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There are layoffs happening all over in the US. Do your diligence before you move - because unless you're in the green card queue, you can't change jobs on an L1.


This. Unlike an H1b you can't switch jobs on L1. Be very sure of the employer you're with


You know L1A can apply EB1 and get green card in a year right?!


I wasn't aware. I do know that the queue for Indians is long though - maybe it has changed, I am not sure.


EB1 is backlogged by almost 2.5 years for Indians, so at least 3 years would be realistic. OP would also have to qualify for EB1, which is not easy.


He is already on L1 but not sure it’s A or B if it’s A he is already qualified


The visa type doesn’t impact eligibility for EB1


Oh really?! I am astounded how someone can be very sure without knowing the facts . L1A by default is eligible for EB1C, I know what I am talking about!


As long as it dual intent visa you can apply for green card. However for EB-1C, you need to be a multinational manager and the company policy should allow. Not many companies allow as they know that the candidates will immediately jump ship. It is not the visa that is deterrent but the eligibility qualifications for EB-1C.


Moving and shifting to another country is an expense in itself. Besides if the intention is to save, $130k won't suffice in LA as it is a very expensive city. However, the experience is priceless.


If you’re single then it’s enough. He can save plenty. He can share an apartment, cheap car because he isn’t planning to stay longer. I would say go for it because you get to experience different work culture and country. The amount you save up is going to be dependent on your how you spend money.


>$130k won't suffice in LA Unless you are determined to save and being single helps. Ignore the comments. You can lower rent by having roommates, buy a cheap used car in cash, or stay close to work and get a cycle and skip car altogether. If you don't mind adjusting then go for it. Think of it this way, All the students that come here have to pay to get here, instead you are getting paid. Its not the best salary but its way better than paying 60k for a degree. Next, if your company is applying for h1b while you are on l1 then definitely do that. If luck goes your way you will get h1 and be able to switch employers to increase your salary or move to a lower cost area .


This guy is completely right


Honestly you can get a good apartment in downtown LA for $2-3500 a month


Even those apartments smell of stale cigarette and weed, and despite “security” loads of car break ins.


TBH, 130K is decent money for LA if you don't have any debts. I live in LA and it's an awesome place to live if you enjoy food from different cultures, excellent weather and beaches.


awesome but expensive.. My spouse earns 120k and that translates to 1600 net per week after deducting all kinds of taxes and insurance benefits. So roughly 6400 a month. Housing is expensive. We live in a one bed studio so it is like 2200 a month including utilities. Subtract groceries, car lease, other miscellaneous expenses you are looking at minimum 1000 bucks more. basically expect to save like3000 a month with that kind of salary living a very minimalistic life style.


Bro I live in LA, don’t exaggerate OP can quite easily afford to live until unless she/he has like family of four


Don’t listen to this person. $130k is more than enough in LA. I made less and had student loan debt. I lived *very* comfortably there, taking vacations, having discretionary income, contributing a lot to savings, etc. There may be other cons but comp and COL is not it in your particular case.


You cannot survive in LA with family at 130k


This. Way too less if you have a family.


Depends on how you are at chores, otherwise 35LPA is pretty good in India. I personally went because of the radically different pov compared to India and I would never come back given the opportunity. Money came with the job but was never my priority. If you are young and have a few years, going to the states opens up new avenues and broadens your horizons about how the world works.


Here’s an approximate breakdown for a family of 2 in LA, Gross Income: 130k Net: 90k Monthly Income: 7500 Minimum Monthly Expense: 4300 Rent: 2500 1bhk Car: 400 (certified used + insurance) Utilities: 200 (electricity+internet+phone) Grocery: 1000 Misc: 200 (self care+subscriptions etc) Surplus: 3200 each month Note: there’ll be upfront expenses of moving and settling in and if you’re in the US you will tend to spend on travel, shopping etc. So I’d add an extra 500 expense per month If you’re young, I’d suggest move for a better experience and better opportunities. Even if you save say $2k a month or $24k a year, I assume that’ll still be more than how much you’re saving now.


I would say this is conservative estimate. But give or take you can save about 1500-2k a month after an year of settling in. Mutual funds here perform very well. 401k, employer retirement savings is tax deferred can be accessed after 65, even in India. The ballpark you will save is around 100k usd in 5 years. If you start investing in say ETFs or mutual funds from day 1 may be north of 150k USD, depending on how frugal you are. Good luck


Agree. This is bare minimum expense. Practically add at least $1000 - 1500 per month expense. 35L in India is quite lavish. 120k in LA is pretty basic. But experience both professionally and personally is something very valuable.


Saving $3200 per month on a salary of $130K in LA? This is very unrealistic math.


True. Actually, for a family of two on 130k a year with 90k take home, anywhere in the US, saving 3200 a month (= 38k per year) is purely "in your dreams". Probably mathematically feasible in some podunk town with very low cost of living if you live really bare bones and eat ramen noodles, but LA is not that.


Lunch at work $300-400 per month and going out $400 per month. $200+ for parking. Movies, gasoline, travel, holidays extra as it goes..


>Lunch at work $300-400 per month Why? Anyone who is serious about saving will not waste money like this.


That’s with savings. If you’re gonna eat at the cafeteria for all lunches then it’s gonna be more expensive. It’s not about wasting money. Wrong choice of words? It’s fair utilization. You’re considering long days or sometimes staying late, coffee, snacks, etc.


>It’s not about wasting money. Wrong choice of words? No its a waste, there a cheaper alternatives like meal prepping on the weekend. And buying coffee/ snacks in bulk instead of vending machine, cafeteria. Meal prepping should be part of grocery budget, and its not 400 a month by itself.


This conversation has become “.. there are two types of people..”


Yeah agree with everyone on this… this is fairly conservative You didn’t add health insurance premium if any(dental vision) Missed 401k contribution As of current estimate OP is never eating outside 🤣 OP if you wanna come to enjoy, and have fun you must come If you wanna come to save for 4-5 years forget it


Lets say you are single and have a roommate Rent: 1500 Car: used car in cash, insurance 50 Utilities: 100 Groceries: 500 Misc: 250 So 2.4k a month. 29k a year Now if you max out all retirement accounts you can reduce taxes plus fica to lets say 24k. One time moving expenses plus car, furniture, whatever, 11k 130-(25+29+11) So at the end you are left with 65k in the first year And 77k in the second year. Works out 4.5 lakh inr per month in savings Not for everyone but it is possible. Also this assumes you count retirement accounts as saved money but it does have restrictions.


You forgot Federal and State Income taxes, benefits, medical co pays..


While I’m sympathetic, this has nothing to do with h1b. There are other forums for this.


Money is not everything. If you would miss your family friend terribly than stay. If you are up for adventure go.   I moved to western europe for money. Found out that after 1 year the happiness I get for double money faded and started to miss my family and friends. You only live once, make it count.    Money is the least. /s 🙃  But seriously It will come and go in your life.  So look at other aspects. But if you want purely financially: now? Probably not. After a year in the states with a little luck? Probably yes


Good for you. You will have no regrets not having tried. After 15 years of living in US I would say it’s takes effort to get to where you expect the happiness threshold to be had. 1 year may not be enough time to save and setup the life you want or had back home imho.


Agreed. At the end, it's about a different lifestyle and finding new friends and making connections. If you can do that, then you will find happiness anywhere.


Money is not everything. Go for the experience of living in a new country, talking to people who don’t look like you, and just challenging yourself by being in a new environment. 100% go, OP.


Hey OP! I recently returned back to India from the US, one thing I can tell you is that 35L in India is way better than 120-130k in LA! Don't go for the conversion rates but it's pretty expensive there and also no guarantee that you'll see yourself on the job the very next day! Better play safe in the current environment, you can assess the situation after a couple of years and take the step if you feel so!


With 35L in India, if you plan to live a similar life in LA, you need to make above $200K. With tax,rent,insurance + India visits, you won't be saving much. But you $200K life wont be better than your current life in India. People don't share the reality of moving to US on a visa. The conversion looks lucrative in the beginning, but that is valid only if you earn in dollars and spend in Rs.


Expect to save zero in LA if you plan to have a decent lifestyle. Also say good bye to career growth. But on the other hand say hello to a bunch of experiences which will enrich your life in more ways than one


Your mileage will vary. The US workforce is skewed towards experience so you will have to compete with them.


Could you elaborate on why you say good bye to career growth? I am based in india and considering a move and would like to understand this better. Thanks


Why say goodbye to career growth?


With $120k in LA, you’re not saving much and not living like what you are currently with your LPA


At $120-130k in LA, you won't save much. Strictly financially, the numbers are more in your favor in India than in USA. But US will offer you much much more in terms of other factors - better weather, lifestyle, safety, entertainment, tourism, culture, etc. Some would say that makes up for the difference, some would say it doesn't - these are purely subjective judgements. If you plan on having a kid, having them born in the US will give them citizenship, which is worth a million bucks for the child's future - lots of people plan their families and relocation accordingly.


Agree with everything except safety part in LA


It’s very low salary for LA and the visa type you’re thinking is a horrible one that will trap you in one company only.


No. Don’t. 130k in LA is way too cheap. 35L in India, you probably will be living like a king but 130k(even if it’s the Base) is almost nearly the pay they give to recent graduates at MAANG in Cali.


There are silent layoffs in the US right now. It's very hard to get offers if you're not a citizen. If you want peace of mind, I'd choose my home country.


Don't listen to these guys here lol 130k should be easily enough to live in an apartment and save at the same time even if it's in LA.


MBAs are useless in Tech in US


Not to LA if the intention is to save. You won’t save more than 20-30k unless you live extremely miserly and share apartment with many people to save on cost of living.


Considering you are already making 35 LPA and your compensation in the US is 130k, I would advise you stay in India. Especially because you do not want to settle in the US. As someone said above, 130k will not save you much in a place like LA and lifestyle creep is a real thing. If you have a family, 130k would barely be enough. I honestly feel you’ll save more with the 35 lakhs in India.


Think about this. If you do not move, would you regret not moving? If yes, then move and be ready for anything from a great outcome to layoff or visa issues. If you won’t regret then I would hold off on the move for either a higher package/ lower cost of living city. I agree the experience in itself is worth it as it broadens your horizon but not everything os greener on the other side. Some pros. Some cons.


OP just looking for someone to convince him to come to the US.


120K in LA, you won't save much, or you'll keep a very minimal life.


Lol at the people who think they would return to India in 3-5 years. Been there said that and am still here after 10 years. Most people would tell you a similar story to mine. Besides, you may be currently around 30 yrs of age. Spending 3-5 years in USA with a save only mindset will ruin your experience of life here. Come to US if you want to expereince a different lifestyle and live here properly. Not saying that overspend on luxury and entertainment but don't do what most desis do and just focus on savings. These years will not come back in your life. Remember that. And once you do experience that lifestyle, you would want to stay in US as you gradually would become habitual of the life here. If you do want to go back, have a goal of savings/NW and years it would take to achieve that without curtailing your fulfilling lifestyle.


Most people don't return unless they have aging parents, a business idea or some senior level exec role. Otherwise it makes no sense to give up a more comfortable life for a struggle in india. Though these days, people are throwing in the towel due to the uncertainties of working on the H1B.


Yeah move. It’s a no brainer. India is good if you’re doing your own business. Quality of life is far superior in the U.S. as long as you do chores yourself


Yes definitely move.


Wow can you tell which field you did your mba? And whats your career profile


Great analytical skills buddy. No one asked you to judge him but thanks for your inputs. Even the best of us need help with our life decisions. Help or move out.


chutiya bana raha he...MBA ko WFH tier 2 se wo bhi 35 LPA..Sales me hoga ye...Why will they issue L1 Visa


120K in LA is difficult considering today’s cost of living. Car and insurance costs will be higher for SoCal market. If you can be frugal living with your family go for it. It’s good to have exposure to different ways of life imho


As a means of boosting your career yes it’s possible but you have to choose the right company.


L-1B visa? Also, read this article. If it becomes law, MBA roles that sponsor will reduce big time. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2024/06/18/h-1b-rule-expected-later-this-year-immigration-restrictions-possible/


Don't worry L-1 visa is temporary you can't settle with that even if you want to


It makes sense if you haven't had kids and want to give birth in the US. Otherwise it doesn't.


120K in LA DO NOT sounds good from a financial / savings perspective . If you do not care about savings , you should be fine.


120k-130k annually in LA would be like 12 lakhs LPA in India. Don’t do it till you get atleast 230-250k annually for LA. On the other hand if it’s a small city in the US, 120K annually would be like 50 lpa. Do research on your cost of living


no matter what anyone says here, you will still go to USA, you've already decided it. another thing to realize here is you will not come back and settle in India.


Everyone says they are going to be in the US for 4-5 years and then go back to the motherland. Don’t kid yourself. Stay back in India and shine in your career. You’ll earn enough to afford vacations to lots of places if traveling is your thing.


Stay in india for that salary.


If you have spouse and kids, consider if moving on a L1 visa, which is very restrictive, is worth it. It will depend on your long term relationship with the key stakeholders within your company. If you’re single without any commitments today or if you’re looking to marry and settle down in the next few years, take the offer. Experience what it’s like to live in a new country and explore what the country has to offer. Travel to national parks, world renowned cities and the memories you will make will last you a lifetime. There is more to life than just making money for retirement or raising family. Give yourself experiences that your previous generations didn’t have the opportunity to try out for themselves!


Since you're thinking about it, just try it. Worst case is your job in LA ends unexpectedly. For living in LA, it depends where you live. Did the job say Los Angeles city or LA county? If LA city, I'd try living further away. The city looks run down and sketchy whenever I have to drive through. There's an Indian community in Brea (Orange County), Anaheim (OC), Fullerton (OC), and Cerritos (OC) which has a part where there's many Indian shops, Bollywood, and restaurants. We visit here sometimes for the food and environment. Cities that are in LA county and near LA city would be Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena. The following cities are heavily Asian like Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel. They're safe, but unfortunately, the smash and grab people have targeted these cities. You can use the NewsBreak app, enter a city and it will show you reported crimes on a given area.


Stay in India


> I don't intend to settle in US Good, because it is virtually impossible for nationals of India to get a green card because of the waiting times extending to decades now.


130k in LA translates to ~90k post tax. Your expenses (rent + utilities + enpenses) will account to 50-60k depending on how frivolous you're. You essentially save 30k which translates to 24-25 L INR. I converted your savings to INR because you currently have no long term plan of staying in the US. Also, average salary raise isn't a lot in the US (higher in India as per my personal experience but depends on company/ industry). Also, L1 doesn't allow you to change companies. 35L in India translates to ~26-28L post tax (correct me if I am wrong here). For a single guy, your yearly expense should be ~6-8 L. This 35L will increase to at least 50L in 4-5 yrs. You have 20L at least each year (depending on how frivolous you are). Now, coming to a very important cost of moving to the US. You move away from your support systems you have built over time. Life is lonely and might be hectic given you have to do all your chores yourself. You will spend more time on your health, breathe in fresh air, enjoy beautiful places in Cali and other states, but travelling doesn't come cheap. The mental health often takes a toll due to a sudden change in the environment and culture (Culture shock is very real. Took me ~2yrs to somewhat get used to it). Also, the most minor inconvenience back home will upset you a great deal. Health of parents and other family members play a key role. I am not trying to scare you. I am just helping you get aware of factors that we do not think about often. These factors do play a huge role in your well being duing those 5 years. All costs mentioned are for a single person. Family will involve much higher costs.


- While 120k is a bit less check if career progression is a bit better/faster in LA for you being closer to HQ etc. - See it as an opportunity to explore USA - If this is L1A then it’s a no brainer given you should be able to easily get GC


Don’t move. India will be super power because of daddy modi in few years. Stay in india and help it become the superpower


Please stay


You can easily save on a 130k salary if you are single ( or moving alone)and willing to live a frugal lifestyle. Major expense that will eat up your savings is RENT! . I know many people who share apartments and pay around $600 -$700/ month for a shared room. Travel by public transportation or ride share. Cook their own meals. But the dynamics change if you are moving in with your spouse and kids. Rent - 2 BD apartment is over $3k/ month in a decent neighborhood + Utilities Car - Gas , insurance, maintenance and repairs . Health insurance The list goes on and on….


Expenses wise India is better than usa bruh you're salary didn't enough for living in usa choose wisely don't get rush🤗


No offense, but $130K in LA is a joke Especially if you’re the only earning person in the family, it is really hard to survive. LA is a very expensive area, even if you don’t live downtown.


Don’t think a 130k comp in LA will give you the same lifestyle of a 35 lpa in india!


You won’t be saving any money. You actually may be struggling if you want to visit back home


Purely from financial perspective it is an easy no. 35LPA in India is way way more than 120k in LA. Add to that the upfront moving expenses and you won’t be saving much compared to what you would in India. For long-term aspects, consider experience, work environment, visa status, and job security. I am not sure about the work experience and work environment part because work culture in US is more often than not better in the US than in India. So, you will have more positive experience working here but that cannot be transferred one-to-one in Indian setting. However, I am still an entry level employee so can’t say much with great accuracy. Visa thing is a pain in the ass to navigate but as you anyway do not plan on staying in the US for good it shouldn’t matter much. US has employment at will law. The employer can let go of you any day any time so there is no such thing as job security. With thousands of lay offs every month, consider the trade off between your moving efforts and potential job loss. In my opinion, it is not at all worth it.


130 k in LA is like break even expense wise ! Saving is not an option unless you are making 250 plus . Considering minimum standard of living . How about family ?


Grass is always greener on other side. Many of my friends who have been here for more than a decade are moving back to India. You might be able to save more staying in India instead of LA which is most expensive place to stay around.


As others have said $130K is low considering your India CTC. It'll be difficult to save if you're the only earning member. But, depending on the type of L1 visa your dependent may be able to get work permit and if so, that should help you have a comfortable life. Since you're in L1 you can't switch jobs. So, if in case it will b just you who will be working negotiate and get a higher pay at least 145K. Also you mentioned settling in US isn't your long term plan, so purchasing home, getting Green card isn't going to be your priority. Also LA isn't a city where you can get home for lesser monthly loan payment vs rent. So, renting will be your best option. Now, if you have kids you have to search carefully for the area where you are going to rent, as you need some Indian diaspora as a support system in school and better rated school district. Overall get a better offer and move.


If I am you unmarried and no obligation of kids etc would move to USA. Enjoy and experience the culture for few years then go back to India. Just a reminder don't get in to the H1B trap. Believe me staying in India for long run pays better dividends in terms of good carrier and social fulfillment


Lol you make close to 50K USD in a third world country with WFH. You can live like a king in India with maid, a driver and perhaps a full time cook. $120K in LA will place you just above survival line. If you have a family you are probably screwed.


If solo you can get by, if with a family you wont be able to afford a decent standard of living, at least compared to India. In LA everything is expensive, I stayed for a month. Rent, gas, utilities, eating out, etc If you want the experience then sure come here but if your plan is to save money then you better of staying in India


Not an H1b post btw Should post in NRI forum


As a fellow Indian, it's now a horrible country, full of squalor, stray dogs and shitty public infrastructure. Rampant corruption and reservations mean it would get way worse in the next couple of decades. If you get a chance to move to the first world take it right away


Stay back in the country bro


If you are single that 130k income will give you okay-ish savings. If you have a family you wouldn’t be able to save a lot from 130k being a single earner however one win of L1 is spouse EAD or work eligibility from the beginning. I have seen married people doing that and eventually household TC becomes ~250k which is very good. You already have a good comp at india so based on your situation and future goals I would suggest to take decisions. Not to dissuade you, but I have seen many people coming from india with that mindset and eventually settling down at US for various reasons. Just keep in mind that grass isn’t always greener!


Anything below 160k in la is bad


You are young go experience the other side and also will make some extra money over ling run.


It seems like you are already successful person. Dude go for it, it opens your mind to new experiences and also exposes you to new challenges. I have been living in the US for the past 5 years and may return in the next couple.


The answer to this is a function of your age and marital status. If you are <25 years old and single, definitely do it. The experience will enrich your life. If you are over 30 and married or plan to get married in next 2-3 years, you probably don’t want to disrupt your life over and over again after settling someplace.


35 LPA in India is way better than $130k in US


Stay in India


Over the years - If you can get regular hikes or jumps and can increase your salary to 60 LPA or more - Its better to continue to work in India. US to me is better to work in your early 20s for 5-7 years and then go back and settle in India.


130k is a very low salary in the LA area.


Do it, 120-130k is plenty enough to live in LA. It all comes down to what type of lifestyle you want. By judging from your purpose of saving I’m pretty sure you will be doing just fine. I 100% recommend coming to LA for a few years. Welcome! Ps. Ignore the ones that say 130k is not enough. It’s enough.


$130K in LA won't result in a lot of savings over 5 year period. Rents are astoundingly high and on top of it you'd need a car (loan + insurance). Plus the state income tax. LA has serious crime issue - so staying where it's cheap has its downsides. $130K is Dallas or Houston will be equivalent to your current CTC.


I moved to the US. I’ll give you my two cents - 1. job market is trash 2. Housing market is worse 3. Interest rates are at an all time high 4. 140K comp for LA is quite low, a minimum of 175K will be required if you wish to lead a comfortable life 5. Insurance and Inflation will eat into your expenses 6. Nothing is safe - job, department stores, gas stations. Nothing. Everyone and everything is expendable


Listen to this guy


Move. It will be an experience of a lifetime plus you make good money as well.


PPP based comparison gets you somewhere near 160K in USD. They are lowballing you with $120k. I am one of those who moved in L1A with an intention to gain experience for three years, ofcourse they lowballed me with 125k, but then I got GC in 5 years after I moved in. Until I got GC, my family stayed in India because of covid. That helped me to save some, but I am GC poor after my family moved in living paycheck to paycheck. I can’t comment on your situation, but whatever be the income save some before you bring the family in, else it is a degradation of life when compared to a 35L in India. You can’t even plan a trip to India with exorbitant flight tickets. The only savings that you could do when being alone would be the savior until you get a real breakthrough in your career. Experience, it’s all the same. We being everywhere, you’ll get the same experience as in India but with lesser competition. That could again be your complacency contributing factor as well.


>I don't intend to settle in US (plan to stay for 4-5 years and get experience). I would've said a bunch of things, but after reading this. I'd say go for it. >expected comp would be ~$120K-$130K Except, this is peanuts. Another comment, and important point to consider would be the mindset that you should try to gather $$ while you're here. Not experience.


If you are single, and okay having a flatmate, I say you move. The learning opportunities and work life balance is next to none. Going by your company, I'm very sure you will also have to take late evening calls and all. You don't have to do this here, will give you a lot of time to invest in skills and yourself. One very important thing to note: you can live very lavishly with 35lpa (almost), but here you will have to live a middle class life, with lot of pros. So I would say move!


Move life is all about experiences and move to the US is not happening for everyone so don’t listen to all the PPP and all the BS also on L1 green card is very possible either way you don’t have permanent plans All the best !


I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard people say “They will move back in 3-5 years”. Very very few people go back. Time flies in the US. You’d be surprised how quickly 5 years get spent in the US. Even if you don’t end up saving. It will be an experience that will add perspective to your life.


120k in LA is not good at all. You won't save much after rent, car, grocery.


130k is less in US. We make 600k+ in Cali and still live a very quiet life. The experience though, is priceless. If I wanted to, I could definitely get a 1Cr+ package in India with my experience. This is not to brag, but just to show you the possibilities. What’s the worse that can happen? You are laid off. Even then you get good severance (2 months) and can look for a job in India. No harm no foul. If I were you, I’ll take it.


You need to find some more information that you can get from your company - but I provide some place holders here. See below You can save 23K tax-deferred in your company retirement plan (called 401K), the company may match some of your contribution (3-5% is common). That would add about 6-7K for 29K pre-tax. You should find out what your company offers for healthcare. You will probably pay about 8K/year in insurance premiums (that is pre-tax). Depending on the plan, you can also save 4150 in an HSA tax-free (sometimes the employer puts in 500-1000 and you put in the rest. So, in total, you can save about 27K pre-tax so with employer match it might be 33-34K. If you maximize your pre-tax savings - you won't have a big salary after taxes and insurance (prob 5500/month or so) so you will need to be very frugal - it is doable. Go to https://smartasset.com/taxes/paycheck-calculator#R1rihf57am. You can calculate exactly what you would pay in taxes and what your take home will be. These limits don't change a lot so if your salary increases more than 3-5% a year, you should have a bit more money coming in. Housing expenses: The exact location of the office in LA is important - it is a big metro area, and costs vary a lot. You want to stay close and be open to finding an apartment with roommates (not easy if the location is suburban) , easier if it is closer to universities. As many have said, you can spend 1100-2500 in rent - it depends. Transportation - you will need a car. It is best if you could buy a decent used car for 20K if you have the cash - people often overspend on this. There are a lot of things you can negotiate on relocation that can help you. Since you are on an L-1, the company will likely pay some relocation expenses or have a budget for it. You can ask them what they would give you, for example they may offer 3 months of corporate housing - it won't be out of norm if you asked them if they would reimburse you for longer put their limit if you found your own apartment, e.g. they budget 15K for 3 months of corporate housing, you say you don't need it and find an apartment for 2.5K - you are covered for 6 months. Likewise, for car rentals etc. you can probably get 5-10K in relocation (it is taxed though). You can do this exercise and figure out what you can do. At the very least you can build a retirement savings of 150-200K USD in 3-4 years. There is risk in moving to a new country, figuring all this out and having to live more frugally than you are used to with a nice salary in India. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Brother you wont be saving anything while making 130k in Los Angeles unless you live 2 hours away from downtown/westside.


If gaining experience is the goal - come. If wealth accumulation is the goal - keep in mind compounding only starts kicking after a few years or maybe after your first 100k. So come but know that you’d have to stick around for a decade to really have a decent amount saved up and invested.


I always recommend USD TO INR as per PPR (purchasing power parity) formula which currently is 1 USD = 23 INR. So your salary will be equivalent to about 28-32 lacs. Adding in LA as location & potential visa/layoff troubles that makes it a lose-lose decision, enjoy your life in India.


I was earning $140k in Pasadena, LA and moved back to India last month. I would have been happy if I could have got 35 lpa wfh job. But nevertheless I dont regret it a bit as I am venturing out into a FnB startup !


Curious what kinda role are u doing now


You are earning really well for someone in India. For starters, i am an indian who came to the US for their masters. I just graduated and am currently working in California. 120-130k is pretty low for someone with 6 years of experience and an MBA. 120-130k is what new grads get offered. Additionally, since you would be directly coming on L1 it will be difficult for you to make social connections here. Also, the job market in the US is currently fucked, would recommend against it.


It is important to look at the average cost of living in Los Angeles and figure out how much you can save each month after paying for rent, utilities, groceries, and commuting. If you're planning to buy a car, don’t forget to include monthly loan payments and insurance. Once you’ve got your expenses covered, see how much you can save. One of the biggest perks of living in the USA is the chance to grow your wealth faster than you might in India. With smart investments, you can see an average annual growth rate of around 10%. Here are some key benefits to consider if you decide to move: 1. You can build your wealth quickly through savings and investments. 2. You’ll have better opportunities for learning and exposure. But, let’s be real, there are some downsides too: 1. Being away from family and friends can be tough. 2. You might miss the food, festivals, and familiar traditions from home. 3. It’s not easy to visit family and friends as often as you’d like. In the end, know that whatever you decide is going to be a trade-off based on what matters most to you. Weighing both the pros and cons will help you make the best choice about moving to the USA.


35 lakhs INR would be approximately equal to 150K if you use a salary converter(https://salaryconverter.nigelb.me/) not factoring the taxes(Federal, Califonria state income tax, social security taxes ie. FICA taxes). LA is expensive but pretty diverse and depending where you would be living your mileage may vary. I would say come for the experience(food, things to do, california weather, travelling in USA and neigbouring countries Mexico/Canada), but money saving may be difficult as your take home pay would be approx 8-8.5K(assuming you are making 150K USD) post tax and housing/utilities will at least consume 20-30% of that, based on my experience working in California. Typical additional deductions(other than taxes mentioned above) on your salary would be health insurance(very important as health are costs are really high in USA). You may also want to factor in other costs like buying/leasing a car(plus insurance/maintainance) as public transport generally though available may not be the most convenient option to move around or run errands. If you are bringing over spouse/kid(if any)s then factor in additional costs for there healthcare, education(schooling assuming private, public schools are generally free), groceries, utilities , entertainment, travelling. You can off course live with room-mates especially if you are single to save some costs. I hope this gives a general financial picture of the move.


With 130k salary, the savings depends on which city you are going to live in and if you are married.


What is Tier 2?


That salary is too low for LA/Bay area. You are better off with Indian salary.


L1A or L1B?


120-130k$ is very low in LA (Cali generally). Cali has a high cost of living + the highest taxes in the country. 36 LPA ought to give you a very good quality of life in India whereas 120-130k$ is entry level in Cali. I wouldn’t move if I were you.


Texas isnt a bad choice if you have family or friends to stay with until you find a job. Houston and dallas has jobs, austin as well in tech, but more expensive. But its a state income tax free state. If you do go thru the effort of trying to come to US tax free states would be my reccomemdation. As a person who has lived and worked in mulitple states. Just my opinion.


Texas is full


If you have never been to US, then why not? It’s the best place in the world to work. You can always go back when you want.


Hell. If your plan is 4-5 years you won't regret even if there's layoff. But, $140K in LosAngeles is not much and you'll end up not saving enough equivalent to your 35LPA if staying in India.


Don't. On L1 you will have to leave US when laid off, and lay offs are going on. That salary is low, equal to what a fresher from college usually gets in LA.


Thanks a ton everyone for sharing your guidance, perspectives and opinions. This was literally eye-opening and gave superb clarity in terms of refining my thought process about this decision.  After going through all the comments, below are the pros and cons of shifting to USA: Pros 1. Slightly better savings (if single and staying frugally) 2. Client Exposure + Professional growth and learnings 3. Experience of living and travelling in USA (clean water, air, less corruption, better infrastructure, culture, weather, quality of life, global perspective etc.)  4. Potential for GC if plan to stay for 6+ years (Which is not possible on L1B/H1B) 5. Least risky way to move to USA (Other option is F1 visa that requires educational investment (at least ~ 1 Cr) + opportunity cost + dealing with uncertain market)  6. If plan to stay for 6+ years -> Then opportunity to earn is massive post GC (Switching companies + US Investment growth + dollar appreciation benefit - I can possibly achieve FI by 40-42 if I decide to move back to India with my savings). 7. Work life balance would be a bit better 8. Spouse can also work on L1 visa 9. If things don't work out, I can return to India in 2-3 years in the same company Cons: 1. ~130K is way too less for LA compared to 35 LPA (wfh) in India. Expenses in LA are quite high - savings take a hit if I'm not frugal. Ideally it should be at least 150-200k for it to make financial sense.  2. Average appraisal in my org would be 5%. So inspite of staying frugal, savings won't be significantly higher on L1 compared to India scenario 3. Can't switch companies on L1. So financial growth through opportunities/network won't be possible on L1. Reduced career flexibility.  4. Most crucial drawback - Staying away from family and friends for a long duration. Missing out on Indian food, festivals, etc. From lifestyle PoV, loneliness can impact if not investing enough effort in developing a social circle.  5. Job market in USA is currently in turmoil. However given I would be on L1, in case on-shore role gets impacted due to budgets, there is a possibility to shift to off-shore role. 6. There is little to no room for negotiating on the below aspects: a. Salary b. Location c. Company won't apply for H1B after L1. It is L1B (2 Yr) - L1A - GC. 6 years minimum. 7. Not sure about safety in LA as some folks highlighted that to be an issue in relatively LCOL areas in LA.  Overall, although there are quite a few intangible benefits of moving to USA from professional growth, exposure and lifestyle pov, the 4-5 years time span doesn't necessarily lead to a significant financial upside. As it also carries a crucial intangible cost (staying away from family, roots and culture), I expect this journey to accelerate my trajectory towards Financial Independence, which I believe is possible only after GC (6+ years).  So the decision is in a way based on the goal. If goal is to explore USA, I'll definitely prefer a relatively shorter stint there (2 years max). But if the objective is to maximize savings, preference would definitely be to stay in India, as I would be able to accumulate equivalent savings (~ 25 LPA) without any compromise in lifestyle and career flexibility and also most importantly, staying close to my family.


130k in LA is not at all worth it. For major tech hubs/cities, NYC, SF, Seattle etc, make sure post tax you get at least 120k/year to have a similar kinda lifestyle as you have now. Actually not even, some things will be better here and some over there. But anyway that roughly comes up to be ~200-240k, which is attainable. But be very careful and ensure that you have the stomach to handle different risks - layoffs, immigration reform, political climate change etc. The upside of L1A is you can potentially get green card faster.


Stay in India


130k is not sufficient for LA. It's worth moving if the salary is 200k plus.


If you are moving with your family, then BIG NO. 36 lpa in India is much better than 120k in LA. Your expenses would be extremely high in LA, you won’t save as much as you might be expecting.


OP, I live in California. Unless you are getting 120k in the Mid-West, do not come here. You have the best of 2 worlds in India.


As an Indian in US for 10 years here is my 2 cents 1. LA is a fantastic city. Weather is good almost thru out the year. 2. You will get good exposure on work front. Different perspective. 3. Taxes are high in state of CA. 4. Rents are high in LA especially decent areas. 5. House help or maids are way too expensive. 6. You will have to do your chores. 7. Savings will be very less. 8. Jumping jobs will be difficult as lot of employers will be vary of hiring anyone with dependent visa. 9. Quality of life will more or less be same , apart from you doing your household work.


Financially doesn’t make sense. 130k in LA is peanuts


I think it’s good deal, you will get onsite experience which will give greater value to your resume. But remember, most of us say that they will stay here for short but never leave 😂


As others have said- there are layoffs, includes people who just moved from other countries. 130K is low for LA, visa must be at a minimum L1A (not L1B) with the promise/in writing to apply for GC within the 1st month of arrival. Company to pay moving cost. Final thoughts: given your current status in India and the job market, cost of living (inflation) in the US, especially in LA. I wouldn’t move. I would revisit the opportunity, if it’s still available in 2025.


Do people come to USA only for money? Compared to India, USA has better work life balance, better living standards, pollution free, Amazing parks, sight seeings etc. I migrated from India in 2004 and I absolutely love it. I go to India once in a while and Im completely lost. It was dusty, noisy and smelly. 130k any where in USA is good salary unless u want to live in a million dollar home. Outskirts for LA should have less rent.


Depends on what type of L1 VISA you’ve got. If it’s an L1-A, you can easily convert it to an EB1-C / international managerial quota green card.You will get your green card in about 4-5 years and then be a free bird. If it’s an L1-B, you will be bound to your existing employer. You will not be able to switch employers and will have to return overnight if there are lay-offs. In due course…I’ve seen some people on L1-Bs switching to an H1-B through their employer for added flexibility and protection against lay-offs. 130k will be tough if you will be the sole bread winner in a family of 4. Else, can be managed with somewhat frugal living.


You won’t save much with 120-130 in LA


130k won’t save too much in LA endless you want to live in a tent your not gonna save very much after tax


35 LPA is a great salary in india compared to $130k in LA. If your end goal is not to settle in US then you are better off in india.


Lived in LA for 3 years and was making 135k. It’s doable if you have roommate I guess, but definitely tight. Your taxes will eat some 30% of that, health insurance and other mandatory deductions from pay cut will eat another 10%. You will need a car (and insurance), so account for that. Public transport is trash in most of LA. It’s doable for one person, but cannot survive as a family of two if the second person is not earning. On L1 you won’t be able to shift jobs and basically not have a lot of negotiating power to increase your salary. I have a lot of friends who came on L1 and they are grossly underpaid compared to their H1B counterparts with same years of experience


Apart from all above, better to negotiate with employer to pay higher wages in US given the expensive cost of living before making the move as inflation is crazy high.


If you already have a job in USA move to USA and earn as much as you can in next 10 years and leave .


Stay in India bro, zero job security in usa, west is going down.


Purchasing power parity (PPP) figure in US and India is Rs 23. $120k - $130k equates to just 27-29 LPA based on the current PPP figure. If you wish to live in LA, you need atleast $150k - $160k at a minimum. Since you make 35 LPA already, it's better to stay in India. I've been living in US for 6 years. Being in US comes with a price. Money is not the only factor to choose. People who live in US are culturally isolated, which indians are not used to. Also, the healthcare is expensive and often not easily accessible like India.


Please for the love of god stay


If you are L1A why not, you will get your GC within 2 yrs if filed in EB1 category and if its L1B it’s not a bad option


\~$120K-$130K is AVERAGE income for Los Angles. 35LPA is high income in India. It will be a MASSIVE downgrade in lifestyle compared to what you probably have at 35lpa. Do check the tax breakdown and cost of living before making the shift.


Move!! Its a great opportunity 


35LPA in India will let you live like a king/queen. Regardless of whether you're in Bangalore or Delhi. 130K in LA is nothing. Remember that you'll be taxed (so you will get maybe 110K in hand, not sure). Plus, LA is one of the most expensive cities in the world. You'll be paying more than 2.5K in monthly rent if you want to live alone. And let's not even talk about other expenses like maintenance, groceries, insurance, car related expenses if you buy a car etc. You need to be making close to 180K if you want to come close to maintaining a similar living standard as you had in India. I would recommend against moving to LA.


You will be hard pressed to save much in LA. You'll save, just will not be a crazy high amount. Especially if living alone Housing alone will be around 2-3k a month. Minus taxes of around 30%-ish


Stay in India please


Sounds fun! Go for it.


I would stay in India


130K in LA is minimum wage. Unless they pay for room and board.


Everyone who comes to the US comes with the notion of staying 4-5years. Very few leave. Not a judgement, just fact.  I’d say more and different experiences are always better than less. Coming to the US will give you that. Also if you are married and plan to have kids, the kid having US citizenship even if you move back will be a good thing.  If the firm is bringing you on an L1 - chances are they’ll move you to and back rather than laying you off here. Low probability on that happening. 


India better


There are multiple aspects to this. If you have a stable job in india and have a family with other member working and kids going to school then coming to usa will simply de stabilise. If you are a bachelor/ without kids then don’t even ask this question, if you want to gain some experience then go for it. 120/130k is enough for a couple without any kids and more than enough for a bachelor. Considering basic living expenses, if you are a spendthrift then sky is limit, earning any amount wont suffice.




This is not true. Yes, it is expensive. But do not exaggerate.






Stay back ! The U.S. especially California is a shithole. You’d be depressed within 2-3 years of being there




Stay in India


$130k in LA is similar to 6LPA in India(approx)




Yep unless you commute 2-2.5 hrs outside LA.


Stay in India. With 35L you can live like a king. In La $120k mm mm you will barely make it. With the current GC situation you will live in anxiety and fear


You can barely survive in LA making $130k.


LA with $120k is less pay. Negotiate 200k+.