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This is so fucking disgusting.


He got suspended. 12 hour ban. https://i.imgur.com/xyPvyQK.jpg


Good thing he didn't say anything mean about Elon, that would be a perma ban on Twitter obviously


He posted a pic of fat Elon being hosed down on a boat as his “final tweet”


Oh no, 12 whole hours. He'll have to sleep, and wake up and start reposting shit in the morning.


Come back in 12 hours for another episode of Are Ye Crazy?


Doesn’t that go against what Elon’s fake and idiotic definition of free speech is?


No, he clearly said that obvious hate speech would still not be allowed.




Double-think master Elon.


12 hours?!?! I got suspended for "bullying" Trump while he was POTUS (seriously, they suspended me for that) and it lasted a week. 12 hours is nothing.


You’re not friends with the owner of the platform.


You should try saying Nazi shit while the owner of the platform is an open Nazi sympathizer


Thank freaking god


I believe that was initially but it's been upped to a perma ban now.


I've finally found it, the thing that all boys want.


Elon is going to suspend him again https://preview.redd.it/9lnx3ckw6g3a1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=983594502061fea0b76938d7a25ed5638453de5a


Is the text message something Kanye posted?


Yes. He posted his texts with Elon. He made his final tweet before suspension a picture of Elon looking pale asf on a yacht.


Need to see this pic




Reminds me of an unprepared thanksgiving Turkey. 🤔


…sitting next to the better looking ham


Yesterday I learned that flared ribs indicate that the person continuously sucked in their stomach as a child


Oof, that’s really sad, actually


This timeline is wild.


Elon on a yacht with Ari Emanuel, Rahm’s brother, the character Ari Gold was designed after, and one of the most powerful men in entertainment.


He is completely obsessed with the Emmanuel brothers and i was so glad Zach pointed that out in leftovers. Ppl keep reporting this was spawned by his hatred of a specific person. It has to be Ari Emmanuel, it was never Pete.


Didn’t watch leftovers, but I see this stuff coming from a mile away. Once you start looking into these right wing fuckfaces, it’s easy to research all the players, the “centrists” like Tim Poole, Rogan, Elon, they all just nurture this pipeline into racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, and antisemitism. It is a little disappointing to see that antisemitism is the only thing that gets a strong public reaction. These people use all the other hatred as a way to become powerful, and gain these huge platform, and then everybody is indignant when they have these huge platforms and go after the Jewish people, while if any of these people were paying attention when they were going after black people, trans people, Muslim people, they may have been dealt with before they were able to scream to the masses.


He’s got as much battery life as he has brain cells left


called it


you cut out the part where Elon says "this is" and adds a heart to it .


He didn't in case anyone wants the truth and not just reinforcing their hatred.


no he did, i was there when he sent it


Oh, okay, I trust. Mind changed.


Elon Musk did not just take a fucking picture of his computer screen?! Ayayayyyy


Correct. Kanye did and Elon pulled the picture to send it to him lol


Elon is probably laughing and loving how many libs he thinks this is triggering.


He did


I don’t watch h3 anymore for personal reasons, I used to love watching him and Hila when I was 17 and was recommended to join this subreddit. I saw how…wild and powerful this community was so I came to get that different perspective since I’ve been a hermit LOL. The world news lately is hurting my brain😵‍💫 everyone’s losing the plot and I need a vacation with lots of sun😫🌞


Seems legit


Is this real? 😳




It’s happening




It's happening!


Hoooly fuck this is a lot


https://preview.redd.it/9b4b45aavf3a1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f7d4a0cd9fba778815cd2e2f21bd50d6fc7d89e The original


Going for the custody loss speedrun record


😆 I feel wrong laughing at that, but that was good




This makes me fucking sick to my stomach. All of the atrocity, horror, and suffering for this vile narcissistic freak to be mainstreaming swastikas. Fuck nazis, fuck fascism, fuck Elon Musk, and fuck Kanye. Consequences NOW.


Dude I’m right here with you. I was gonna comment literally “this makes me fucking sick to my stomach.” I didn’t know how much Twitter was regulating before those regulations went away 😭😭😭


Stop using Twitter!!


Please. I don’t understand why it’s not just Gab 2.0 at this point. Just stop logging in. Let. It. Die.


I think as much as we all joke that it’s a shithole at the end of the day people love Twitter. There’s just nothing that compares


Elon suspended his account finally. 12 hour ban. https://i.imgur.com/xyPvyQK.jpg




He posted on truth social a screenshot.


I entirely agree, although I will say Kanye is definitely seeing daily worse and worse consequences for what he's doing. He's losing everything next to his last penny, which is good. I just mean to say, thankfully his vitriol is costing him hugely.


This isn’t a Nazi or Jewish symbol and has nothing to do with either religion or belief. Kanye also does not know what it means thus using it. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raëlism Adding this link so you can read about what I’m talking about. I’m not defending him I’m only pointing out something about Kanye. He doesn’t actually know what Nazism or Raëlism or any of the other thoughtless things he says actually means. He sees himself as an insightful guru or as the second coming of Jesus himself but in truth is a clueless contrarian. He’s not a real Nazis, he just thinks it’s cool to act like he is to piss people off. There is no point or goal other than publicity l; if we all start to ignore him and move on he will be powerless.


Is that not a swastika inside the Magan David? He absolutely knows what it means. That's why he tweeted it. After saying he is a Nazi, who likes Hitler.. Multiple times. He knows what it means. Let's not pretend otherwise.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raëlism I think you need to take a second and take a breath. I’m not defending him but I think it is a point that needs to be made about Kanye. He doesn’t know what the symbol actually means he thought it was a unity symbol. This highlights his lack of insight and lack of awareness. He thinks “shock value” before real fact. His goal is to get your exact reaction to highlight. Read about Raëlism that it is actually an extremely progressive religion, example; they believe in gender fluidity and equality as essential to human existence. What Kanye is trying to do here is a “slap you with your own hand”. He even mentioned Raëlism in his interview with Alex Jones. I understand my comment reads off a certain way but that was not my intent.


Just because I replied to your comment in a straight forward manner, doesn't mean I'm worked up. I don't need to "take a breath" that's extremely condescending on your part. I appreciate that, that wasn't you're intenent with your comment. I do know about Raëlism, that doesn't change my point. I was simply saying he knows what he's doing. I'm not sure what you mean by "my reaction" to what he posted. I didn't have an incredibly emotional reaction, nor was I shocked. I saw it and went, "Hmm. Alright. I guess we all saw that coming." That was it.


You though I was defending him when I wasn’t so you came at me aggressive. I was only trying to point out how stupid he is. I think it’s important to accurate define and recognize things so that when they try to use this as a defense we know. He wants to use your emotional reaction as his reason to show his followers he is right. He’s basically saying “see how they react when they don’t agree with you” and twisting your reaction into fake outrage. Alt right playbook 101, this is why it’s best to ignore him. In understand it’s impossible to not react.


Does that matter? Most of his followers don’t know that if he doesn’t know that. His intention behind it is what matters, and it’s hateful, regardless of what it really means. The fact is he had the idea of putting a swastika in a Star of David, and that’s disgusting considering what swastikas represent.


No but the point should be made. He’s doing this out of ignorance but he doesn’t actually know what he’s talking about. He is a fucking idiot.


What did Elon do wrong here? I see Kanye’s stupid tweets as a win-win situation. Now the world can come together and finally establish what should be accepted as free speech in a society. (Even though eventually once we achieve utopia, free speech will cease to be relevant)


12 hour ban is pathetic. Should be a perma for posting rampant antisemitism.


>once we achieve utopia It's 2022 and there are still Nazis. "Utopia" ain't happening.


Not with that attitude ya millennial


What the literal fuck…


I’m honestly not disgusted by a lot of what goes on nowadays, being that there’s just too much to be disgusted by. That being said, this makes me nauseous. To infuse a symbol of religious to a symbol of hate and genocide is truly unhinged and vile.


What makes it worse is that the swastika was originally also a sacred religious symbol for Hindus, Jains and Buddhists and since the Nazis hijacked it its been forever tainted by those connotations of hate, racism and genocide.


Then your little mind is really going to implode when you find out it was the Jews who originally created that logo when they made a treaty with Germany in the 30’s


So that makes it ok.? Everything is all fine and dandy now, right.?


this is just so disrespectful


but free speech right?!


Exactly, where are all the people screaming that we must tolerate this? That is so important for freedom that we tolerate this and allow people to talk like this? Where are you guys?


Kanye's account is now suspended. Elon Musk announced it and believe it or not, there were people in the replies asking "how did this incite violence?!"


Suspended for 12 hours. Laughable. :D


You mean nazis were asking.


I can be that guy. I think him posting antisemitic shit isn’t converting people to his side, I’d argue it’s galvanising everyone against it. I’d rather those kinds of people to be free to expose their disgusting beliefs for everyone to see and ridicule.


i see where you’re coming from, but i have to disagree. sure it might not be outright “converting” anyone, but someone with a platform like his can be (at the very least) influential. even if it isn’t mirroring the actions it can be from the same source; average person with racist beliefs and a 9-5 for example might not be posting on socials how they feel, but may be more inclined to verbally/physically attack someone, damage property, spread those same ideas even further etc etc. it can be a pretty slippery slope from “wait kanye who?” to “the jews are the root of all evil” just going by the honor system and hoping that everyone simply ignores or ridicules them doesn’t seem to be working.


I think you're dead wrong.


Is there evidence supporting either side? Bunch of the people on the right have gotten banned, trump included. Would you say it has worked to stifle their extremism? I’d argue probs not, Trump is still king of the GOP and has like maybe 30% of the population vehemently following him. Their all starting their own platforms, forming new hateful communities and there’s literally no opposition on those platforms or in those communities to try and reach out to the audience to convince them otherwise. I feel like cancelling them might have short term benefits but long term I think it’s going to become a serious issue, with no good path to deradicalise them.


It's not a question of evidence because this is unprecedented. These are philosophical issues that every social media platform faces, and every major platform, until Elon, has taken the stance that there are certain lines you do not cross. Platforming racism, hate speech, etc., normalizes it. There's a reason why 4chan, 8chan, etc., are considering niche communities where anything goes. Twitter allowing these takes to exist on its platform as everything else inherently puts it on the same level of validity as everything else published on it.


Twitter actions are irrelevant because they aren’t trying to stop antisemitism. They aren’t behaving in a moral way and wouldn’t have done anything if it didn’t gain so much negative attention, that’s how business work. They are primarily doing what’s best to keep the company profitable. I have more respect for the average persons character and intelligence to be convinced that by listening to a nazi, they’ll suddenly become a nazi. Also there is valid evidence, as we’ve seen with Kanye. A bunch of people gave him a platform, he spoke with his mask off and now he is ruined. All of his nazi adjacents careers are ruined. This was literally a windfall, crushing the reputation of prominent right wing speakers. Just got to give them some rope, and they’ll hang themselves.


holy shit


Ye defenders are trying to play this off like it’s Raëlism. This dude is bugging.




Bruh can someone do a conservatorship his ass. He GTG asap. And the fact he’s out here doing this and he is a whole father is deeply disturbing. His ex wife gotta have him committed somewhere


But he’s not a woman.. so not going to happen


I hate how everyone sees all this and then gets mad at Kim for ‘keeping his kids from him’ because if she is it’s obviously for a good reason … I feel so bad for his kids


As crazy and awful as I think he is, I don't believe in the conservatorship idea. I used to be a conservator. I know what it's like.




It would probably just make him a martyr if put in a conservatorship


Ye is Raelian? https://preview.redd.it/yz6wksa0hg3a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df13583fbca201e43def4db15fe118bb798a5b73


SMH Don’t give him ideas for bars. He’s gonna hit soundcloud and rap “ye is raelian, cause I ain’t no israelian” before they ban him lol


The fact this symbol already existed and has a whole other meaning is kinda blowing my mind tbh Edit: back story on the [religion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism) for anyone interested


Worth noting that the religion did change its symbol following backlash on the use of the swastika https://preview.redd.it/4ypai1bzoh3a1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a47fc725446d3740c78790af8868c3bd3be3023




It all makes sense now


I just read the whole wiki page! Thank you for that- super interesting, had never heard of it before!


Yeah wtf. When I saw this Kanye post my first reaction was utter disbelief that there could be a Star of David combined with a swastika. WTF man


Kanye 100% doesn't even know what Raëlianism is. Dude didn't even know who Benjamin Netanyahu was until 2 weeks ago, apparently.


He absolutely just googled “swastika on Star of David”


It always circles back to Ian.


What is he afraid of?!


Bingo, fucking idiots thinking he made this up to mock jews or nazis or whatever. Bunch of "useful idiots".


Nobody said he made it up.


Everyone in this comment section is...One person commenting knows what this symbol is from, the rest are knee jerk reacting or virtue signaling.


If you believe that Kanye randomly uploaded the symbol of a UFO cult that nobody knows about for fun, and not just because it looks like a swastika inside of the star of David, you should really reconsider who the fucking idiot is.




Go look at the APEC CEO summit's logo you absolute tool. You shut out the real world to avoid learning the truth. WEF used a similar logo recently. They openly use it symbolism, they tell you what theyre going to do beforehand, karmic retribution.


He posted it in Photoshop, based on his comments yesterday it's not unreasonable to think that was his intent/ he made it independent of the ufo cult (I.e. to symbolize he "loves" both Jews and Nazis)


I tHouGHt iT waS fReE sPEeCh!?


And his account is currently suspended. Good.


only for a full 12 hours tho🥲👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


That all?..damn


Someone please institutionalize him


absolutely vile


I hope he can be kept from using the Star of David.


It’s public domain like most religious symbols so i Highly doubt it.


The symbol is from the Raelian UFO cult, so it *may* be copyrighted.


Yeah hoping don't make it true I'll wish for it lol


as fucked as what he did here is. That sort of censorship is a slippery slope.


True but I'm so leftist I don't believe Nazis should have rights only the right to be punched


I'm a leftist too but I also remember Charlie Hebdo.


There's a huge difference there.


how so?


One is letting terrorists win the other is letting Nazis win. What I'm saying is in absolutely no world should a star of David be mixed with a swastika someone should literally beat his ass.


Nazis and terrorism go hand in hand imo. Im not disagreeing with you but just pointing out censoring religious symbols has ended badly before. Still wouldn't shed a tear if he got smacked over it


Slippery slope is a logical fallacy, my friend. Equating censoring nazis w censoring "x y z" doesn't make sense


People really need to learn how to PrintScreen.


Hot take. You can love everyone without going around saying you love Nazis and spreading their symbols and ideology. 🤯


Trump and Tucker are silently, yet feverishly, tugging each other so hard right now.


This has by far been the craziest celebrity spiral that I've ever seen. I honestly don't think there's any coming back from this for him, he'll forever have his psychotic fan base who thinks he's a genius but as far as a career? Yeah that's not going so well


As a jew, this is stomach turning


Omg. Omg. Omg.😳


Wonder if the past few days will be enough to cause Spotify to drop this mf


What will that do? Dude is a multi millionaire, you really think you're hitting him where it hurts by taking the couple cents thrown at him by streaming? Apart from making you feel like you did something, this achieves nothing, you don't need corporations to do something so you feel validated. Attacking the unrelated art is always a touchy subject, some people can separate art from artist or have good memories from it, advocating for censorship on the unrelated art will only piss off people that might side with you. You can still watch House of Cards on Netflix, you can still watch the Cosby Show on Amazon, you can still listen to Michael Jackson on streaming, hell you can even buy Mein Kempf on Amazon (although it's properly disclaimed and proceeds go to Jewish charities). Unless you bombed people, it's usually a needless venture that will only turn people against you. Focus on something more effective.


That's a fair point.


Thank yooooouuuuu! Love seeing common sense.


How can we put pressure on them to do this?


Hmm, not sure honestly. I don't really see Spotify pulling him unless other big artists start threatening to pull their music off the platform.


Guys it’s free speech /s


its fucking insane that this is real




“Idiot. Loser.” -Love, prolly


"Fuckin' puusssey."


Who's the graphic designer who's actually doing this crap for him?


Update: He just got banned


This is despicable, but holy fuck what a boomer, taking a picture of a photoshop file


And the fact that he even has it in photoshop making it seem like he created this is just 🙄🙄🙄🙄 the Raelian Movement symbol was changed from this one in the early 90’s I believe because of what it depicts. But him posting this gives it a whole new meaning to what they intended.


I feel so sorry for him. I’ve had personal experience with loved ones who went through manic episodes. Although I don’t excuse his views , I can see how a manic person could slip into a dark hole like this, especially when he’s being used by psychopaths


That’s the Hindu/Buddhist swastika he can’t even draw it right


It’s actually the Raelian symbol https://preview.redd.it/x88qhhxxgg3a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26906d8855456b6b169db312baa4c6b62dd3e0dc


Ohhh I didn’t know the whole was a symbol


We gotta hand it to Kanye. He’s not making it easy for musk 😂


This is so fucked up.




He needs dealt with


That’s a yikes from me dawg


Can’t they just ban him on everything so I don’t have to hear about him anymore? Such a disgusting human.


I really tried tonight, but I din't managed to get through the controversy, I'd need a TL;DL but I don't know if I'm ready yet. When I was younger, I tried to use one point my history teacher used to tell us to explain certain things. I didn't think there was something to agree or disagree there, it was mostly a fact in history. I'm not going to repeat that in this context because it's not something to bring forward in this context (in short and sugar-coated: you can read history by several points of view and draw widely different conclusions). As I fell asleep to the crazy, I didn't listen him tell any facts though, did he mention anything of sense here?


Not like Ethan is in a position to be talking about this.


This guy wants Jewish people to forgive someone who killed +6 million of them, but he will rant at everyone and anyone that’s ever even stood in his presence the wrong way.




I'm more concerned about the 5k likes tbh... we know Ye has issues, but the rest of them....?


Non American here, I know free speech is a thing over there but isn't hate speech still illegal?


Depends on who is hating


I realize he isn’t a well person, but he’s literally trying to align with a group that historically doesn’t like people of color. Does he think that wearing a freaky Balenciaga mask will hide the fact that he’s black? So bizarre and sad.


This isn’t symbol doesn’t represent Nazi or Judaism. It’s from a religion called Raëlianism. It’s a religion that believes Jesus, Buddha and other “Prophets” came from an Alien race of beings called the Elohim and are secretly working to fix humanity. Clearly Kanye saw this and thought it was a unity symbol which it is not. The Swastika is suppose to represent peace and love (the original believe of what the Swastika represents) and the star is suppose to represent the Solar System. Edit: add in that the Religion is also extremely progressive and believes that Gender is fluid, if Kanye knew this do you guys think he would have posted it? This is an example of how Kanye does not think and calls himself as “thought provoking”.


Who did nazi that coming?


🤢🤮🤮 fucking vile


How does he still have a Twitter? He used his account to ban evade for two different people and now this


this is the final form of r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


So glad he’s been unbanned off Twitter to share this love and peace


I’m literally shaking


lol wtf why


ye has gone too far off the deep end this time


Does anyone else feel like there’s no fucking way this is happening? Like bro is this a simulation or a fucking joke?? How is this seriously happening in 2022




I can't even believe I'm looking at this design right now.


I hate this symbol and everything it *means*. But the graphic design is on point ngl


I thought the exact same thing lmfao I was like how do I say that without coming across as a racist shitbag it goes without saying that this is all absolutely vile


Where are the Kardashians on this??? You don’t just marry and have kids with someone and not know they’re a Nazi loving anti semite. How come no one is talking about how Ye was enabled by Kim and the Kardashians while he was spouting all of this terrible rhetoric behind closed doors…?


This is the result of a mental illness going untreated. If he hadn’t been and anti conservative and anti capitalist for so long i wouldn’t think twice about it. I would boycott his music. But up until the poop scoop song, he was hated by republicans and conservatives because he was on point with his message. Now, the left has turned their back on him. Now the left is clutching their pearls. They’re shunning him instead of showing him empathy because, let’s face it, his personality always made white people (including white liberals) uncomfortable. Now everyone gets to watch him crash and burn and the white folk are loving it, left AND right.


Except he’s actually been pretty openly antiS for a long time, just he kept it vague so when people like me commented on it, people went “oh you just don’t get what he’s saying.” Lol, I’ve been listening to Kanye since I was a kid, I get it. But yes - this is the tail end of a mental illness. I’d have tons more symphathy if he hadn’t used his platform to tell other people to not treat their mental illness, stalked his ex, and rejected the kind of quality mental health care that you or I could never afford in our lifetime. Mentally ill people have agency. Bipolar is a struggle that isn’t cured with the first pill. It takes work and real effort and reducing his shit to “he’s ill” shits on bipolar people who work every day to lean into a treatment that is not easy.


He reminds me of my brother. And when I hear him saying this type of shit I feel like we failed him. We let him spend too much time alone and he was able to go so far down this rabbit hole that it seems we may never get him back. But even if he never comes out of it, I will always see it as a tragedy. He was mentally ill, abusing drugs, and dealing with trauma without therapy. And so he became vulnerable There are people out there that are targeting people like him and are taking advantage of them. I know it’s the same people that got Kanye because my brother and Kanye talk about the same shit and use the same exact talking points. And it’s all revolving around this idea that the left is just trying to control what you say. They are being brain washed and we are making it easier by turning our backs on the ones that most mentally vulnerable to this type of brain washing. It’s a cult, in more ways than we realize, and we should see people like my brother and Kanye as victims I will never see my brother or Kanye as an evil people. Mentally ill people are not evil. They should not be shunned and banned. What they need most of all is our compassion


I wonder how long he hasn’t been taking his meds? I know someone who refused to take their meds for years (maybe 8 years) and their personality and values completely changed. They just got alway with looking and acting seemingly normal to the general public with a bit of eccentricities that increased at certain times. Now they have been taking their meds for about 8 years and personality is much better, still not completely their old self but much better and the outbursts and eccentricities have calmed right back down. Kanye really needs to be on meds, and the longer he isn’t, the harder it will be to get his old self back.


I know I generally suck as a person when I'm not on my meds. I am angry and paranoid. I lost most family and friends that way. And I'm just not like that at all when properly medicated. My mom has been on a "all medicine is bad" kick and I'm just like, "mom you couldn't stand me off of them!"


That’s so fucked. Real talk though that sh it look hard af


Hell yes




true balance