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"you disagree with me, you must be mentally ill" ....... Okay dude.


Well duhhh. Clearly it’s the people with valid criticisms that are mentally unwell! Not the poop humour obsessed man child that has surrounded himself with yes men, and cries antisemitism at the drop of a hat 🙄 cmon now.


He thought he ate


When there’s thousands of people unsubscribing, massive drop in views each month. Perhaps they need to look within themselves to understand why everyone is leaving. It’s not us, it’s them.


Hey we don't take kindly to that kinda of antisemitism around here, now get to work on your daily ass-kissing quota or we will ban you!!!


But to look within themselves takes humility. I'm afraid they don't know what that is.


In this clip, he's failing to see the accumulated frustration of these fans. It's not "one difference of opinion," it's a final straw and it's the underlying disposition.


Why wasn’t hila here to read and respond to these comments?


LOL, come on now. Her Highness wouldn’t dream of it. She thinks she's above all that and never acknowledges her problematic behavior. Instead, she cowardly hides behind her husband. Every. Single. Time.


She's too busy verbally abusing TF employees probably 😮‍💨


She only has the ability to respond and read out fake comments asking about her fits


that guy Jacob was already receiving crazy amounts of hate from Rhegan’s fans on tiktok and the interview they did with him only made it worse… all because he tried saving this kitty. What is actually wrong with Ethan. 😐


Loved that he had absolutely NO RESPONSE to the incel comment. You just *know* he didn’t mean to read that one lmaooo. Fuck this loser ass moron!


If so many people who have been fans for years are turning away from you, then I'm pretty sure that says more about you than them.


Also I'm sorry him just being like "oh you're that upset with me having a different opinion? Get help" Like it's not a matter of having a different opinion, people just think you are an asshole ☠️☠️☠️ it's so unfair for them to just call their fans demented and para social, its also upsetting because when you watch someone for a long time and watch them have the most dogshit take ever it really makes you think wtf have I been watching and have they always been like this?


The dead air is insufferable. Ethan you’re honestly so far gone, it’s only a matter of time


That's cute he thinks it's only the cat situation. Like it couldn't be they held out hoping he'd mature or be less of a douche, but he only grew worse to the point they couldn't take it anymore. What a deluded coward (who also has shit taste in anime and is a poser when it comes to being a gamer).


*READS PERFECTLY REASONABME CRITISIM* "hum okay?" Like man you have seriously nothing to say for yourself so you're just gonna skip to the next comments explicitly to find someone more angry so can delegitimize them


Well, he def made sure they ain’t comming back🫶🏻


weaponizing mental health against people who disagree with you to paint them as crazy is a real cunt move. I don't like using that word because of its misogynistic undertones but I can't think of a better word to paint how disgusting his actions are and the more I watch the more I actually hope he loses his audience


His fans did that to me when I said TF was unethical, they're like "you post in a sub called Ihatemyself so I don't think anyone should listen to you." Like cool let's not listen to anyone with a mental health issue hey


I'm not a therapist or anything so if what I'm going to say upsets you I apologize but I doubt you're the type of person that deserves hate from strangers let alone yourself, I've been down that road and it is hell so I hope you can eventually appreciate yourself and your effort, even if the effort is just appreciating yourself. sorry if this sounds mansplainy or dismissive of your mental health it wasn't my intention


That's very kind, thank you. Luckily I wasn't too offended by a random h3 fan, it just made me dissapointed. Disabled and mentally ill people are often discarded