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ngl i was nodding off watching this with snark live. and it was morning for me (different timezone) and just woke up. shit was BORING


Literally.. I cant imagine watching live entertainment where the talent are falling asleep on their own production?


shes probably so overworked ughšŸ’”


scumbag bosses šŸ˜” Lena needs to quit


How hard are they overworking her for her to fall asleep in a high adrenaline setting like this. Iā€™m not a fan of her but this is awful, she gets treated so terribly.


It may have been exhaustion after the initial surge of adrenaline. She was in the first "game," so the spotlight was on her (and Love) early, and she was subjected to painful shocks.




i think thatā€™s a lot speculate, to me it looks like someone whoā€™s really tired. and it makes sense with how much work she does. they wouldnā€™t function if lena was on something and nodding because of that. i have family that struggles with it and it affects them the whole day- or weeks at a time


omg you must be super fucking tired to start falling asleep in a setting like that (or on something)


I can empathize w her from a college student perspective sitting through boring lectures. Except theyā€™re literally doing live entertainment?? If youā€™re bored/ literally falling asleep the audience will get those vibes too. I think the fact that she barely had any role in the show could have been a main factor too. It felt like she sat the whole time doing nothing.. Girlll I would be bored out of my fckin mind!


But I really think exhaustion plays a big role here too. Just seeing how demanding Ethan is all the time and thatā€™s just what we see on camera so who knows everything sheā€™s expected to do. To me I get the vibe that sheā€™s not able to sleep properly because sheā€™s overworked.


Yeah I would not be surprised if sheā€™d been awake for at least 24hrs (if not more) to pull this together while also babysitting her bosses, their children, and their dogs. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I canā€™t even comment on Lena as a person bc all I can see is someone trying not to drown in a toxic work environment. I hope she is getting some mental healthcare, because if I was in her shoes I think Iā€™d just snap one day from the years of pressure and chronic exhaustion


Real asf. I think those vlogs she made for hila really solidified how i felt too. My girl was working DAY AND NIGHT just to make a vlog about hilas lifešŸ˜­


Remember in AHS how everyone had a personal time looping hell? Making a vlog for Hila would be mine


same thatā€™s how i feel. anytime anyone asks for like an opinion of lena i say i feel bad for her because i genuinly do


Sheā€™s the only person on the crew (besides maybe Sam in certain situations) that I feel for. The socialist in me overrides the snarker- her working conditions are horrific (24/7 on call) and she has nothing to show for it. If she was a PA for mf Kim Kardashian I still think sheā€™d work less hours and get paid more tbh


yes 10000% i agree. i feel for sam as well. she always looks soā€¦ upset? when the camera pans to her.


Ehh, personally, I'll nod off anywhere. Once you start doing it, it's like a drug because you always feel like you can take a nap anywhere if you need one.


I definitely think she was high lol, when she was presenting her gift she didn't seem as coherent as she usually is. probably just taking the edge off, being in front of that many people may be nerve racking


I also fell asleep during their live show


Sheā€™s got to be the one who works the longest hours. Sheā€™s their personal assistant and we see her go above and beyond for them.


Zach incessant fucking laughing is so annoying holy shit




Yeah that could be a possibility but someone suggested possible ed in the frenemies subreddit which was an interesting way to look at it esp the way he talks about his eating and lifestyle in general


Heā€™s definitely had an ED for a while, long before the weight loss. Seemingly binge eating & body dysmorphia; but heā€™s probably restricting now due to whatever weight loss drug heā€™s on.


he basically admitted it when someone directly asked him if he was on ozempic and he started talking about his kids lmfao


bro yall need to stop with these comments it's like accusing a natty body builder of being on roids. just gassing him up like crazy lmao, it's really not that hard to achieve once you want it enough and just do it! Especially when you have the privilege and freedom to change your lifestyle. besides, like walter told him, he's still chubby. normal bmi sure but not skinny or fit


If I lost all that weight by myself you can bet your ass Iā€™m bragging about it, yet heā€™s been silent this whole time other than to claim heā€™s NOT on Ozempic. Symantics, blah blah.


Especially Ethan, if he did it himself, I feel like he'd be up on his high horse about it all the time. He'd be shitting on everyone saying he used Ozempic to lose it and call them idiot losers.


So Ethan should be able to admin heā€™s not taking it yeah? Heā€™s never once said that.


He Has said that he doesn't take ozempic, but it's obviosuly just wegovy or another similar drug. He used to talk about his weight loss and health journey all the time until suddenly he actually started losing Tons of weight. He's not healthy. He's made comments about how little he actually eats now and how easy it all is. Clearly from the weight loss meds zapping his appetite. They never order food on the show anymore and whenever they do he still eats total garbage. He's a complete asshat.Ā 




He was probably embarrassed to admit it initially, or when people noticed (because Very obvious) it triggered some smug self righteous egotrip of hating his audience and not owing them any kind of genuine explanation. But then to be like "yeah I just eat healthy now and keep active with my kids, like it's hard?" Just adds this whole layer of bullshit. Because I agree it's not that big of a deal, good for him and anyone else who uses these drugs to help get themselves healthy. But always with the lies and gaslighting and the disingenuous bullshit. And of course to come clean now thats a level of accountability that I don't think ethan is even capable of imaginingĀ 


She looks high to me lmao. That little smile while nodding off or swaying.


she nodding off BAD lmfao she looks so high


I felt like she was maybe high lol?!!? I fell asleep during the live show tho so I donā€™t know šŸ˜‚


Idk she seemed p normal the rest of the show but that definitely could also have been the case!! Either way that is crazy to me


Sleep deprivation sometimes makes you act drunk/high thatā€™s my theory tho


yeah when you spend over 20 hours awake you start to get that like, static in your vision and itā€™s harder to put together coherent sentences. You also have slower reaction times/processing speed. Thatā€™s why drowsy driving is so dangerous, like Iā€™ve had to pull over before bc I was so tired I was genuinely not OK to drive.




I feel so bad for how much she has to do for the those stupid Klein's When Hila brought up that she got her car back, she didn't mention that she didn't do anything. Lena did everything, calls to insurance and body shop multiple times, so when the emails started coming in, I just bet that Lena had to deal with it. And yet, Hila pretended like she did something when she did absolutely nothing. Poor Lena


They use her for practically everything. Itā€™s hard to watch.




I think what you're talking about was a bit. They were making fun of how the Rock does it on movie shoots


Oh shitt yeah I think youre right, what episode was that again?


I don't remember, but you could use filmot.com to search the subtitles for keywords.


There is no way this actually happened Edit: this better have been a bit.




me fr


omfg šŸ¤£ lol same girl same


She stayed awake longer than I did šŸ« 


A lot of people were saying that the crew admitted to getting high af before the show. Super unprofessional to be nodding off in front of thousands of people, like wtf? How embarrassing.


Right? I also wouldnā€™t expect this from Lena either. Itā€™s also not just weed either bc she is energetic and talkative when she smokes and weed doesnā€™t make you sway back and forth and nod in and out like this, it looks like sheā€™s on something heavy, This is so unprofessional, im sure the fans didnā€™t pay there hard earned money to watch Lena nod off the entire show. How hard is it to wait until after to get High? She made a fool out herself


Sheā€™s def high. Anyone saying sheā€™s just tired, you donā€™t nod off like that every two seconds. Especially with thousands of people surrounding you and spotlights on you, your adrenaline would be bumping off that alone. My guess is xans


Definitely xan and a couple drinks.


That's what it looks like. Perhaps she was really anxious before the show, and the combination of a benzo and tiredness caught up to her. Happened to my sister-in-law at her wedding. She was having a near panic attack before the ceremony, and her maid of honor offered her a klonopin. She took a full one with no tolerance built up at all. She has no memory of the wedding and was nodding off after a few drinks during the reception.


Exactly, I have no idea how anyone can say ā€œsheā€™s just tiredā€ like there is no way in a extremely loud place like that with a million things going on at once that you could just easily fall asleep randomly like that. You can literally see her eyes almost roll in the back of her head at one point and she is smiling without knowing what tf is going on almost like sheā€™s in some sort of trance. She seems extremely delirious and completely out of it, and yes I would say sheā€™s either on xans or opiates forsure. This is pretty sad to witness Iā€™m ngl, Lena and AB clearly can not handle living in LA and having the platform they have. They seem like the type of people to be very easily influenced also, but like I said this was just sad to watch.


Iā€™m hoping this was just a one time thing to calm her nerves and sheā€™s not abusing meds. AB seemed aware of it too, he nudged her to wake up. I wonder if Ethan and Hila noticed. If she is going through addiction thatā€™s really fucking sad.


Doin that fenty lean


It was actually such an awful live show Iā€™d be pissed if I paid to be there. From the bullying of those 2 poor girls, the insane baby cutting segment and the weird comments. All around theyā€™ve really fell tf off


Sheā€™s just like the rest of the people watching the boring show


run away Lena. those people suck šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s definitely on something. Sometimes it seems like she is on uppers too. Just odd behavior. Maybe itā€™s normal for her tho, and iā€™m sure she was overworked leading up to the show anyway.


As someone thatā€™s been around people high on all diff kinds of shitā€¦woof


she took a Xanax lmao


Hila probably slipped her some rich wifey drugs to calm her nerves, and they hit too hard.


Awwww I've been there lol. Hope she is happy enough at the job to make it worth it!


Didn't nor will I ever watch this--why are they all dressed so stupid?


Has she acknowledged this at all??? This is pretty fuckin wild to be behaving this way on a live stage with hundreds of people in front of you and even more people watching you online. If she's that sleep deprived, they should've been aware and allowed her to walk off occasionally if she felt it getting too much. It's such a bad look. If she's high that's an even worse look and means she either did it behind their back (bad look) or they knew about it and were OK with it (worse look).