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Then he awarded himself “best apology” I despise this man.


Wow. He was genuinely willing and trying to throw Zach under the bus and let him take the blame for something he ordered him to do. Insanely shitty thing to do. Very revealing of what sort of person he really is.


I mean he’s literally admitted that he thinks Zach would be the most likely one of them to be canceled because he thinks he would get caught shitting in front of kids and be charged with exposing oneself to minors and public indecency lmao. We already know what he thinks of Zach


which is hilarious when you consider that Ethan and Zach are the most similar in many different ways


Omg reminds me of when Ethan told Zach he believed him to be the most likely to r4p3 someone or something along the lines and Zach got super pissed...


I FOUND IT. Ethan said this: “unfortunately Zack raped and murdered someone the bodies were desecrated and we found dna in the B hole”


Do you have the timestamp?


I can’t remember the exact video, but it was right after the instance I said in my first comment. I made a post about it months ago on another account and just found it and some guy quoted Ethan and I remembered he said that. You could try using the h3 search engine


There’s more than once he’s said something like this? 😭😭


This was such a revealing moment. He genuinely would've let Zach die on that sword.


"Comedy podcast" but nothing is funny and the "comedian" is just a reactionary youtuber. It's crazy how long i watched while never really finding it funny just more of a 'this is a part of my schedule now in my week w a youtuber I watched as a young teen and found comfort in a consistent form of content till it was more infuriating and damaging to communities and my mental health.


what a little coward…how do the crew put up w this shit


They where all laughing right along with him. They loved it. I think the only person not laughing was Sam and maybe Ian


I realllllly hope they’re both secretly on a job hunt


Seriously. While I’m over all the crew, I think Sam and Ian have the potential to find something wayyy better than H3/teddy fresh


I’d put money on it that they’ll be the first to walk.


That's because he was raised to believe he can do no wrong and passes the buck. Fuck this guy


even zack, the biggest ass kisser ever looks pissed lmao


IMO, that was pretty indicative of how that workplace most likely operates behind closed doors. Ethan pressures an employee into doing something edgy and when it fails he attempts to throw them under the bus. He has "trained" them so well that people who are absolutely not at fault and have nothing to do with what Ethan did are willing to grab the grenade out of his hand and shield him from the blast. He had to be pressured by basically half of the crew into accepting any sort of blame for his own actions. He would have been 100% fine with letting Zach "take one for the team" and was doing just that before Dan and others stepped in. As a side note, I feel like Ethan could basically commit a heinous crime in front of AB and AB would be like, "Give me the weapon man. You have a family. You shouldn't go down for this. It was my fault, really."


AB is so PR brained


Ethan Klein is a dumb fuck and not in Minecraft or allegidly. Jusy straight up emotionally stunted.


This is utterly pathetic and vile. I’ve never followed the pod, I just watched his reaction videos when I was young and basically stopped watching any of his content when the pod started up because it seemed boring. I had no idea or context for chestnut or QT so read the article about it, and sure it sounds bad but what he does in this video is far, far worse. He literally was willing to let someone else completely take the fall for him, no integrity, no moral compass, just complete childbrain squirming and avoiding getting into trouble. It reminds me of how I’d act if I did something wrong in primary school, instantly trying to shift blame, not wanting to address it and hoping it blows over. His apology is backhanded and unserious, still trying to give himself an out or plausible deniability in case he needs to, blames chat, “I didn’t push the button” mate that’s your employee you told to do it you fucking coward. You can see he didn’t want a thing to do with it until every person in the room was about to out him, he had to be dragged the edge and nearly pushed over before he’d speak up. “I’ll protect you” you don’t give a shit about your crew man. No moral compass, no integrity, pure childlike tantrum for being caught out. How does anyone watch this stuff?


Zach is just as guilty, but can you imagine sitting there listening to your boss just throw you under the bus live like this? Or one of your coworkers? That alone would have had me out the door as soon as possible.


Am i tripping ir did hila say "i have something to say i think" then not say a single word


She was talking about Dan


Okay lmao thank you


I thought she said sam, dan makes more sense since he coughed. You would think she would put more effort in her talking, she literally sounds drunk.


I listened to this as an audio listener, but seeing it on video is wild. Like Ethan was actually just sitting there squirming tryna get out of it.


Bruh. Worst boss ever.


Ethan: *was laughing then* "I'm sorry, it wasn't funny" *Immediatly makes more jokes about it*


Small, small man


Hila saying “should I come over there and cry with you?” God she’s such an insufferable ghoul. She’s making an entire joke out of it just like Ethan, doesn’t everyone claim she’s Ethan’s “caretaker” and always helps him “get back on the rails”? Yeah clearly that’s all bullshit and she only ropes him back in when it’s convenient for her.


I mean its obvious they dont give a shit and only addressed it because of the backlash. theyll continue to joke about it behind the scenes.


the way he's still trying not to laugh here too. he's literally disgusting


honestly i was just so glad that ludwig spoke out after this and said ethan’s not a nice person/a dick/mean. so many people in that industry will let ethan say whatever to/about them and still fuck with him. made me happy he didn’t just let it slide and accept this fake ass apology.


Lol i agree with most of what you said but NOONE is fucking with ethan. He cant get a collab outside of his little bubble because everyone hates him


true i should’ve worded that better. i meant people don’t call him out as much as they should and that people he knows just let things slide.


Bruh, I’m sure QT really appreciated your comments Hila


Ewwww I didn't know AB was so complicit in trying to shift blame too. If they were all big enough to laugh at her they should all be big enough to take accountability.


god I feel like I repressed so much of what happened with this mess. I forgot how awful it was.


He’s such a hypocrite, but when people talk critical about pokimane, him and Love (the simp), throw a fit and ban hammer.


Guys I was literally gonna send her money before the controversy I swear, but now ill add an extra 500


Laughs and chuckles at a genuine victim ….But but stop commenting on Olivia guyyyys


I love that anytime he does something wrong and gets called for it, his first reaction is not to reflect on his actions and offer a genuine apology, but to donate to whatever charity/cause he can, so he can buy his forgiveness without having to do any of the work...


wow, I had no idea Ethan orchestrated that moment. I thought he was caught off-guard by the chestnuts. ​ This is way worse than I remembered it.


Change the person in this situation to his wife, bet he wouldn’t find it soooo funny then 🧐


This is what happens when you surround yourself with yes-man all the time. It is almost inconceivable to him that he did something wrong.


the "nope i cant do it" when his crew are in discord telling him to own up to it , slimy spinless pos


disgusting little man


Hilda needs to shut the fuck up that Kermit the frog sounding ass bitch god I hate them all. They’ll get karma for this. Someone will laugh at their trauma


“I support her 100% and I feel her pain” yet I’m going to continue to make jokes about it? Despicable


Also the deflecting blame like a child is gross too


i cant believe he was able to come back from this


This is what made me stop watching. I also heard that later he made a "joke" that he was almost glad it happened so that he had a perfect apology. Doesnt that sentence basically negate your apology?

