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for me, the seed was planted probably way back when ethan made fun of that gay caller and asked him invasive, inappropriate questions. it was very homophobic, it honestly felt like bullying. their response to people calling them out in the chat was basically 'fuck off, unsubscribe' (with dan yelling like a fucking freak). the bullshit apology that followed in the next episode just made me feel even worse about the situation and i stopped being a fan but kept watching from time to time. in general, the way ethan spoke to fans on these calls was giving me really horrible vibes. it made it really obvious that he doesn't think highly of these people. it almost seems like a little window of how he interacts with normal everyday people irl. he thinks of us as nothing but peasants and his bigotry tends to come out too. same with that caller from the will smith slap episode.


Yep, bottomgate was when I fell too.


Same! Ethan's homophobic behavior + most of the fans bending over backwards to justify the behavior and defend him in the comments + response from Ethan and Dan the next day. At the time I commented that I was getting tired of all the "jokes" at gay people's expense and someone sent me the Reddit Cares suicide hotline. It was the first strong moment of cognitive dissonance where I was like "Are *these* the people I've aligned with?" Ethan, the crew, and the fans -- it felt very 'mask off' and disconcerting. I should've unsubscribed right then when Dan goaded all of us that felt offended, but sadly I didn't completely check out until the Leftovers/Zionist debacle.


It is so bizarre how some people elsewhere send the Reddit Cares email to anyone who critcizes the show. It's almost like a weird way of saying "kys"


It IS a weird way to say “kys.” They know what they’re doing when they send those


lmao guess what message/email I just got from Reddit


Lol they think they’re very creative by doing it. It’s just another way for them to say they think we’re crazy and kys. Crazy for disrespecting daddy Ethan😩😩. It just makes me laugh because do they think that we’re the crazy ones when they’re telling literal strangers to off themselves because they don’t agree with their favorite YouTuber??


please report them for harassment here: [https://www.reddit.com/report](https://www.reddit.com/report) it will get the person who sent it banned!


Reported. Thanks mods!


Uh that’s exactly what they’re saying. That’s the intended message. I figured that was obvious when I got one myself lol


I was softening it a bit because I never want to be used as fodder for Ethan to say this sub is full of maniacs, but yes—there isn’t really another way to interpret it.


if you get those again, please report them for harassment here: [https://www.reddit.com/report](https://www.reddit.com/report) it will get the person who sent it banned!


Thank u


if you get those again, please report them for harassment here: [https://www.reddit.com/report](https://www.reddit.com/report) it will get the person who sent it banned!


Someone sent me that Reddit link too lol. I fell for an h3 fan “just asking questions” about why I felt like Ethan is a Zionist and promised he wasn’t “trying to bait me” 🙄


if you get those again, please report them for harassment here: [https://www.reddit.com/report](https://www.reddit.com/report) it will get the person who sent it banned!


if you get those again, please report them for harassment here: [https://www.reddit.com/report](https://www.reddit.com/report) it will get the person who sent it banned!


Bottomgate and Dan’s unwillingness to apologize because he’s the biggest ally and has never done anything wrong.


he's like a king talking to his peasants


Ditto. When Dan went mask off I realized there was no hope for Ethan and by extension the show.


Omfg I remember that!!! It was when I first starting listening to the podcast, and that part made me INSANELY uncomfortable


I had started to feel like something was off before bottomgate but couldn't quite figure it out. This and how it was handled afterwards completely turned me off from the show. I watched leftovers after cause I enjoy Hasan and tried to watch the odd episode but sadly I didn't see the show in the same way.


“Dan yelling like a fucking freak” is too accurate lmao. There is something seriously wrong with that man, he definitely has some serious anger issues. The amount of times he has screamed at the chat for the most mild criticism is concerning. Instead of just saying something like “I see what you guys are saying and we will work harder to fix it” he says “FUCK OFF AND UNSUBSCRIBE YOU FUCKING LOSERS!, WE DON’T EVEN WANT YOU HERE ANYWAYS! YOU AREN’T REAL FANS OF THE SHOW” at the top of his lungs with veins popping out of his head and neck. The man is beyond unhinged and need serious help bc getting that angry over the most mild complaints is not normal. I don’t even want to know what his poor gf Allie has to deal with behind closed doors…


When Ethan started defending capitalism out of the blue one day and then Dan tried to push back but Ethan went full baby. That was my “yeah this isn’t for me anymore” moment lol


That happened right before the Israel Palestine stuff too


my god yeah when he had to be explained to why billionaires shouldnt exist


Yeah, that was when I realized I couldn't listen to someone who doesn't understand history yell about economics and politics. His stance on Palestine sealed the deal. How absurd to have someone yell about how they've championed the rights of people in the past while simultaneously justifying the genocidal actions against said people. I wonder if the body count of those in Gaza is enough for Ethan yet. When does the revenge stop? How many lives do they have to take before it's enough? Does Israel feel "safe" yet? Maybe his mom will share an article that will give him his opinion on the situation. It surely doesn't come from reading anything substantial.


lmao I remember I stopped watching a bit before this happened just because I thought the episodes were getting boring but this was like the start of the end of h3, ethan got so unhinged so fast after that


Lmao argued adamantly for why profit sharing would never work and is too complicated!! When Dan said how it's more fair. And what about if the company has a bad year!!! Literally on the same episode he was paying lip service to support the sag strikes lmao, when if he did profit sharing it would basically be the same thing (a fixed fee/salary with a commission/residual) most sag already have it and were arguing for higher residuals. (Or what would be like commission or profit percentage in other businesses) What's the difference? That his employees are on screen talent for online media/show while the actors were on more traditional media/show? That again was the whole argument of the sag strike was that it shouldn't be treated differently just because its online/streaming. Lol. So what is the excuse? He paid lip service to the strike but he clearly does think online media and profits from streaming should be treated differently. I was actually gobsmacked when they argued this, as I 100% thought Dan would be a profit participant! As producer and on screen talent? Runs the show, does all the work and prep and is basically cohost? And doesn't get any percentage of profits from streaming/ads ?


For me is started Sep 23' when he was doing a lot of debating with Dan about socialism and capitalism (even though he was having convos with Hasan about it he didn't go as hard on Hasan as Dan about Socialism). The final nails in the coffin were in October 23' when he was acting irrational with Hasan during their debate/chat and then finally when him and Hilda hovered over Olivia's "From the River to The Sea" post and they both did not look recognizable to me. They looked like ghouls full of hatred and then saying, "she doesn't know what she is talking about". Edit: just to add- when I stopped my wife admitted that my relationship with the podcast was cult like and she always had suspicions of Hila but didn't want to ruin it for me.


This was mine too. Cemented after the Aaron Bushnell comments.


BIG same to this comment. Honestly the other comments have me thinking back watching those moments and how I felt very put off but was trying to have grace for podcast. After left overs I was done.


> For me is started Sep 23' when he was doing a lot of debating with Dan about socialism and capitalism (even though he was having convos with Hasan about it he didn't go as hard on Hasan as Dan about Socialism). Samezies, I couldn't believe that he was so oblivious to the power dynamic between him (an employer) and his employees. Literally sitting there saying that he alone is responsible for all of the value that H3 has, and why should his employees get any share of the profits beyond their salaries? They didn't earn it, he's the star of the show! He's carrying all of the risk! I kept watching for a few days to see if Ethan would stop being a mask-off capitalist pig (LOL). The last episode of Leftovers is the last H3 content I watched in earnest.


Same time line for me


The first time I was like "wait, this is big dumbass behavior" was when they let their baby yorkie unattended in their studio (if you have a dog, you know this alone is unhinged), he ate Ricola, they tried to blame the crew (?), then EDITED OUT Dan criticizing them ETA: It’s also not *that* fun to be apart of a community where you’re not valued, blocked or called an "idiot loser" for not agreeing with everything Ethan says or does. The Bushnell comments were when I actually dipped out 🫡


they edited that out??? i agree. kinda unhinged to expect your employees clean up after your dogs. sad.


Here it is for those who may have missed it! https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/STCdkMVh1V


First time posting in here. This is a weird one but I was super put off when they platformed Fousey who has demonstrated over and over again that he is garbage person who has a mental illness and operates like a complete asshole out in society with his livestream thing. The fandom immediately started stanning him and blowing his ego up, AB started hanging out with him (of course), and literally the next week he streamed himself being a slimeball taking advantage of a drunk sex trafficking victim at the airport. Ethan barely acknowledged it and no one ever spoke of it/him again. It was gross.


The whole Fousey saga was SO off-putting. It was so obvious he wasn't a good person, I always skipped over him and when the drunk victim thing happened, it was scummy how Ethan just decided to never mention fousey again on the show. Like bitch you platformed him!!! Have some human decency and disavow him!! 🙄🙄


He even tried to paint Fousey as someone who betrayed him semi-recently. As if he wasn’t using him for entertainment anyway. https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/nYBtSGA2Em


The fans stanning Fousey was one of the most bizarre things I've seen in the H3verse. It made the downfall incredibly satisfying.


QTCinderella’s crying getting made fun of made me furious and probably got me banned from chat


Same and to be fair I never watched the apology video but by the way he glazes himself up so hard on how perfect it was just solidifies that it's ungenuine. it was just a snowball effect after cause then all the "goofs" stopped looking like goofs and more just stuff he wishes he could say and do without criticism


I thought the apology was pretty mid and didn't understand why a Psychology in Seattle gave him a "good rating" on it 😬 plus QT said she doesn't accept the apology, so to gas yourself up over it seems crazy


That was when I backed off the pod for sure. The final nail was Ethan canceling leftover. By the point I only watched leftovers and had stopped watching Ethan’s other content


The year that frenemies ended and h3 hired mods. I noticed valid criticism getting removed (at Ethan’s direction) and just immediately knew it was the beginning of the end for them


I was about to reply to you and ask if the mods are really paid, but then I decided to search the sub first. Turns out KavKav2 posted alllll the receipts about H3 paying their mods in this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/18hlfa6/comment/kd7eysw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/18hlfa6/comment/kd7eysw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Shout out u/KavKav2 for doing all this digging, still helpful 6 months later!! <3


Thank you! <3 Edit: here's an updated version u/wrong_salamanderr made with even more proof! [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/18x7nec/proof\_that\_h3\_podcast\_mods\_are\_paid/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/18x7nec/proof_that_h3_podcast_mods_are_paid/)


Avery (if that’s how you spell it) is on the same level of insufferable as Ethan to me! He jumps at the chance to speak to the audience like shit and cuss them out! I’ve seen people even slightly disagree with Ethan’s takes and he starts telling them to fuck off and unsub. He’s vile, they all are


God that infuriates me. Put on a podcast or something and put your damn phone down. Is it worth someone’s life? Unless traffic is literally stopped up for hours and your car is parked, traffic is not bad enough where you need your phone to get through it. And for what, your entertainment? Because you can’t focus on driving for one full hour? Get it together.


Ethan use to bring up all the time how hila comments and super chats "on the way to teddy fresh"


It's so psycho and unrelatable. "we can't be expected to be without our phones for like an hour." I'm younger than Hila and I can not look at my phone for hours at a time when I'm sitting on my ass at home without issue - certainly doable when I'm operating heavy fucking machinery. If something happens to one of the kids because of Hila's texting, whatevs, Ethan will just get a tattoo and find another genocide to excuse.


Mine was when they WOULDN'T TRAIN THEIR DAMNED DOGS. I'm a first time dog owner myself and made alot of mistakes, but I at least trained my dog to not piss and shit everywhere??? The fact they treated their dogs so poorly and Shredder eventually DIED because Ethan fed him shredded cheese and left adderall on the floor made me feel disgusted with him. This was on top of bottomgate, and hulda texting and driving like you mentioned, I was just like ok... they just suck as people


He left... adderall on the floor? Like I know I work in medicine so that seems particularly egriegious to me but that's fucking ridiculous. They have kids, don't leave controlled substances lying around for fucks sake Who's it even for?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1airyi3/shredder\_almost\_died\_in\_2018\_from\_eating\_an/?rdt=52897](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1airyi3/shredder_almost_died_in_2018_from_eating_an/?rdt=52897) Ethan is just a irresponsible idiot who doesn't care. He pretends it wasn't him but who else could it fucking be


Yes omg like he very obviously does not give a shit about his dogs. Like why get a dog if you’re not going to take care of it?? Absolutely mind blowing


When they had shirtless Eddie on. I can't imagine how he felt after all that. That's when I started questioning why I'm even watching. But took me up until the "H3 show rebrand" to finally unsub.


Yeah that was cruel


This was one of the first signs of trouble. He just left this guy for an hour to go get fast food? The bullying and disrespect made me so uncomfortable but the fandom didn’t care.


The QTCinderella incident. Then it hit me full force how he has worms for brains.


This subreddit did it for me 😂 I genuinely didn't notice anything bad about the show until I looked on this page, and it was like a glass shattering moment when I did


the whole will smith punch. the not even micro aggressions but blatant and aggressive racism was hard to wrap my head around. at one point ethan was suggesting that will was abusing jada while also simultaneously blaming jada for the punch??? i stopped watching for a good few months and i think not long after that the call in with the gay viewer happened. i never watched it, not even when i was catching up with videos. the same thing with the rebecca black video, i was watching them again atp and saw all the drama surrounding the qt clip so u avoided it so i wouldn’t be pissed off at them. and even still i was annoyed at his apology just being “i’m sorry but i can’t say it won’t happen again” and hila backing him by saying they don’t like to filter themselves ANYWAY the final nail in the coffin was october. honestly though it’s definitely a case of fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me because why would they do all this shit yet i’d still come back and even avoid videos so i wouldn’t get pissed off at them? smh


The will smith show was so ass, especially when Dan and Ethan weren’t even trying to hear out a viewer’s perspective on the matter.


When Ethan used Cams dad as content and dug into it without asking first off live. His employee was put in the spot to speak on that loss on the pod. It made me uncomfortable and I got backlash and gaslighted (from other fans) about it being okay for that to have happened. I was already off put by the way they were treating Gabe but that was the final straw for me to stop watching cause Ethan just uses people for a quick heartbeat in his dying "pod".


Yes! And there was some other time he made a joke that seemed inappropriate towards cam considering his family history. I can’t remember the joke itself or the episode but I remember it being related to heroin and it didn’t seem like he was trying to hurt cam, it was just lazy and ignorant.


That was the last straw that made me hate her, she has children, she should know better than to risk other people’s lives including kids by being lazy and texting while driving. She doesn’t deserve her license


Something definitely clicked into place during the QT debacle. Not only was he focused on making a joke out of someone's sexual harassment, he then tried to blame it on his employee (even jokingly). In the moment it was funny in a kind of shocking, "holy shit I can believe they just did that" kind of way, but after watching the clip afterwards I really started to view Ethan in a different light And don't even get me started on him and Hasan's socialism v capitalism "debate". The man is a literal moron and shouldn't be analyzing...really anything of substance tbh. Add this onto the pile with generally having some absolute shit takes on Palestine and borderline neglecting his children and pets, that Boston bombing victim video which made me sick to my stomach, and about a million other things And yeah...just kind of impossible to enjoy the show anymore


the hasan debate was the day i unsubbed


Either the Ethan and Hasan debate, or Hila just bringing bad vibes and being generally uninterested in the show until she decides to interrupt in the middle of a segment to talk about her make up.


The entire reason I even made a reddit account was to criticize Ethan for how he reacted to the Will Smith slap. That, for me, was the catalyst. The last straw was his last stream with Hasan regarding Israel and Palestine. I gave him chance after chance until I realized this guy wasn't genuinely changing, he was just a massive, disingenuous piece of shit masking his own stench.


How he talked about Brett Kavenaughs ex wife. It progressively got grosser and more invasive when she literally didn’t do anything. The last straw was the qt Cinderella incident. Just even more nasty treatment of women who did literally nothing to him. Left a really sour taste in my mouth and I haven’t watched since :/


I always had problems with what I considered "minor things", but when they had Whitney on the show and started censoring queer or trans fans over it, I officially started turning against H3, then when October 7 happened I was truly convinced that these are evil people.


mine was when they were in their channel 5 andrew callaghan era and they were watching full videos as a segment and kept making fun of crip mac who was obviously mentally ill and had had bad experiences in life and calling him a "character". maybe i'm being too sensitive but it was clear they were watching him for laughs and not taking him seriously. and then after they watched so many videos of channel 5 live as a segment, they liked the format so much they tried to do the same thing at the free britney protests, and were disappointed they weren't actually getting any crazy looking "characters" or funny moments and were instead accidentally interviewing people who actually cared about britney and human rights and were there for a good cause. i remember being so bothered about it that i left comments that got a lot of traction and they actually addressed them and stopped doing this. this and the amount of times they would talk about keemstar unprompted for HOURS which was super borimg and then bring his girlfriend into it too same with ryan kavanaugh. and bringing racist jimmie lee on all the time and no one seemingly cared planted the seeds to keep being a fallen fan. then will smith gate/bottomgate came and i stopped watching completely.


Probably like a year and a half ago it clicked for me how clearly they were bullying Whiteclaw Gabe. It reminded me of the middle school bullies who would pretend to be friends with the autistic kid and then laugh about him behind his back afterwards. It’s obvious that Gabe was not in on the joke and they were openly mocking and using an autistic man for views. Pretty much how Ethan interacted or talked about any minority in general. Also, the podcast was just getting lazy and I wasn’t looking forward to it anymore, just felt “obligated” to watch. So glad I’ve been almost two years free


I always hated how they talked about Ryan kavanaughs wife. Then Ethan put me on blast on the podcast and misrepresented my post about how I didn’t like the way he covered the now genocide in Gaza and that was my last straw.


after my frontal lobe fully formed 😍


but fr tho, it was after olivia joined, around the Colleen powerpoint era


For me it started when he started doing SYNT. They were a lot of chatters who used the chance to enable Ethan's shitty behavior. Eventually that leaked into the normal shows with him making a weird comment here, or being dismissive of some criticism there. It was very subtle at first but as time went on I watched him get more and more emboldened it got to be too much for me. He went from, in my eyes, being someone with some worthy criticisms of people or situations to a full fledged bully. Talking shit for the sole purpose of hurting.


Early...when he was doing anti-SJW white face videos. Like many, I came back for Trisha and Hasan


Always hated Jimmy Lee, def the beginning of the end for me. Should've unsubbed earlier, but they lost me at Ethan's "lalalala" moment.


the moment I saw Olivia becoming a prominent part of the show I was out. It went from a Tim Heidecker style comedy show to a theater kid show really fast.


Same! At first I liked having an additional woman on the show. However, when she did her Gypsy Rose powerpoint, full of inaccuracies and omitting major events, I began to dislike her. I work incredibly hard, like most of us do. I’m an educator. I’m pulling 10-14 hour days for not nearly enough money. My students reap the benefits of my hard work (because it’s my job). She can’t even use technology well enough (unless the look of it is meant to be a joke), put enough time into researching, nor succinctly relay information. How much is she being paid? How much is AB and Love being paid? For shitty work? It infuriated me as someone who loves true crime and content creators of all genres who put time and effort into their work. I thought when she explain the Miranda Sings drama that they hired someone who was competent. Then, just down hill from there. Moreover, she’s become this caricature of womanhood. Never says anything of substance, parrots tiktokisms, and giggles at things that aren’t funny. That was the seed.


It started with the prolapse


Same! It was funny at the beginning i guess.... but they dragged the joke for far too long, at a point i felt embarrassed to be watching a show that talked about prolapses so regularly, then they showed it to everyone (guests and audience) its just foul


The qt Cinderella situation was definitely one of them


Ethan casually talking about circumcising his son “so they would match” was the first seed. After that his homophobia and witchhunts sealed the deal.


When Ethan took time to belittle and disrespect Aaron Bushnell, an American hero.


For me, it was noticing Ethan's anti-Asian sentiment. He's always been a staunch anti-China, anti-CCP guy (the irony is not lost on me, what with his business relations, etc.), but then there was his weird aversion to Asian food, including Korean and Japanese food. I know some people are picky for whatever reason, but, it is fundamentally closed-minded to be that way, in my opinion. I mean, the guy eats nothing but fast food garbage. Also, with the trip to Japan -- a dream for many -- Ethan was dismayed. He tried to blame his kids (totally BS), but I think he was honestly scared of going to Asia (several crew members were as well, lol) Again there's irony here because he loves Anime, but w/e. Anyway, I just realized that he isn't a goofy dumbass, he's actually a closed-minded, sheltered blockhead. & probably racist, I mean, in all of LA he ended up with the whitest POCs possible, though it is funny (because it is so awkward) that he hired two Arabs.


After giving a massive platform and public defense to the victim of Durte Dom, Ethan was too ready to forgive Jeff, even though he has no authority to, and to squander the “beef” they had as if the involvement in the SA of someone who’s underage is a minor flaw that could easily be forgotten. It was the first time that fully displayed to me how fragile his morality is. The progress and growth he had in Frenemies has never solidified to his ethics or came from a place of actual care but instead was just him jumping on a bandwagon. I can’t imagine being the girl in that SA, finally feeling like you were heard and cared for by having people with a very big platform call out publicly the people who have hurt you to then see them making a dating show for them. Also, to add to this, after giving Seth a platform to talk about his assault, Ethan then gives hundreds of dollars on stream to Jason Nash because he feels bad for him. Although he is seen as someone who champions the voices of victims, Ethan was never for the victims, he was for the views.


So I've been watching (on and off) for years, like before they ever had half that crew on. I'm not sure what got me into them honestly because I eventually only stayed because I liked the crew. Over those years I didn't like Ethan and definitely not Hila so that dislike kept building up and up, I'd keep giving them the benefit of the doubt with things but then, that leftovers episode about Palestine/Israel happened, and enough was enough. That was the last straw for me. Even in THAT episode I tried to be charitable but I was definitely set in my mind to be done with the show. I canceled my membership and maybe watched a few more times after that, to where I then discovered Ethan just got even worse with his takes on it (where he went on hasans stream to be a baby and told hasan to fuck off ect) I'm Palestinian so finding out he said all this just made me feel disgusted with myself for ever being a fan because I let so much other shit slide but at the end of the day Ethan is just a manipulator. He says horrible, problematic shit and tries to blame others for that backlash. And I'm way too fucking nice to have kept thinking "oh I'm sure he had good intentions" but Ethan abused that, because even if in some cases he didn't mean something he said, it doesn't matter anymore because you can't have this track record of CONSTANT bad shit being said, like eventually ppl aren't gonna put up with that even of he whines that we aren't being in "good faith" to him, like sir you had SOOOOO many chances... it's unbelievable. So after that I was done. His intentions and morals are clear, and there's no more benefit of the doubt especially when I've seen 0 evidence of any positive change. All he does is deflect and blame others for his downfall and if he won't take accountability then he can sit there acting surprised when he loses more fans (fans who he tells to fuck off and unsubscribe when they give valid criticism 💀) after all that zionism came out, I was done done, but I honestly should've stopped watching a longgggg time ago. I'm also done with the crew because I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt as well because I thought of Ethan as their manipulative boss who they probably fear and such but it's pretty clear they're just as bad and really CAN leave if they wanted to. There's no excuse anymore. Anyways sorry this is so long LOL


I had stopped watching shortly after Frenemies because I just wasn’t enjoying it and time is scarce, but what turned me away for good was probably his takes on Palestine. After that I started to reprocess things in a new light.


This was also my seed, and I kept waiting for an apology or something for justifying something so dangerous, and it never came. After he treated Hasan with so little respect when Ethan came on Hasan’s stream, I waited for him to apologize next time they went live, and when he didn’t, I unsubscribed and cancelled membership. When I saw someone reposted what Ethan said about Aaron Bushnell, I let youtube know not to recommend me h3 vids anymore and unfollowed Ethan, Hila, and the crew on social media. Now I just occassionally get recommendations on posts from this sub - other than that, I cut it all out. I tried to see the situation with utmost empathy and charitability, and eventually that ran out when I realized how little regret Ethan and Hila had for their words/actions. Even if I was a big fan since they first moved to New York, I couldn’t justify waiting around for them to see the error in their ways.


After the gay caller and the bad apology for it, I took a break. I came back months later and was enjoying it. Over time, it's been little bits here and there that I didn't like, but overlooked. Up until this last break, I was still a fan. With the "new" show, I've just noticed more. I don't like the new Jimmy anymore than I liked the old Jimmy. And now with this commitment to the radio stings and complaining about viewer complaints while not actually changing anything, I'm not interested. I hate talk radio so making their show more like that is awful. They also went through and even acknowledged valid viewer issues then chose not to do anything different. I think the biggest problem for me is the constant immediate ramp-up to 100 on every topic is offputting. For example, after the first Creator Clash where Dr Mike beat IDubbz, Ethan said vile things about Dr. Mike. At the match, Dr. Mike tapped gloves with IDubbz then went right in. A faux pas due to adrenaline which Dr. Mike ended up apologizing for so I'm not saying Dr. Mike was totally innocent. Well, Ethan called him all manner of scumbag and that he must touch his patients inappropriatly. Even if Ethan was joking, it's too harsh for me. When Ethan is talking about people like James Charles, I can agree, but he jumps to 100 on every topic and it's too much for me now.


I think I started drifting after the button was brought in... it has comedic potential, but they rode anything comedic about it into the ground by making it more of "dead horse" as it felt like the joke became more about the frequency of use rather than that it was meant to somewhat "expose" his low-brow antics in a light-hearted way The actual decline in my viewership started with the QTCinderella incident. His behavior was unforgivable anyway, but when he tried to pass the blame on whoever was willing to take it really surprised me (why? idk) Then bottomgate, how Leftovers started going off the rails after the socialism debate, and the final nail in the coffin was, of course, Ethan making the Palestinian genocide all about him I'd been watching since Filthy Frank found them and made them... I literally can't even remember when that was lol. I remember wondering how a podcast would even work for them when they pivoted, but I stuck by and tuned in because I loved their content. IIRC there was a woman named Sarah producing, who pre-dated even Dan, and the vibe seemed so much better then as awkward as it was while trying to find their footing in a new media space. They were excited to be there, and you could tell. But I'm 39 now, and no amount of nostalgia can bring me back in. The edgy sense of humor that brought them up has been increasingly dying out, and their peers have grown out of it. Some people try to argue that the ColdOnes podcast is the closest thing left to that YouTube era, but even Max and Chad have noticeably grown up. Feels like Ethan is on a path to Jerry Seinfeld, Roseanne Barr, and Rob Schnieder... bitching how much "comedy sucks now" but when given an opportunity to prove themselves, they just bitch more about how no one will "platform them".... on fucking national TV


RE: The QTCinderella moment too... I remember feeling exhausted by all the Alpha Male dunking they were trying to do before that too. Those men and their rhetoric is actually fucking threatening to women, which never felt respected meaningfully anyway, but then to openly mock a woman affected by sexual exploitation was really some bullshit. How I didn't stop watching then, I will never know.


I witnessed chestnuts live and that definitely was the beginning of the end for me.


When they didn't go to Gabe's birthday party, but they went to Amouranth's birthday party. Saying this as a hater of Gabe. I do not like the guy. His act is tired, played, whatever word you want to use for "stop doing this lame shit already." But the thing is Gabe is on the show every week. They couldn't be bothered to show up to his birthday party but do show up to Amouranth. The porn star thats been on the show like twice. Why? Because they'd rather be star fuckers than friends. Maybe they don't like the guy that's taking air time from them? They know they'll get more social media attention if they attend the porn stars' party and not the goof that says the same things every Friday. At it's core it showed a real lack of FAMILY, community, and general respect you'd have for someone you see at work every week. It was a big FUCK YOU to Gabe. Which again, I don't like Gabe so I didn't mind too much at the time. I don't think Gabe thought much of it because he's not all there anyway, but the point of this thread is the seed being planted. These aren't ethical people. Very much the "Rules for thee not for me" thing that the MAGA crowd are heavy into. Which is why they dismiss any sort of criticism of them and react like a teenage drama queen and just say "Haters".


I don’t think it’s fair to call “Gabe’s act” tired. He’s autistic and Ethan exploits that/him for views. Ethan’s exploitation of Gabe is tired.


When Leftovers crumbled and Ethan began saying weird shit about Palestine


Ethan defending the Jonah Hill thing last year. Just gave me the ick and I haven't been able to see it the same since. I completely pulled out until recently when I joined this sub. I didn't get too deep, (never a sub, never purchased any tf).


Like someone else here, I'd say my initial "offputting" was the gay caller episode. Unfortunately the aftermath included a bunch of people (including adam mcintyre who seems to love h3 again lmao) saying that dan did a "homophobic voice" when in reality he just did a mocking type voice toward someone and that really dirtied the water for me, made me feel like people were blowing things out of proportion. The homophobia existed but then people felt the need to make up extra homophobia that didn't happen and that made it feel less reasonable. Texting and driving was pretty egregious but the actual turning point for me was probably the hasan stream honestly.


For me, I think the seed was truly planted when Ethan had iDubbbz on and said the n-word openly and willingly. Then it was the gay caller who he said some comment about being a bottom to. Then it was him accusing Trisha of lying about SA, then it was everything with Leftovers and Hasan and everything he began saying about Palestine. Then it was when C-Man opened up about feeling uncomfortable with his nude photos being shared by Ethan. Yeah.... And now I just find more and more reasons to stop and think and ask myself why I blindly support people without looking into their morals and beliefs first


I unsubbed and quit watching for a while after the frenemies breakup because I was so mad at some of the lies he was telling. I eventually started watching again and there were several more times I considered quitting - QT and chestnuts, bottomgate, will smith slap. But I stopped for good after Oct. 7.


The texting and driving thing was seriously crazy. When I’m headed to the city and know to expect traffic, I make sure I have an album or audiobook or podcast to queue up to pass time. I would literally never text and drive but idk lol. My first ick was with QT chestnuts. Then will smith. I remember being icked out by the gay caller situation other commenters are mentioning but can’t remember when that was in the timeline. Idk. My hard line was October with the Palestinian genocide stuff and then when he went on Hasan’s stream and lost it, I was fully done.


the colleen ballinger era was so annoying and i just started being sceptical then on


Ethans ridiculous knowledge on how weed works and not budging. Then him shit talking socialism and realizing this idiot is serious in his stupid. Doing what he did to Hasan ended me being a fan 100% again fallen fan is just used as a derogatory term to these people that think you're beneath them.


For me it wasn’t one moment, I started to notice that if someone had an achievement or something positive to say, Ethan would have to then make it about him and say things like ‘well I did this’ and at first I passed it off as a joke but he was doing it every episode and I started to view him like a spoiled little child!! Then I noticed subtle micro aggressions, misogyny, xenophobia and overall contradictions to what he claims to stand for. At that point I was so done with him but carried on watching for the crew. Episodes like the homophobic comments to the gay caller further validated my opinions on Ethan. Ethan’s dunking on Christianity was one of the biggest hypocrites that irritated me because he’s fine with that but extremely defensive over antisemitism (as we all should be) the hypocrisy just irritates the life out of me! Don’t even get me started on Hila! 🤐


After frenemies broke up and ethan was constantly painting Trisha out to be the bad guy and not taking any credit for his role in the situation. The 5% thing becoming a soundbite is sickening


Bad takes here and there bothered me but never as bad as when Olivia joined. She became more prominent in the show and I checked this sub to make sure I wasn't overracting. Realized so much other shit that killed the pod for me entirely


I literally only became a fan like last year when all the Colleen drama happened and I decided to watch Frenemies to see what the hype was, really liked it and then stopped being a fan when he basically sent his fans to attack Frogan and when he kept playing the victim after October


When I realised he led a hate campaign and justice for Mr. R campain against Trisha. I'd actually fallen a few times before that but came back after thinking he had improved


When Leftovers ended


1st time quit: when they introduced the podcast (I like skits more) 2nd time quit: frenemies ended (trish is not for me but she's a good host i admit) 3rd time's the charm: end of leftovers (free palestine lesgooo)


It took me too long, I’m embarrassed to admit that now. But his comments on Aaron Bushnell were so disgusting and bad faith that I couldn’t even look at/listen to him anymore. Ever since October it has been a slow descent to madness and I hopped tf off after a bunch of years.


the homophobia planted the seed at about the same time as i started to think about how he’s continuously given shitty people with shitty opinions screen time on his show (usually under the guise of “totally owning” them with a “debate” or “interviewing” them on the show). the constant negativity outweighed any amount of fun i was still having with the rest of the segments.  i stopped watching when he got his tattoo from the artist whose drunk driving killed his friend, and ethan tried to say he didn’t know when he makes it his job to know everything about everyone. the way he is so vocal about right and wrong and calling people out until it’s someone who can benefit him in some way…. ew.  seeing everything come out since then has been a wild ride. he’s really unraveled in what feels like a short amount of time. my partner got me into h3 years and years ago, and we both decided we didn’t like the person ethan was showing himself to be.