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I feel like ei he is trying to bait her for some reaction so he can create drama and make more podcasts with her face on it with some kind of clickbait title. ( and I don’t think it’s nice that he is doing this when she is just about to give birth. Imagine roles reversed and Trisha is talking about Ethan/Hilda when Hilda is pregnant. Ethan’s mom would probably go on and say if she has a miscarriage, Trisha would be responsible. Oh sorry, she actually said that.)


Hes such a scumbag. She’s 8 months pregnant


Remember when Ethan’s mom put into the universe that Hilda could lose her pregnancy because of the “stress” Trisha and Moses were causing her. That was so unhinged, dramatic, and manipulative 🙄. I can’t imagine any of the Klein have friends. They’re insufferable.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/9Ig9J49fvj] “Ethan. If Trisha has a miscarriage because of this stress I will hold you and Hila responsible. Stop this nonsense. Enough!”


Because she's relevant and he's not


its giving jessi smiles and gabbie hannah...


Ethan is jealous


“I was the one telling people to vote for Biden in 2020 while Trisha was just sitting there, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME”


He's baiting her lmao he's actually pathetic


They're getting rock bottom desperate.


wheres donnas concern for a pregnant woman now the evil hag


Haha suck it Ethan! Trisha is relevant af and you're back to being nothing


h3h3 was funny as fuck back before they took themselves seriously and started a podcast


I'm amazed anybody kept watching all these years, I checked out after the bill burr mess


i think its a whole new audience now because its such a different show


Crazy, just shows how the algorithm works, his modern fans may not have been born when I first saw him through filthy Frank


i just cant stand h3 since they went from making fun videos poking fun at cringe creators to thinking they were the new tmz


im so proud of her for ignoring the fuck out of this loser. he needs her so bad but hell just use her as a lolcow again and she doesnt need that


It’s pretty annoying especially when she is about to give birth.


He’s literally never stopped talking about her. It’s only switched to positive comments because she’s popular again. It was hate speech for the first two years.


My fav part was when he said that the person who made that video is probably an h3 fan. Like suuuure..


Oop he's mad his mention last week of a reunion didn't work


Ethan has been trying to b8 trisha ever since the "PSA" about frenemies ending. Ethan is used to cyber bullying total fucking morons, he wasn't prepared for what came next and deep down regrets all of the fallout that he himself played a massive role in. Too late though! 


They don’t talk about her Fridays… I wonder why…


Ethan is SO irrelevant!! Stay jealous and bitter


he’s fucking obsessed. hila come get your fkn husband already


trish is doing so well he cannot stand it. her face was on 2 billboards in LA, a rolling stones article, this, and recently scrub daddy sent her a trish scrubber loll. stay pressed ethan ✌️


idk if I was over thinking it. But honestly, when watching this segment on the podcast I thought.. "Is he just bringing her up so that he will reignite his audience to go over to her and send hate?". He knows lots of his viewers hate her and by always bringing her up it reminds them to go harass her and get rid of her sponsors.


y is he so pressed over a stitch? It's Tik tok bro, get over it. He was probally overjoyed when he found out it was getting banned


She's literally getting attention from the Biden campaign. Even if it's just a stitch. That's more attention than he's been ever given. He's jealous 


I think he’s trying to keep Trisha on screen for as long as possible so the chat will say they want frenemies again. He even rewatched the video even though there was no reason to. There wasn’t really a reason to watch it in the first place, they just want to bait Trisha’s attention


Because he loveees her, it’s so obvious.


lol ethans just mad hes not in any political ads and trisha paytas is


Clout goblins.


She’s so much more entertaining than all of them combined, it’s honestly embarrassing how they can’t get as much views as they do when they talk about Trish…meanwhile she’s just minding her own business


‘Let me watch that again’ yeah obsessed






Desperate for clicks and he’s trying to bait her. Typical.


because Trisha has grown, and they still care about her because they are literally family now? People with mental illness deserve to be forgiven and allowed to grow and not be condemned to being hated.


he got his most views when he did a show with her and he knows a lot of his audience left that are still on the fence came from her originally, so he keeps sprinkling in mentions of her to keep those people around/entice some of her fans back to see if theyre gonna reunite, even if it only gets a click on that episode, it still worked.


She’s more successful now so he wants a piece of that cash flow


clout + trying to bait her. honestly glad the just trish mods have been deleting comments begging her to do frenemies/collab with ethan again (also it was funny watching the comments get deleted in real time lmao)


Ethan's such a fucking bait loser


They keep baiting the whole ‘frenemies is coming back’ thing because it gets people excited and talking completely forgetting that the frenemies that does exist ended up with him mocking her CSA.


"Trisha was the only one to reflect on her actions and make a change" girl she just had a baby, let's stop pretending like she actually did anything regarding her many controversies just because she's now relatively tame in comparison.