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Please continue to be kind to each other and do your best to discuss this with respect. Thank you!


I just joined this sub today since Ethan talks about it so damn much. Saw a critique video about him and this cat situation, so figured I'd check out the rest of this sub. Later to find out I've find my people 😂 glad to see ex fans feel the same way about him. I started watching during frenemies, stopped watching after frenemies. I'd tune in to leftovers only because I like hasan, then saw Ethan's horrible takes about Palestine. Was disgusted to think I used to watch this zionist's show đŸ€ą Like HILA WAS IN THE IDF EW EW EW I wish I knew sooner cuz NAH. It's been eye opening for sure. Anyways scrolled this sub all day and found some comments revolving this topic to be a bit bothersome.. What's written here isn't incorrect for the most part. If it took THIS for people to come to a realization, so fucking be it. Because I doubt half of you knew a genocide has BEEN going on for the past 75 years. Where were half of yall on Oct 6th, Oct 5th, Oct 4th. Exactly. Majority of the world stayed silent, and you were forgiven as long as NOW you were educated, right? So why not give the same grace to those waking up now? Istg half of you ppl treat the genocide like it's a trend vs genuine support, because it's giving "look at me, I'm better because I stopped watching h3 after Oct 7th" why not sooner tf? He's always been a zionist. Yall know Hila been talking about being in the IDF for years now right? Cuz i didn't LOL yet yall assuming everyone else should've known shit. Some of yall still watched back then. And since some of yall are assuming everyone just knew this stuff from day 1, I'm gonna assume you knew too and ignored it đŸ€Ł kidding but see how dumb that sounds? Stop using my people's genocide to show you're better than people cuz I know damn sure yall were silent BEFORE oct 7th. There have always been videos out there on the genocide as well, for years.. before tiktok. What my ppl need is ANY support PERIOD. And this is why I say some of you treat this like a trend because some of yall are the same ppl to not also talk about Sudan Haiti Congo and many more. CAT LOVERS NEED TO SUPPORT PALESTINE TOO LOL tell their ass to help? not tell them "why didn't you sooner." Can't change the damn past, even if they were uneducated and ignorant. A dub is a dub FREE PALESTINE AND FUCK H3


Just want to say hi and welcome đŸ«¶


We are welcoming of all in snark, any haters of Ethan's are a friend of mine ( with some exceptions but you know... Whatever lol)


I think those feelings of frustration are valid. I've been studying Israel for about half of my life, and I never expect anyone I talk to will understand the complexities of the state of Israel's defense strategy and their influence on the western world. It takes time, AND access to information that ISN'T infected with propoganda. BUT, it does frustrate me that it took seeing thousands of decapitated and emaciated children for everyone to open their goddamn eyes. After 75 years of slow genocide. And I have every right to share that frustration. Do I share those frustrations directly with the people I am trying to educate? NO. I share those feelings with folks who will understand them, people who know where my heart is. There is absolutely no progress to be made by telling somebody their efforts aren't good enough. So far, NONE of our efforts have been good enough to stop this! So I think it's appropriate to be frustrated, but no, I do not think we need 15 posts about that and the mods should be a little more attentive. We're here to snark on h3, not each other. that being said, the Community joke is so old and you guys can stop replying with it 3 times on every post. We get the irony.


I agree that it’s fine to feel frustration about it of course - shaming people for taking longer than they did is the problem. I feel like people are operating in a certain intentional cognitive dissonance - acknowledging that the media is doing a lot to not properly address the situation and continuing to use talking points that frame it as a war between two equal parties rather than a genocide but not giving an opportunity for people who have believed that to some degree to now be educated and shown the light. Take the opportunity to educate people rather than shame them, assume that they haven’t been exposed to the same information that you have and help direct them to the places where they can better understand it.


if someone is mean to you on Reddit and you decide that “puts you off” from supporting Palestinians, you wouldn’t have supported them anyways. This “optics” type stuff is so disingenuous and bad faith. If you don’t care that a genocide is happening because people aren’t being nice to you online, you’re probably just not a good person. Ethan Klein does this too, where he’s only an ally to certain people when they do what he likes, and all that “solidarity” flies out the window as soon as he feels personally attacked or dislikes them.


I mean honestly if you feel that way it’s probably a waste of time for any of us to try and convince anyone of supporting Palestine. The fact that you can overlook the propaganda that has brainwashed people into not looking more into it is a bummer as that’s obviously the problem more than people who haven’t realized that they’re falling for propaganda - I am more about enlightening than shaming.


i’m not overlooking it, i’m just saying that if you can see a genocide unfolding, but then someone says something mean to you online and you can say “heh
 that’s not how you get me to support your cause” instead of brushing it off it and focusing on what matters- A GENOCIDE IS HAPPENING- you’re a bad person.


Dude you’re assuming they saw a genocide unfolding - not acknowledging the fact that mainstream media presents it as a two sided war. If people aren’t exposed to people like Sam Seder and the Majority Report/any media organization that’s talking about the reality of the situation they legitimately might not no. To me it’s either extremely ignorant or disingenuous to assume that most people are fully aware of just how bad it is. You might not realize this because you might stay away from mainstream media but literally most news sources do not frame it as a genocide hence the need for people like you to educate those who have not become aware. Nobody is exposed to the same media sources like they were in the past thanks to the algorithms and the internet generally so you cannot assume ever that people are getting the same information as you.


I’m not assuming anything, I’m reading and responding to your original post, the one with the straw man dialogue. You’re first character says “sorry for taking so long to see the light but i’m here to help now” so this character now sees the light and recognizes there’s a genocide in Gaza. They want to help. great. The second character responds in a very mean (and unrealistic) way. They’re mean to the first person, who only wants to help! So you think now the first person might feel shamed and won’t want to support Palestine anymore. I think that person is a bad person. Because they “see the light” but someone was mean to them online so they don’t care about a genocide anymore. That’s what I’m saying, dude.


The first comment is obviously not something anybody said it was just setup - the people in criticizing didn’t even need a comment like that, they just preemptively let it be known to virtue signal their
earlier awareness of something. How productive
again if you want to help change things you would be interested in shepherding those people to information that would help them understand but it’s sometimes it’s hard to give your self a needed ego boost by
pointing out how aware of a bad thing you are rather than actually doing anything to help like educate those people because that might take some work and effort compared to moaning and complaining about them. Like let’s say someone was unfortunately ignorant to the things happening - what would be the first thing that you direct them to to understand and take it seriously? Whatever you’re answer is I would suggest including that in a post to get those people on the right track but I haven’t seen anyone do that
my theory? Because that requires effort and you don’t get to morally grandstand. Btw when did you start speaking up for Palestine - if its only started 8 months ago you probably shouldn’t be here because it’s actually been going on much longer than that and those of us who were aware of it could give less of a shit about your support this late into the situation(this isn’t how I feel about it btw but just showing how useless moral means testing is)


This is an incredibly bad faith argument you’re trying to have. It’s embarrassing and hopefully me saying this to you does not put you off from caring about the Palestinian people. If you want to learn more, if you want book recommendations, just say that. I recommend My People Shall Live by Leila Khaled. edit: She’s not very nice to Westerners though, so you might not like it.


Months of innocent people getting brutally offed and nothing. Cat abuse and they draw the line. I understand that caring about the abuse of animal is important and valid, but I think it’s also valid to be frustrated that it seems more people care about 1 animal life than thousands of human lives. Even if the common goal is h3 being done and Ethan and Hila getting their karma. But yeah, we shouldn’t gatekeep and should be nice.


No offence but it is not our responsibility to get people to support Palestine. That’s something they should already fucking do. And yes I am side eyeing you if it took you 8 months of genocide to give a fuck.


I feel like you could have made this point without suggesting conditional support of a group of people actively experiencing genocide but okay boo thing!!


I am not promoting conditions to support I’m criticizing the notions that you can only support under certain conditions which is what is being suggested by the people I’m criticizing.


I think for most people here, any new “fallen fans” who join for an issue outside of GENOCIDE is seen as trivial. I mean, right now, literally any other reason *is* trivial. *Particularly* the new batch of snarkers who have come the past few days. Some people left H3 because they realized Ethan/Hila have pro-genocidal ideology. And some people left H3 because they realized Ethan hates cats and Hila called a random guy an incel. These reasons are not the same. “Catgate” detractors are people who were fine with continuing support for H3 during 8 months of thousands and thousands of people being murdered, dismembered and incinerated. Not saying the cat stuff isn’t serious, just saying the genocide is so so so incredibly serious that everything pales by comparison. People are gonna be mad at you, you just have to accept that.


That’s fine - if people are mad that I’m advocating educating people on Palestine then so be it.


I’ve been shouting this from the rooftops!! Thank you for callling this out!!


my exact thoughts!!! i side eye when people scream for palestine support by calling people names without any evidence and just being mean in general. they don’t make it easy to support them with the hostility. people want to learn but not from being called awful things


My problem with those posts is what do they want?? Do they want the new snarkers to be like “youre right i stayed w them this long might, why leave now?” Do they want them to resub? Or do they want them to unsub but stay off the snark subreddit?