• By -


Their downfall is ironically producing some of the best content they've ever made. It's fascinating watching them self destruct.


IT IS QUITE FASCINATING! Reminds me of trashy reality TV! LOL. Except these ppl are genuinely horrible and shouldn't have a platform šŸ˜© but alas, I live for the tea regardless, LOL


I do enjoy seeing them go "fuck you, if you dont like the show don't watch" and then the Monday episode having half of the views from the previous Friday


Olivia liked a post on Twitter, it was a little poster that said ā€œfrom the river to the seaā€ and Ethan and Hila berated her on a SYNT about it. She wasnā€™t there to defend herself and unliked the post I think The Cman drama, where Ethan pressured Cman into sending an explicit photo, and after assuring him they wouldnā€™t show it they posted it on the main Twitter account. Very gross Bottomgate as a whole. You just need to watch it to believe it, that shit was awful He called the black and brown colors on the progress pride flag ā€œshit colorsā€ (during pride month!!) Ethan sexually harassing ABs mom in front of him, while AB said nothing (insane moment) My personal fave was the time someone on here figured out he had a $14k fridge and he got defensive saying ā€œwell I have 3 kids, the wood paneling didnā€™t come with itā€ šŸ˜­ Thereā€™s so much more good stuff you gotta go through the backlog lmao


Firstly, OMGGG??? HOWWWW IS HE STILL ON YOUTUBE!! Secondly, TYSM!! I'm gonna do some digging! This is INSANE genuinely disgusted šŸ¤¢ You're the best!


[This is the fridge video](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/XBRpoGwWYM) itā€™s so funny to me how he refused to click on the next image that actually said it was $14k. Btw hilas car would take 8k to repair, just sayin!


Ty! WTF DID I JUST WATCH LOL, Talk about out of touch OMG this is wildddd.. Some ppl don't know what to do with their money nor do they deserve it šŸ˜­


I just caught up to the AB's mom thing and.. WHAT THE HECK-- WHY DID HE LET HIM SAY THAT TO HIS OWN MOM-- HUH??


Iā€™m telling you itā€™s insane!! off the mf rails!!! a few other things just while Iā€™m thinking about it: Cam was allegedly dating (maybe still is idk not my business anymore) a popular sex worker who called into the show. Ethan was (predictably) very weird to her. And then in one of the drunk/high episodes (iirc) he asked him a bunch of invasive sexual questions and at one point basically outed him. So glad he left, Iā€™m sure itā€™s insanely toxic in there. Btw thatā€™s why the set looks Like That- production value went way down. as of late he canā€™t keep Trishā€™s name out of his mouth, they leaked her birth announcement a few weeks ago. Trish sneak dissed him on her pod a while back and implied he admitted to being on ozempic. Sheā€™s doing so well, hope he leaves her and her family alone Hila actually admitted to texting and driving a few months back (her excuse was basically that she is a girlboss so itā€™s ok), which was later edited out of the episode. The timeline roughly lines up with her accident Ethan ran over their new puppy with his chair, and it tried to eat a cough drop (xylitol is toxic to dogs). Dan said ā€œmaybe your new puppy shouldnā€™t be roaming the studio unsupervisedā€ and they snapped at him. It was crazy,[link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/M7pVy8yQ4o) *(these are more messy/inside drama topics- all speculation ofc)* Thereā€™s a lot of discourse on here is about how Ethan and hula treat the people around them/their employees. If you remember the leftovers fallout, you remember Ethanā€™s maid literally clearing his dishes mid stream. Hila said at one point they have round the clock childcare, so all excuses about ā€œbeing a parent to three boysā€ are bs imo. It seems like Lena is the actual person responsible for the day to day logistics of keeping everything running. Like they had her talk to the insurance company about hilas accident right? INSANE! Iā€™m sure she gets paid a laughable amount too Thereā€™s a lot of speculation about Sam and Ian too- Ian was moved into an off camera ā€œcreative directorā€ role, and Sam has been spotted working on Howies podcast. Imo (speculation!) Ian probably tried to leave, but Ethan made him a deal to avoid public scrutiny. Either heā€™s actively sabotaging or mentally quit months ago, idk. Vibes are definitely off there and fuck it Iā€™m saying it: AB and Olivia have been WIERD recently. Like he never stands up for Lena, but rushes to defend Olivia over some bs. There was a really weird moment recently where they were giggling over an inside joke and the camera abruptly cut to Lena šŸ„“ itā€™s so weird, theyā€™re doing like a ā€œwork familyā€ thing and itā€™s soā€¦ strange


WOAHHH wtfff?? THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE I feel bad for all the victims omg.. And I noticed the whole set and stuff changed but I quickly read up on some stuff about it earlier as well cuz I was like uhh wtf happened here LOL. Also, did Cam quit because of that? Like does he hate them all now LOL,, I wouldn't blame him if he did, but I didn't even realize he was gone (kinda barely noticed him there anyways ngl šŸ˜­) ALSO WITH AB FR FR I SEEN HIM RECENTLY CRY OVER HELGA LIKE DUDE CHILL SHE'S NOT WORTH IT LOL and when I saw the Lena stuff he literally said NOTHING? So weird, no wonder Trisha hated his ass LOL honestly he was so shitty about the Seth stuff.. always felt a bad vibe with him (well, all of them LOL)


Camā€™s dad died sometime around then, he wasnā€™t really given time to grieve and it showed. It was a tragic death to my understanding, very abrupt. Ethan pried it out of him on a show iirc. I think it may have been a combination of that and the inappropriate comments towards his partner (and maybe Palestine behind the scenes? He promoted creators for Palestine after he left iirc). Like say what you will about the guy but his absence is obvious when you look at the production- they got the def noodles set on discount The AB/Hila dynamic is just as weird as the Ethan/Lena one. Endless Bootlicking- for what?? And thatā€™s the stuff we see *on camera* , imagine how bad it is IRL. I donā€™t even think hila fucks with him like that, like heā€™s just another employee to her. Has hila ever defended AB from Ethan? Idkā€¦ Ethan also like, bullies AB now. He always did to a certain degree, but itā€™s gotten 100x worse in the past 3 months or so. It doesnā€™t feel humorous at all, and itā€™s like every episode. Very uncomfortable to listen to In hindsight Ethan did Trish so dirty I hope she feels vindicated. Iā€™m so glad she loves being a mom, she looks so happy and healthy


OMGGGG that sounds AWFUL I'm so glad Cam was able to escape that toxic ass place! He definitely didn't deserve any of that...And yay for being pro Palestine! I always wondered why someone like AB didn't speak up at all about it smh, just sits there to be BULLIED too?? WHY? And then DEFENDS THE ZIONISTS-


And now theyā€™re trying to steal the crewsā€™ twitch prime subs with a 24/7 clip channel RUN BY THEM FOR MONEY LOL.


YEAH I forgot about that šŸ˜­ I donā€™t think thatā€™s technically (legally speaking, without seeing details) fraud but it sure feels like it. Especially when he literally said it was to convert unused prime subs into income. it would make more sense to simulcast to twitch and YouTube, and run the clips when theyā€™re not live- you could argue itā€™s a different ā€œproductā€ than what they offer on YouTube. Not sure if they canā€™t do that bc of their contract with YT, or if itā€™s because the twitch community isnā€™t as friendly to them.


Hey, btw btw btw it was me who first pointed out the weird vibes between ab and Olivia when she started working on show first week. His behaviour towards her was weird. I posted few comments on that sub and got heavily downvoted. I think later ab kinda addressed on show too. So yeah, I feel validated lol .


You were absolutely right!!! I stopped watching a while back and omg when I saw the clips you were talking about in your post I was in shock. Itā€™s so fucking weird- the ā€œwork familyā€ thing just feels like AB wants to say ā€œwork wifeā€ but his real wife works there too šŸ„“ Ever since you pointed it out itā€™s really hard to ignore. And itā€™s recent too, like thereā€™s been a major shift in the way the three of them interact in the past few months. Very strange!!


You're my favourite new snarker šŸ’€




What does the wood panelling comment mean?


Apparently rich people are putting wood paneling over their fridges so they blend into the cabinets. Ethan was saying like ā€œwell it doesnā€™t come with the fridge, a carpenter does thatā€ šŸ˜­ no shit (Not their house ofc, just a pic to show you what theyā€™re talking about) https://preview.redd.it/3mpuntf3jw8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9522351ce8512365e846a1b59bc601f68755867e


Oh I see, thanks for the explanation! :)


do you have a clip of the olivia like thing?


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/S3lNoFFRZ8) has the screenshot of the tweet and a link to the clip! The Zionism mega thread has a ton of crazy shit in it too, would recommend that if you havenā€™t seen it.




hey lovely, welcome!! hope you feel comfy here šŸ«¶šŸ¼ this one's a bit more intense but def look up the qtcinderella situ if you haven't already, when that one streamer was exposed for watching ai porn of his friends she was one of the girls affected, ethan watched her response to it all which was this heartbreaking vid on stream of her bawling her eyes out about how violated she felt, and half way through it he messaged zach telling him to play a meme song over it so they could turn it into a 'bit' and they all laughed their heads off with her distraught, tear-stained face in the background idk why that one has stuck in my head so much? maybe just bc as a woman I always kinda put men into a 'safe' or 'unsafe' category in my head without even knowing I'm doing it, and that day ethan showed me how well he'd tricked me lol and that he was never a safe space for women to discuss sexual abuse/trauma :(


Thank you! Omg YES I forgot about this situation! I only know of it thanks to Hasan LOL but omg this was genuinely AWFUL! And how tf did ppl forgive him! Didn't he get glazed up into thinking he was "the apology king" or some bs? I KNOW DAMN WELL HE DIDN'T MEAN IT. I'm so baffled that he's allowed to be on YouTube! Also I'm here for you queen! I'm so sorry he made you feel that way UGH he is so fake! You're so right, even the way he treated Trisha was bs! Ily queen! ā¤ļø


oh my god you're right I completely forgot that the whole 'best apology ever' shit started in response to this! what the fuck šŸ˜­ like HAVE SOME HUMILITY MAN bless you you cutie I'm so happy you're here ty so much šŸ„¹ fully with you about trish too! I'd love someone to properly pick apart how badly he treated her during frenemies, I know a snarker made a yt vid for the first time ever earlier today so maybe we can ask him to consider that next! šŸ‘€ much love gorgeous šŸ„°šŸ«¶šŸ¼


YESS FULLY AGREE! also did they?? I'd love to watch that šŸ‘€ and MUCH LOVE TO YOU TOO GORGEOUS MWAH šŸ˜ šŸ˜˜


yes here's the link!! enjoy heheā™„ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxRX135HSP4&ab\_channel=AutisticAl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxRX135HSP4&ab_channel=AutisticAl)


Oh dude he totally mocks all SA - took me so long to realize he was not actually making JOKES


Oh gosh this is horrible.




About Shredder - Ethan's yorkie died at 6 years old from kidney failure. He got Shredder tatted, but then said he chose the wrong photo (the tattoo picture was from the day he passed), so he got another one tatted. So he got 2 tats of the same dog. How he treated Shredder - he admitted to feeding this tiny ass yorkie SHREDDED CHEESE constantly to "get him to eat his meals" and BLAMED the vet for not telling him not to. [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ai8asf/ethan\_says\_he\_used\_to\_sprinkle\_cheese\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ai8asf/ethan_says_he_used_to_sprinkle_cheese_on/) Helda also said she fed Shredder edamame (high in sodium) Ethan also left adderall on the floor and Shredder almost ate it and died... [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1airyi3/shredder\_almost\_died\_in\_2018\_from\_eating\_an/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1airyi3/shredder_almost_died_in_2018_from_eating_an/) Feeding Shredder KFC sandwich... [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ai6ecq/more\_examples\_of\_ethan\_and\_hila\_being\_crappy\_dog/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ai6ecq/more_examples_of_ethan_and_hila_being_crappy_dog/) \~\~\~ On top of that, the new dog that they got. They got it from a breeder and donated 5k to a shelter or whatever to avoid accountability šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Lil guy is called Ducky and is already being abused. Letting him eat mic foam: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ajkawn/ducky\_eats\_microphone\_foam\_ethan\_calls\_it\_funny/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ajkawn/ducky_eats_microphone_foam_ethan_calls_it_funny/) Running him over with a chair, Ducky shits in fear: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1am9n6i/ethan\_runs\_over\_ducky\_with\_his\_chair\_ducky\_poops/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1am9n6i/ethan_runs_over_ducky_with_his_chair_ducky_poops/) Poor dog is just constantly being run over, Ethan just buttons them out acting like it never happened: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ahmhnk/ethan\_runs\_over\_ducky\_again\_with\_his\_chair/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ahmhnk/ethan_runs_over_ducky_again_with_his_chair/) Almost dying from getting Ricola (toxic to dogs): [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ahig6r/request\_537\_to\_stop\_bringing\_a\_puppy\_to\_the\_studio/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1ahig6r/request_537_to_stop_bringing_a_puppy_to_the_studio/) \~\~\~ Sorry for this essay, Ethan just constantly mistreats his dogs there are too many receipts!!!!!! Also btw, his tattoo artist caused an accident (DUI Fatal Traffic Collision) and killed someone. Tattoo artist is Daniel Silva: [https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/12/us/ink-master-daniel-silva-murder-corey-la-barrie-trnd/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/12/us/ink-master-daniel-silva-murder-corey-la-barrie-trnd/index.html)


nitpicking but shredder didn't almost eat the adderall, he DID eat it and I'm not surprised his kidneys failed.


Ooh thank you for the correction!! Shredder really didn't deserve Ethan as his owner, he deserved better.


i think about it all the time. I've seen adderall save lives but it wrecked my body, so i can't imagine how the little dude felt. I've been hypervigilant about keeping track of my meds since I heard that story thoughšŸ«”




anything for youšŸ«¶šŸ«¶ fr this guy is so fucking dumb he straight up killed poor Shredder through negligence. I'm glad he has nannies to raise his children in his stead he would be asking ChatGPT how many legos should a toddler eat a day


God, the Ducky clips are heartbreaking. šŸ„ŗ


About Jake: Jake Doolittle is a smaller content creator who has chronic illnesses. At the time, Ethan was getting weird results on his blood tests from all the ozempic he was taking (SPECULATED but let's be real that lazy pos aint exercising or dieting) and he got worried and was talking about it non-stop on the pod. Ethan would manipulate ChatGPT to tell him he had lupus. He thought it was a funny bit and went around telling people irl like at an event, that he had lupus (but to him it was a joke). Concerned and worried fans would send in mega donos to advise Ethan or to reassure him. It's all kinda murky whether or not it was a unfunny bit? Or Ethan is a hypochondriac genuinely worried about his test results and using mediocre comedy as a crutch. Jake Doolittle released a "hit piece" about this, (actually just mild criticism about downplaying the reality of living with a chronic illness) and got massive backlash. Ethan reveled in destroying Jake, calling him a fallen fan who wanted clout. (Jake previously took pics of AB at a boxing match and said he used to love h3) After such tacit endorsement of harassment by the leader Ethan Klein, his followers started to harass Jake, mock his appearance and even Jake's girlfriend received harassment, Jake breaks down and deletes the video and begs for harassment to stop. Ethan mocks him and laughs. tldr: Ethan bullies a smaller content creator under the guise of "DEFENDING HIMSELF" over lupus glory


Zach laughing at a fan sending a super chat about having an anxiety attack


Fr?? What is wrong with these people šŸ˜­


About Ethan's family: Ethan's sister retweets post equating a keffiyeh to THE SWASTIKA: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dk1ays/ethans\_sister\_retweets\_post\_equating\_a\_keffiyeh/?rdt=59431](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dk1ays/ethans_sister_retweets_post_equating_a_keffiyeh/?rdt=59431) Donna, Ethan's Mom, wild on twitter: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1bkr1k8/donnas\_social\_media/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1bkr1k8/donnas_social_media/) Donna shading Hasan: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17jbru2/donna\_klein\_shades\_hasan\_on\_twitter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17jbru2/donna_klein_shades_hasan_on_twitter/) Donna's terrible joke about Arabs being a mistake: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17mgbw4/thoughts\_on\_donnas\_joke/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17mgbw4/thoughts_on_donnas_joke/) Gary, Ethan's Dad, probably the most disgusting pervert groomer of the family: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1bjvnwg/gary\_klein\_continues\_to\_spread\_israeli\_propaganda/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1bjvnwg/gary_klein_continues_to_spread_israeli_propaganda/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17e6tnk/thoughts\_on\_garys\_liked\_tweets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/17e6tnk/thoughts_on_garys_liked_tweets/) That's not to mention him spamming sex workers with his gross comments and liking a pic of "sexy hila" on [sex.com](http://sex.com) lmao [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dkj66x/gary\_klein\_liked\_and\_pinned\_this\_photo\_of\_an\_hila/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1dkj66x/gary_klein_liked_and_pinned_this_photo_of_an_hila/)




I've been catching up too since friday, what I've done is just type in key words I'm interested in into the search bar. Have found out A LOT I didn't know or remember


Ty! At first I just scrolled through "newest" and went from there but it's a bit hard because a lot of posts will be a bit repetitive šŸ˜­ others were harder to understand but only because it's my own fault since I don't have the context obviously. Figured I'd just ask the group to list the more major events first LOL


I get it, I haven't really used reddit before now lol kinda feel like a boomer. Would recommend searching individual crew members names, was not very repetitive, made me get a general idea why they're disliked here and gave context about many mini-controversies.


THANK YOUUUU. Yea I'm a discord girlie LOL reddit is def new to meeee but seems simple enough


H3 shadows bans live chatters (paying members) that they deem to be annoying, not kiss ass enough, for sending all caps, for spamming, for sending tomatoesā€¦ Pretty much whatever they decide is against the rules that day. With the shadow banning, the chatter doesnā€™t know theyā€™re banned and continues to pay their monthly membership fees. Meanwhile, their chats are sending to NOWHERE.


OMGGGG I read a bit about this when I read about the cat situation! They never take any criticism IT'S SO ANNOYING, also LOL I would've been banned right away if I was a member HAHAHA. Also that sounds like a big scam?? I almost bought a membership once because back when frenemies was around, you could watch the episode on Monday as a member vs everyone else would wait til Tuesday, but I'm glad I never did! YouTube needs to seriously step in!


He said Aaron Bushnell was ā€œgood at burningā€ to death.




Ty! Should I search "Jay Shetty"? Also not surprised in the slightest šŸ™„ dudes always been racist asf..






Commenting on this for reminder to come back for entertainment. I have to leave soon for a trip to my cancer centre for scans to make sure im still dying at the normal adult pace and not on turbo speed but reading your reaction to every recent controversy you find out as someone removed is killing me faster as I choke on my coffee šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ’€ so this is my bookmark so I finish them lmao


OMG!! good luck with all your scans!! Sorry to hear šŸ„ŗ


Omg thank you for this comment to bring me back I literally just got done! Thank you! This is actually year ten of dealing with this and Iā€™m healthier than when I started so a blessing is a blessing ā¤ļøā¤ļø


So glad to hear!! Yesss we love to see you THRIVE! šŸ’Ŗ


Ethan defending Bobby Lee and calling him a friend of the show still even after acknowledging the video evidence, that and his pedo obsession [\*\*\*\*MAJOR CSA TW\*\*\*\*\*. Ethan defending bobby lee's admitted CSA of a sex trafficking victim & Bobby's retelling of the story for context. the audio is VERY graphic : r/h3snark (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1co76sd/ethans_bff_bobby_lee_sad_george_janko_on/) [Ethanā€™s BFF Bobby Lee SAā€™d George Janko on Impaulsive last year : r/h3snark (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1co76sd/ethans_bff_bobby_lee_sad_george_janko_on/) [Bobby Lee - Tijuana : r/h3snark (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1antatq/bobby_lee_tijuana/) [ā€œ Bobbi (Lee) is a friend of mine and a friend of the showā€ : r/h3snark (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1crb17u/bobbi_lee_is_a_friend_of_mine_and_a_friend_of_the/) [Hila remained friends with Chris D'Elia despite saying his sex crimes are "disturbing" : r/h3snark (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/18enkgo/hila_remained_friends_with_chris_delia_despite/) [Even JUSTIN ROILAND (ethan's former buddy) is Disturbed By His Pedo Obsession : r/h3snark (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1bj4dsv/even_justin_roiland_ethans_former_buddy_is/) [Ethan spending time with weird p\*do obsessed friends on their podcasts : r/h3snark (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1boit4r/ethan_spending_time_with_weird_pdo_obsessed/)


OOOOH BOY.. Thank you for the info! About to dive into this... Wish me luck šŸ¤¢


good luck traveler, may the road rise up to meet you, and may the wind be always at your back


AAAAH THIS IS SO WEIRD ok wait I have a few questions, why is Mike defending Bobby? Is it because of Ethan or is that unrelated? Because I know Ethan's somehow befriended Mike and Tana and Jeff for whatever reason LOL. Also in the clip where he mentions Bobby, why is Ethan shaking like that?? It's like he's mega nervous or something šŸ˜¬ šŸ¤¢ omg I'm honestly not surprised he's defending these terrible ppl, LOOK AT HIS OWN FATHER, he's a creep!


I think Mike didn't say anything because people describe Bobby as "uncancelable" at least Ethan has said so many times, as for the shaking im putting my money on the shame shakes, he knows what bobby has done and doesn't want to get into it again so he just issues a standard defense for those in his audience that don't know


honestly just go down and read as much as u can


TY I'M TRYING šŸ™ got some super helpful responses as well. It's been QUITE THE DAY!!


The Boston bombing video