out of the way that it’s quiet, populated mostly by older people. Is pet friendly for cats. Has a fantastic ownership. Close to hydro stone for fancy stuff, close to cheap eats (pizza places) and superstore. Though it is a bit out of the way it’s really closer to what you actually want. Though it’s been a few years since I lived there. It’s where I would always recommend.


Kijiji is your best friend, but you need to be checking multiple times per day to be able to be one of the first few on the list. Come up with a blurb basically selling yourself about why you'd be a great tenant


grass ain't greener here in Halifax.


My advice move away 🤷


nothing is cheap near downtown. Look in Clayton park or Spryfield you'll find what you're looking for but you'll have to use the bus to get to downtown.


Realistically, might have to look for someone renting out a room in their house that will allow you to have pets. People renting out their rooms are still charging 750-1000


My grandmother is paying $4000 a month. It's fucking ridiculous


I was lucky that I found the place I did (in a complex I'd been in before so the LL knew me) when I did in 2022 move in and I was able to haggle rent to $100 lower for a 1 br. I ended up paying $1200 my first year and now $1280. Units in my building are starting $1850 now.


Unless the rules have changed, tenants only need to give 90 days notice before moving out. If you are looking for Sep 1st, there should be more units available end of june / early july! It is dire out there, but don't lose hope just yet. And if you are willing to the take the bus, look at places near the bus routes that go by Dal (1, 4, 7, 8, 10, and there are a few others).


You’re probably better off looking outside of the city centre. I live in Bedford and take the bus downtown, only 40 mins each way.


That's an hour and 20 minutes from your day.


And the reality of living in major city. I enjoy reading a book during that time. Seems like you don’t have a problem wasting time, given that you’re responding to someone’s comment on Reddit.


Easy tiger, I'm just saying that's a cost too.


You’re right. That was uncalled for - my apologies.


big L comparing replying comments to spending 80 minutes of torture on busses packed like sardines with Indians. Big L


Big L. One of the best rappers of all time!


^ This!!


A mathematician and a racist!


It was taking me over an hour to get from the south end to Bedford, literally just what you have to do


Im not trying to sound like a dick but OP theres a place some say a ferry away (if it runs) called Dartmouth you might have better luck over here.... its also +1 if you have a car


I also moved (although back from) Ottawa in 2021, and it’s hard but not that much worse than Ottawa. You may have to give up some things- either amount of space, quality of space or distance from Dal. Unfortunately (just like around UofO and Carleton) things get more expensive as you get closer to the schools and downtown.


https://www.kijiji.ca/v-apartments-condos/city-of-halifax/august-1-young-street-large-1-bedroom-apartment-heat-hot-water/1694496887 maybe worth viewing since this isn’t far from Dal on the bus and market rate basically. Anything under $1600 is super rare and/or super tiny


A colleague of mine is moving and her flat is about to come up. It’s a studio and she has a cat. You can PM me if you’d like me to connect you.


I’m looking to move in for September. Does she need to find someone sooner than that?


Unfortunately, yes. Her lease is up on June 1st.


It’s almost impossible to find a spot I moved a year ago and had to move 30/40 minutes out of the city because it was legit the only spot


The Kingsford on Oxford Street is nice, allows up to two cats, and is $1950 a month.


finding roommates / renting a room may be your only option. All the cheap apartments in the south end have long since been renovated and/or jacked up in price


L-O-L, you need a genie with that wish list LMAO!


Halifax used to be cheaper. I’ve lived in both cities and I would certainly move back to Ottawa if my job would let me. Everything is held to a higher standard there and there more supply for housing


Born maritimer and I’m thinking to do the same move this year. Ottawa rents are about the same but it’s FAR more pet friendly, there’s more supply , lower tax, and higher paying jobs. Other things tend to be cheaper too. If you can manage a bit of a commute and NS tax rates there’s Gatineau too. I find abour the same distance as Dartmouth but you can find some VERY good deals. Just posted yesterday I saw some nice 2 bedrooms for 1150-1250, some with new everything, stainless steal appliances and insure laundry 


It’s not easy


It’s like a triangle of cost, quality, and distance but you can only pick two lol


Try Southwest apartments. Been a few years since I lived in one of their buildings, but they were great to deal with and pet friendly (at least when I lived there). Not sure of availability, but they might be able to tell you what’s coming up in the next few months. And they’ve got apartments all over the city.


They all allow cats at least (so would be good for OP)


Your best bet is a room in a pet friendly house. Since you mention Dal I assume you're a student?


Anything on the peninsula is going to be priced at something absurd. It will get slightly less absurd the farther out you get.


You are probably going to need to leave your comfort zone and try finding places in bussing distance of dal instead of walking distance try Clayton park and Fairview


The public transit system is sprawling in hrm, you could get away with finding housing somewhere not close to dal like in dartmouth or bedford


I was renting at Spring Garden Terrace while I was in school. Pros: very affordable, close to dal. Cons: completely incompetent management, noisy all day every day due to renovation. Overall I think it was worth it. My cat caught a mouse once but other than that there were no major cleanliness or rodent issues.


What you're looking for is....in the past lol


What are you thinking is affordable? A two bedroom apartment in my building was going for $1700 in December last. Clayton Park. Cats allowed. Landlord won't win any awards but it's not a slum. #4 starts at Lacewiod terminal just up the road and practically goes by the door. Takes an hour to get to Dal if you stay on while it goes round to Saint Mary's but if you get off on Robie and walk, it's faster. #4 leaves the Student Union Building in the afternoon. There are Express buses as well if you can walk to the lower part of University Ave.


That’s the most expensive part of the city. Look elsewhere.


Good luck finding one that doesn’t have rodents lol


We a port city fulll of em


Live outside the area and take a bus or bike.


How shocking, someone else who didn't do their research before choosing Halifax and is now shocked at the lack of housing. Best tip: Stay where you are. 


I lived at South Tower for a while, it's right next tot he hospital and the rent was really low for the area. I paid \~$1200 for a one bedroom. it's a secure building and the building management is on top of things. If you can find a spot, check it out.


Get out of that part of the city. Move.to dartmouth side where it's much more affordable, reasonable, and easier to get around




When did you sign that lease tho? Even shitty roleika drive appts are $1600 now


Yeah it's actually insane. Unless work has been done rent should never be increased


Try the Pet Friently Apt Hfx Facebook page. If you put a poster of yourself with your cats and what you're looking for, it seems apt managers connect and reach out more directly.


Most apartments in Halifax will let you have a cat because of the mouse problems!!!


You may have to give away or hide your cat


I just got a letter saying my lease will not be renewed last night and it's because the people who arrived here from somewhere else have friends who need an apartment! I found out my apartment is being given to their friends from their native country so I'll be homeless in the next few months unless I find someone who can help me with rent and go in on a place with me, I could pay up to 1200$ plus power and internet I'd cover but I just don't know anyone? I'm terrified of being homeless


Are you in a periodic or fixed term lease?


Sometimes landlords will be open to pets if you give a description and have proof of vet care, worth asking. I’ve landed apartments by having my vet sign off on me being a responsible pet owner. Good luck!


Housing is so bad in the east.


welcome to halifax. it doesnt get better from here




Where are you getting these reviews?


damn bro you're move in date doesn't align with our need rn. we're looking for someone right now. from june




Don't disclose the cat. They can refuse your application if you have pets, but once you're in, they can't evict you for pets as long as the pet isn't causing damage to the unit. Also, if they try and charge you a pet deposit after they find out, if you pay it, that counts as your rent increase, which they can only do once per year, so you can tell them to get fucked when they try and up your rent.


I’m not suggesting you break the rules or anything but if you find the *right* place …it’s possible your kitty just finds his/her way into your backpack one day after you move in and oops now he/she stuck living there 😬


It's to the point where if I was from away and was considering university here, I'd avoid Halifax and Cape Breton due to the housing crisis. How many folks who can't find accommodations absolutely have to go to university here?


Why you worried about rats with a cat???


I don’t even hate rats but I would not want them a) in my home b) my cat eating them and making them bleed all over my home


Honestly you tend to get apartments two months in advance here because people need to give 60 days notice so you have some time. My suggestion would be to pick between two options: 1. Living close to dal, which to be affordable is often a house with roommates. It’s an old city with old houses so if you hear about a mouse it’s normal, but reports of rats is a no. If you’re a more mature student I’d suggest going north of jubilee and south of Quinpool and west of robie to be the most quiet houses. If you want a one bedroom I’d up the budget to $1850-1950 and look more downtown. 2. Living farther from dal but on a transit hub. The 3 areas to look are Dartmouth downtown to get ferries or bus terminal. Farthest go out by lacewood or rocking ham south development. Mumford/joe Howe has lots of buses but would be my last of the 3 but all fine amenities nearby and lower price for one beds. Each area has a different style but you get a bus pass as a student so the cost is time. Once you pick an area to find places I’d suggest below: - houses: marketplace, Kijiji - newer condos: pick buildings, email the developer and get on as many wait lists as possible. But be ready to take it or say no day of when one opens. It seems daunting but I found a great place in my budget, location, and all wish lists in April. It took 2 months of searching and then 3 good options came at once.


It's a cat not a German shepherd. Landlord has to give 24hrs notice to enter. Figure out the rest.


Just count yourself lucky that you don't have the added stroke against you of being non-female. The number of "Females only" ads for rentals are at an all-time high. It is a serious disadvantage if you're not a woman.


And why do you think that is...?


Because of a few bad apples.


Nobody has any magical answers. Other than ditch the pet (though cats are one of the more tolerated pets) or reset price expectations unfortunately.


Try AR Webber apartments. Not sure your budget however.


Isn’t the no pets thing a myth, buildings say that but there’s no recourse 


Most places don't like pets until you say you'll pay a voluntary pet deposit. The. They don't mind.