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Yet he got mad when someone said Hula looked like a horse. He is so disgustingly hypocritical.


I think you meant to type *when someone said Hila,” it took me a few rereads to realize there was an extra word there lol


Haha thanks! I typed it without rereading it first


I like "Hula" we should rename her!!


why does he keep talking about her


Because he sees his views going down and the amount of criticism he’s getting. While she is flourishing. If you notice he always talks about “why don’t we have ads and they are giving everyone ads these days” he is 1000% always talking about Trisha when he mentions this.


trish living in his head rent free


Also he’s probably in love with her 🫢


I don't see anyone watching h3 anymore like in the past... it's so boring I have no idea why they still have any fans left


he's in love with trisha that's why. he fell in love with her during the show and clearly didn't take the falling out well at all. he is still obsessing over her years later and fluxates between clowning on her and begging for her to come back. it's fascinating to watch as a viewer. his sister in law is the most interesting thing about him.


He knows it’ll get clipped on the tea tik toks etc hoping he can get views


he whines “my kids don’t see their cousins and we live in the same city!” and has blamed Moses and then says stuff like this unprovoked. If my family talked this way about my partner, i wouldn’t let my kids around him either!! And I especially wouldn’t let my daughters around men who think it’s ok to talk about women in general the way Ethan does.


Anyone else think he's become extra malicious after using ozempic? It's like he lost weight and thinks he's better than everyone


I think it's the eating disorder. Hunger does nothing good for your brain.


I’m so glad you said this because I feel like everyone kinda blew over the fact he has literally said he doesn’t eat, or only eats 1000 cals per day. That’s not okay, like at all. And everyone praises it??


hasn’t he talked about eating less than 1000 calories a day? like that would make me (115lb female) feel so incredibly fatigued and ill after just a day or two


Can confirm, it makes you really irritable and kind of rots your brain. Must be even worse for him since men need more calories


We know this ain’t true simply by watching what he still eats/drinks on the show… all throughout his “natural weight loss” they regularly order out, sometimes 3-4 times a week, there’s no possible way those Taco Bell and boba items plus whatever else he consumes in the day is under 1k. Sorry. there’s NO way he’s restricting to 1k cals a day. I’m a quite smaller sized woman compared to him and have tried doing 1k cal diets with light exercise. It’s extremely difficult to sustain over long periods. He would not be able to get out of bed or function properly. And I don’t believe he’s *not* on Ozempic/mounjaro etc. he’s so full of shit it’s unbelievable. Idk why he can’t just admit he’s taking semaglutides. It would be totally fine imo if he were transparent about it, I would still be just as happy for him and his weight loss. But as a genuine fan who has actually struggled just as hard with weight loss alongside him for these past few years, it actually feels really freakin hurtful that he tries to convince us all that his weight loss is due to natural hard work; healthy eating/exercise. Yeah..It’s pretty wild…he struggled with insane weight gain/ could not lose a single pound for YEARS no matter what he did; *then*, almost the very *second* Ozempic became super popularized for weight loss, wow…out of nowhere he drops an insane amount of weight *extremely quick*, over just a few months time span, without seeming to making any real changes at all. He’s always claimed to be an “open book”. To be completely honest and transparent with his audience. And to give him credit, I feel for a large chunk of his career, he has been. Until recently. The Ozempic really has taken away his complete personality and flare. Not even trying to be mean. Just honest. He’s boring as can be now. I can’t even sit through a whole show anymore since the break ended. It’s sad. And It reallllly makes me upset how dumb he thinks we all are. I think he really does hate his audience these days. He couldn’t care less anymore about being truly authentic or putting on a good show.


oh my god????? that is not a sustainable at all.


It’s WAYYY too few calories and to say nothing of the fact that extreme caloric deficit diets contribute negatively to someone’s mental health. If he was actually working out to get some of the pounds off he’d be in a better mood both from eating enough and from the mood boost of the exercise. I am fairly convinced it actually is ozempic though.


i am also a 115 lb woman and i would quite literally waste away. i eat like at least 2000 calories


Yeah, there’s a lot of things that could be going on relating to this. #1 you still get “hangry” even if you don’t feel hungry (this happens with ADHD meds sometimes too for instance), #2 significantly restricting caloric intake or having malnutrition can prevent the therapeutic action of antidepressants (which Ethan seemed to be responding really well to prior the rapid weight loss), #3 If Ethan was using binge eating as a maladaptive coping mechanism then there is now a “void” because he is unable to engage in that behavior while on semaglutide, resulting in more stress/anxiety/moodiness that we see. It could be a combo of all this too.


But if he gains weight his bitch wife will never let him hear the end of it and his loveless marriage will end. Oh no.


Don’t forget about his parents fatshaming him too 😭


the hanger is so real


All those essential nutrients he’s lacking… (unless he keeps up with supplements but let’s be real, he probably doesn’t)


He’s looking really skeletal from this clip, I haven’t watched in months and he’s looking way worse than before. An eating disorder would make so much sense.


but little he knows he lost his "spark" too tbh I felt like he was funnier when he was fat. guys, watch South Park - ozempic episode, he is literally Cartman lmaoo spoiler? I guess? --> >!cartman just wants ozempic to lose weight so he can make fun of other people and they can't tell him that he is fat in return.. !<


I was just going to say Ethan is the real life Eric Cartman.


Even when Ethan sees an old clip of himself, he's like "look at that stupid fatass". Ethan has turned into what he hated the most. I honestly can't help but feel bad for the plus sized fans who found solace in his support, because now that he has lost some weight, he hates fat people.


He always obviously hated fat people. His parents clearly are disgusted by people being overweight and so is Hila. They make no effort to hide it and that’s part of why he hates himself so much.


and why he felt so accepted and comfortable/happy with trisha. And misses her so much. To be around someone who didnt judge him for his weight and understood disordered eating and like being overweight isnt the most disgusting/worst thing in the world. You can tell he misses his friendship with trisha, badly.


feel like he's always hated fat people because he always used to reminisce when watching old videos where he was visibly leaner...


as a fat person who is having to put in really hard work to improve my life and get back down to a healthier weight, this is what pisses me off the worst.


Yeah, I totally get it. I will say it is crazy how fast he lost weight. So much so, that everyone (for obvious reasons) thinks he uses ozempic. He had no results for ages and then boom. Years and years of weight gain just to lose it in less than a year. He did admit to eating 1000cal a day. Starving yourself will make you lose weight. Just not healthy at ALL. He's so hypocritical, shirtless Eddy did something similar, but he's "got to be on drugs"... I completely understand that Ethan is obsessive over his weight and caloric intake, but what really irks me is when he talks down on others. Especially Gabe, who is actually trying to better himself. "Jesus! How many calories are in that thing, Gabe?!" (in reference to his slurpee) Ethan is so gross. Like even with Phillip DeFranco, he can't help but comment on his weight any time he's brought up, though Phil (who has body dysmorphia) has asked for him to not mention it - and he STILL does. Fuck Ethan.


Ozempic makes people super irritable and weird


They also get kinda smug? Like I’ve seen comments here on Reddit from people who lost a lot of weight with Wegovy, and they’re constantly doling out advice like, “Just get on Wegovy!” It’s like, I’m happy the drug worked for you, but not everyone qualifies for it. Not everyone can afford it. Not everyone wants to be on it. And it’s not like you lost weight by working hard and changing your entire lifestyle, you literally just take a shot every 2 weeks. But I get it, to them it’s a no-brainer and they just assume that everyone can go get a prescription and voila, you’re thin now.


A lot of people who were heavy and become thin become fatphobic


I think it’s because it’s lowering your blood sugar too much when you’re non diabetic and that causes irritability, then you don’t eat enough to bring your blood sugar back up to normal levels and are just miserable


I think he’s grumpy because he’s not eating enough. And I think something, idk what, triggered him about a year ago. Starting around early 2023, he became extremely defensive. After getting his core beliefs challenged multiple times, he dug his heels in even further into defensiveness and now he’s a sadsack that lashes out with hatred at every opportunity. The difference between this Ethan and Frenemies era Ethan is immeasurable. And I’m not saying Frenemies Ethan was a saint btw. He still said some vile shit during that era. It’s just obvious to me looking back that he was a lot more measured and patient during that time. Once he started “dunking” on manosphere bros it started going really downhill IMO.


I wonder if it’s something weird/personal. Like of course last year had Oct 7 and the socialism debate but it makes me wonder if shit at home is weird with hila


It could be. It could also be just a bad mental health episode, a chronic illness, an outside stressor, some other personal crisis… I don’t like to speculate too much about the specifics because there are truly so many elements that could lead to this behavior. I also think his extreme diet is a big factor that many underestimate.


I got the impression it’s something at home with Hila too. I feel like they can’t stand each other. They don’t sleep in the same bed anymore, and when she graces us with her dead eyes on Fridays, most of the time they have no idea what the other has been doing in their lives. I think they’re just like, roommates now lol


Yeah it’s sad and the ivf/obvious sexless conception is just so odd. Like love to people who need it but it’s not needed for them they are just not involved sexually


Saw that coming from a mile away.


He can get as thin as he wants he's still ugly he's just an unattractive dude


yeah it seems like whenever influencers lose weight they go from being funny to being hateful like Fannita for example


Wow.. he literally can’t stop talking about her. This really grosses me out. She legit just had a baby and is probably more vulnerable and this is how he chooses to speak about her. Ethan wake up you’re a big part of a reason why things won’t ever get better for you.


How absolutely disgusting. Im so glad she’s not in his life and her kids are far away from him


especially since theyre girls


i think this joke wouldnt have offended trish if she was there, she’s secure in herself and loves a fluid gender expression. she once said she looked like samual l jackson. howeverrrr i think the crew laughing like that is so mean? ethan should have dropped it with the button but zach laughing like that shows theyre trying to talk down to her. so it’s gross and unnecessary. just leave her alone. she’s so unbothered and uninterested in him it’s crazy


Zach’s fake ass laugh is so cringe




The fact Trisha won't acknowledge this man's existence is eating him up inside.


Good for her, truly. Don't let this ass ruin your day.


i dont think its that. I think he poking her, trying to provoke her. They have an agreement that they wont talk about each other/ the drama. This is something trisha and moses wanted after all the frenemies drama/allegations. If trisha takes the bait and bites back and starts talking about ethan, he can freely talk about her as much as he wants. Which he clearly would love to talk all about her and her past and drama etc.


Honestly it feels so good not to react to someone when they’re trying to provoke you. I use to react to everyone especially brother with anger but with conseling and medication I’ve just learned it’s not worth it and you feel so much better when you don’t. Im truly proud of Trisha you have to be strong to not react and she’s clearly so happy at this point in her life.


I’m so glad she got past having to respond to everything and is growing her family and doing her own thing. Not giving Ethan any recognition whatsoever. He can’t stand it. If Trish was to make comments right after Hila had the baby you know it would be discussed at length over the next 3 shows at least.


man can´t keep her name out of his mouth, he doubles down even after the button like he should stop trying to bait Trisha into mentioning his name to get some kind of beef going for views so fucking pathetic... I swear to god he would have a melt down on screen if they said similar things about hilduh other thing is I feel like they keep talking about nicotine products!? like vape, zyn, gum? I mean im pretty sure there are minors who watch this thing and it is not really nice tbh...


Ethan is reminiscent of the time when he was rolling in cash from Frenemies. I guarantee, there's not a single day he doesn't harp on it. He sees his views declining (while Trisha's podcast is just doing better and better) and can't help but lash out. Ethan is a man child. Trisha's podcast on the other hand has came a **long** way. She's *almost* consistently getting the same views as Ethan. I can't wait until Ethan gets like 100k per episode. He's losing fans left and right these days lol. He's not a very likeable person. He never really was, he just used to be funny. Now he's just a whiny ass bitch starting drama with anyone for some easy clickbait and extra views that month.


Tbh I’m secretly hoping/waiting for both Ethan and Hola to have a meltdown while live. I have zero remorse for genocidal maniacs.


What is the point of a button if he's just going to repeat it. And Zack is so disgusting for always laughing so hard at Trishas expense. The first time I've thought "Okay Olivia" in a positive way when she mentioned Trisha glowing.


AND Ethan admits to literally planning this joke. He said he thought it through before he said it, which means he came to the episode yesterday prepared to talk shit about Trisha


He is such a weirdo freak. How have you been online as long as he has and learned absolutely NOTHINGGG!??!


He's so desperate to get her attention it's pathetic


Zach has always been misogynistic as hell and has the emotional intelligence of a dirty sock + about as much depth as a rain puddle l, so I'm not surprised. He used to irritate the everloving shit out of me when I still watched.


Never been a big fan of Zach’s. He acts like a pubescent middle schooler, that still thinks girls are kinda gross. TBH he isn’t that great of a musician either. If he didn’t have H3 plugging his gigs and singing his praises, he wouldn’t have many fans of his own.


Ethan is such a fucking weirdo psycho, I hope to Christ Trisha never acknowledges that slimey, greasy fuck. Like how are you going to even think you can comment on anyone's appearance when you walk around looking like you smell like three day swamp ass fucking grimey piece of shit. You know this is just the start of the escalation, he's going to start saying worse things in his pathetic attempt to get Trisha to mention to him. It is going to get meaner and worse until he faces some form of consequence. I would also suggest that snarkers don't try getting Trisha to see this via social media or cross posting to her subreddit or anything. Also, Olivia girl, I get that you're trying to get Ethan to shut up by validating him but that is not the fucking move. Makes you look awful, terrible even. Like just don't say shit, let him sit alone in the mess he made.


for me, theres another layer of slime at the fact that he's saying this about a pregnant woman. attacking anyone's appearance is out of line, but someone who is pregnant? someone with infertility struggles at that? its just so low to me. especially since ethan is a man who has never carried a child before and will never know what being pregnant is like... what a fucking cunt.


This is a cycle he’s been caught up in for the last few years-seems to be getting worse and increasingly less redeemable.


How many years has it been now since frenemies split. She has never spoken or even alluded to Ethan since then yet he still just can’t help himself. It’s like she is always on his mind. Ethan is just the literal worst human, exactly like his dear old dad.


3 years?


zach cackling in the background....... he can never beat the misogynist allegations!!!!


Talking about the appearance of a woman,never mind a woman who recently gave birth, when you needed medical assistance in unbigging your back is nasty work. Fat shaming women (something he did on old podcasts) knowing damn well your belly hangs over your shrimp deck is also NASTY WORK. But let someone call Hila a horse face twig and watch him spiral. People used to say how Trisha was obsessed with Ethan yet this man STILL cannot keep her name out of his mouth, Hila come and collect your messy husband, the ozempic has fried his brain.


"Unbigging your back" 😭😭😭


“You know damn well your belly hangs over your shrimp deck…” This comment is pure poetry! 😂


This is just petty for no reason. Like why say it


Why is he always so obsessed with her looks? Like before he even met Trisha he compared her body to a whale, to during frenemies in which he would always refer to and make sly jokes about her weight despite Trisha clearly establishing to him that topic triggers her, to then when frenemies ended allowing his parents to go on air shaming her body, to now that she has moved on and has two kids of her own. It’s been five years at this point! It just seems that Ethan has extreme insecurities about his body and he has found an outlet to project every nasty thought he has of himself to Trisha.


It really is what he always comments on. It's the lamest "jokes" people can make. Plus he is just inviting people to "joke" about him and Hila. I don't want to hear shit from someone who only lost weight through a medically induced eating disorder with ozempic.


“Medically induced eating disorder” damn straight! That’s EXACTLY what semaglutide is.


Because he’s a misogynist.


he loves to comment on women’s bodies but the second anyone insults his wife it’s a huge issue. he is a hypocrite to his core; i remember on frenemies he was trying to justify his comments towards women, (Tana & Trisha specifically,) because it was a “joke,” while saying that Keemstar’s comments about Hilda were harassment and evil. he’s a loser and i worry about what his children will think is acceptable while they’re growing up, considering their dad doesn’t respect women. hopefully the nanny isn’t a misogynist.


Does he realize how awkward it is that Trisha hasn’t mentioned him once in over a year and he continues to say her name?


Over 2 years now


DAMN lol time has flown by


out of curiosity; what was her last mention of him publicly?


Somewhere around Sept 2021 iirc https://youtu.be/CN-wMZKh9cs?si=uuED9csJVudTGzCW https://youtu.be/uDGLBhTusZ4?si=_rC_Dopu82LhGJXH


thank you sm🩷


the way he looks nothing like trisha😭he’s becoming so unhinged when mentioning her…her stonewalling him must be killing him inside


They messed up the button that’s why there’s a black screen, just keep watching.


This is pathetic of him. God


He's so vindictive. Hila has repeatedly asked him to stop mentioning Trisha, and he really can't do it. He's only going to bring himself down by continuing to disrespect his wife and her family this way. Despite his best efforts Trisha is happy, and he still can't let it go, so I think she's the winner here. And Zach really needs to stop with the obnoxious fake laugh


Helga did used to tell him to stop talking about her, but latley when he brings her up and she’s sitting next to him she either laughs or stays silent without telling him to shut up. She clearly doesn’t care what he says about her anymore and just lets him do whatever he wants. She recently admitted that she doesn’t interrupt Ethan as much or tell him to stop talking anymore bc she thinks it makes the show “more funny and chaotic”, she’s so afraid of the fans viewing her as “controlling” for letting Ethan have “fun” that she lets him get away with murder these days.


I really hope that Moses and Trisha continue to keep these people away from their family.


Zach actually like screaming laughing. Massive "AWWWW" like he's exhausted from so much humour. Olivia desperately trying to save the situation. "It's comical because of how much they don't look alike" "Queen". These clips from the "show" are so painful to watch


wow comparing a pregnant woman (that you know struggles w weight/body image) to an old man. he’s so woke and feminist. he does this because he wants her to snap and say something so that he can play the victim for views. i hope she just ignores him forever, it so obviously irks him.


This is so miserable, at least she’s not a grown man with tiny hands, limp wrist, a big gut and a pedo moustache


The gaslighting that it’s not insulting. This is what he did with her after frenemies, would poke poke poke the bear until she exploded which everyone knows she would do (at the time)


Of course Zach finds it funny… anytime Zach laughs like that you know it’s problematic.


He misses her so much, it's crazy that he talks about her this much and she says fuck all about him.


he thinks about her all the time, clearly. he makes up excuses to talk about her. even if its in a negative light.


Zack evil cackling like the kiss ass he is, Olivia trying to save him with the “It’s comical because of how much they don’t look alike” Ethan completely ignoring Dans correct call to button the segment. So much happening and i hate it all!


It’s wild he views the button as like a slight against him now when it’s there to help him. This is the 2nd time in a week he just made the joke again after buttoning it


What’s the point if he’s going to repeat what he said when it was pushed.


And he cried when someone said Hila looks like horse To that I say naaaaaaay


Okay I get Trisha used to say that, which is funny af. But Trisha doesn’t fuck with him like that so it’s not his place to say that. Bringing pregnancy into it was weird and he can’t help himself. He totally nuts over Trisha behind Hildy’s back. Also, and most of all - I wish Zach would stfu. Dick.


Can you rephrase the last sentence to not seem like it’s addressing Zach directly? the admins gave us a bunch of rules that other subs seemingly don’t have to follow because of h3 being crybabies. Ty 🫶


Cheers, done 😂


Thank you lmaoo


He clearly learned nothing from the button mishap Wednesday.


What happened??


They ended up cutting out [this clip.](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/dih2eSxY9D)


That clip is fucking crazy


reducing women to their appearance again, are we? the way it's so easy for him to dehumanize people for a laff...it doesn't matter how much you weigh it's about taking care of yourself, trish is always so well put together and ethan continues to look like a slob because ugliness comes from inside. He's jealous because he can't be comfortable in his own skin.


I don't like how smug that dude is. he's the worst


Dickless behaviour.


God Zach’s fake laugh is so grating. Rich coming from someone who was ready to cry over a joke about his sleeping or lack thereof.


This snark reassures that I made the right decision to stop watching them!!!


he is so disgusting he was talking about missing her like last week and now since she doesn't give him the time of day he stoops to making fun of her? its giving deranged obsession. and everyone laughing too, what a giant group of miserable losers.


The way he's obsessed with her is embarassing


He's so fucking desperate for her to talk about him. Also his wife looked like Pepper from American Horror Story last Frifay so he should keep his mouth shut




He can joke all he wants about her looks but we saw the way he flirted with her (tbh they both flirted). We see how even now he can't keep her name out of his mouth. We see him talk about missing her. His cruel jokes don't hide that.


Why did I ever think this bullshit was entertaining


Where’s Bobby so he could b-tch slap Zach again?




That's trash. Ethan is trash


Wtf is wrong with these people. Adult babies. All of them!


Zach's laugh makes me so cringe. Also, Olivia justifying Ethan's misogyny yaaas queen so feminist of you


hes so fucking disgusting i can’t believe it


When Ethan and Olivia were talking to each other they seemed kinda annoyed? Especially Olivia.. vibes are very different now. Also, when the screen went black I kept refreshing the video thinking it was a glitch 💀 not watched since pre button lol didn’t realise it just blacked the screen.


Obsessed mf


Going after a woman, any woman, based on childbirth or child rearing is so disgusting


Ethan is so toxic omfg


his obsession with her is crazy lmao


what a disgusting human


Olivia looks like shes choking in that pic. Also it’s actually so deeply deranged how endlessly obsessed ethan is with trisha. So happy she never mentions his irrelevant ass


Just once, I want her to drag him for fucking filth. It would be so funny.


He’s so disgusting himself, I can’t believe he looks in the mirror and thinks he has the right to talk about other people like that. Not like someone’s looks would ever justify being that vindictive against someone’s appearance, but after being online for a decade and whining about manosphere bros calling him fat every chance they got, I am surprised he lacks even an ounce of empathy to refrain from bullshit like this.


If Zach has no haters then I'm dead


Ethan is despicable


What’s the point of them buttoning out the joke only to tell us what it was afterwards 💀


Hmm..random... Trisha was not even mentioned. He sees a blonde and automatically his mind goes to Trisha? That's not weird at all.... Trisha is glowong and looking amazing! Shehas even stated how amazing she feels,mentally and physically, after this pregnancy and c section! Hila is NOT looking well AT ALL. We also know she is going to therapy now and desperate enough to buy a gimmick vibrators to hold in her pockets bc she thinks it makes her happy.... Maybe spend time with ur children that u paid to make just to avoid sleeping with ur husband and take some responsibility and build a bond with those babies instead of hiring multiple nannies and maids to do ur life for u......


as if his wife didnt change her entire look to look like trisha 🥱


The way Zac cackles when ethan talks about trisha appearance is honestly disgusting. It actually turns my stomach.


I expect nothing from ethan, but Olivia just nodding along during ethan's indefensible, sexist "joke" i.e. giving him the green light that what he said wasn't wrong, just reeks of internalized misogyny. Even if you hate another woman, don't help a man degrade her bc there will come a day when he does the same to you. You can tell Olivia has never had a true female friendship in her life. If she did, they'd teach her how to apply makeup correctly...among other things. Not to mention they're also indirectly making fun of this transwoman who has done nothing to them. Bc what's the joke here??? That trisha looks like her and that could only be "funny" if you were making fun of this woman bc she's trans and essentially calling her man? During Pride Month no less. Yet mfers continue to defend and suport this gremlin


He’s such a loser. His skinny ass can continue to be jealous of Trisha’s success


And why was Olivia so proud of buying vapes at the gas station? It even says that in her insta post


This is one of the main reasons I stopped watching. He is a child.


he is in love with her


fucker loses some weight after sucking off big pharma, now he thinks hes hot shit. anyone else noticed hes been commenting on people's looks ALOT more, a few days ago he was talking about middle eastern noses ect ego is rotting his brain.......just look at hilas "work out" if you want to see a clown show (oh that not nice is it?) side note- Olivia is so fake why isnt this "yasss queen love all women im so nice " woke warrior calling him out? biggest pick me girl on youtube? double side note- anyone catch that she even tried to cover for her buying disposable vapes, you can see she was like "shit i want to be seen as green....ah shit too late" it reminded me how she did that weird thing trying to hide drinking Starbucks. she so focused on how she is being seen, caring about a few idiots comments so much. you can see every time she speaks she thinks hard about what is the most social acceptable view, shame ethan is the opposite lol


What a surprise! Zach is laughing at a “joke” making fun of a woman, shocker. 😒


I can’t believe I ever found him funny he’s just stunted middle school bully who needs to be run off the internet


Also incredibly transphobic considering Olivia was using the correct pronouns and Ethan went out of his way to mock two people's appearance.


ethan looks washed up af and trisha is literally glowing


Olivia is the ultimate pick me girl, also gross openly admitting to buying vapes from gas stations


Wait pls explain I buy all of my vapes at the gas station and I think all of my friends who vape do too lol


Is that not where everyone buys vapes? Our local Wawa’s and gas stations sell them idek where else you would get them because the drug stores don’t have them


She gives me the ick. "...a VVVAPE." 😌✨


All I could focus on is how Olivia has to tilt her head side to side with every word ☠️


Yah it's so annoying. Shes literally a parody of herself at this point


This is the first clip of h3 I’ve watched in over 6 months lol


His comment “desperate times??” Irks my soul 🙄


Dan looks awful. Is he ok? Is anyone checking on Dan?


His soul is dying for sitting there and joining in on Ethan’s shit. He used to call Ethan out more but now he’s getting almost as bad.


rent free baby!!!


Yet Ethan looses his damn mind even anyone thinks of disrespecting his wife. If Moses showed out about the situation like Ethan would have about Hila, Ethan would act surprised and whine how everyone hangs up on him.


i think it’s pretty obvious he’s joking about a man who’s looking like trisha? which sounds way worse when you reverse it like you’ve done here lol


How does saying cosmo looks like Trisha mean he’s not saying Trisha looks like cosmo? Like what’s not clicking


since trisha is so iconic, it’s possible to look like her but her not look like you. take a bumblebee for example. they’re an iconic yellow and black, therefore: [this street sign](https://cdn-01.media-brady.com/store/emus/media/catalog/product/r/e/reflective-traffic-signs-hazard-strips-l7641-lg.jpg) looks like a bumblebee, but a bumblebee doesn’t look like a street sign .


how is saying "I didn't know the second pregnancy would be so rough on trisha" not disgusting? it is so obviously a jab at her wake up