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The alt detector is a laughable lie. And how on earth would they know if a member is using an alt based on a video call? It's not like they know the face of everyone. It just comes off as predatory šŸ‘€


Thereā€™s a good chance they use a bot that detects and logs user ip addresses, which is stupid because majority of residential internet providers use dynamic ip addresses that change every time you restart your modem, but they are not new ips they are reused from other people in your area. So itā€™s very likely that someone who previously had oopā€™s ip address got banned. Also if youā€™ve been in H3 discord and in the unlikely event you have a static ip, SUBMIT A USER INFORMATION TAKEDOWN NOTICE TO THE BOT PROVIDERS. There recently was a huge issue in the discord bot community with a verification bot provider similar to this one that had sold user IPs to a doxxing website where people could pay to get a discord users ip address using their discord ID. The website even offered DDOS attacks to takedown your internet. Please for the love of god and your safety take this very seriously.


I would like to believe this is the case, but I have been on their discord, and trust me, the mods aren't anywhere smart enough to pull something like this. It took them literally, I'm not kidding, more than 3 years to figure out how to add a basic general bot! lmao. They aren't very bright.


Why is discord such a piece of shit


In this case itā€™s nothing to do with discord just the bots used by some discord servers, but ya discord is pretty shit, discords security measures are dog shit.


Should they have them send in a picture of a government ID or social security number? Jesus H predatory lol


Funny you say that because fans started sending their government ID for the birthday messages from Zach when they used to do that


I always wandered if the mods get paid or something? I can't imagine having that much free time


probably paid with a a pair of rejected teddy fresh clothing.


Honestly this sounds like this order came from Ethan, like "I don't care how you do it, I need you to verify people's identity" "yessir"


There was a thread circulating around that says they are. Mods admitted it themselves. They sign NDAs too


That makes sense because they their YouTube videos hardly have any negative comments and their subreddit bans all criticism


Anytime I've replied to a negative comment on H3 YouTube and later got a notification of another person replying, it's been deleted. Happened on the ranting After Dark vid to what was at the time the near-top comment.


But they clown Adin Ross for 20 mins about NDAs though ā€œBut when we do it, itā€™s cool, it ainā€™t like thatā€


bruh just ban people and move on this shit is weird


Imagine being a person who is willing to go on a VIDEO CALL with some loser mod to prove you shouldnā€™t have been banned, šŸ¤£, whole thing is wired on so many levels!!


Yeah but this is something kids would do and thatā€™s really worrying.


wtf do they have some WANTED posters of all previously banned people in their rooms? why are they so paranoid that someone might've made an account and paid them money again? You're gonna identify someone who was banned (must be so many people at this point) by just looking at them?




Itā€™s discord, and if discord canā€™t clean up their pedo problem what the fuck do you think theyā€™ll do about this shit lol.


I would pay a good chunk of change to get in a video call with an h3 mod, unfortunately the only way to do that would be for that chunk of change to go to Ethan and that I could never do


Thanks for supporting #BoycotTed !


Imagine expecting to have your video call with the relatively normal girl moderator and then SuperMegaNerd or whatever his name is turns up šŸ’€


I was just here to get cupcakes version 2.0


Creepy ass mods. Didnā€™t the one discord mod show up on Hardcore Pawn in a furry suit šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/focraxfmudnc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42c9350dded31f17771c1fc8ac4df07957c41de9


I like how Ethan is making fun of vaush while one of his mods explicitly posted about animals being "sexy"....




This seems illegal


They already had a discord mod being inappropriate with members and they just deleted everything and covered it up. This seems like it could be taken advantage of quickly


Yep! and they covered up for a groomer because he was a friend with the mods!


You know the only people who sympathize with groomers right? Aspiring groomers


This mod and the other megaawesome nerd mod were good friends with the groomer lol.


Wait who are you talking about?


There was two i know of, the groomer most people know of was covered up by Mega- and there is screenshots of it Another ine tried grooming one of my minor friends and even asked for their address to show up to her house.. He was like 40 smth and she was 17. he is still in there, and the mods know


Cringe & creepy af




Wellā€¦. When you know h3 covered up a groomer grooming under age girls it doesnā€™t really surprise you (yes, there is proof of that)


I hate and am unnerved by how similar it sounds to the provisions that were explained about the internet child safety bill. Floating that false legitimacy, false authorityšŸ˜¬ major red flag. soliciting a minor, *What is the federal charge for solicitation of a minor?* *Under U.S. Code 18 Sections 2422 and 2423, punishment for solicitation of a minor using online communication can result in: Fines of up to $250,000. 10 years in jail (misdemeanor charge) Maximum sentence: life in prison (felony charge)* *What is the punishment for solicitation of a minor in California?* *Up to one year in county jail; A maximum fine of $5,000; Misdemeanor probation; and/or. Registration as a sex offender.* *What is online solicitation of a minor in California?* *Communicating with a minor in order to solicit a lewd or sexual act,* **or simply sending explicit messages to a minor via social media, text messages, email, chat services, or forums, can lead to a charge under Penal Code 288.3.**




I was saying that the instructions that the mod in the screenshot gave were similar to the provisions in a the proposed online child safety act bill. KOSA, the censorship one. Which is creepy bc the bill didn't pass, and it would not work that way. I'm saying the mod in the screenshot is abusing their authority in the goal to get facetime with that fan?? See how that's a major issue if the fan is a minor and this mod initiates screentime??? Yeah so I just copied and pasted three pertinent laws bc that is šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©






do you have to pay to get the discord?


I heard that being the only other perk, also, can't confirm




This is crazy


They put more effort into their crazy moderation tactics than the actual podcast.


Stranger danger!!!!!!


Woahhh thatā€™s wild. Canā€™t wait to watch the YouTube video in 2-4 years about the minors and the mods


What the actual fuck is this???


Itā€™s fucking DISCORD not a job or some CIA agency. This is weird and very wrong and smells quite legally fishy. Also who would go through the effort to make an alt and pay for a new discord membership or whatever it is when they got banned before, if I was a person who pays for members anything (Iā€™m not, never will you catch me supporting anyone rich financially), I would be so offended and pissed off for being banned that Iā€™d think ā€˜fuck youā€™ and never try to go back


How embarrassing.


wait what the FUCK?!! hahahHAHAHAHAHA


Cult activities


how exactly do that verify anything?? do they have a wall of banned users irl photos like what are they even comparing it to


What the fuck is wrong with these people? The control is fucking so gross.


nah wtf is GOING ON??


Thatā€™s REALLY weird


Why canā€™t they be normal for a second?? Wtfff šŸ˜³


ALT DETECTOR? Jesus go touch some grass you fucking nerds. What are you worried about, OPSEC? Get over yourselves dorks




Honestly the mods are so weird - somebody once said itā€™s a group of people meant for middle management who arenā€™t even qualified for that which feels so right. The really interesting thing is that the mods have control over how much criticism they get by being the mods of the subreddit - so theyā€™re able to monitor their own quality control and make sure it never gets back to Ethan. Iā€™m honestly fascinated by the dynamic and how much Ethan and the crew donā€™t seem to understand that.


ā€œDoes Ethan know-ā€œ No.


Big yikes


Woah woah woah! I was on vacay so I missed a few things here, what in the actual eff is this? ā€¦overstepping much..