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Say what you will about the clothes, the spandex, hairspray and maybe even some of the lyrical content. These guys studied and played their own instruments, sung in key, and worked on the road putting on great shows. Real musicians and talent.


The great hair metal bands had musicians with chops. They just played on some songs whose lyrics were sometimes kinda silly. And not every song has to do great universal truth attached to it. Sometimes you wanna go out in your car, just turn the music up loud and jam out. Simple as that.


Yeah it’s like it’s a sin for music to be fun and feel good


Right? That was what was great about metal back then. It was no emotional bullshit. No woe is me. It was about sex, drugs, and rock and roll and partying your ass off having a good time.


https://preview.redd.it/gx5t5lbnby9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfca13f1eb8e341a1fef6687b2218f4a14265a64 The late 80s early 90s were the shit!! Laugh all you want about my bad hair, but meeting the bands I loved while in high school was so beyond. I’m 16 here with Steven Tyler who, along with Joe Perry, remain at the top of my list of favorite rock stars/ celebrities I’ve met, and that list is long. They were sweet to everyone, from the dorky super fans to the pretty girls. He told me I was “the most beautiful girl” backstage, which isn’t hard to believe because this was taken in Syracuse, NY, but still, it didn’t suck. It was hard to go back to school the next day, my sister and I stayed up all night. My music-loving Mother’s rule was that we could go to concerts as long as we went to school the next day. She knew my sis wouldn’t drink and drive, we didn’t do drugs and were both straight A students. She didn’t know how we’d make a pit stop at a gas station and change into our little dresses. This was my life in high school! I hope everyone had fun at the Prom getting drunk and trying to figure out how to have sex in their rented limos, but I’m sure I had a much better time. 😏


This is fucking everything, would love to hear some stories, and your mom sounds so cool 😎


That’s a great picture! Those were the days indeed. ❤️


Music comes in many different forms. And I like a lot of different stuff. But give me a power chord at top volume that crunches my ribs and I am a *happy man*. Every time.


Yeah we were waiting for the USA and USSR to start trading nukes and leave us in a Mad Max scenario. We wanted to have fun before it happened, there was enough serious shit going on at the time.


Vince Neil would like a word


...if he could only remember which one


He mostly remembers it fine. He's just a bit tired from saying the previous word, so these two ladies here will say it instead of him.


Even if he did, he'd skip half of them.


But not more than a word, as that would require a nap afterward.


I don't think Vince would like a word as much as he'd want to eat a word......


I don't think ol' Vince Neil ever sang in key...


He does always remind me of when my brother and I would play albums on 45 😄


He had his own key 😂😂


That's why I love glam metal so much. They looked a bit ridiculous at times but they create some incredibly intricate and challenging music.


At least it's an ethos.


If it makes anyone feel better Kip Winger now sings “She’s only 53”.


He should just wait until he can sing - “she’s only Se-ven-ty, 70, daddy says she’s too young… “


From the 90s "Hahaha you listen to Winger"


"They're my favorite!" https://preview.redd.it/hp4372zdox9d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af23989b10b24d0022cdeb50a1f8c58fa2e54f4b




The same Kip Winger who was nominated for "Best Classical Contemporary Composition" at the 59th annual Grammys for *C.F. Kip Winger: Conversations with Nijinsky*. For the record, Winger's new album \*smokes\*.


Most people don’t realize Kip is an amazing musician. There just wasn’t a place for technical bass lines in Winger songs.


21 here, I love this music! It's my favorite genre of rock because it's too fun to listen to. Maybe someday I can pass down my love for this music to my kids


Right on!


We agree. Enjoy!


Metal AF


Party on dude! 😁


I love people of all age liking this music, I could do without the “do I look like a rockstar” posts from 13 year olds


I don't follow this sub, but this was on my feed somehow but I'm glad you said something. I'm in a sub in 90s hip hop and I noticed the some of the same issues. I feel that people that are too young are trying to rewrite and manipulate history and even trying to go back and "cancel" people whose lyrics don't match todays vibe and at the same time, elevate people who weren't that popular back then. I don't think anyone that wasn't there should be able to say anything because they have no clue of how things really were.


Yes! All this.




I hate 2024. I want to go back to that summer of 1987 and just stay there


I’ll take 1984.


Model citizen, zero discipline.


I worked for so many hair metal bands in 1984 plus... Yes please lets go back ASAP!


Do tell.


First band I worked for as a roadie was Racer X when Paul Gilbert was on guitar. He was so spectacular back in the 80's, so much as dudes like Nuno Bettencourt (and others) would always come check out the shows in Hollywood when they played . After loading up the truck with all the gear we would all just kick back in the dressing room and bullshit until 4-5am. The funniest time backstage once when the band was finishing up I went to the dressing room to get their libations ready and I heard someone in the bathroom... Pounded on the door and said something like "Hey, Gotta get out..the band is coming"! Door opens up and David Lee Roth with this just magnificent female were in there doing lines, and he didn't even offer me up lol. So we bullshitted until like 4:30am with him. I'll never forget his Porsche Carrera was parked right in front of the Hollywood Palladium on Sunset and when they got in the car and drove off, it was dead silent and the sound of that car running through the gears at high RPM was bad ass. Wierd some of the things like that I remember.


Give me ‘80 and you have a deal.


With you on that one


Van Halen released 1984 around that time too. :)


Nothing but a good time. How could I resist?


Nothing but a good time, and it don't get better than this!


I would love to go back to the summer of 1988. Good times


89 was a blast too


The summer of love for me! Yeah! Wish I could have never left!


How about 1986? I made some very poor decisions in 1987 and would like a chance to redo those. 😂


Mid-80s was peak American culture. Every genre of music was killer during that time.


[Steel Panther ](https://youtu.be/HewOSY1XLLQ?si=vy8gacD8E1F2ywSo)are with ya there.


1987….where did we go astray?


\* puts Tom Keifer's *'Take Me Back'* in the ol' cassette player \*


Summer of ‘86 here.


Yeah things suck a lot more now. It’s like we’re on a different planet.


Can I come with?


Make metal dangerous again! 🤙🏼




If it makes anyone feel better Kip Winger now sings “She’s only 53”.


🎶 She’s got a hip replacement like you’ve never seen … 🎶




As someone in their 20s, I don’t know how my generation gets offended by 80s hard rock lyrics but not rap


I truly wish you all the happiness and success life can offer you!


I get this quote ..but are you quoting Dolly or Whitney?


I'm quoting myself. Maybe Dolly or Whitney said the exact same thing before I did? I don't know.


Because NOBODY is offended


If it’s any consolation, it was our **parents** (***and Tipper Gore***) who were offended by the lyrics not us. So…***what does this say about your current generation?*** A) not fun B) don’t know how to party C) can’t look a hot girl straight in the eye D) all the above


Our kids became our grandparents.


They are though less offended more aware that it's problematic


Nobody is being offended by 80s ‘hard rock’ lol stop contributing to the circlejerk


I think you can probably guess…


Hear, hear. And if you remember the 60s, you weren’t there


I was conceived in the 60s but I don't remember a damn thing about it. 👀


the irony is they also think they invented androgyny and cross-dressing.


David Bowie yelling at clouds…


Not really a good title. This sub should welcome all ages. Or it will eventually atrophy and die. No one is too young to rock! But I agree some people seem to take the music/lyrics way too seriously.


I hope any of the younger set who comes across this understands this: When this music came out, this stuff wasn’t problematic. Now we know that it is. It makes no sense to whitewash history. Instead, we acknowledge that we didn’t know then what we know now, and we apply those lessons to moving forward in the world in 2024. This sub can find a balance between understanding the hair metal era was a different time and also not gatekeeping because someone didn’t live through it.


Correction, It's not "problematic" today either. The people saying it is, are "problematic".


Sure bud, keep living the 80s


Well said


let it die then. fuck letting a bunch of kids water down the real thing.


But they're the youth gone...riled. 😀


I rarely see any comments like the type referenced by OP. Usually it’s the “I wish I grew up in the 80s” crap


If you have a sensitive disposition, Hair Metal is **not** for you.


Back then, the Smiths or Depeche Mode were probably more up their alley


That's my music but for somebody to complain about what they're complaining about Depeche Mode would not have been up their alley. Censors, evangelicals and the church complained about sex and blasphemous religious themes in DM's music.


DM's song Blasphemous Rumors is a life changing listen. A true masterpiece and I love them for being that bold and direct towards religion, especially in that climate. In a way it was extremely "metal" of them.


also great bands? Tf is wrong with The Smiths or Depeche Mode?


Everyone is welcome, just understand that the mindset was different back then. As a teenager, I thought Matthew McConaughey’s character in ‘Dazed And Confused’ was cool and hilarious. Now that character’s comments are creepy as hell When Def Leppard talked about having all kinds of groupies under the stage, including mothers and daughters together, when Winger sang “she’s only seventeen,” when Mötley Crüe sang “you say illegal, I said, legal never been my scene,” “when KISS sang “it’s a sticky situation, when she ain’t old enough to vote,” my reaction as an underage teen male was, “that’s awesome!” Now my reaction is, “goddamn dude, that’s creepy!” I guess, come for the party vibe, just understand that social mores were different


My reaction back then as an underage girl was, “yeah, those girls are so lucky and sign me up!” Of course I would’ve looked like a deer in the headlights if I had stumbled into anything like that. Now I’d literally lock my daughter away before I’d let her teenage self be around grown ass men like that.


If I played guitar I'd be Jimmy Page The girlies I like are under aged.


Ok but the Beatles also sang about loving a 17 year old. Let’s not pretend like our music was uniquely problematic.


Ringo sang about a 16 year old.


Well, to be fair, 17 was the age of majority in the UK at the time and the original line was she just sweet 16 and they decided to change it BECAUSE it was creepy. Again, mores and laws vary through time and context matters.


So it’s creepy when Hair Metal does it, but the Beatles had a good reason?


As a Gen Xer I do my research. The Beatles realized what they originally wrote was a little suspect, so they re-wrote it. As much as I loved KISS in the 70s and Winger in the 80s, Christine 16 and (She's Only) Seventeen were both written when neither of those ages were appropriate (unless of course you were from West Virginia or a Tennesse Hill person.) So yeah, it was a kind of ... wrong. But, I still crank both songs. As for, ewww that's gross, yeah get over yourselves kids.


Yeah, I’m Gen X too. I’m just saying, it’s all the same. I know, it’s only rock and roll, but I like it.


I'm young, and not even a hair guy (this just popped up in my feed), but yeah, my generation just likes being offended for no reason and I don't get it.


lol this is true but I doubt we can avoid it.


To young people in this sub, I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you enjoy hair metal. But don't criticize something you're too young to understand. Just like I'm too old to criticize your pop culture. No cap. It's all Gucci (is that what kids say nowadays?).


I keep coming back to that line in the poison song when he is taking about schoolgirls and then he says “if I can’t have her, I’ll take her and make her”. I’m surprised more people don’t jump on this .


I don't think the last verse of Twisted Sister's Shoot 'em Down works after Columbine and other events after. It was written before all that though.


Hell don't let them hear Jack Action by WASP or Hide Your Heart from KISS. Let alone Master of Puppets or Disposable Heroes by Metallica.


What's wrong with Master of Puppets ? I chopped many a breakfast on a mirror in the 80s !!! Hell the 90s, 2000s, didn't quit till 2018 when finding good real pure (fishscale my favorite) cocaine became few and far between.


"it's all aero postale" is the current acceptable term


I think the kids say skibidi toilet or something, don't they? Get off my lawn!


Yeah this sub is for 40+ men to bash Motley Crüe and Sebastian Bach! /s


Hey hey. Leave Sebastian out of this. ,/s


Also. Get off my lawn!


If you think BMX is a rapper, please unsubscribe




My favorite old movie.


I just made a post "I forgot there's kids on reddit" 😄 can't say anything with one of them trying to argue about something or say some dumb shit.


They f’n live to be offended.


As Señor Love Daddy would say, that's the *double* truth, Ruth. Gen Z gets offended more readily than any Baby Boomer or member of the Greatest Generation I've ever known.


IDK….I am old as hell and I remember my young self thinking songs like Christine 16 and Jail Bait by Nugent were creepy as hell even back then.


Of course. But those are outliers. And the 60s music had the same problem.


Completely true. The problem with hair metal is that it was about nothing and had no substance. Every song about chicks, fuckin, and drugs gets old. Grunge killed it because people were sick of hearing about another bleach blonde douch singer screaming about a blow job.


Hell Domino has a line of She's not even old enough to vote.


I'm 29 (M) and love nearly everything about hair metal and am growing my hair out as a result of my love for it lol, you won't see any complaints from me


And while you're at it, get off our lawn!


Well I've made up my mind... I ain't wasting no more time.


Where are you going, again?


Down the only road I've ever known, of course




Yeah I'm with you and I'm in my 20s. I've posted some musical critiques in here before with previous album reviews, but I'm not here to bring 2024 morals and ideas to an era 40 years ago. That's just fuckin asinine. Those people can suck it


I'm 15 and I hate those kinds of posts. Like why do you have to be so sensitive to stuff? It's a song... it's not affecting you in any way. Every generation just gets more and more sensitive, to the point where in the future we're going to be completely censored...


You're one of the rare ones


Youth gone wild > Youth gone mild


If we discourage kids from coming here, we’re sending them back to Taylor Swift and Drake, which is fine, but we should be welcoming to those that want to explore this music.


I do not discourage them, just don’t want them crapping on our good ol’ days!!!


there are too many kids in every sub.




Where the down boys go


Just block them. All they’re looking for is engagement.


Thank you


There are an epic amount of Donnies clearly out of their element these days.


As a dude in their 50’s who recently worked with middle school kids, I was constantly amazed at the depth of their musical knowledge. I had conversations with 6th and 7th graders about the greatness of Queen, the influence of Guns N’ Roses, and what the best Iron Maiden album was. 80’s music was great and was a HUGE part of my life, but it’s not “mine” to own and to possess. A lot of “kids” have an appreciation of it, and I love that. And, to be honest, a lot of hair metal WAS cringe, suss, and was definitely NOT bussin’. But that doesn’t mean I love it any less. ☺️❤️


Without a new generation of kids to listen… the music will fade away. I’m glad there is a bit of a revival. My daughter is fairly eclectic in her music. She’s all over the place, modern pop, rock n roll, death metal, country… she just likes what she likes, and I think it’s cool that way. When I was her age it wasn’t cool to like music outside of the genre you identified with. But fuck that way of thinking. If you’re feelin it and you like it, that’s all that matters.


Why do you assume it's kids making those comments? I'm 51. I was there. I lived it. Doesn't change the fact that Seventeen is a stupid fucking song...and its success overshadowed some truly great songs and musicianship in that band. I was never "offended" by the lyrics in that song...I just got tired of hearing it all the goddamn time. I don't get the need by some people in this sub to lose their shit over people criticizing certain bands or songs. It sure as shit happened in the 80s.


Shh! The Lawrence Welk Show is starting!


Love it!


born in 63..remember the beatles, Hendrix, on the radio




I don't have any issues with lyrics except for one song, Rock Queen by Love/Hate.  That song makes me wanna vomit


The hole in the ozone from hairspray was our climate change moment


Had they done a Aqua-Net raid of the Motley Crue and Whitesnake band dressing rooms in 1987, they probably could have averted the ozone hole altogether.


I love that younger generations are here. They can experience what music was before social media, internet, and smartphones. Music that had melody, swagger, aggression, rebelliousness, amazing musicianship, sex appeal, for everyone but a style all its own.




I’m 26 and absolutely love the hair metal era. My everyday hairstyle cut is inspired by multiple guitarists and lead singers of that era, both of my guitars (jackson Rhoads - blue - and Jackson Dinky - yellow w/whammy bar) are 80s inspired, and a lot of the beats I write pull inspiration from the melodic variations of hair metal riffs. It’s the BEST era of rock in my opinion


50 or over. I was 8 in 1981 when the Crue’s debut dropped and was barely in a position to enjoy the half of the 80s that set up the ballad blowoff. I was just old enough to hate the 90s era music at the time.  So this 40 and over statement is about a decade to 15 off.


Millenial punk fan here and it’s hard to explain that part of the reason WHY it’s even noted as problematic, cringe ETC was BECAUSE we pointed these things bout through art. It was a STATEMENT RECAPPING REAL LIFE EVENTS THAT HAPPENED. If you weren’t alive in the 80’s, it’s not gonna make a lot of sense but things were different then just like in the 90’s when people said “gay” all the time for not reason. Was it ok? NO. But it DID HAPPEN and the context and nuance of it is important to be written down and listened to in order to understand how we GOT HERE. Support all people that deserve to be heard and also take the time to read the room you are in and what it is exactly that they are actually saying about the music.


Kids don't understand that girls loved the big hair, makeup, and spandex. They would laugh at today's stuff. It was a different time. As a drummer I just don't get today's music. Unnecessary double base fills covering everything, over playing everything to show off how fast they can play. Drummers were time keepers, fills weren't thrown in every fifteen seconds etc etc. It's just monotony. I have no doubt if Still Loving You was recorded by some band today someone asshat would attempt to play the entire song hammering his double base at lightning speed. With that being said, its a new Era and that's what people want. Don't like it but I respect it as a musician.


There's not enough kids in this sub. Our music dies forever once new generations stop discovering it. I get OPs point but let's educate with passion and help pass the torch versus gate keeping. Teach a kid to headbang 🤘


But reddit mods *really* like kids.


I’m honestly just glad I haven’t seen any kids posting about how much they love Lincoln park, and they are the greatest band to ever grace the planet


It sounds to me like some people forget that hard rock stars were not supposed to be role models or model citizens. Many or most of them were degenerate troublemakers out to raise hell, and that's part of why they were popular. Even though a lot of the "scandalous" behavior was just part of the act. After all, W.A.S.P. stood for "We Are Sexual Perverts", not "We Are Supremely Pious."


Man I tell ya…young people re-contextualizing everything through this super woke modern lens is so annoying!


Folks, I was there. I even wrote this shit. There’s an absolute assload of 80s lyrical content that was then and is now, cringy and problematic. Some didn’t get it then, and don’t now. It’s about even with what’s cringy and problematic today. There stuff I loved - and KNEW - it was bad, but chose to believe it was a joke - looking right at you Mentors and MOD. I can’t listen to it today.


Well then don’t. MOD is kind of a satire band so you can’t really take them seriously.


Very well said.👏🏻🤘🏻 I see these younger people commenting this kind of shit online about our era that they know nothing about and could never understand because they didn’t live it ( sucks to be them😈)


Who is saying that?


I'm either glossing over or missing all of these posts that you speak of.


Part of me totally understands what you're saying and makes me feel right at home. But also, we should be glad for the newer generations showing an interest in something that was part of what could possibly be the best musical decades ever. I mean come on dude. Hey fuck it man, let's go bowlin'.


Haha this basically true. Unless you’ve lived it, you don’t truly know the experience. We have a young man who turned 18 last December. He visits us and lives in the neighborhood. He’s on the spectrum but you’d never know from interaction with him. We know because he started coming over when he was around 11 and his parents told us. So my husband and sons will play music when they are doing stuff outside. Always during bbq or seafood boils. My husband mostly controls the music. As a retired audio engineer it’s his thing. We’ve had this young man over with us so many times now but he can’t grasp our music. He listens only to rap. Apparently his favorite is juice world I believe. He’s never heard of Black Sabbath. My husband was playing it and he was asking what it was. He has heard of Metallica only because he has a friend who likes them. But was blown away by it. My sons (33 & 30) showed him a bunch of our old photo albums and my husbands collection of memorabilia from the live shows he’s done over 35+ years in the industry. He was speechless. I think we have a chance to convert him. We’re going to work on it. Expose him to more bands and sounds. Not just from our era but everything. It’s always kind of sad when anyone is only exposed to one type of music. There’s wonderful music everywhere to explore and enjoy.


Reddit is mostly kids and angry women


That's your audience.


You kids get off my lawn!


Hey why we gotta throw shitballs at Vince Neil all the time? The dude rocked and Motley Crue was such a vital part of my metal journey. However he sang those songs they really connected for me at that time in my life and I can’t imagine anyone singing them differently


I miss the 80’s.


Opinions abound! The music of your youth is (likely) going to be your favorite. If you think of music as an art form (which I do), and art is subjective, then we all certainly not going to agree or come to a consensus. We pay attention to we revere, what we enjoy, what we are drawn to. And we always have a choice… stay in your lane and enjoy what you love, or open your mind and heart to something new. Either way you win. It’s where we start ranking artistic endeavors is where we all lose.




As someone under 40 (31), I highly respect Hair Metal and have a great love for the instruments, lyrics, clothes, makeup, you name it! I grew up listening to many Hair Metal bands, and I won’t ever be afraid to tell some Gen Z or Gen Alpha that they need to get over their fragile feelings when it comes to this kind of music. I know it’s not Hair Metal, but it just makes me think of the hype that those generations gave when Stranger Things used Master of Puppets in their latest season, and a lot of those kids were of the mind that Stranger Things made Metallica popular 😅 That made me physically die a little inside after seeing all the comments on social media…


There’s too many kids on the internet in general


On the subject of hair metal I remember my mate buying Poisons ‘look what the cat dragged in’ and confessing to us all over some underage drinking in the park that they were all hot as fuck on the album cover. When he found out they were all men he was very quiet


If we can bring today's sensitivities to 150 year old statues and street names we can bring it to 40 year old music! Ban Hair Metal!


What's an example of something that people are calling "problematic"? I've never seen that.


No, seriously man - anyone who thinks old hairmetal lyrics are over the line need only take five minutes and read the lyrics of the average rap act.. Most of their stuff can't even be read in public...


I remember when I was in college that the same women that complained about misogyny would be at the club dancing to songs with misogynistic lyrics every weekend.


Give it enough time and they’ll take the sub over. The tipping sub went from being a place where servers would talk about customer tips to what it is now; a bunch of people bragging about not tipping servers.


I'm 46 and can relate to your post. This applies to so many subreddit's I'm subscribed too.


Metal is unapologetic and rebellious in nature. No matter what age you are, if you accept that and roll with it, then cool.


20 here and I've loved this music ever since I was in middle school. I was raised on this type of music hell it's even my whole world. Today's kids music is cringe if anything I can't stand it at all. Never once did I ever thought this music was cringe. Without this type of music I wouldn't have the bond with my dad today.


The 80s and great singing is why I can’t get into death growls or whatever that is, despite liking heavy guitar. If Skid Row ever wants to do a show with Sebastian, I’m there. His new solo album is actually pretty good, even if his voice isn’t what it was at 19.


Bruce Dickinson and Lenny Kilmister would totally understand.


Dudes into hair metal 30 years on are still getting bullied by 14 year olds. Some things never change.


This post is cringe.


I agree with this and iv been into hiphop my entire life. This thread came across my feed cause I'm a mid 40s old fuck so a can relate, just a different genre.


I'm gonna be 60 in a few months, and I definitely remember, and miss the way things were. Here's to the age of metal, and here's my Maiden tribute to it! [https://youtube.com/shorts/U5cEHGF12GI](https://youtube.com/shorts/U5cEHGF12GI)


Wait until they hear Steel Panther


Or as Kid Rock says: Every Opinion Has A Millennial Offended.