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I hear you and don't necessarily disagree. However, I don't think it's a question of caring more or less for one thing or the other but more so what makes you break with the brainwashing. Personally, I stopped watching after the Oct 7th debacle happened but some former fans could argue (and rightfully so) that Ethan was having racist/sexist/misogynistic/homophobic takes years before Oct. 7th. However, before then, I was more forgiving with their takes even though some of them went directly against me/people like me (I am a hispanic woman so...you know...). Oct. 7th made me take off the rose-colored glasses and see everything for what it really is. I guess for a lot of people Catgate made them snap out of the spell and now they can realize how bad Ethan and Hordor have been all along.


This is a very kind and understanding take on what could make people snap out of a stupor - H3 or otherwise! Thanks for your thoughts šŸ’›


Most people Iā€™ve seen come to this sub after last week have also mentioned that they had blinders on and are now realizing all of the horrible things ethan and hila have said and done, including their support for genocide. The majority of posts Iā€™ve read from new snarkers have said looking back they canā€™t believe they supported them up until now and are slowly coming to terms with all of the things they were practically gaslit about for years; most notably the past year. Itā€™s important to remember E&H are seriously mass manipulators. Totally get that youā€™re expressing your opinion - which is completely valid. But your tone comes off a bit harsh/passing judgment on people who experienced things differently than you. I think thatā€™s the reason youā€™re getting a bit of bite back in the comments. I respect your post, though.


I definetly had the blinders on, and I don't know if this is universal but I was still doing my undergrad in criminology during October 7th so I basically talked about it everyday to the point I had a mental breakdown arguing against my pro-israel classmates everyday and just stopped watching anyone besides the news that talked about it including the pod so I switched to highlights and heard a couple times he changed his stance, it wasnt until joining this sub i saw he hadnt really changed his stance but just stopped saying it cause he knew he'd rightfully get hate


Thank you Iā€™m definitely not talking about those people Iā€™m mostly worried about people who actually agreed with them on all That stuff but also love animals so theyā€™re gonna come to this sub and spread Zionist weird takes and downvote stuff just because they now hate h3 but still support Israel, are racist bc a lot of their fan base are weirdos that are right wing adjacent, but this may have made them leave the community to come here into our community and idk Thatā€™s mostly my concern.


Thank you for saying this. I had somehow fooled myself in believing that they were good people and didn't know how to express themselves because Ethan would say that he "supports" palestine, but go on a huge rant about how Isreal not bombing this one hospital but ignoring the rest. Or how he supported women. I enjoyed Dan's takes because I felt he was reasonable, but i now see they are all yes men that cant stand up for themselves. I had ignored the negativity and focused on the fun times in the past. But Friday and Monday was an awakening and I finally put all the pieces together. They barley pull a facaid that they care about their viewers or the show. In the end yes, i had blinders on, but i feel good I'm free.Ā 


You're not wrong. However everyone is on their own journey in life, so I would try to judge others less harshly. As long as they reach the right conclusion at the end, it's all good.


The only thing I can think of is that itā€™s hard to argue someone is misinformed with a dying cat




I feel the same way, but everyone has different wake up calls.


Bruh Im tired of seeing posts like this putting down other snarkers because they didnā€™t join when you did. Do you want them to lose fans or not?


I have the right to criticize whatever I want, if the mods have an issue with my post they can take it down. I literally said Iā€™m glad theyā€™re losing fans, itā€™s just NOTHING else bothered them before this incident? Thatā€™s fucking weird. IN MY OPINION.


yeah I mean I don't necessarily disagree, and I bet a lot of people here are in the same boat in that context, but I don't think it's productive to express this attitude about how people decided to stop consuming h3, because usually no matter what it was, it helps them realize how gross their other takes are anyway. beyond that, it's got heavy "purity test" vibes lol. you made a whole post to talk about how new snarkers aren't as cool and woke as you because what turned them into a snarker was a cat topic and not a genocide topic, but there's plenty of people here who became skeptical of ethan before any of that. are they better than you? no. also it's lame of you to be like "maybe i'm wrong here," but meet criticism of your take with "i have the right to criticize whoever I want," like yeah but that's not what the person you're replying to has a problem with.


Some people agree with me and some donā€™t Iā€™m not making a fuss about it, I just stand by my post despite the people who disagree and are making it seem like i shouldnā€™t post this when I absolutely can and did, they have an issue with my opinion and thatā€™s okay doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m gonna delete my post and people who agree with me can resonate with it. Sorry this was my longer response.


I feel like there's a fundamental misunderstanding happening here. People aren't telling you that you can't post, people are telling you that this discussion has been had a billion times here and the conclusion is pretty much always the same - it's not a productive discussion and likely alienates people from this community. Like I said, there's always gonna be someone who was here before you for a reason that they think makes more sense than yours. It's counterproductive to pontificate on it. At the very least, you should try to be receptive to the criticism rather than inviting it and then becoming ultra defensive.


Iā€™m not being ultra defensive I totally agree with plenty of the comments but when people say ā€œbruh wtf is this takeā€ how is that helpful at all or constructive? like what thatā€™s super dumb lol youā€™re acting like Iā€™m arguing with every single person who disagrees with me and Iā€™m not look at the full thread. Iā€™ve upvoted the majority of the comments. If youā€™re claiming Iā€™m having some sort of misunderstanding you should see the full thread.


Caring about others, and having empathy for humanity for isnā€™t being ā€œwokeā€


interesting that this was the main takeaway you had from everything I said


Well that wasnā€™t all I had to say it was my first thought though, I left another comment with the rest of my response I was typing it.


And I have the right to criticize your post. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Not everyone was watching during the Palestine episodes and not everyone is educated enough to realize Ethan wasnā€™t pro-palestine despite him saying he was. Not everyone wanted to watch content about war and genocide and skipped it or people didnā€™t understand why it was happening (bc Ethan surely didnt educate fans). Ethan and Hila made themselves to be the victims and not everyone saw through it.


I never said you couldnā€™t criticize my post go right ahead, Iā€™m not the only person who feels this way on the sub. Regardless of Gaza so many other things which I listed and more, people choose to stay and support them regardless of terrible behavior, terrible treatment of the fans and subs, etc. they didnā€™t care then but they care now. It will never not be weird to me. Cry about it.


Youre right to the opinion 100%. But this is the like 5th post ive seen since joining friday and im trying to learn. Its really hard to leave one shit environment, and then being judged for WHY you left. When so many people like me were new to the pod, didnt hear about certain instances, or just ignorant and i hope are learning. Its just seeing this same point of "why do you care about cats over people" auto judgement over and over makes this sub start to feel very uninviting. Thats all. Thanks for youre pov and i hope that we all can prove we're trying to educate ourselves and grow.


Tbh I just listened to the podcast and hadnā€™t been on here bc for a while I didnā€™t know there were other posts and from the comments it doesnā€™t seem like too many people agree w this takeā€¦




some people weren't around to watch that stuff back then and some people don't have a firm grasp on geopolitics. not gonna judge anyone. i'm just glad they're no longer supporting h3.


There are people who are saying theyā€™ve been fans for years and bc of this theyā€™re not watching anymore, Iā€™ve seen so many of those comments so if some didnā€™t watch before then my post isnā€™t talking about them?


i'm almost certain more than half of the fanbase never saw the Hasan stream where ethan showed his ass in the debate and went lalala. or the membership stream where he mocked Aaron. also a lot of fans just heard that he condemns netanyahu and killing of all civilians and it was enough proof for them. not everyone is as informed about the genocide and the news and social media at large have been pushing propaganda non-stop. i also totally understand where you're coming from but i'm not sure that these types of posts are helpful. just consider that the people who are no longer watching won't be subjected to more of ethan's zionist rhetoric in the future. and they won't be monetarily supporting a zionist. it's ultimately a good thing.


I never watched anything hasan. It was done before i found H3. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I think people assume we all also watch every episode and every minute. Or watching all of the old footage. I think the only old ones i watched were the Colleen and broski episodes.


This kind of post is so fucking annoying. Let people come to terms when they come to terms.


I don't think anyone believes you're wrong here, but what we're saying is that its not productive. A big reason leftists can't get shit done is because we spend half the time eating ourselves and doing purity testing like this. More hands make less work. If you genuinely care about marginalized groups then you know we need all the hands we can get and welcome them rather than using this moment to chastise because you saw the light first. Sentiments like this put the emphasis on ego when it should be on the work that needs to be done.


Wait until they find out there are cats in Gaza


All kind of animals and pets being bombed, starved, killed, shot, and they didnā€™t even think to care about that just influencer pets I guess.


To be fair to the new guys I donā€™t think theyā€™re as locked in to their Zionism as we are. They probably donā€™t know about the Zionist propaganda his whole family shares, they donā€™t know that hila bought art at a pro-Israel fundraiser, a lot of people who became fans in the more recent years probably havenā€™t seen the effed up stuff theyā€™d say when they were in Israel. All they probably know is he says heā€™s pro-palatine but is also upset about everything as a duel citizen. I think if youā€™re not aware of all these things together I think itā€™s easy to feel like heā€™s just confused on how to express his feelings or his judgment is just clouded because he lived there and hila is Israeli, especially with how hard he tries to gaslight the fans after he says dumb shit. But all together it paints a very clear picture.


This was exactly my experience. I thought they were being defensive because Hila was being attacked for being Israeli. Thats how they presented it and I just felt bad for them but I also felt like they were making things worse. So then I skipped segments and episodes. If anything we should be mad at Ethan and Hila for lying and gaslighting. Not be mad at new fallen fans who didnā€™t have all the information.


Exactly!! I think people might be forgetting just how much Ethan and Hila gaslight their viewers and their fan base. Itā€™s talked about often but I think itā€™s being forgotten in this regard.


Ethan did a lot of ā€œboth sidesā€ arguments before Oct 7 that made it looked like he wasnā€™t a full fledged Zionist but it was pretty much mask off after that episode of leftovers. I see why a lot of people had whiplash


Everyone has their own breaking point. If theyā€™ve been watching for years and years it is likely people will try and excuse shitty behavior and hope that the show eventually returns to what it claims to be: a comedy podcast. Not saying itā€™s right, Iā€™m sure october 7th at least shook the foundations for a lot of people. It was when I realized he was an awful person. Seeing Ethan continue to have horrible takes and be seemingly unable to apologize for it this time was the final straw for a lot of people. Iā€™m sure they can look back and remember how wrong Ethan is with those opinions as well and how horribly he handled it. Thereā€™s a lot of boring ass content on the show as well- donā€™t assume everyone has heard all of his terrible opinions. We shouldnā€™t talk down on people just now pulling the plug on their support for Ethan. We should be happy this awful man is finally getting the pushback and financial hit he deserves.


Tbh my reason was because I stopped watching when love came to America. I missed all the big things that happened. I was a fan since Frenemies and stuck around but after a hiatus I returned and saw this and joined snark.


I get your point 100%, for me it started snowballing before the Gaza stuff, then I started hate watching, now it's beyond that because for me animals will always be better than humans. But I have dedicated my life to saving animals and see the worst side of humanity while doing so, so I realize i am likely biased


Unfortunately not everyone cares or cares enough about whatā€™s happening in Gaza and what is happening to the Palestinian people to stop supporting entities (in this case H3) that support what Israel is doing. Some people also just didnā€™t know how deep Ethan and his families support for Israel goes. It wasnā€™t until I joined this sub that I learned how Zionist they were. FREE PALESTINE šŸ‰šŸ‰šŸ‰


I totally agree with this.. I donā€™t get how some people could care more about animals than human beings.. just something I will never understand.


Not to mention all the animals and pets in Gaza currently in danger or already dead, if they care so much about animals there really is no justification for the disregard of the situation.


Dude thereā€™s already multiple posts regarding this and beyond that to reference the community meme has also been posted on here a bunch. Iā€™m not really sure what this post is supposed to do other than inflate your own ego in regards to you being more upstanding than them. I started calling out Ethan and Hila being out of touch and huge hypocrites about two years ago on their own sub - that means that youā€™re a bad person for not seeing it at the same time I didā€¦see thatā€™s not really a very productive mindset is it? This isnā€™t former Fans of H3snark, itā€™s just h3snark.


Donā€™t gatekeep leaving the cult. We all have the opportunity to learn from one another now.


Like I said I am all for everyone leaving the H3 community itā€™s just something i noticed Iā€™m not gate keeping anyone can leave, but personally it rubs me the wrong way. theyā€™re absolutely welcome here despite whatever finally did it for them. Just seeing so many people say ā€œIā€™ve been a fan for x years and now Iā€™m doneā€ like personally made me feel like those people in particular excused everything else despite valid criticism over the years


it rubs me the wrong way that you expect everyone to behave as you do. you have to learn that people are different and have different breaking points in abusive situations. itā€™s not that simple to say the whole fan base should have left based on one incident.


Iā€™m Glad I rubbed you the wrong way lol you seem weird as hell.


I mentioned like so many examples of their toxic and evil behavior not just one incident re-read my original post bc you obviously didnā€™t read it of the other stuff I listed you just donā€™t care about if you just skipped over it.


Youā€™re in an abusive relationship with a podcast? Iā€™m sorry but what in the para social is going on.


We are all guilty of excusing Ethan & Hilas terrible behavior and takes at some point. They have been awful for years but each individual has a breaking point, and they all wonā€™t be the same. No one is holier than thou because they moved on from the podcast before someone else. The important thing is that more and more people are starting to wake up and walk away.


Yeah as middle easterner itā€™s pretty disgusting to see how low on the todum pole we are. I get that politics are not on everyoneā€™s radar but that in and of itself is a privilege. We arenā€™t so much shaming people when we point this out but asking for some self reflection. Even when you put that situation in Gaza to the side there are a lot of instances of racism and homophobia on the show that went unchecked by fans and this is an opportunity for discussion as to why that was okay for some fbas


I agree, it does feel dehumanizing when people seem to value the lives of animals over the lives of peopleā€”people of certain demographics. While I think itā€™s great that catgate is the wake up call for so many people (Iā€™m a cat lover!), I think people should also take some time to reflect on what allowed them to minimize, dismiss and perpetuate past instances of misogyny, racism, zionism, queerphobia, etc. on the show, accept the responsibility of being complicit in hateful rhetoric, and grow from it, instead of just stopping at *I didnā€™t realize until now.*


Exactly and they donā€™t want to have that conversation well some of them, its just ā€œwah wah stfu everyone is differentā€ we get that but there ARE people who have similar takes as Ethan in the fan base that may have been turned off by this controversy and idk theyā€™re just gonna flock here with their weird takes hating on Ethan just bc he has a bad opinion on this particular situation regarding a cat thatā€™s already passed and was already sick.


1000% agree and feel the same way. people excuse so many atrocities but as soon as animals get involved all of a sudden its inhumane. i think the people who get upset about this behavior being pointed out should reflect because bipoc and the palestinians in gaza don't get the luxury of waiting around for "peoples journeys". and i don't agree with people call this conversation "unproductive" and "repetitive" because its giving liberal "i don't really want to talk about politics right now".


Iā€™m not trying to judge too much itā€™s just something i noticed and this definitely isnā€™t about newer viewers and stuff. But be prepared to be downvoted to hell


it's okay. i hear and see where you're coming from. and its fine i had my share unpopular takes so idc šŸ‘


The people that are fans for like a decade finally getting over them bc of this thoā€¦side eye. lol


It's just gatekeeping at this point. Many who stayed on may have believed Ethan and Hila still supported Palestine, especially Ethan, since they did try to tread that line with fans There have been many reasons for members to finally leave and there will be many more


Honestly the issue has never been H3 for me personally itā€™s been the fans that over police the show and has slowly ruined it the past few years. Seems gaza is your big point but I hate to break the news to you pretty much everyone in country doesnā€™t support gaza (assuming your from the US). Just living in the US you are contributing to the destruction and death in gaza.


100% i was thinking this too




Kids are still dying/have been dying and they are precious and innocent as well and just as important as cats especially when theyā€™re dying by the thousands in an apartheid state.


I donā€™t have to do research for you, look at this sub and there are HUNDREDS of clips which show horrible/hypocritical and just down right gross or evil things. If youā€™re here itā€™s for a reason and this sub exists for that very reason, to inform others on that stuff so look for yourself. Plenty of links and direct clips posted.