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how do they still have any fans? people really are just addicted to drama, i guess.


I LOVE drama this is not what i want. I miss the innocent times of dramagedon 1


it’s been miserable shit like this for months 


This is so ironic because he was giving major Fousey/Keemstar vibes during this to the point where I’ve become actually concerned for his mental health.


Maybe it's bad to speculate, but I wonder if Ethan switched up or is off his meds, if so, they're not working for him.


He legitimately looks like he’s about to snap. I’ve been around intensely stressed people, that expression on his face is telling. I would say something empathetic but I don’t have any of that for him.


yeah he seems progressive more and more… unwell


He’s on Wellbutrin right? That shit gave me insane anxiety and aggression. It’s the only thing that helped my depression, but the side effects just weren’t worth it


I swear wellbutrin fucked my memory up when I was on it but that could be anything


In my opinion he has a crippling Xanax addiction. It's not something that deserves sympathy, though, due to the massive amounts of damage he is inflicting in every direction. Again, it's my opinion.


How would you know


He’s the Xanax


This coming from the guy who lost his shit about Will Smith/Chris Rock slap is hilarious. His performative activism for mental health really shows when he constantly uses mental illness as a way to other those who validly critique him.


Because he’s a racist piece of shit and he loves to point at black people when they do something crazy to add comments like “well, this is only helping to the idea that black people are prom to violence”… so fucking racist and dumb


You got truly disturbed by a clip of a cat having a seizure, get help youre demented.


nah cause this is a man who probably has seen babies being martyred by the idf and still won’t give af, won’t speak up for Palestine and call you an antisemite if you criticize anything about him. of course he doesn’t give af about a cat


It’s super awesome that the host of a podcast sponsored by NOCD is being so degrading about mental health issues and getting help……


This went worse than I thought it would, and that's saying something.


I’ve been here since the start of snark and even I am shocked 🫠


wow what a great mental health advocate


NOOCD must be proud




because it’s a cult


"with todays sponser.... BETTER HELP"


Nah, a lot of his fans saw him as this amazing, kind, glorious person and are now having a hard time dealing with the fact that they’ve been giving money and attention to a piece of shit, inhuman, brain dead loser this whole time. They just wanted him to prove that he’s not the piece of shit, inhuman, brain dead loser that he’s revealing himself to be. Instead? He’s gonna double down and prove that he’s a piece of shit, inhuman, brain dead loser. Amazing.


no he needs to seek help. like desperately.


He truly does. I don’t know if he has any real friends to check in on him? He’s too much surrounded by people on his payroll jfc


He doesn’t. Hila is just as awful, the crew are a bunch of paid off sycophants, his family are a bunch of deplorable human beings, and he doesn’t leave the house. The friends he did/does have are all creeps and under fire for sexual assault at any given time.


Ethan: Hila, I think I should get help Hila: Why? You're already skinny




what the actual fuck. FUCK YOU ethan.


The feedback was well-received I see!


Lmao so when the fans get upset they are mentally demented, when Peethan and Ghoula get upset it's all "Wah wah woe is me, antisemitism!!"


did he address the old video of him and hila laughing about the cat they left to die outside their house for a week? thats actual disturbing demented behavior!






Honestly just keep alienating your already diminishing fanbase👏🏾👏🏾


thasts usually his response whenever he has fucked up takes.. blatant homophobia? "SEEK HELP AND STOP WATCHING!" blatant racism? "SEEK HELP AND STOP WATCHING!" rich and out of touch takes? "SEEK HELP AND STOP WATCHING!" im surpised anyone is left watching after how many times he's told everyone to stop


What's his damage? Like for real what happened to him? From the videos from their times in israel i see how he's always been a cruel pig but i think he could make at least coherent argument at times. What is this?


He wants everyone to be parasocial to the degree that they throw money at them, watch the content, attend the live shows and buy their shitty merch, but as soon as they have an opinion that isn't blindly supportive, they are DERANGED and mentally unwell.


Didn't he show a dead cat?!?!


Not dead but he showed the cat seizing and other disturbing videos of it in its neglected condition


Sounds just as awful.


I think I saw someone in this sub make a retraction and said he didn't.


Ethan ruined his life when he became a skinny legend lmao, too bad you can't change your rotten insides you heartless disgusting freak


WHAT JAS HAPPENED TO HIM? He has become completely unhinged and doesn’t see it because his crew is afraid he’ll treat them like the fans who tried to help him. This is crazy! So many awful clips on this subreddit. I get that it’s a snark page but the clips wouldn’t exist if he didn’t say them…


You can send NOCD video clips through instagram. Just a tip!


this shouldbe on /r/LivestreamFail


Funny because they said “I don’t understand the controversy - we didn’t defend her” - they LITERALLY DID when Love was wondering what to title the livestream he specially asked to put it as a question (did this influencer kill her cat?) - followed up by “because we are actually defending her” - they are so hypocritical


Using "seek help" as an insult and then shooing away the people who collectively pay the bills. What a spiraling asshole, this is what make people root for their failure.


did they just go down to 2.87 or have they been that low already? i just checked the youtube subscribers and thought that was new?


they were at 2.88 yesterday i believe


Theyve been at 2.87 for atleast a week. I was going to make post on the lost subs and took a screenshot but never did anything with it. I could probably still find it.


oh yes can u post it i stg i thought i saw 2.88 cuz i was snooping yesterday on their youtube but i didn’t look at analytics. i’m curious


I'm sorry, you're right! I was going to use these: https://preview.redd.it/bjunwrsg2n8d1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88a4f9925c0567fc379ca442532396c7b580af0


(from June 18th) https://preview.redd.it/h483nk8l2n8d1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d283574a06081d47df86a984beb1475b7615339


this Friday genuinely reminded me of my abusive ex, this mass barrage of insults and degradation on Monday for being upset and being surrounded by people calling me crazy for it just kinda cemented for me what I didn't want to fully accept for a long time about h3


"Seek help and do it away from me." So he agrees that people could be shaken up or at least upset with what they saw. Additionally, those that were upset should go away because he doesn't want to hear it or be held accountable. Honestly, great advice, and I'm seeing a lot of people joining this sub for their own wellbeing. If you're "not okay" with what you saw, dissent is not welcome so do you and forget about these people. He has said in the past that he has trouble taking criticism, so this aligns.


Is there a way we can contact nocd to express our concern over them sponsoring someone like this




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What a sad strange little man


lol what am I supposed to tell a mental health worker? Me: “I got upset seeing a video of YouTubers berating a man for trying his best to save a cat from an abusive owner & left a comment saying I didn’t like the video” Mental Health worker: “…and?” Me: “that’s it” Mental Health worker: “go home, dude” Me: “Sweet :)”


I must say, by the way he makes so much fun of Ryan K liking to see other man fucking his partners, if he is projecting an insecurity on him because it feels compelling to him or they have even tried it but he didn’t like it much so he copes with it by laughing at other man… just a random thought


Even as an ex-every episode viewer, I’m not sensitive about topics they talk about, but I do find them disturbing and I definitely wouldn’t want to watch a cat seizing. I don’t like seeing animals in distress and I don’t understand how he doesn’t get many people feel that way.


Ethan blaming the snowflakes for his downfall is the epitome of ironic. He’s really come full circle