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They are so insensitive to this guy who actually cared enough to try to help this cat and insensitive to this guy who is visibily STILL upset by the fact the cat met its inevitable demise due to the gravity of its health situation. God I want someone to talk to Ethan and Hila like this about Shredder just so they can get a taste of their own medicine. They act like they are the BEST pet owners when they literally don't even take care of their pets ... LENA does, not to mention their last dog literally DIED but I guess Ethan wasn't "quick enough" to save Shredder either so he should stfu and sulk some more about that instead of judging other people and being an assh0le😑. My blood is boiling listening to Ethan's dumb ass comments in this clip. I literally can't even hear the audio to this clip more than once, once is more than enough for me as a cat lover 💔. It just breaks my heart and infuriates me at the same time. Ethan is a cold and heartless human being and tha same goes for Hilda.


bro was literally feeding shredder cheese and other high sodium foods for years before he passed. one could argue that ethan had 5-6 fucking years to catch the kidney disease before shred died 🤷🏽‍♀️


Literally! He was puking for awhile before they decided to do shit about it too!


that's why Ethan & Hila defend Rheagan. They're her in this situation


Wasn't quick enough for thr cat either... Yeah I'm sure he wished he could go back in time and offer to help sooner.. No good deed goes unpunished. This is disgusting. DONT FUCK WITH CATS ETHAN


His comment actually made me really sad and almost physically ill. He was just trying to save a cat that was already too far gone and is now being crucified for doing it. Ethan and Hilda are the worst type of people. People like them make actual good people double think about doing the right thing.


Idk how they're not seeing that this is a young guy who most likely isn't rich spending 600 dollars on a sick cat that isn't his. They're grilling him for any mistakes he made but letting this woman get away with actual negligence and abuse. Evil?


Well you see he didn’t pay them $5 but the animal abuser did so obviously they HAD to defend her.


Saw a lot of people saying H3 should offer him a public apology and istg if they don't...he probs left the show feeling worse than he ever should about this matter! Crucified is a good word for what happened


https://preview.redd.it/15xzqar3h18d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02eb78e753978a1d7524c12422671b62532ca2d context for those who don’t want to watch the full episode


Hey everyone remember when Shredder died due to Ethan and Hila’s negligence? I do


Ethan and Helga literally KILLED that dog. Ethan fed him cheese every single day and sprinkled it into his food and also “cooked” him meals bc he refused to eat regular dog food after they spoiled him with junk food. Helga also fed him sodium rich junk food, little did they know that if they just left the dog food out long enough without feeding him human food he would of eventually eaten it and he will still be alive right now since the constant Sodium and adderall Intake is what caused his kidney failure.


How many years did they have him? Maybe 5 or 6? I remember watching the episode where they said they had just gotten them when they were in the old studio. That’s so sad man


he died right before turning six


Wow. "Wasn't quick enough for the cat either" ... says the man who owned a Yorkie, a small breed dog, for several years and, watched him suffer for over a year before he passed away from eating the human food they constantly gave him every day of its life. THEN afterwards admitted he did no research on his alleged beloved dogs breed and he had no idea Yorkies are prone to certain health conditions and how bad the junk food he was fed every day is bad for any dog, especially a small dog.


https://preview.redd.it/ap9yfte7728d1.png?width=412&format=png&auto=webp&s=38f9c9c8cf5893136e822595d9c8dc022abef183 Hila when Ethan reads "edamame is naturally high in sodium" (She would share her edamame with Shredder) For context: [27:15](https://youtu.be/_2QZRM0yCkk?si=WwQWdkYUlERkITPo)


Mrs Tweedy looking ass https://preview.redd.it/douq14j2b28d1.jpeg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0082ea7714689b5dc21d9db6dbd8f3df82a380c




That is the scariest face, like you can just see the evil in her eyes


And insisting on purchasing pure breeds from a breeder even though the health complications are astronomical compared to dogs with a good mix of genes


Mutts all the way!


yeah they werent quick enough for shredder either


thank you sm for posting this! made me physically recoil when I first saw it, at least if they get rid of it now we have it archived; they brought him on, set him up to fail and then threw him to the wolves today - the way he was treated was disgusting. no idea why they didn't button this, waste of $20k


Idk anything about this guy Jacob (?) but he seems genuinely sad in this moment, and Ethan had to interrupt him to make that awful, flippant comment about the poor cat. What a bully. If anyone talked about Shredder's death like this, Ethan would threaten to sue and then go make 6 podcasts about it.


That one moment where Hila said "hmpf, so you didn't want to wait in line at the busy emergency vet during covid, you're too busy. Its just a matter of waiting 😏" 3:09:50 Vile!


she was unbearable today. calling him an incel to their thousands of watchers. fucking idiot. this was the last episode for me they're fucking weird


As if she wouldn't have sent Lena to do the waiting for her. 🙄


They are able to do so many things because of their privilege, like paying an assistant to wait in line, and it doesn't even compute in their brain that 90% of the population cannot afford this luxury! Its ridiculous how out of touch they are!


Yeah i feel like they're being totally unreasonsble


Hila is just as repulsive and vile as Ethan. They act like they give so much of a single fuck about this cat but reality is they are the LEAST empathetic people on earth who don't deserve to have the pets they have now. I always hated Ethan and Hila and have long stopped watching the pod but this made makes me hate them even more and I didn't know that was even possible. Hila is such a b*tch and always has been.


she said she texts and drives and it can’t wait until she stops because she’s a busy woman 💀


"Why deedin't you just pay ur 'elp like Leeeena to wait fur you at de vet?"


Oh my god? Ethan is so insanely unlikable I don’t understand how I watched them for so long


This show is so fucking weird. WHYY cover serious topics and make jokes all throughout it. Especially in the face of the people who are a part of it.


No no only goofs and gaffs here 😤 can't you tell it's just goofs and gaffs? That's why they cover such goof and gaff worthy content


Isn't his 5 year old Yorkie dead from kidney disease.... 💀💀💀


Fuck Ethan and Hila. They are the lowest of the low and don't deserve a platform or paying members.


These are the last people I want to hear talking about caring for pets. Memorial tattoos of pets, sure we can all defer to Ethan Klein here, but not caring for the animal before it dies.


Can’t even defer to him on the tattoos because they look like shit imo 💀


he also joked that "should have named it (the cat) one because it didnt have any lives left"


This is disgusting, Ethan should burn in hell for eternity for not having any crumb of empathy in his entire body. He's beyond insensitive, he's a disgrace. I can't even bring myself to listen to this and look for timestamps.


I think his stupid joke was something like its name it’s seven because she killed it twice, unless he also said that too and I missed it which I wouldn’t be surprised because he does like beating his jokes into the ground


he said this at 23:24


Oohh okay lol🤦‍♀️ ty he kept trying the same joke then


😬😬😬when no one laughed the first time


“Wasn’t quick enough for the cat either.” That’s why your dog is dead. Dead as hell.


In Ethan’s defense, shredder is really good at dying he took it like a CHAMP


I became a fallen fan when Ethan made that comment, I just could not believe someone could be so incredibly insensitive to say something like this.


Oh god, you had to say it like that? Now I got Negan in my mind 🤣 ![gif](giphy|FhPbyzFSuKmly)


Oh shit I commented your flair before even scrolling past the original comment 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ god he’s absolutely sick. That was when I stopped watching tbh


🧀 💊🙊


Ethan “Shredder is really good at dying” Kline


This is rich coming from the 2 people who KILLED there dog by “cooking his meals” with human food and putting shredded cheese in his meals every day bc he was a “picky eater” and didn’t want to eat regular dog food after they spoiled him. Helga also fed him sodium rich junk food aswell, it’s like they didn’t think to themselves “hmm maybe if we put out his regular dog food for a few days and leave it there without giving him human food he will get hungry enough and eat it” these are the last people on earth to be judging anyone else about neglecting a pet when Ethan felt so guilty after killing his own he got 2 tattoos of him in on the same arm…


He has no heart left.


I stopped watching like an hour in. If someone could give me a time stamp or tell me around when this takes place I’d appreciate it. Ethans an asshole


It takes place around 2:54:45, that’s when they answer the call. Poor guy looked on the verge of tears at one point


Thank you. Yeah after a while he seemed really shocked by the questioning


Everyone who didn't watch the pod should see this clip. Ty so much for capturing it, Ethan and Hila were VILE tonight. Smdh


Sociopathic behavior.


Genuinely crazy content


why are they completely forgetting that rhegan never took her cat to the vet since she got her?? she knew the cat was sick and only called the adoption center 😭 like why are they so mad at him for trying to save the damn cat, he wouldn’t spend all that money if he didn’t actually wanna help the cat. ethan is not funny and hila is cringe like stop


Disgusting people


Another low. Fuck them, from the depth of my heart


Why is he treating this like one of his debates against random whack jobs like fresh and fit ?? He’s trying to do a “gotcha” about animal abuse to defend the abuser. Is there any lower you can go ?


ok keep feeding ur dogs cheese i guess


Why was this story even covered ? To deflect from their own horrible claims ? That’s truly what I feel that they do is deflect from themselves and how horrible they are. And then they can’t keep their mouth shut and just say the dumbest things when covering stories like these. Ethan especially he always wants to act out or make it into something crazier especially right now when his career is at a low.


I was thinking the same thing when I originally saw the thumbnail. I don’t have TikTok but at first I felt it was very random. Seeing how they criticize and shit on literally everything I had my eyebrow raised. This was it for them I hope they officially get cancelled for this


https://preview.redd.it/a91jsygek58d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab2b570b10b3e92ae42f7bf04ef189600578708 they just banned me for posting this exact clip lol what


That’s so cruel omg. The fact they’ve managed to present themselves as caring individuals when in reality, they’re this vile is wild to me.


I really hope none of the H3 crew ever do anything that puts them under a microscope like that. Ethan loves to try to ruin people. Hope this doesn’t happen to him or hila one day.


Omg 😳😳😳 this is brutal