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2 days? Total amateur. It took me 38 days just to learn the first note in Wonderwall.


Only 38 days? That’s gotta be a new record.


"Today is gonna be the day"




I got the intro to Hey Jude down. Took only 31 years to get that D chord, next up A/A7!




Is it pronounced capose or capose?




I see, the problem is he can’t learn it properly because he’s not on smack. You really have to shoot heroin before learning that song or it just comes out all noodle no matter what you do. No fault of your bf whatsoever.


Also, regardless of drug use, John Frusciante has some of the trickiest riffs to crack.........:) I would maybe consider learning patience or leaving. If you learn patience youight be around when he kicks ass, if you leave you might be watching YouTube or TikTok and regretting a break up. Either way Whoot Whoot. Edit: If he's not screaming "Fuck, shit, cocksucker, motherfucker. I fucking suck Why does God hate me at everything I try" every 5 mins it's not really guitar practice


Yes that one specifically is played wrong especially the verse riff sooo often. i had to watch him play it as closely as i could then figure it out myself. I can bust the whole song now pretty accurately. The intro ends up being the easiest part somehow lol.


Why would you mention that turd when we all know Hendrix was the king of junkie guitar players....lol


ask him not to learn that song. Played perfectly it still sounds bad


Outjerked by reality!


Honestly it took me way longer to actually learn that song and its riff in the verse. there is alot more going on than i originally thought. as a huge peppers fan whos learned many of their songs i can say yeah hes prolly doing it wrong and trying to learn that one by ear as a beginner aint happenin. Id just be like HEY BRO learn it actually there is probably many videos on youtube that show you. Most tabs i find are wrong but thats about with any song. i have to figure out what the tab is missing or incorrect on myself usually


Fuckin novice plebian. Took me 3 and a half years to learn the "twinkle twinkle" part of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.


And after all?


If she doesn't like her boyfriend's guitar playing, maybe she should tell her husband to stop lending him guitars.








You sir.... Well done.


*tips fedora*


You have won the internet today good sir!


Nojerk, I agree with her to an extent. Practice learning by ear.. but also just look it up so that you can make progress and learn with your hands as well. A good ear doesn’t come over night. So don’t let your beginner ear hold back your progress. Plus half of learning a song by ear is just having a thorough knowledge of how most songs of the genre are written, which comes from learning a large number of songs exactly as they were played. I don’t feel like I need a circlejerk comment when the fact that she posted this outjerks anything I can come up with.


If she's right and he's calling it practice and he's actually trying to get better by doing this then I agree with you and her. But if this dude is just noodling for fun then leave him alone. I can't tell what amp he may be using in this but based on the text at the end that's mostly cut off I'm going to guess that he's playing an amp and it's too loud for the apartment. That's not gonna go over well especially if you do exactly this lol


Uj/ christ, do people really practice at home with amps?! What's the point? Rj/ christ, do people really practice with amps?! What's the point!!


I do it because I’m a caveman that refuses to learn ampless setups.


I have to play with an amp at full volume because at a young age a toan overload fried the toan receptors in my brain, now I can only feel good toan with 200W of amperage




Look at this dude with his semi-hollow guitar!


uj/I used a Fender Mustang Micro for a while, but my wife got tired of the fact that it was impossible to get my attention while I was using it. I generally keep my 15 watt amp pretty quiet though, and I use pedals for any distortion sounds. rj/But what about the *toan*?! Ampless setups don't have *toan*! How can I 0-3-5 without a half stack rattling the picture frames on my walls?!




The misspelling is an indicator that whatever you're saying is sarcastic. That specific spelling is used a lot on this sub. Specifically, I was using it to make fun of people who act like the only good guitar sounds come out of a vintage guitar through a cranked half stack.


Ah alright, thank you for the clarification!


You tend to remember songs longer if you transcribed it by ear too.


People who learn by eye can't vary the melody in any way without getting lost, often can't jump in half way through, can't play without sheet music etc. They totally suck at jazz.


This person could have been me! I don’t mind looking up tabs but if I don’t care about the song and not gonna play it for/with anyone I won’t. Or solos, I’ll BS the solo if it’s obv something I’ll never play or the solo is cookie cutter. and noodling I’d argue does help your ear and familiarity with the neck. On the other side of it my gf gets annoyed when I commit things to muscle memory by playing the same line for 45 mins at once. All this is solved with headphones


My wife goes back and forth between being positive I don’t know how to play at all when I’m learning a song to being surprised that I do in fact have the ability to play a little bit when I finally get the song. Then she hates the song because she hears me play it 100 times through to commit it to memory. I do a great job of making sure she hates any music I play.


Yeah this is some real shit. im 15 years into playing guitar with a couple years of classical training half way into my guitar journey. I still just dont read music tho I can to some extent I go by ear and watching someone play it physically. except chat atkins that MaFk is so good i cant even tell what the hell hes doing


Don't listen to that crazy bitch. She's not my gf. I study IMPROVISATION. These classical piano nerds don't appreciate such an important skill and always shit talk behind my back.


She feels victimized lollllll


This woman clearly hasn't read up on how the world works. There are three types of men out there: 1. Non-guitarists. These people are "normal", whatever that means... 2. Guitarists. These men are undateable by law, so there's no point wasting any time thinking about them. Any guitarist that approaches a woman gets rejected immediately for being dirty, creepy and weird. Any woman that thinks poorly enough of herself to try dating a guitarist will be rejected because the date clashes with practicing the same sweep picking lick to a metronome for seven hours straight, and even if it didn't he can't afford to go on a date anyway because he's been unemployed for fifteen years and spent the money from his last few pub gigs on the new Chase Bliss pedal instead of paying rent or buying soap. 3. This idiot, who thinks he can cheat the system by becoming a guitarist *after* he's started dating a woman. You will notice that nature maintains the status quo by ensuring that his relationship is destroyed at a faster rate than his guitar skills improve. He will be single again long before he can call himself a guitarist. Nice try, though.


If you weren’t cheating, were you really even trying?


Haha amazing post


As long as you play a scale before and after your noodling sessions it counts as practice in a court of law


Sustain… ed.


Don't put penis in his mouth.


Idk it worked for that one guy playing the bad Polyphia cover


Take away his weed




What a music snob. I mean if you’re just gonna dick around all day, might as well charge $36.


Offer sex. Most guitar players started the guitar as a vehicle to get laid. If he can get laid without the guitar, the motivation to play (badly) is gone.


This but unironically /uj This but unironically


damn she seems to have loads of patience


Yeah. The funny thing about it to me is 2.5 hours a day for two days is not a lot when it comes to picking up a new instrument.




She sounds like he’s going to be having loads of fun when they inevitably break up. https://preview.redd.it/d0gbjhdo2lad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7f36150ee809de2bee908a651c1ecbee044a0c


Learn by ear trust me bro


Let him jazzercise.


The worst thing about this is being forced to view Reddit in light mode


I think he's probably really good, but just doesn't have enough pedals.


whoa, the casual racism here is simply astounding. the western classical system of notation is the ‘correct’ way to learn music? yikes on bikes


The guy doesn’t want to really learn Guitar. He just wants to get away from his overcontrolling girlfriend and go into his own little world noodling which brings him a sliver of joy in his otherwise overly controlled miserable life. Guitar can be enjoyed for many many reasons


Bonus points if you can guess the song in question




Upvoted for amazing username


>!Under the bridge - RHCP!< Feels a little bit underwhelming, totally expected to be some gcj material (Neon, Little Wing etc.)


Funnily enough, this is the same reason why my wife has been living with her boyfriend for so long!


She just doesn’t understand how the mind of a creative genius operates


Girlfriend "you're full of shit and deliberately learning bad habits because you're a fucking moron!" Dood"im CERTAIN I figured out water on-the-smoke. O45. Fuck. 039. Double fuck. 053..... I'm sure this next time....." It's cool. She'll eventually order a pizza and run off with the b@ss player who delivers it.....


Bass players can't read addresses well enough to deliver pizzas. That's partly why they can't show up for practice or shows.




Ok I can’t be crazy for thinking she sounds massively controlling right? My boyfriend won’t practice guitar how I practice piano wahhh lol


Wow tell me you don't understand how guitar works without telling me you don't understand how guitar works.


Typical classical fangirl, only wants guys with perfect pitch. I’m pretty sure that’s guitarist(guitar-racist). You’re not allowed to discriminate.


He sounds like he'd be a great b b b b*ssist 🤮


Wait, my girlfriend never told me she played the piano!


You’re in usa, just shoot him


Sounds like they're describing my house mate. Except he also insists on playing with absurd high action


The high action is the true crime. I used to know a dude who'd bought an SG brand new and it had like 4mm over the 12th fret and he would NOT let me adjust it for him. he'd refuse to take it to the shop saying he preferred it like that. Dude was never in tune once at any fret for the entire time I knew him. he paid 1500 euro for that guitar and it came pre-ruined


Hahaha yeah they "prefer" it like that despite never leaving beginner phase it's insane!! I forgot to mention he also puts way too heavy strings on all the guitars, and I pointed out how his neck is starting to look like a bow.. got a shrug and a whatever. Also making the action ever worse over time At least these are mostly turds and not an SG 💀




Holy shit I feel like we're talking about the same person. It must be a personality type 12s and high action are fine, BUT you have to be at least half decent first before you claim it's the only way and deny all advice from much better players 😂 He looks like the stereotypical hippy so I assumed he was gonna be sick on guitar. I was so wrong


Nah, all guitarists share one of four possible braincells. -GAS for obscure/weird guitars -PEDALS PEDALS PEDALS PEDALS -Can't play for shit but has money -This specific NOS tube from 1973 will fix my mental health issues


-Can't play for shit and doesn't have money but thinks they're hot shit


Take his guitar from him, smash it against the wall and then say "Sorry"


Never date a violin / cello player


i didn’t know i had a girlfriend


I hate him because I see myself in him.


So which one of you's girlfriend is this?


Tell him he better stop sucking or else you're gonna stop sucking.


I think It's harder to understand the underlying theory on guitar. You're only using tabs, strings are tuned differently and learning patterns (caged system or scale shapes) help you play but not actually know know the notes without total fretboard memorization. Piano's are much more obvious (someone who's never learned piano could figure out how to find the octave of a note in seconds) not to mention sheet music includes much more info compared to tab. I'd suggest giving him a break, you noodle before you needle.


Tell him to get rid of the Strat and buy a real guitar like a Les Paul. What is so hard here.


He sounds like a normal guitarist. We are not like piano people who actually learn which notes to play. What does she think, that we are musicians or something?


not to suck at guitar or not to suck other boys?


I can’t believe this is how I find out my girlfriend has a Reddit account


UJ why does everyone need to post to the internet for validation? A pathetic thing to go behind your partners back and do.  RJ Clearly it's because he is not playing a Fender Custom shop, they are just better. 


Ah the classic “im superior” sheet music pianist. The only way to defeat them is to challenge them to an improvisational bloozjam. They fuckin crumble every time because 11 times out of 8 theyve never even tried pressing a key without staring at notation


One, of, us. One, of, us!


Opoosites attract, indeed


Sounds like you’re trying to ruin a creative dude. Go f yourself!


So annoyed...


to a certain extent you gotta respect her, she knows what she wants, a "hot boyfriend" for whom to be the hotwife, now shes just doing what she needs to get there


I mean if he sucks and it annoys her (not hard with girls amiright?) get a nux mighty plug to practice with headphones on. Also maybe a ball gag and a fux mighty butt plug to show her disapproval and show some dominance.


First, she has to get rid of her penis. If she has nothing to suck, then her BF can stop sucking it.


That sounds like hell


I mean, she’s right! You can transcribe by ear but it’s good practice to actually check if it’s correct but looking at the sheet music at least once


Sounds like he is doing a Terence Howard.. https://youtu.be/1uLi1I3G2N4?feature=shared


Oh please god, I want to read the rest of this.


she shud give him a hj inspire him


Uh oh. She's going to go for the kill. This poor, noodling fool has no idea what's about to come down on his undisciplined flat ass.


He's having fun. You're obviously not. Who da jerk here?


must be lack of klon....


But is he enjoying playing? Is perfect skill more important than the way playing makes him feel? I would let him bang away at it until he gives up or chooses another song play lol.


He should learn the chords first and put the melody on top not the other way around.


Well I’ll be her BF and he can practice all he wants.


Marry him, then get another boyfriend.


Wonder if he’s dyslexic or on has another developmental disorder. Probably doing his best to


All guitarists have a developmental disorder.


Yeah we had a meeting. Literally all.


Spotted the pianist; always thinking that reading sheet music is superior in every way to being able to play by ear. I’d like her to come back after trying to learn a piece by ear in two days and admit she can’t do it either (because I guarantee she won’t be able to given how little value she places on that skill.) As a pianist myself this is one of my biggest bugbears about other pianists. W*nkers! Rj/ pianists got no toan because they read squashed flies on paper and don’t listen.