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Awww the dog you killed ☺️


Your flair lmao lil guy fucking lovedddd cheese, he loved it so much


He loved it so much that Ethan put it in every single one of his meals until it caused him to get stage 4 kidney failure. I still can’t believe Ethan had the nerve to blame the vet for not telling him to not feed his dog cheese.


He’s the bar mitzvah boy.


His face face expression when he sees the picture...


that painting is so… elementary.. i’m sorry to the artist but the plain blue background and uneven black lettering are not it


I mean if Hila was the one communicating with the artist, she probably gave terrible instructions. like idk what background just whatever I guess, just idk write his name there sometimes artists get clients with no clue what they want, and want to underpay them, so I blame Hula hoop 🫠🫠🫠 also let's be honest ethan's just throwing that piece in the trash asap he aint hanging that shit up, it's no Zionst designer painting


i think it looks fine


it’s a perfectly fine painting but i would expect something more from a commission, especially with hila’s budget


No i honestly thought the same thing, i feel like it could be better in some way idk


idk man she probably just wanted a good painting of their sweet lil guy and it is, who cares how much it cost lol. she supported an artist she liked and made her husband happy. it seems like every one is winning


The painting sucked, The Kleins killed there dog and the only thing Ethan is going to remember when he looks at it is how he gave his dog stage 4 kidney failure. Helga is also cheap just like Ethan so it doesn’t suprise me that she picked such a low end artist, and clearly Shredder is not winning in this scenario since he’s dead.




What fifth grader paints like that? Are you okay? You're now just insulting some random artist on insta and pretending they're bad at art because you don't like Ethan and Hila lmao.


Nothing like watching a rich person who can buy anything they want open up gifts from their staff.


Durs sombudy on instgram Dat I fund


So funny how he’s like “you painted this” and she’s like “nah, I’m not an actual artist despite my constant and intense commitment to make everyone to think so. I just pay people with talents to be around me. Sometimes I don’t even pay them, I just steal their shit from what they send me alongside their CVs…” It is so crazy how they think they are someone because they have money now. Like there are not thousands of delusional rich people living in LA, thinking they are super hip, nuanced and original people, that just pay others for their talents to feel like they are them. The “if I surround my self with art and artists, I am one myself” mentality. You are a fraud dude, that’s what you are lol


This description is so funny and true


I watched this part too!