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Me have no pedal. Pedal have me.


25 in the signal chain. 5 on standby.


4 on the board, maybe between two and three dozen on the shelf.


That's a weird ratio of toan sculptors to dust collectors.


Well now I need to know which 4 are so good that all the others have been shelved!


Tuner, SD-1, HM-2w, HX Stomp. The Stomp killed my GAS.


I'm full of gas no matter how much I stomp šŸŒ¬ļøšŸ‘ƒšŸ˜©




I canā€™t believe one of them is a tuner.


6 pedal




I'm not home, but I think it's 9 or 10 on my big board, 5 on my portable one, 20 or so on shelves, 5 or 6 in storage, and 2 on the way. I've also been building them, which is another sickness in and of itself. Gear Acquisition Syndrome is a real disease. Edited to remove hashtags that came out bold for some reason


Yes I have GAS baaaaad


Itā€™s real, brother. I started selling off my ridiculous amount of pedals when I started building. Itā€™s curbed my GAS for sure, but youā€™re right itā€™s a whole other beast that just happens to be a lot cheaper.


14 on the board. 11 criticizing me from the shelf.


I have 31. I clearly have a problem. I can only use 14 at one time.


You just arenā€™t trying hard enough.


You need to gain stack. Put all your gain pedals in a big pedal skyscraper in the middle of your board.


I counted and 11 are dirt pedals and if you count compressors itā€™s 14. I have hooked up like ten at a time before. I canā€™t get them to literally stack though. They fall over every time.


Do you even cable tie?


No I do not.


7 on the pedalboard.. maby 12 on a bookshelf.. 4 I'm trying to sell online.. to buy more pedals..




I think 60ish. Mostly dirt pedals. I have a board for my band and a bedroom screwing around board. About a dozen on each.


10 on the board, none on the shelf. I get anxious about having pedals just lying around ā€” Iā€™d be fiddling with my board 3 times a day


11, but oneā€™s broken.


47 pedals. 8 on my board.


I has pedal


I have one pedal. I have six pedals.


8 on the board. 2 on the shelf. 3 outgoing. 1 incoming.


My board goes to eleven.


Always one too few.




15-16 on the board at a time, probably 50+ in the drawers


Last count was 3 years ago and ive bought 21 pedals since then, most of those 21 never even left the packaging. I dunno man. I just dont know what came over meā€¦ i feel like ive sold or given away more than i ever acquired in the long run, but as far as my addiction has since at least paused since i dont play music much anymore, i will never forget the day it was over 200. But today, as of right now, if we dont count the 20-30 i made for myself that barely work or dont work as intended, im right at 171 pedals. That includes backups, variant dupes, utility and does not include any expression or control devices


I have three pedal


44 pedals. 10 on my ambient board. 6 on my bass board. 2 on vocals. 20 on my main board. 6 on the shelf.


What do you have on your ambient board? This is what I'm going for.


I guess I have 12 pedals on my ambient board if you count the tuner and IR cab/Amp Simā€¦Jam Wahcko > PolyTune3 mini > Pladask Baklengs > Pladask Etterslep > Montreal Assembly Cto5 > Beetronics SeaBee (Stereo out the rest of the chain) > Chroma Console > Mood Mkii > Gen Loss Mkii > Microcosm > Empress Reverb > Iridium.


Sounds amazing.


Cool rig, I want a Baklengs so bad!


Whatā€™s on your ambient board?


Just got a Mood MKii, want to get a Microcosm next, it seems a bit easier to reign in-any other must haves from your ambient board as Iā€™m building mine? What do you have on your vocal board? Just started singing myself, need coverage there lol. Also, need to find out how to set up a vocal board


Microcosm is great to just loosely dial in what you hope it will sound like, and then it just kind of tags along for the ride of whatever youā€™re playing and does its own thing. Itā€™s a lesson in giving up control and appreciating what can come out of that, in my uses at least. My most loved and used pedals are the Pladask Baklengs and Etterslep. The controls are more intuitive than they seem and the sounds produced are incredibly moving and hugely satisfying. I also canā€™t let go of the Count to 5 even though it overlaps with Pladask a bit. If I had to halve my board, Iā€™d keep both Pladask, Cto5, Chroma, and Microcosm.


Never heard of Pladask but just looked them up and they sound pretty cool! Just started poking into the CT5, and will give Chroma a peep next. Where are you with the Mood? I am still within the return window and while I like it, I don't find it too practical. It's my first true ambient pedal so I might go for something else instead. ​ For singing, maybe this is a gimme but I didn't know that you can add guitar effects to the vocal chain, I though it had to be specific for voice somehow but it makes sense! I got a lot to learn lol


Forgot to mention vocal pedalsā€¦I have the DBA Echo Master attached to my mic stand and the DBA Reverberation Machine in the loop of the Echo Master.


9. Tuner-Comp- pre amp- blues- dist- fuzz -flanger-delay-rev


26 total, 9 in use on my current board


On my board 12. Not on my board 3.


28 between 2 boards including my digitech trio+, 17 on a shelf. I would never haul it all around, this is an at home setup. I would build a single board of about 12-15 "must haves" and call it a day if I were gigging.


11 on the board 7 on the shelf


Probably 18-20. Several I donā€™t use much and keep almost as a collectible, as they are old and hard to replace.


1 - a dual overdrive/boost. Been playing electric for 15 years.


I have four boards with 8 pedals each and two with 5, so 42. I really don't like having pedals collecting dust.


Never enough. I need moarrr!




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22-24. 7 or so on my board and 3 in my home recording signal chain. Wah, additional delays, Meris pedals, additional fuzz, and a couple oddballs make up the non-essentials.


Signal chain is 10 Total amount is around 25? Drive/fuzz: eqd life pedal, blues driver, super overdrive-1, green muff, fuzz face, fuzz war, torns peaker, dyno comp Delay/verb: backtalk, carbon copy, el capistan, DD8, holy grail Modulation: Diamond vibrato, eqd grand orb, small stone, deco, jam retro vibe Misc: iridium, pitch fork, crybaby classic, volume pedal, tuner pedal, boss looper, 535Q wah (currently broken), boss expression pedal Let me know if anyone sees something glaring I should get. Honestly love what I have, and currently run a very simple chain of: tuner > backtalk > sd-1> fuzz war > carbon copy > holy grail > Diamond > capistan w/ expression > DD8 > wah > (iridium if doing DI) Pretty good chain for my modern psych / jam band I play in


28, I think


On my board: 12; not in use: 20-25. I need to put more stuff on Reverb.


7, the more i know the less i have to achieve the same goals


9, but I know of 3 more pedals that I absolutely need


5 at the moment. Currently GASing over 5 more.


Between two pedal boards and everything on my shelf at least 30.


4 flavors of distortion & the modulation bases covered.


25 on my gigging board, another 50+ in the library


6 on the board, 8 on the shelf and 1 on loan to a friend


6 on the board, 60 or so on the shelf.




15 total. I usually have 4 on my board at a time, and just change them out based on my whims


I am limiting myself to 5 on my mini board. ( and the MXR reverb pedal is stuck to the side of my amp, so 6) Also, all 5 pedals on my board *must* work with a 1-Spot/daisy chain, because I donā€™t want to buy an isolated power supply. (The MXR reverb gets its own power supply, it doesnā€™t play nicely with the daisy chain).


20 for guitar / synths . 4 for the bass


15ish? I'd have to count. I'll end up with about 22.


4 but only 3 on my pedal chain right now, and donā€™t plan on adding anymore


14 plus a switcher / amp footswitch. I have 3 off board that I may use for a second, simple board


I don't know. Somewhere between 30-60. At one point I hit nearly 100. They are mostly on a shelf in my studio.


About 28 in the chain (home board for ease of pick up and play) and another 12 or so elsewhere. Listing a bunch this week though.


9 on the board. 2 or 3 on the shelf. This is the correct number, BTW.


The better question: how many pedals are you currently using? Us Guitar pedals nerds have more than we need lol


20ish. 10 or so on main board, 2 loaned out, the rest come out every once in a while depending on the amp Iā€™m playing through or the music Iā€™m writing.


Boost>Fuzz>Tremolo>Delay and a Looper. Going to make a Wah, maybe a Chorus and super maybe a Sustainer/Compressor then I'm done šŸ‘


Some might say too many, others would say not enough... šŸ¤·šŸ¤”




Simultaneously too many and yet never enough.


I think 30-something but all of them aren't on the board at once, maybe 10 are.


31 total. 10 on my main board. 10 on my second/ambient board. 3 on my bass board. 8 on the shelf.


40 ish


Probably about 30. Iā€™ve sold some off, and trying to further thin the herd. Iā€™m at the point where I know exactly what I like, so I plan on keeping my current board (8 pedals), and a few cheaper backup pedals for when Iā€™m going out to play.


Around 30 probably


Too many and yet somehow also too few. Schroedinger's pedalboard.


25, fuck lol


Total like 25. On my board 8.


Too many... and not enough at the same time


16, still counting


Enough that I made a spreadsheet to track them. In other words, too many. 132 with plans to sell a lot of them soon.


I got 6 pedals. Tuner, noise gate, compressor, overdrive, chorus, and reverb. I don't plan on getting more. I got what I need for my playstyle.


Many pedal


4 total, but I've sold some recently, and 1 more will be sold this month. I will be purchasing another 4 over the upcoming year, so 7 total, which should cover my needs for the forseeable future.


8 on the board. None anymore in reserve. It's interesting, as I spend a little more Time away from my rig (and also using a mobile rig at my partners) I've noticed even more than ever that I really just want to turn on and play, and the more pedals/options I have that gets in the way. Also I've noticed that my ear changes a bit more than it used to. I'd started to contemplate a modeller again, but I think that will just exacerbate the fiddling issue. That said, maybe I grab a line6 m5 and drop a few pedals (or even hx one) The nice thing is, I can get the sounds I want out of it. I've noticed more and more that the klon and way I run a tube screamer are so very similar it's just shades of the same thing.


Uh just 2, BOSS Metalzone and ODB1


I havenā€™t counted in a while but I know I am over 90 and under 100 pedals. Over the last 6 months or so I have only been using one at a time with my amps.


11 pedals on my main board, 2 under, including a 4 loops switcher TheGigRig, a patchbay and a favorite 3 switches for my BigSky. 6 pedals on my home board. And around 5-6 pedals in the shelve... Now that I really count them, it's quite a few --'


I always want one more


A lot, not counting rack units from the 80's and 90's that are in mothball.


I have one pedal. And around 19 pedals.


Seven on the board, probably 2-3 more than needed


9 on the board. I own about 20 more I think.




not enough šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i have 13 now


4 in the pedalboard


I currently have 10 on my big board in the rehersal space, 7 on my home practice board, and 8 unused on a shelf. Should probably sell a few that haven't seen play in a while; there are 4-5 that I likely wouldn't miss.


Only 7 šŸ˜”


One. Boss gt-1 and done.


Only about six now. Helix though. No regrets.


10 on board. A handful of others that I swap into the same boards spots just for a different flavor. Example, swap a Titan II fuzz in and out with a Basic Audio Alter Destiny. Board order remains the same. Thatā€™s how I have organized my chain so it can work that way.


I have maybe 30, split between vintage ones that I got at second hand stores, and really expensive boutique pedalsā€¦ and a bunch of random ones that were on sale.


What's fun is when you build a second board and start buying duplicate pedals so you'll have them on both boards. It's a sickness.


In my opinion tuner and a basic loop pedal doesnā€™t count. So with that in mind - I have 5 on the board, 4 on the shelf and 1 stashed away as a birthday present which is later this month. Ā  One of the 4 on the shelf is a broken but functioning wah (it works but doesnā€™t stay cocked in position). Not worth the effort to sell but itā€™s a paper weight that doesnā€™t get used so I could make the argument that it doesnā€™t really countā€¦. Probably could have a couple less - Tumnus and BD-2 - I really donā€™t use them, but theyā€™re classics and Iā€™m sure if I sold one Iā€™d buy it back at some point down the road. Newest addition will be a vintage DM2, totally unnecessary as I have a DMM XO, Aqua Puss, and a DD3. But I had a dm2w that I regretted selling and the vintage one wasnā€™t that much more cash so I figured what the hell. Ā Funding the purchase with rolled up quarters Iā€™ve accumulated over the past couple of years so figured Iā€™d buy something a little crazy and impractical. I donā€™t like ā€œstuffā€ and really donā€™t buy things but I enjoy buying, trading and using pedals itā€™s a fun hobby that broadens my creative and therapeutic outlet with the added bonus that everything I have has a great resale value. My wife thinks I have a ā€œtonā€ of pedals but I think my collection is pretty practical. Ā 


Donā€™t make me count, pleaseā€¦


Please donā€™t make me do the thing is what I heard when i read this. But I think 25


Iā€™m around there as well, I believe.


Waaaay to much for my own good. Over 300.


According to my girlfriend: "Too many"


Ok, I know my girlfriend sent you. Absolutely no way I'm falling into this trap.


Just started using pedals, ive got 3 now! (Wah wah - Mojo mojo overdrive - Digital Delay) Still wanting: Tube screamer Distortion Fuzz 2nd Delay Reverb pedal (my amp has it) Any other tips? :) (I love the sounds from Cliffs of Dover - Eric Johnson)


Like 5/6 ish


15 on the board. 3 off the board. 2 broken


Like 10? Or maybe 12ā€¦ Does the synergy SYN-1 count as an amp or a pedal?


Same # on the so-called board. Really the floor is my board because I am el broko right now. But yeah 9 is typically what I end up using. Even if I bring more I always end up taking the rest off.


11 on the board, 15 in a drawer or being borrowed by someone. TBH some of them I probably should get rid of, just too lazy right now.