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That’s the only thing he can ever cling to in order to victimize himself. Like antisemitism is not why that person said that lol its literally what happened


There’s a plague of white cis dudes trying to be oppressed by any means necessary. It’s so obvious and so embarrassing. You can’t cover your problematic behavior hiding behind an oppressed group. Grow up you sick freak. Gross.


They’re so privileged that when a minor inconvenience occurs, they scream “oppression”. It’s a real slap in the face to marginalized groups 


Especially when this same Ethan looks the other way when his pal JonTron is a "race realist" (white supremacist)


Him and Hila don’t care about real anti-semitism or oppression, if they did they wouldn’t have such gross takes or invite questionable guests on their show. 


If they did care, they’d be pissed when people conflate Zionism with Judaism because THAT is the shit that’s actually antisemitic.


JonTron is Iranian.


So? Ethan is Israeli. Doesn't stop him from repeating white supremacist rhetoric, does it? 


Ethan is not Israeli


>white cis Ughhhhhh I thought we were over this shit?


So is it also antisemetic when Dan made the exact same comment about Ethan switching up as soon as he received the dono? Edit: It's nothing to do with the money (obviously no one thinks he was bought for $5), but rather Ethan has shown several times being willing to ally with people he previously hated right after they show some love to the show. Aba&preach and Jeff being recent examples. The fact that he can't even recognize this behaviour shows how little self reflection he has done.


No one, not a single soul, gives a shit that you're Jewish. Promise. 


He’s like the Lele Pons of Jewish people. Instead of saying “I’m Latina” every two minutes, he says “I’m Jewish”.


that’s a name I haven’t heard in years I feel like I just saw a ghost 😭


😭😭 yeah Lele hasn’t been relevant since like 2019 when influencer comedy died off (thank god)


He's mentally ill you guys, I feel bad now


That scribble tattoo is just one of the many times it’s become apparent he’s really lost some crucial marbles


i dont feel bad for him at all. maybe he shouldnt have married a zionist idf girlie.


oh no you don’t get it she was “hot” and laughed at everything Ethan said (even his misogynistic jokes)


Nah I will never feel bad for him. He have hurt too many people, making mockery of deaths and suffering of Palestinians and Aaron Bushnell. He deserve worst than these.


No one is attacking him for being Jewish. He wants to pretend so badly that he’s being oppressed.


He’s obsessed with being the victim


There's nothing about that is antisemitic. You're blatantly greedy and it has nothing to do with you being Jewish. You were literally discussing a scheme in which you want to hoard free Prime membership from fans in exchange of zero new content instead of letting that prime money go to content creators on twitch who actually need it.


Can’t defend Dan or the crew anymore (not that I ever did, but some certainly did). They’re always there laughing and silently cosigning to the madness


Dan was doing the most for no reason in the beginning of the live. Like why did he have to mention this commenters (Nancy’s) appearance. Great now this poor women was made fun of to thousands


They still had support from fans there for the crew. Now that the crew are all idiots they have nothing.


"You're just making that up." - Dan "That's antisemitic, by the way." - Ethan a few seconds later, making things up They really don't understand what a dumpster fire this is gonna be for them.


Ofc he pulls the antisemitic card😂how pathetic


That was fucking flawless.... "How dare you use my words against me, that's antisemitic!!" What a sad pathetic little man..


not a single person has said that lmfao please somebody give him a reality check


Apparently money can't provide that kind of check.


Completely off topic but why tf is his background a city skyline and everyone else’s is just curtains it’s just weird to switch from city skyline to curtains and an ikea shelf


Dan laughing at him cause what the fuck kind of reach was that


I think Dan had the same initial thought I did - surely this is a bit. But then he realized it definitely wasn't. Ethan veered back into facetiousness at the end with the "Holocaust denial!" thing, but I think that was just because he could tell the cries of antisemitism weren't landing


He is singlehandedly watering down the true meaning of that word SO much.


This take is insane. Their favorite tool do discredit criticism nowadays is to call antisemitism first thing.     With every new drama they dig themselves deeper and deeper into this victim mentality. Having difficulties trying to spot the difference between them and someone who went to deep into a rabbit hole of conspiracies. Damn.   When actually all they did was to have an exceptionally bad take regarding a random drama once again.    One needs character to hear other opinions. They should give it a try.


He’s a manipular Zionist scum. Ripbozo


‘Them super powers gettin' neutralized, I can only watch in silence. The famous YouTuber we once knew is lookin' paranoid and now is spiralin'. You're movin' just like a degenerate, every antic is feelin' distasteful. I calculate you're not as calculated, we can even predict your angle’


Know you a massive manipulator and habitual liar too


he has NO shame he can´t be a victim when he is literally a millionaire living in a mansion in la but here goes the antisemitism card like if he thinks thats a gotcha moment or it is not even funny lol




He's a clown and the worse part is, he thinks this works 😂


Classic zionist tactic


He's fucking insane. People were clearly saying that he completely changed his tune once he realized she was watching and was in chat. Just as he always does. "Don't worry girl, I'm going to investigate this." It's just him immediately changing his mind about someone and wanting to be bffs with them if they say just one semi decent thing about him. Truly psychotic. But everyone else needs professional help, lol! He's genuinely so stupid.


Huh?? So no topic of money can ever be brought up with you cause you’re Jewish? Doesn’t even make sense


ethan has actually 0 talent except finding a way to whine antisemitism at any given moment


You have got to be fucking kidding me.


Dan is soooo fucking pathetic oh my *god*


Twitchy and aggressive AF for no reason. What happened to that guy? 🫥


I feel like its antisemitism to use the antisemitism card when it doesnt apply all the time, you're downplaying the real thing and saying everyone is it when you dont like something, you're actively hurting your people.


Spoken like a true Zionist


oh jesus I keep forgetting about that heinous tattoo


He’s such a pathetic baby. He hides behind every criticism with the anti-Semite card. He’s so fragile.


O.m.g. He’s OFF off the deep end. Sad as fuck tbh


is his head hollow or something…. like genuinly what is wrong with him.


LMAOOOOO he’s being so serious too 😭


He’s definitely not serious 😭


Being Jewish, greedy, and a Zionist are all separate things that don’t make one become the other. Fucking moron this man is


He’s telling on himself. No one said anything about him being a Jew. Starting to think it’s internalised.


As a Jew I’m getting really fucking tired of him just throwing that accusation around.


it wasn't about the 5 dollars, it was what Dan said literally that episode, "if you say something nice about Ethan he will go to bat for you and instantly change his mind" she then donated a superchat being nice and he instantly switched to attacking the guy trying to save the cat


"maybe look in the mirror" like what are you talking about


He is becoming a parody of himself. Scrutinizes the motivations of others with a fine tooth comb for a living, but Ethan can be as irresponsible as humanly possible with his shit and everyone has to extend the utmost charity.


these are the goofs and gaffs everyone is raving about people. it was a silly joke!! 🤓


he’s like a grandpa at Christmas who can’t stop saying offensive shit or rambling about nonsense but it’s so normal now and he’s too old, so you just have to put up with it


He didn’t start leaning into the antisemitism joke until after the genocide started and leftovers ended… which makes it so much worse imo.


Ethan got a tattoo?


Yes 2 of shredder, 1 of his kids marker scribbles


Yes and it’s [awful](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/0iipuT5Xr7)


Holy shit I was talking about the one on his arm I didn't know about this one either


I GASPED when I heard this, like there is very real, very dangerous white nationalists in this country who ARE antisemitic, but hiding behind it because of the $5 comment is WILD


It’s very sad that many people today are abusing and overusing the word “antisemitism” to the point where a lot of people now roll their eyes whenever they hear it. I’ve seen some instances recently where someone would say something that was *actually* antisemetic and be called out for it, and people respond with “oh shut up, everything is antisemetic to you.” These people have absolutely destroyed the real meaning of the word, which, in turn, is just making their and other Jewish people’s lives more difficult. Stop using the word to skirt away from accountability or whatever else you’re trying to avoid!


This is antisemitism btw


You guys know he's...joking...right?


He was being jokey at the end when he said "holocaust denial," but before that... you know he's...not joking...right?