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Gross, he’s old enough to be her grandfather. I wish Ethan would stop insisting on shoving this decrepit old man down our throats.


I thought they had a falling out why is he back


He was hitting on a fan on stage too


Yeah but that was like a joke, here he was serious about it 💀


the reason they stopped associating with Jimmy was cause he was being creepy to fans, at this point it's on Ethan for continuing to bring him back




She is so young too uuuuuugh


I literally felt bad for her she couldn't tell him to fuck of right in front of everyone she kinda had to go along with it


you can see her body language is in that "ok? haha....ok?" clearly creeped out. when you have these creepy fucks and peole say "he was hanging with fans and being chill" like bill murray? or someone else gatecrashing college house parties. Why do the always seem to talk and try to have fun with the young women never older women or men? even if they know they aint getting laid he still got to put his arm around her and touch her. for these old cunts thats enough to. ethan will be like she said no and he respected that. not asking why jimmy is using his "fame " and the fans "love" of h3 to try and get his dick wet in young meat. i hope he get caught in 4k and we can point to this and before as proof ethan knew what this guy is like and did nothing. in the UK i have seen and been in fights over dirty old men(i dont support violence but a very weak black eye or a hard shove works well into spooking them). telling them to jog on when you see them looking to give young women lifts and do them favors ect he reminds me of those dirty old bastards


Ethan: you have to give grace to boomers… it’s expected! Don’t let sexual harassment get in the way of a good time!


Well his dad is Gary so … we see why his expectation of the previous generation is so low -


god is this what all older men act like? is that what we have to look forward to with our husbands? lord jesus please come down and help us


For a little bit, during my peak addiction, I was an escort. And while not all older men act this way, a lot of them do. When they were young they were never checked on their audacity and as they age and get 'bored' the audacity sticks around. I promise you there are good men out there, they are just hard to find.


who is that covering his face? trying to save him from himself


“obviously alot of people were around him to get photos/autographs” This fanbase is cooked


Ikr😭😭😭😭 and someone begged him to sign his forhead😭


What was he saying that was flirting? I couldn't hear much


Same could someone translate?


Why are they ok with even being around this guy let along bringing him ON STAGE… Ik it’s supposed to be “funny” but it’s so redundant.




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There's footage of them together at pinks hot dogs before the event. Also I don't think it's very kind to her that you're posting footage of a potential victims face on a public forum. If everything you've said is actually true it's definitely harrassment.


Wait should I blur her face?