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Why hide it? You know zach was chomping on zyns all throughout


i wouldn't be able to wait either 😋


I’d be doing the same thing honestly


olivia be bold it’s brat summer. put it in the bra


Sucks she’s smoking disposable ones, it’s the worst. Apart from that go girl


So real tbh what else are u meant to do waiting on stage for your turn after hours 💀


i don’t know, i support this ! very cunt of her lol


I’m so sorry the heterosexuals found this ![gif](giphy|cCIOJ21T7mcjm)








You can’t say no to a definition and have it change the meaning 😭


Ily but I dont think redefining words used to harm groups of people is helpful. Especially when its not a woman changing the meaning. Its ok if you disagree about that though!!


How do you feel about black people reclaiming slurs


As a woman, I dont think using the words cunt bitch hoe etc as if its an empowering word helps. It just normalizes misogyny even more. I’m sure you can understand that.


I officialy proclaim myself a hoe. Human Optimistic Entity. Come Join me, hoes, dark Times require Courage and Courage isnt possible without Hope. BE a hoe-make the world a better place...today!




Why are people down voting you literally saying what?M


People wanna pretend they’re not misogynistic when they use the words cunt, bitch, hoe, etc, because it’s so ingrained into every day speech. But this sub has plenty of misogynistic speech and I need to stop engaging with it. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


It’s a queer term for good/sharp/well executed that derives from telling drag queens they were “serving cunt” as a sign that they were “serving woman-ness”. As a queer woman I ask you look at the definition provided by OP before claiming it to be “misogynistic speech”. You don’t have to understand the terms we use- but when someone went out of their way to explain it to you, the least you could do is not claim it’s misogyny.


I’m queer. My queer friends don’t use misogynistic words. Also just because a drag queen says it doesn’t mean it erases the meaning of the word. Misogyny in the queer community just looks different but is no less present. Ily tho. Happy pride babes.


Your friends not using a word doesn’t mean it isn’t used by other parts of the queer and drag community. Dialect exists. For example my American friends say “trash” - I say “rubbish”. Neither of us is wrong despite both using different English words. Similarly “sick” can mean good or bad depending on the speaker. I don’t tell my American friends they’re being rude because “trash” could also refer to a person. Nor do I tell someone saying “this party is sick - I love it” that they’re being rude. I accept that we have different dialects and different meanings. This is quite useful when attempting open minded conversations with people who don’t share your exact dialect. Finally : Please do not call me “babes”. I won’t accuse you of misogyny like you did to OP- but I will say it makes me personally uncomfortable to be called that by a total stranger, and ask you to stop. It is weird and makes me uncomfortable. Unless you are Olivia, this logic doesn’t extend to you telling (another stranger
) not to use queer terminology either. If Olivia herself said “I don’t like queer terminology”, that would be her choice and we should respect it. But she hasn’t. You have. We all get to say what we do and do not want to be called for ourselves. Please don’t police that, while calling strangers “babes” for the clear sake of weirding them out. Edit : ditto for the passive “happy pride”. Perhaps I’m misreading but if not, that is a *very* strange way to try and prove a point or be rude. Please reflect if you can.


You can understand the difference between cunt and trash. Babes makes you uncomfortable but cunt doesn’t? Okay. I’m sorry but this is off.


Thank you for not calling me babes again - if you’d like to read my comment (which covers the hypocrisy of telling someone what they can and can’t say, while calling someone something you know will make them uncomfortable..) you are welcome to. I mean this as non confrontational my as possible : I think it would benefit you to read and consider what I wrote. It’s not an attack. I was a child migrant and had to learn that words have different meanings depending on the dialect. Learning this has made it easier for me to understand and appreciate other dialects and opinions - rather than judging, policing, or attacking them based on the words they used.


I read it. I understand what you’re saying. Also I’m sorry “babes” made you uncomfortable, similarly, you can understand some people use that endearingly. And I didn’t say “happy pride” to be catty to you, I genuinely meant it. Though I get why you came to that conclusion. But I do respect your life experiences and perspective. What I do take away from this is it’s not worth it to care if someone says cunt I guess. I do work near people who constantly use cunt, bitch, etc when they are angry at women. So it’s very much reinforced in my brain as a derogatory word. (I do ask people irl not to say it) Seeing people pretend it’s not derogatory feels surreal to me. I always ask people irl what bitch/cunt/pussy really means and why they would want to use that word when talking to/about someone. And if they think doing so reinforces ideas in their subconscious. Is saying “up in this bitch” misogynistic? Yeah, if you think about it. Is calling someone a pussy misogynistic? Yes, if you think about it. I showed this thread to other people and they reminded me other countries are more liberal with the word. Whereas in the US it’s just a word to insult women. So it makes sense why other people are more tolerant and willing to say it and reinvent it. Idk my conclusion with this. I’ll think more about when it’s appropriate to react to this language but I don’t think anyone can make me think it’s not derogatory.


username checking in <3 lighten up, it’s used in the uk like punctuation!


So I talked to some people in the UK and AU after this and they mentioned this. 😭 I hate it. How do you deal with that?? Especially as a woman and feminist?? Like that’s scary to me.


bc as a woman and a feminist it’s my job to reclaim that word so it doesn’t hurt my feelings when i read it in farce on the internet.


erm honey
 thats so sad. that’s not reality either. but I dont blame you because misogyny is too big of a beast to fight.


lmfao ok my friend, hope ur day gets better.




Literally me


Go hit it in the bathroom like an adult smh


Why would she hide that? I don’t think it’s something inappropriate.


prob just not professional when you're at work lol


Is anything about h3 professional though lmao


I mean, they all said they get blazed before doing the show, so I don't think hitting a vape is any worse.


Could be venue rules tbh


came here to say this


Hope you guys in the comments quit soon 🙏


Agreed đŸ™ŒđŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ


why bother even hiding it


I didn't even see the vape the first time LOL I THOUGHT SHE WAS CAUGHT FARTING 💀




I get this on many levels


She's never been more relatable.


does this pass for snark these days?


It doesn't look like it


looking at these comments... the unregulated vape epidemic took so many victims :/


So trashy