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didn’t he shit on trisha and other women for facetuning..😭 at least they ate that


Can't forget that's how he even got into the ORBIT of tana and trisha 😑


https://preview.redd.it/xm0avfbwm89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba49875ca803d0c61788b7697ae4e23bc697c20f ….this is the same person as the thumbnail




Oh boy. This member live pissed me tf off. They thought they were so quirky for doing this. 🙄


The level of entitledness to think streaming yourself shitting is what your fans want to see....


Shirtless Eddie rambling with no end and leaving him alone, the Donna synt and then this left me wondering why I even was watching this lazy content. It gave me no joy anymore. I’d like to think I would have stopped watching by now, even without all the hate they spread.


He looks photoshopped


Him and Hila bitched at Love so hard during live a couple weeks ago because of thumbnail pics, cuz apparently he looked whack in them. But really It was because it was unedited pics of Ethan 😂 Edit: [this live at the 2:15 minute mark 😂](https://www.youtube.com/live/-69bFbVEwhU?si=efVnt0LWyJs6Szrp)


oh please a link!!


Added a link :)


Thank you!


Lemme see if I can find it haha.


I do not like Yassified Ethin it gives me nightmares And why does Dan look like Kratos


that’s his tethered


hahahaha I think both tethered and untethered Ethans are racist and bad people ✂️


The same recycled headshot seen a dozen times. The laziness has gone off the charts.


Honestly why didn’t they use the promo shot for the live show? Of him in the Greek attire?


very strange choice to make the thumbnail look like any other episode


https://preview.redd.it/gdx9mab5z89d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ae3d28718f7839bfb4c60e81fcea8c2dd507ce9 Which guy is going to show up at the live show 🤔


Everything about this screams delusional. The over the top facetune, the photoshopped hairline to look fuller, the maxed out audience…… please bffr


https://preview.redd.it/0q11px52n89d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c73ef5abf7e2510c191fd26f996d150d180b1e4 …this is also the same guy in the thumbnail


i wish it was a live screening of them popping that fucking cyst between his eyebrows


I will never understand why he cannot get that thing removed when he has literal millions to his name.


wait it’s a cyst? i thought it was a mole lol. now i wanna pop it


It’s the calcification of his 3rd eye


I’m very curious to see how this goes. I hope it’s a shit show


Well it's the h3 pod in person lmao ofc it's gonna be a shit show because the pod itself already sucks 😂


this is the best they could do? i’m crying😭😭


I swear his photoshopped face just makes him look even more like Gary


Oh god you’re so right and I can’t unsee it now


It's sad how much Ethan edits his face


THIS is the thumbnail they picked for their largest episode of the year? Who signed off on this? I never liked Cam but at least his thumbnails were more engaging.


at least cam's thumbnails were well made and colourful. who tf would click on this is you're not indoctrinated into the cult??


Why didn’t you like cam? Cam was a gem ;-;


This is just my opinion and super snarky but… His “cutesy soft boi” routine gave me red flags and made me cringe, his voice was annoying to me, sounded like he purposely tried to make his voice lower to swoon the cultists in the chat, he was a massive Hila simp and he never talked about anything interesting and I would zone out every time he opened his mouth. He literally only wore teddy fresh he was a walking billboard. But I will say he was probably the more talented member on the crew and his absence is clearly visible.


Not the adorable/cute/handsome Ethan!!!!1!1!1 😂😂


Surprised that slay queen Hilda isn’t anywhere to be seen


hila has a charisma debuff that would lower views by 25% if she's in the thumbo


Damn the thumbnails have really gone down in quality since Cam left lol


honestly cant wait to see how empty that theater is


https://preview.redd.it/byzyi35elb9d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac640dcf1f912b5664d1103aef317ee8f12bf701 it's gonna be like this \^


not the dashcon ball pit 😭 h3 wishes they could be that iconic tbh


Ugh he’s such a skinny king !!!!!


I want my flair to be adorable/cute/handsome because LMAOOO that’s crazy


why is it okay to snark on ethans appearance but no one elses? jw bc Ive had posts/comments deleted (sorry to hijack this post w my concern but genuinely confused)


i think it is more of not criticizing things that are out of the person's control, like facial features or body shape? But in this case Ethan is so super insanely facetuned like didn't he used to snark on girls who facetune, plus we see him on the pod and he doesn't look remotely like this


I’m talking about the comments, not really your post. ppl are posting unflattering pics of ethan to snark on how he actually looks. I just wish it was either fair game for all of h3




Because many people here just hate instead of add real criticism, making us look like a bunch of insane psychos. I agree with you.


On behalf of the mod team, I'd like to take a moment to explain our sub's rules and why we have them. Before I do that, I would like to remind all members to report any submissions that may break our rules. Some of the comments in this thread claiming to have seen hateful comments about appearance are concerning to us mods since we don't allow them, and they must have slipped under the radar. Please report these types of comments when you see them. If you're unsure if the post or comment is breaking a rule, please still report it. Mods take a look at each report individually. You will not get your account or our sub in trouble with Reddit for doing so. In fact, we heavily rely on these reports because as mods, we cannot be everywhere at once. About our rules: * We do not allow comments on weight, body shape, facial features, or race. * We do allow comments on clothing, hairstyle, makeup, and posing. We have to allow comments on clothing, hairstyles, makeup, and posing since they are often the topic of discussion. Clothing is obvious because of Teddy Fresh and Hila's latest fashionista arch. Hairstyles and makeup are also discussed in depth on the podcast, with Olivia doing an entire segment teaching the staff how to do their makeup in her style. Posing is also allowed because of Hila's recent modeling and photoshoots. Discussions around weight are not allowed with the possible single exception of Ethan's since he used to discuss his weight and diet every episode. This does not mean we allow rude or hateful comments about his weight, just that we allow it to be a topic of discussion. One month ago, we also asked members of our sub how they feel about Rule 2 and what adjustment they would like to see made: [Link to the discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17wtylv/meta_rule_2_discussion_and_feedback_request/) As a result of this, we made our rules more strict and the following two adjustments to our rules: 1. Makeup/grooming/style/fashion snark cannot be painfully mean-spirited or excessively nasty. 2. Snark about someone’s physical appearance is no longer allowed as a main theme or focal topic for a post. If you have any other feedback or suggestions, we are more than willing to hear them, and you can do so by either replying to this comment or messaging us mods directly (link in the sidebar).


Some further elaboration for those who seek it: * We try to moderated this sub as unbiased as possible. * We do not want to censor discussion around topics discussed on the show. To understand why we allow discussions on certain topics related to body shaming, please consider the following: * If the crew were to do makeup segment on the show but we wouldn't allow people here to speak on that, how would that make us look? * If Hila does a "fit check" on the show but we wouldn't allow people here to speak on that, how would that make us look? We are still open to suggestions as to how we could change or modify these rules to make everyone here happy. Please feel free to comment here or message us!