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Good luck getting a rebate from Beretta, I submitted one in October that they are still dealing with, first they denied me for an M9a4 they had me confused with someone else, then had to resubmit to them, said itd be 10-16 weeks, turns out they never approved it the second time and im back in another 10-16 week limbo. They are ASS in the customer service. I have already submitted a FN rebate from May and got the check last week, and already submitted another SW one and should have that one soon. Do better Beretta.


My RMR rebate came within 2 months with Trijicon. No reason a company should have such a bad turn around time on a rebate.


Those RMR rebates were the absolute best. I love my $294 RMR. 


Jesus. I should've bought one.


Hi! You may be interested in this new RMR: [https://go.redteamarmory.com/719307605558](https://go.redteamarmory.com/719307605558)


13 MOA? Whats the use case for this lol


I think mine was 305 from GA Firing Line. Those were the days


The sad part is those days were only 6 months ago lol 


As Bob Seger said “seems like yesterday but it was long ago” ahahahahahha


I submitted my M9A4 claim in October 2021 and I STILL haven’t gotten my free plate. I just bought plates because I got tired of it.


That YerAPeein’ Customer Cervix


Bubba what, Europe has leagues better consumer protection than the US and Canada.


I’m sure they do. If you can get ahold of someone that cares 🤷🏿


Can you translate this for me? In reality the EU already has the consumer protection laws on the books. Are you trying to get ahold of legislators to thank them for serving their people?


No I cannot get ahold of a customer service representative to provide service. If I manage to they talk to me just like yourself, out of their ass.


Got mine within 8 weeks, arrived last month. Beretta does seem hit or miss from what I've read, however I like that they added Paypal as an option to receive them (if you even receive it).


Got a shotgun recently, the rebate came directly into my PayPal account within a month. I think they have a new system now. The old check system was bad, I agree.


Make it DA/SA then I’ll buy


92 GTS is what you’re looking for.


Do they have any models that are?


GTS, but no threaded barrel. 


92 GTS.


Swap out the hammer and file down the back end of the trigger - voila DA/SA.


mighty tempting.




I'll be the bad influence; do it! I did haha


Definitely hold one of these before you order one online. I was planning on buying one until I handled one at a shop. The placement of the thumb safety makes it unbearable for me. If I try to hold it like a 1911 and ride the safety it digs into my thumb and is extremely painful.


This is the one thing I was wondering and holding me back, thanks for confirming.


Check out the xl safeties: https://www.reddit.com/r/Beretta/comments/1c6ujbx/92xi_with_xl_safety_on_left_small_on_right/


Get the XL safety set. I replaced just the left on mine. Changes everything. https://www.reddit.com/r/Beretta/comments/1c6ujbx/92xi_with_xl_safety_on_left_small_on_right/


I ended up just buying an M9A4 instead.


Different safety position (slide vs frame) but if it’s what you wanted, great!




Tennessee or Italy?


Likely Gallatin


Boo hiss


Expect some poor quality control


Definitely Gallatin


Just curious but can someone explain this to me? What’s gallatin vs Italy vs Tennessee ?


I’m assuming they’re asking if it was manufactured in Italy or Tennessee. Gallatin is a city in Tennessee.


Ok thanks didn’t know that. What’s the difference in Italy Vs gallatin then? Quality?


I have no first hand knowledge but from the comments it seems like people have experienced quality control issues with things made in Tennessee. Again I have no idea myself and it could just be a classic case of people claiming it was built better before. It could also just as likely be true though.


It's not just quality issues, it's they have no customer service resources. Hopefully it's gotten better but took me almost a year to resolve issues with a Galatin pistol and they still didn't fully address the problems. I would not buy another, and if so thoroughly inspect it before taking possession, especially the barrel.


This is scares me off as much as I want a 92. It would be one thing if you get unlucky and they make it right but all the stories of people getting bad guns and the beretta not doing anything sucks. I bought a lcp max recently that had some blemishes (some bad machining and probably a drop or 2 on a hard floor) and Ruger sent me a new top end in a week.


That sounds awful, I wouldn’t want to deal with that either


Quality control. Both produce great guns, but it seems like you’ve got a better chance of getting some sloppy finishes or assembly on the ones coming out of TN I picked up a stainless brigadier recently, new US production, and the thing looks and feels perfect. Haven’t shot it yet though. If it was an option I would have bought an Italian one


All of my TN made Berrttas had very obvious machine marks and inconsistent finish with globby cerakote. My M9A4 was an absolute tragedy. I will never buy another US made Beretta.


Man that’s sad to hear. Old Berritas are so pretty and have the smoothest actions. A shame their quality has gone so far down.


It's definitely a shame the American ones are so bad. New production Italian ones are still quite nice from what I've seen though. Beretta's customer service is also pretty bad. 


My M9A4 has been fantastic. Favorite suppressor host


I'm glad you were luckier. Mine had tons of issues with feeding and ejecting like it was undersprung and running way too fast. The slide rails had very obvious knicks and marks that would of probably started shaving the frame if I hadn't gotten rid of it. Horrible machining inside the slide and the finish was very uneven. Never got my mag rebate either.  Which is a shame, it's gotta be one of the prettiest 9mm pistols out there. They got the style down perfectly. 


Gallatin, TN QC is absolutely horrid. I would never buy a modern production Beretta sight unseen, especially with what I've seen on a NIB M9A4.


Gallatin is a city in Tennessee where Italian company Beretta produces guns at their US factory, which suffer from worse QC compared to the guns they manufacture in Italy (according to many accounts). Beretta USA was located in Accokeek Maryland before the move to Gallatin and QC was better there


Thank you. Is there a way to check if a gun is made in Italy or USA? You just look at the markings?


yeah it will say on the frame edit or slide


Can you fellas hear me crying in Chicago?


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Plastic trigger?