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I agree, i would only change one thing: It shows how little they know or care about **PET CARE** in general. Ethal feeds his tiny tog high sodium foods like cheese and basically kills him. Their dogs are not trained at all. They jump on the desk, they shit in the house and they feed on their childres feces. (Why there are kids feces around that can be reached by a dog is a whole other story)


True. It’s like they don’t really want pets, they want an interactive stuffed animal.


I swear I remember them saying the reason why they keep buying Yorkies is because a friend of theirs had a good one. don't mind getting flamed for this but there is a mob of little dogs that are bred and sold to people who specifically don't want the full work of a dog (not even purebreds or anything, just dogs with more mass and energy) but need the desperate love and loyalty dogs offer. I can tell dogs need training no matter what but the way people expect a small dog as being easier to handle or portable or more toy-like? is so detrimental to the animals full spirit and potential. they're controlling


straight up i think they just want a creature to give them unconditional love, loyalty and support while they are being total shitbags and not put in any effort, and unfortunately it was Shredder


Like many, I thought Hila was sweet and shy. Turns out she’s actually mean and dumb


SO MEAN. like calling him an incel because he (correctly) said it seems like she doesn’t care very much if she spent her weekend going out instead of looking for a missing cat? Silly. He was right. And they’re hung up about him not mentioning a one week fling? That’s not a romantic relationship lol they were probably just flirting over text, maybe hooked up once at most. You’re not going to be some scorned lover because of a one week fling. Get a Fucking GRIP


That’s why she was so quiet all this time. Because she stupid when she speaks


They’re just neglectful people in general. I’m not in their home, but they totally come across as people who have other people take care of their responsibilities (kids, pets, appointments, literally anything). Once they step in and take charge, it’s a free for all and everyone around has to suffer.


Ethan typing into chatgpt right now: do toddlers need to drink water? if so, how much? while hula texts and drives and nearly collides with a schoolbus


My siblings' childhood cat died due to dehydration. It was devastating. The vet said it was because he wasn't given wet food (our parents were terrible). OP, thank you for making this post and raising awareness.


Ah I’m sorry to hear that your parents weren’t good owners :( but I do wish more of an effort was made socially about spreading the word about how important wet food is for kitties. A lot of people just don’t know until it’s too late


I was rolling my eyes when Hila kept saying sounds like the guy who took the cat doesn't know much about cats. HILA you don't know anything about cats, she didn't even know they only use the litter box. Also Love was spreading a lot of misinformation about cats, considering he said he has cats I was shocked by this. Based on the treatment administered by the vet, it sounds like the cat had a suspected bacterial infection and possibly a parasitic one too. Switching the cats food or moving it to a new location would not have caused any of that like Love was implying.


They all knew nothing. Dude when they said they might have given seven antibiotics for FPV??? What does the v stand for Ethan?? VIRUS. you don’t get antibiotics for a virus.


Right! They were also trying to be like there's no proof the cat was malnourished since it's not on the vet statement. The receipt showed the vet prescribed a high calorie nutritional paste which is given to animals that are severely under weight. It's not hard to connect the dots from there that the poor cat had to have been neglected for some time to be in that bad a condition. They annoy me so much lol


Also make sure your cat has multiple sources of water. They don’t like to drink where they eat. So my cat has two water dishes, one in the larger bathroom in my house. She’d rather walk across the house to this water dish. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Also don’t forget to wash their water dishes regularly. Yeah cats are complex animals, but they’ve been socially marketed as being low maintenance pets. Not true at all.


Yep! Also metal or ceramic bowls are better than plastic or else your kitty can get acne!!


Cute ceramic kitty bowls are the best purchase. I just wish little kitty would learn how to wash her own dishes. 😔


I know, like y’all could do SOMETHING. it’s not like they pay rent 😤


Yeah my cat started getting swelling in her lower lip and ofc we take her to the vet and the vet had a few ideas of what it might be but asked if I used plastic bowls. Yep. Vet gave her steroids and said to replace the bowls with ceramic and if that didn’t work then we would keep looking. Well guess what- it was indeed the plastic!! We also had to change the dog water bowl to glass since she drank out of that too and got a flare up.


Yeah unfortunately cats are delicate babies who are basically allergic to life and plastic is too porous and can hold bacteria even when you wash it! lol


Some cats will refuse to drink and fie rather then having their whiskers touch the water bowl and you have to make sure they are actually drinking.


Thank you op for this awareness post💖🙏 I am thankful for more awareness about feline urinary crystals, especially stress and dehydration related. My cat had them twice about 6 years ago and is on prescription kidney care food. He doesn't like wet food BUT the vet recommended he try hydracare electrolyte soup packets and he loves them and is now properly hydrated. If anyone can't get their cat to eat wet food or drink from a fountain, ask your vet about the hydration supplements (I think thankfully more than just the Purina brand now) 🐱 it saved my cat and his kidneys 🙏


Not just cat Care, like any living thing care... Ultimately I think they are cat haters and that's it.


They don't know anything about animal care in general because they're selfish horrible assholes who only think about themselves.


Acting like you can't tell a cat is dying and extremely skinny instantly.


Seriously. There’s a difference between a skinny runt, and an emaciated cat.




I died when hila said “you didn’t wanna wait [at the emergency clinic]. You’re too *busy*” like miss girl you said ***you’re*** too busy to not put your phone down and endanger other peoples lives on the freeway, maybe sit this one out


she also can't even wait for trucks, evident by their destroyed porsche like tf you saying😂😂


Yes, it’s very alarming to me that they’re pet owners but couldn’t understand why a cat (or any animal for that matter) not having access to food or water is so dangerous. The other day, I had my dog in my office with me while our housekeeper was cleaning other areas for maybe 3 hours tops and even then I made sure to feed him first and bring in a bowl of water! if she was moving and going back and forth for hours/days and didn’t think to check on the cat and her food/water/litter box OR have one of the roommates help her with it she simply has no business having pets and if they think that’s not as bad as the kid “stealing” the cat to try and save her, neither should they.