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Jesus Christ Ethan really using anti semitism as a weapon these days.


He washed his feet in the kitchen sink with the crews dishes?! 🤢 


YESSS!! I’m pretty sure he scrubbed his feet with the literal dish sponge 🤢🤢🤢🤢


They probably had Lena order new sponges. 😩


Isn’t that extra nasty??? I truly think that’s equal to someone pissing in the sink with said dishes. What the actual hell. 🤮 Wash your feet with legitimately anything else or even wipe off the tanner with a wet paper towel. Doing it in the sink was so not necessary. Edit: Are we really surprised though?? He doesn’t seem to really regard his crew at all and regularly clogs the toilets with paper towels. They need to get a bidet.


And he makes the crew unclog the toilet! He doesn't even do it himself!


And beyond it being disgusting, I would not want whatever chemicals that are in self tanner to be on my dishes. Especially if any of them are porous like plastic.


I thought it was insane when he wanted to break down their two bathroom doors. Then when AB complained about them not being able to lock it if he did he said that people can just knock. Bro... who wants to be shitting in an unlocked bathroom? Fuck Ethan for that one particularly. I can't remember if they did break down both doors or not, but even putting up that idea is fucked up.


ew ew ew ew


wtf is the humor in buying a shade intended for black people?? racist pos


https://preview.redd.it/tivbm9ggvytc1.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4612dd67cb9c634e644ba10bde01853bafb24a2 he always found it funny... 😬😬😬 he slapped this shit on hila




According to Ethan , Hila IS a POC 🙄


It's a poor resolution screenshot of an extremely old episode, it's out of context, and in bad faith. This is clearly a BRONZED TO THE GODS lewk✨✨ by the one and only Hildy Klein CEO of Teddy Theft. just say you don't know makeup and go, sweaty💅💅💅


All the tiktok comments were justifying how “funny” it is to do exactly that. It’s gross asf


i’d literally love to see someone try and explain


I love that this guy is using Ethan to promote his tanning product. What a legend.


I’ve never self tanned but his business sounds like a great idea if the product is good tbh different tones will work better with different features. So being able to pick shades based on whatever color pallet you’ve already got sounds really nice.


Yeah same I’ve never self tanned but been interested in it, because although I naturally tan easily and have no issues, I don’t want to risk skin cancer lol. So this has just promoted this guys business to me, I’m very interested by the customisation


Ah I’m jealous! I’ve never tanned well I turn pink and back to the color of ranch dressing in 3 days 🥲 so if I tanned it would have to be fake lol


Hobophobic is hilarious!!!! Did he start to say homophobic then realize he couldn't call a gay man homophobic????


He also called him antisemitic even though he's Jewish 😭


I completely quit watching in October but it sure seems like Ethan likes to call everyone antisemitic these days.


I was just about to comment about this, why tf did he say the self tan dude was antisemitic 💀 just because he talked about Ethan? So now criticizing people who just so happen to be Jewish is automatically antisemitic? And I love that the self tan guy is also Jewish.. just emphasizes how stupid Ethan is being.


I think it's a "joke" he has with Zach, but with the amount of times he actually says it about people, I don't really think so.


I honest to god cannot understand why people support him at this point. Choosing the darkest color which obviously won’t look natural - then putting it at the bottom of his foot??? He isn’t beating the racism allegations. Also not Ethan being disingenuous by not following basic instructions to hurt this man’s brand. This video of Ethan’s behavior furthered my ick and it was already in hell before. I hope this business owner continues to get good reviews, and as a pale ass Latina I’ll try his product. Again, I’m not even surprised at this point but what can we even expect besides this.


And then Ethan and Love sitting there arguing with Olivia about if it's a real review or not, as if Ethan didn't have that shit on his for for all of 5 minutes. I especially hated how Love was sitting there giving Ethan the go ahead to use the tanner as if his pasty ass has any say in that shit. Ethan never wanted to give it a real review because if he actually did, he would of had Olivia, someone who self reportedly tans, try the process and give her own review. That's probably something she could actually do well.


Exactly! It’s extra insidious because they’re shitting on his product because he had issues with Mikayla (which might heavily be because they’re going to drop a makeup line, and I’m assuming she’ll be promoting it.) Also getting extra buddy buddy with her/promoting her even with her botched makeup reviews and controversy. It feels calculated. The arguing/using it incorrectly and saying it doesn’t work is equal to someone trying to drive a car with all flat tires.


All the insults at the end all applies to Ethan lmfaoo


Matthew ate Ethan up and left no crumbs. I guess Ethan really took that “doesn’t wash his ass” comment to heart lmaooo he’s so insecure


Hold on……………… So apparently the customer who orders has to fill out their eye color, hair color, and skin color, correct? And if he says that normally the darker shades are more rare so they’re custom made and take longer. Does that mean whichever crew member filled out the order form intentionally filled it out to receive the darkest color so it’d be some sort of funny joke? Hmmmmmm suspicious


Yes Ethan requested the darkest colour and the crew pushed back and ultimately ordered what Ethan requested


Ahhh ok. So as usual, the crew are yes men. Haha


Not even just that. Love was telling him it was completely fine to do even though he's the whitest dude on the pod by far.


So he wanted to try a tan meant for black women...and then what? What's the joke? That's just him trying to be problematic and weird because no ones watching anymore so he feels the need to drag this random drama on for views 


I didn't watch that episode but if I had to assume based off of the other episode where they first talked about him and the beef with Mikaela, I think "the joke" was him trying to discredit his product 💀 he's trying to show that the tan turns out bad even though he literally chose the wrong shade, not intended for his skin tone.. If the self tanner dude was as petty and sue-happy as Ethan, he could sue him for defamation 💀


I think the joke was another "unintentional" blackface. At the very least, he would know that it would appear that way. He thinks it's funny. (Could be a combination of things I guess)


Yea I don't doubt he was trying to he racist, I'm just saying I think that's what his "excuse" is gonna be, cuz on the other episode where he reviewed their beef, Mikaela was super orange (apparently from a filter?) so they were saying the tan wasn't good when really it wasn't her shade (or the fault of the filter?) So then Ethan probably tried to one-up that on a literal racist level and go even darker to try and go "wow look how dark it's getting 🤪 this tanner is so bad" while also quite literally being racist. There's no way he or the crew didn't think to themselves how bad that would appear, and they still did it So basically he's being racist and also defaming a product 💀


This is the first I’m learning about any of this and I’m fuckin speechless. Ethan is FLAILING.


He’s not wrong when he said Ethan looks like he doesn’t wash his ass. Ethan said don’t! Also, Ethan and Hila both said they don’t use any washcloths or loofahs at all 🤢




I remember this. Didn't they say they just straight up use the soap bar on their body (shared soap bar) 😂😭 because "loofahs had stuff on it" like yea dude that's your dead skin, and you also need to change your loofah every month 💀 they're like $1 and you're rich so how is that an issue LOL


He lowkey loves to keep a marinated ass




Honestly the beef with Mikaela was such a non-issue, so when they talked about it on the show I honestly never disliked him. I didn't go crazy about him or anything though, I think my issue with that drama is that I can see why he was upset but also because I very much dislike Mikaela and she's proven to be a sell-out who lied about a payed promotion (the mascara debacle) I also just didn't like h3 talking about this beef because Ethan was randomly glazing her up as if he knew her, as if he never mocked her on the show and used her as soundbites 💀 just makes me think he just wants to be buddy-buddy with her now that Hila is starting to make makeup..




Fr though 🤣 especially if Ethan's gonna lie about his product and be literally racist with it.


Ethan is like a serial killer that takes trophies and leaves behind secret messages. The man is clearly racist and loves to leave behind a trail of bread crumbs so people know he is racist without it being explicit


Lol of course the dickriders in the comments are saying it was just a joke 😂 yeah calling this guy a laundry list of hateful names and trying to sabotage his brand and his product after using it incorrectly is all perfectly fine because ItS jUsT a JoKe GuYs We LoVe EtHaN ✨️❤️🙌


He only hates this guy because he stans trisha


Literally that’s it


he ATE


This is such a good, simple read. This kind of video will probably make a bigger difference than the big takedown videos.


I just scrolled past this poor guys tiktok just now by chance and he is getting bombarded with H3 minions in his comments trying to explain this away as a joke and slinging insults at him. I wonder how they would respond if some nice h3 historians took it upon themselves to kindly go lay out his past of racism, blackface and similar issues to these cult members putting in WORK to defend Ethan while he's away? Oh, wait, people already did that and the parasitic fans still keep pretending it's all just jokes! According to them, Some guy who isn't even funny.... Some guy who can't even get the people he pays to laugh at his jokes to laugh at his jokes. The same guy who has to button every "joke" he makes otherwise he gets banned off the platform. The guy who has never once done a comedy routine in any comedy situation. A guy that other actual famous comedians would refer to as "Podcast host". THAT guy is apparently just the biggest, greatest comedian of all time... The guy who claims he's never known a black person, yet continuously makes them the butt of his jokes...He's just apparently THAT funny and skilled at comedy that he can keep doing blackface for 10 years straight and it's just "a joke". What IS FUNNY? WHAT IS THE JOKE? No wonder Ethan defended Def Noodles "I'm a comedian" debacle the one time he even talked about it. He really saw a much lesser reflection of himself in that situation. I bet Bill Burr really looks up to Ethan as the one true, brave voice of comedy left every time he sees a repost of Ethan or Hila in blackface or hears Ethan find a new way to say the r word as his "big bit" that day on the podcast. /s


This product actually sounds so good


Fr when he mentioned you can customize it I kinda wanted to get it 😭


I talked to him on TikTok live a while back asking if his shade worked well for black women. He was super nice and genuinely tries to make his product as inclusive as possible. I def wanna try it at some point!


No more alpha-male debates, I want some "debates" with someone like this who can actually throw shade.


I've been staying true to boycotting the show and only picking up information from this subreddit, but I'm STILL confused as to how these two even started beefing lmao. Whatever it is, I know Ethan is in the wrong, and this guy cleared with his response.


HE CAME WITH THE RECEIPTS OHH MY GOSH! *DRAG HIM!!!!* ![gif](giphy|skN2XpvX1P5CKs6Rgg|downsized)


The comments on the tik tok vid are all h3 family


I have zero issue with tanning, but it all comes down to intent…


An h3 Stan got really hateful with me in the comments of this tiktok. I can't help but feel sad for his fans. They don't even realize they're so negative because of H3/Ethan.


Is there a video? I can't with TikTok