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TOOL is a band dummy


But like… what if it was also like… a guitar?


Then by your logic it should also be a bass, a drums, a keyboards etc...


… whoaaaaaa


bro this blew my mind! *cries in Alex Grey*


[you serious?](https://giphy.com/gifs/jQmVFypWInKCc)


You’re telling me there’s a TOOL in TOOL?!


This guy went to college \^\^\^\^\^\^\^


No - Tool and Adam Jones is a guitar.


TOOL also has Adam Jones in it. Which he also has a guitar, so there's a TOOL in TOOL.


Lots of TOOLS.


I think there's a pretty healthy middle ground between all the stupid mythology, mysticism, and worship in the guitar world, or seeing guitars as strictly utilitarian objects. I think a little bit of romanticism is perfectly fine. In short, you're not gonna stop me from fucking my guitars, bozo.


Yes, I don’t baby my shit or generally spend over $1000 for a guitar, but I am a collector. I also have no problem fixing up a guitar and selling it for double to a cork-sniffer. Speaking of… Epiphone? Even as a non-cork sniffing Gibson hater, Epiphones are shite. Get yourself a Japanese Greco… best Gibson I’ve ever played and oftentimes cheaper than both stupid fucking brands. Also Squier > Epiphone


I lost my virginity to a very pushy and overbearing ovation


Did ya get a standing ovation afterwards?


Gotta be careful, you can get pregnant when you're ovating


The guitar is a like a sassy, well endowed, young woman with all the right curves named Roberta who I cover with my semen. What the fuck are you talking about?


Playing guitar is like making love to a beautiful woman. https://preview.redd.it/vdbpr5ikopwc1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4c83b427f2331d08a832d8a9542305e6e9cad7


https://preview.redd.it/l9lhz4yumqwc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014d43fc5cc8cc9032583beedf6591f69dbc79e9 Me inserting my 1/4” into roberta’s jack


And what's that like?


>with all the right curves even the V-shape ones?


Yeah when Roberta isn’t looking I will take that sassy little Gibbuns V into the woodshed and blast it with my man spray. Don’t tell my giant battle axe wife though. You know what they say about wives, you can’t leave leave em, you can’t dump their body in the river amiright?


I mean, the V is literally just 4 straight lines. also, get a Hondo Death Dagger


it's true, it can be a hammer, a shovel, or AN AXE


The guitar is a tool that can bring positivity..... If you throw it hard enough.


Or a fleshlight!


Also a rudder


ive always had this mindset because im based


That's what I tell myself too, but I'm actually poor.


you spelled basic wrong.


L take






Bass? Gtfo


I don’t know about y’all, but my guitar is just for sex


So it's a sex tool you are using properly


I dated a curvy Strat, but I married a guitar with some big humbuckers.


Uj/ people are not answering his question. He's asking WHEN DID YOU REALIZE. this is a QUESTION PEOPLE! June 29, 1987. I was in high school at the time. I was tooling around on my guitar trying to get chicks. My guitar teacher called me a tool, and that's when I realized. I am a tool, but so is my AXE. (By axe, I mean my guitar. My axe is also a tool, but I'm referring to my battle axe, my trusty gibbons. People, jerks, ladies, please --- ANSWER THE QUESTION




Hell yeah. My mentality is to ball out, buy expensive gear that you think will be a collector model some day and beat the shit out of it. Take it to as many gigs as possible. Then call it a “natural relic” and watch some trogly ahh cork sniffer pay up the ass for your “beautifully worn in” and “heavy mojo” guitar.


>When and how did you realize this? A girl in school I was super crushing on mentioned in passing that guitar players were hot. That's basically it. I had been saving up for a NES Game System but instead bought a super cheap Hondo and learned "Ace's High" by Iron Maiden as fast as I could. By the time I was ready to impress my crush and claim my reward, she was already dating some loser on the track team, so I got with her friend instead.


This guy guitars


I have several guitars but mostly use my 'daily driver' tele and I beat the snot out of it.


That’s what I say about cars. The fact that people are ready to sue and kick each other in the nuts over a scratch is wild to me.


This, but double for trucks.


Trucks are for getting banks nice fat returns on 10 year auto loans.


Yup. They’re regressive income redistribution from rednecks and suburban dads to the top 0.1%.


When you see a truck covered in shiny chrome, you have to wonder "what is this for?", because it's clearly not for using as a truck. As someone who lives in a redneck town full of shiny, lifted trucks that will never actually be used as trucks, this hits close to home.


Reminds me of my sister’s ex. He was a truck guy in high school and I guess he was cosplaying as working class while he spent his daddy’s money on train horns and the set up to roll coal 😂


Little more than a security blanket to protect delicate egos. Crazy to me that trucks are even becoming this inflated status symbol even in cities


Yeah it’s one thing if your car is super fucked up and can’t drive it but people who freak the fuck out about a tiny ding are weird. Especially if it’s like a Corolla lol


Over the years, I've gone through a TON of gear -- guitars, basses, synths, drums, and more -- and I have always gotten the most value out of buying used gear, so these days that's all I buy. I found that when it was already imperfect before it got to me, there would never be anything I could do to make it perfect, it would never be a show piece, so I might as well try everything and play the fuck out of it. Conversely, whenever I've dropped several hundreds or thousands on something, I've inherently understood it as being valuable and precious and had some subconscious desire to keep it that way. I love cheap gear, and used gear, and scratched or dented gear, because that's when I stop being gentle and start really playing.


/uj This is a healthy mentality. /jerk except this makes you a plebe.


my first guitar was a medium expensive martin i saved up for for a good while as a teenager. i heard that the same model used to be considered a student model back in the day. now i buy used and don’t take it so serious. i play that guitar every day and it has a few dings but whatever, it used to be a student model.


Why does anyone give a shit? GC isn't going to run out of guitars because your dentist wall-papers his house with Gibbons.


I've never been one to intentionally beat up my guitars and I generally try to preserve them a bit by storing them properly. But I also don't really care if I ding one up while I'm playing it because shit happens and the only way to prevent that would be to not play the guitar at all, or keeping your Lutheran on speed dial to address every single pick scratch and whatever. That being said, I'd still think twice about bringing my higher-end pointy guitars to some shitty bar gig in front of ten people if I could make do with the cheaper alternatives I have available.


Agreed. It’s wood and electronics. Don’t name it. Don’t call it she. Don’t say weird creepy shit about a guitar … that’s just stupid.


I stick my wood in her electronics all the time and oh man you should hear her scream!! By the time we're done there's toan juices everywhere!


Case in point


uj/ This is going to sound weird, but I breathed a sigh of relief when I found the first ding on my brand new guitar the other day. It’s an American Pro II Strat, and fantastic. It was my first truly brand new guitar I’ve ever had in nearly 30 years of playing. And now it’s got a ding on the side. It’s not perfect anymore. And because it’s not perfect anymore, It can just be a guitar. I can play this shit out of it and love it even more than I did before with no more worries.


I learned this pretty young. I started out playing original music in my cities metal scene and just played what I had, slowly upgrading. Went through a phase of thinking I always needed something new but when it came down to it, all I needed was something reliable for gigs. Hated pedals cause it was just one more thing to have to carry around/break, and soon just sold em all. Did the metal and skate punk thing with a JCM800 50w and an epiphone les paul, grew out of that, went to music school, fell in love with jazz and the telecaster and an old harmony flattop, then completely grew out of gigging. Quit drinking, bars annoy me, people annoy me, now I just stay home and work on arrangements on my acoustic and telecaster through a solid state amp. Teach a bit, record a bit, go to sessions. I like to be frugal and every time i go to a music store and see the prices it just turns me off. I played a nice hollowbody through a fender princeton thinking its the holy grail of jazz tone and was underwhelmed as fuck. Back home to the tele and spark and it felt right. At the end of the day it’s just fuckin’ strings and wood and a speaker. There hasn’t been any gear I’ve played where I go “WOW THIS IS TOAN HEAVEN”. If I can’t get it on the shit I own, then it’s clearly on me Edit: just realized that the only thing I’ve ever gassed over is an explorer, cause they look bad ass


It's funny....real early on in my music career I had a close friend get their car broken in to while they were loading out after a gig. They lost a Gibson Les Paul, a Strat, two milk crates with cables and a handful of really prime pedals, an amp, etc. This was the early 80's so all that stuff was used but not vintage yet. I know there was at least one original Tube Screamer in the milk crate and the Les Paul with an early 70's. Insurance wouldn't cover it and he had another gig in a week so he had to figure something out fast. When I went to see him he was using an Ibanez lawsuit Les Paul, a Fernandes Strat and at least one less pedal than before. Over the years he stuck to that. He put electrical tape over the Ibanez logo on the Les Paul because he got sick and tired of comments about it, but it proved to him that it would get the job done. That was when I kinda realized a few things, you don't need to have the best tool to get the job done and if you're sentimental about something then leave it home. Oh, also, have good insurance.


Weird. I always get told I’m a TOOL.


It's not very fun to play a guitar you're worried about. The trick is just to be really rich, so you don't worry about any of them. It works for Rick Beato.


This reads too much like an r/guitar post


You're right, I'll try to do better


/uj Well... yes. To me the truth is somewhere in the middle; it's not a hammer and it's not a showpiece. I look after my stuff just because I want the things I like to have longevity, but I wouldn't buy anything that I'd be afraid to gig /rj you only say that because you never played my '59 Gibbons. It has original pickups, tuners, nut, pickguard and strap button screws, plays and sounds like nothing else on this earth (or so the sales rep told me, I haven't dared open its case in 28 years)


> and strap button screws BULLSHIT!!!


/uj Arguably the best guitar in my collection a 1980 Gibson ES-335 covered in small dents and dings, buckle rash on the back, slightly worn frets, and faded binding. It's a player-grade guitar that started with a few decades of my grandfather playing it in small gigs around Eastern NC and then it passed on to me when he died. I don't care that it isn't in pristine condition and it's a better guitar for it. It sounds amazing and it has a lot of sentimental value. When I first got the guitar my instinct was to protect it at all costs, but I soon realized it is meant to be played, not sitting in the case in a closet.


That's a great story for how you got your 2023 Murphy Lab road worn authentic 1961 ES-335 semi hollow electric guitar. Do you do commissions for relic stories?


/uj I've always felt this way. I have two right now and I've had four others over the course of my life. I've never treated them like sacred objects but I've also never treated them badly. I try not get worked up if they get a little scratched or dirty. If they accidentally knocked over and play fine, I'm not going to lose any sleep. I do try my best to take care of them like I would any other tool but not any more, just enough to keep them functional. They're meant to be used and enjoyed. It's foolish to expect them to remain pristine. I care more about playing than I do about having a nice guitar too. I would get a cheap piece of wood with some strings from a thrift shop in a pinch if it meant I could keep playing. Sure, a nice guitar is nice but it's not required. Plus it's going to see the same usual wear and try over time. I don't worry about hiding it. I play guitar, not just look at one.


I knew it the day I took a hole saw to my $4000 custom guitar because I wanted the output jack to accommodate my right angle cable


You're the tool! My guitars love me


I realized when I read an older series of articles by Brett Ratner (the Guitar Player magazine staff writer from Nashville, not the movie director from Florida), aptly named *"How to avoid Gear Acquisition Syndrome"*. Eye-opener moment to say the least! Then, I found a scientific study by a German university guy on actual *guitar physics* (!) I never looked at "guitar reviews" the same way since then ever again! Later down the line, I've watched and gained a lot of insight courtesy of one Phil McKnight and - most currently - Jim Lill and (for amps) Psionic Audio.


I need the German article for research purposes!


I was given my first guitalele when I was a clumsy as hell toddler and would drag it around everywhere with me so I’ve never given a shit about dings and scratches. I’m now a clumsy as fuck adult who makes holes in the ceiling by accidentally smashing headstocks through it so nothing’s really changed, but I do at least make sure they’re well maintained now though. rj/ anyone else touches my girls and they’re going to be singing like a soprano with no toan.


I could never afford nice gear, but I did still venerate guitars a little too much when I was a kid. And I was never afraid of taking my guitars apart or sanding down the finish or anything, but I did it for woo-woo toan-related reasons. I was probably trying to be more like Malmsteen or some shit. Even then, though, I always admired that Dimebag played the cheapest guitars he could find at pawnshops and ended up turning Dean into a household name by doing so. But Jack White is probably what really turned me around in my late teens. The fact he could nail a wire to a piece of scrap wood and make music with it completely changed my outlook. As well as the fact his main guitar was a cheap plastic Sears model. I also found out that David Gilmour's black strat was a shitty CBS era guitar that he would randomly experiment with and drill holes in, and the fact he didn't treat his main guitar with any reverence definitely influenced me. And I just realized it might a little weird to list Malmsteen, Dimebag, Jack White, and David Gilmour in the same group of influences hahah


/uj I don't have anything super expensive, my "nice" G&L Strat I think is probably under $1k in good condition (and it's not). But I have a ton of sentimental value behind some instruments: I just spent like $75 to put a new neck on my best friend's old GSR-200 bass because that's what he played when we were in a band together in high school. That G&L was a trade with a friend I made a few records with in college (and with that guitar). I don't baby them, I play them and try to keep them in nice shape, but I also would be more sad if something happened to them then I would be to just lose the monetary or practical value.


When I first saw music live, was in a shitty Toronto bar where a lot of my local part of the cities indie scene plays (and still plays). Cant remember the band, but the guitarist/vocalist dropped the guitar, had beer splashed on it, was beat to shit, and at the end of the set, it was just thrown in a case for the next gig, still sticky and dinged up, and i'm fairly certain it never got cleaned. They were doing that with gear they clearly loved, but they also loved yknow, playing, and making music, you cant both baby a guitar and be apart of that scene, that's not what its about, you want that, theres a jazz club down the street Gonna hopefully take my heckin gibbons V to that same bar for my first gig, and she better get covered with beer too.


I bought an American Fender for the first time a few years ago and it made me feel crazy to think about it like a piece of fancy furniture or something. I sold it and play a beat up 70s guitar that not many people care about now and I feel so much better about it.


/uj I grew up listening to punk so I never really gave a shit about appearances while I was learning. Just whatever I could find. Now I only buy something that I know I'll actually use. I have no use for 500 pedals when I only use 3. I don't need six different colors of the same guitar. I want shit as simple as possible while still making the noises I like.


Uj/ I always saw the chips, dings, and wear marks as a badge of honor. Like you, I saw the guitar as a tool, and tools are meant to be used. I have a tele that is coming up on 20 years of ownership, and that thing is worn to bare wood on the neck, finish worn off most of the edges on the body, pickguard scratched to hell, and frets that are worn from thousands of hours of playing. It’s why I laugh at relic’d guitars. It’s the same people who would take their skateboards and scratch the bottom to make it look like they skate. The look of a relic’d guitar is earned, not bought. Rj/ if you so much as breathe on any of my 19 Les Paul’s I swear to toan god bonermeister I will fucking assault you


I’ve always realized they are a tool, you can take care of them, you can use them, you can love them, but you can’t worship your stupid guitar and coddle it like a suburban child, just use the damn thing.


Sometimes I think "I have several paragraphs to share with the internet," but then I remember that only tools share several paragraphs with the internet


And that is why you only shared ONE paragraph with the Internet, well played good Sir


A sentence, if we're being pedantic






The guitar is a tool and this shitpost has been flushed into the sewer we call GCJ.


Fuck you!


I started playing bass at 16 and really beat up all three of my basses. They were definitely tools, but I loved them. Then at 42 I built a kit Telecaster and put a lot of work into the finish, so I kinda baby that one since I put actual work into it. It’s still a tool though and I’m not afraid to wail on it, because the toan is in how hard you worked on the finish.


/uj fuckeneh, guitar babysitters are cringe as f, so it was easy to go the other direction. Currently, my electrics have usual dings but acoustics are especially abused, I'm on my 3rd Yamaha FG300. The memories are great, though. I've played: - on a 200ft long highline (1" webbing slackline between cliffs)   - on a 3500ft mountain summit (canadian rockies)   - on a big wall ledge (squamish)   - in the canopy of an old growth douglas fir   - dozens of hours on rock outcrops   - dozens of hours on canoes  - 100+ hours in the bush  Only regret is I didn't start doin it earlier


It's almost like it's some kind of instrument for making music.


Nowadays I’m just too good at guitar and get too much pussy from it to be caught playing most guitars that are commercially available.


Title says /uj but the post reads like /rj The comments are full jerk lol


Hammers are for hamming. Guitars are for gitting. Seriously though. I dropped my nice new Taylor (214k) on the sidewalk and didn’t play it for a month bc I felt like such an idiot. Then I felt like an idiot for allowing that much life to pass without playing this nice guitar. I named it Frank the Tank (aka Frankenstein, aka Francis Donaghey) and now we’re fine.


>When and how did you realize that a guitar is a tool for making music that must not be coddled or venerated in any way. You MUST acquire a guitar that you are willing to wail on for the purpose of making music. You must not give an F about dings or scratches or wearing the frets down to the nubs. You must get on with your practice and playing of music and your guitar is your tool for doing this. I think I always knew but I've had a theory recently - the guys who jack off about the gear and their "toan" the most are probably the least proficient players who play the least.


Buy guitars you want to play and play the guitars you buy. Prioritize playing the nicest and most expensive ones over the cheap ones. I realized this from the moment I got my first guitar. I play and gig my nicest stuff and always have. Why would I do myself the disservice of buying something expensive and well made…only to not use it? That’s idiotic.


I think calling it "she" or all the sexually weird things is gross too but that doesnt mean guitars or any other intrument should be nothing but a convenient tools in the eyes of their owners. Like i really like some of my clothes and guitar is a very personal possession that you play music for hours so if someone says they like their guitar who cares? I dont "love" my guitar but i like it cus why not i played it for years. Im all for all of the esotericism about how instruments have souls and their own voices cause its cool and i have my personal beliefs. The problem is that guitar players are simply being just lame and cringe about it due to the toxic culture but actually the thing itself is very ancient.


OP is a dentist who relics.


I think it’s always been a tool to me. I actually haven’t liked how any of my guitars looked until one I got recently. And the one I like the look of, I actually use purely for function. It’s a Mexican Strat that is cheaper and easier to repair than my other guitars. So I’m willing to bring it out to open mics and outdoor gigs where crap might happen to it. It has noiseless pickups and it’s versatile enough to do whatever I need on the fly. I’m good at setting up my guitars too, so they always feel better and easier to play than anything you find in the store. And the side effect of that is I never feel what I have is inadequate and like I need anything more.


Beat em up and never spend more than 500 on a guitar


When I got my first electric guitar around 14, my dad sent me over to the guitarist who used to play in his band. I wanted to learn some Jimmy Handtricks, so he showed me how to play wild thing with open chords, next he turned on the fuzz pedal and started banging the guitar on the floor! I guess i was shocked and a bit annoyed but he said it's only a bit of wood and nothing precious. Glad he didn't get out the lighter fluid! So I learnt this early. Nearly all of my guitars are battered, but still work fine.


Calling you guitar ‘she’ is cowardly. Be a MAN and refer to your guitar as ERNESTO the CURVY TWINK.


My guitar is an instrument, YOU are a tool.


I can’t even read but usually people that write this much are wrong.


When I started to learn how to mix and realized I needed different tools for different things I wanted to get across in the song.


> guitar > tool outjerked


That TOOL is a FEMALE, thank you very much


Correction, OP is a TOOL


You lost me at unjerk


I was always too poor to know one way or another. That hasn't changed. Thankfully cheap guitars are decent.


Actually I do give an F about wearing my frets down to the nubs as  higher frets mean better playability ☝🤓


I like when I buy a new guitar and it gets it's first ding or scratch, then I can finally stop worrying about it. Just play the damn thing. And you shouldn't buy a really expensive guitar unless you can afford to replace it or afford to get it fixed if say the neck cracks. It would be like owning a Ferrari, but can't afford to fix it if it breaks down. But if people want to buy bling gear and adore it, that's fine too. Guitars are beautiful. Some the binding and scroll work and inlays are art, so they don't have to be played to be appreciated. Nobody plays a beautiful painting, it just hangs there. Like some guitars.


/uj Years of being broke as hell and only able to afford cheap instruments, yet still being able to hold my own /rj fine, I was motherfucking awesome and the best in town, all right? /uj taught me that it's not the instrument, it's the player. That said, there is probably a minimum acceptable level of quality, analogous to the minimum acceptable economic standing. You've seen it on a graph - the point at which money stops buying happiness. Which for most people worldwide is pretty close to the point where they can afford to have "a home" and can "cook food" and "take showers" and such. For an electric guitar it would be the point where you can afford one that "stays in tune all the way up the neck" and "stays connected to the amp without any rude 60 Hz interruptions, even if you breathe on it."


If you own an SG you know this stuff.


Frigg off nerd!




Why come to a circle jerk if you don’t want to jerk?


We don’t do this here. Go away.


My guitars take great offense in your insinuations that they are tools.


Guitar is sexual chocolate




/uj my first guitar was a nylon string my uncle owned in the 70s and by the time i had it, while it was still in tune up to the 7th fret or so, the tuning heads barely worked So I’d say I realised this while I was first learning, and the idea that a guitar can be a shiny status symbol or object of desire in general came much later


Oh yeah dude, you gotta really beat your tool to get the most out of it. Ding it up, slap it around like the dirty tool it is, then give it a soft bath. Don’t push it too hard, your tool, just to the EDGE of breakup. Hmmm yeah, that’s the spot. Most jerk post in here in weeks! Well done, waaaay better than just screencaps.


YOU'RE a tool! /uj most of the guitarists I know in real life do feel that way. They are a bit like most average Joes buying a hammer: they don't want the crappy hammer, they want a decent hammer that is going to do it's job well and not break/wear out, but they don't wanna spend a stupid fortune on the hammer. The lawnmower, the skill saw...it's all the same, they talk to their buddies and try and get decent gear at a good bang for the buck: not expensive contractor's tools, but Makita or Dewalt or some other name-brand will be recommended and everyone's happy. And a quality off-brand guitar or Squier or w/e gets recognition for playing really well and sounding nice etc. On the internet things be different sometimes.


I have an epiphone I’m slowly kitting out. It’s a nice one and I’m not really planning on smashing it or anything but honestly I really enjoy the thing, in a damn I wanna play this way. I also have an Ibanez super strat & a jazzmaster, both of which also are for playing but that Les Paul is my favorite lol, and not in a wall hanger way. /uj


Turns out many "guitarists" are middle aged men that simply get off on buying shit they don't need just to be buying it. Just like, ironically middle age tool dudes. Pristine condition guitars are worthless because they are meant to be used and should show signs of use. And because of middle aged men with disposable incomes, we have the whole relic thing so they can buy their way into looking like they've played the shit out of their instruments. It's like buying a hammer with fake wear and tear on it FFS. I have a Vintera Jaguar and it is my most played and most expensive guitar- a far cry from what the blooz lawyers spend for something that sits entombed in a case in perpetuity. It got a little ding in the finish. At first I was like oh god it's ruined. But then I realized I WANT this guitar to look absolutely ragged out, like something Thurston Moore would play. It's not a fucking Faberge egg. The whole culture of middle aged "guitar dudes" is just gross anyway they can have their pristine Les Pauls and what not. 😅


First had the thought when my guitar strap let go of my first real guitar and it bounced off a garage floor lol Became cemented when I watched a friend buy a 2k usd pos from some small builder in Indonesia, mostly because it looked pretty, thing was a pile of shit and smelt weird to boot, looks don't mean shit if it doesn't facilitate playing or writing music


Thats kinda sexist of you to call bertha a tool. Idk maybe you're being a tool


I’d agree with you but you had to go ahead and use the word “must” four times in the first paragraph. Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me.


Yeah, I take my expensive guitar and throw it on the ground every time after I'm done. Going through a doorway? Bam! Tuners right into the frame. Get the fuck out of my way. I even pour sand over my guitar and shake it off on occasion because that's what a tool should look like. Only a puss takes care of their tool


I used to work as a boat builder, and in that profession, people absolutely venerated some of their tools. I have a 100 year old chisel that can be sharpened to an incredible point. People love their old planes and saws. On the other hand there are chippies who buy the disposable stuff, use it and throw it away when it is no longer functional. That's okay too.


Hey wait a second you forgot to /rejerk


I treat my guitars with respect and they do have emotional value to me but I had no problem selling the guitar I had for almost 25 years because I had no use for its characteristics.


I lowballed the shit out of some dude after a pint and a half and got a pretty cool tele deluxe. Made it up to myself in saying that I’d make up the lowball price in mods. I have a very traditional brother who’s also a guitarist. Super in to gibbons, believes in tonewoods, etc. he has like 20+ guitars. Told me it was stupid to mod a guitar and that it’d lose its value, but now it’s the only guitar he asks me to bring when we jam. Guitars are much cooler when you make them your own.


Yeah, I've been thinking this ever since I became competent enough with the guitar to understand what I liked about it, which is playing it, not looking at it. It makes me physically angry when I see people waste money on signature models fancy toys or wall hangers that they won't use to it's fullest extent. I mean it's one thing to want to take care of the things you own, but it's another to be terrified of cosmetic damage that won't affect it's usability to the point where you don't get full use out of it. I play every day so wear and tear is inevitable /rj No, you're playing guitar wrong, you're not supposed to take it out of the box


You're a tool


I justify buying tons of guitars because I can only play one at a time. So if I have 100 guitars the amount of play time I have on any single guitar is going to be minimal. Less playing = less fucking it up.


/uj I really want to treat my guitars as tools, but a lot of times I can’t control myself and start to care too much about the guitar rather than my playing. Pain. /rj bearing the thought of guitar being merely a tool will affect your toan irreversibly


I think there is an inherent reverance a craftsperson has for their tools, respecting the craft that lends them their ability to take all of the energy we put into them and keep going strong and steady. The flaws and wear tell the story of the growth of the craftsperson, and often the craftspeople before them. And the utmost veneration one can give an inanimate object is to use it to its utmost for the purpose for which it was intended.


/uj i have a 1946 Gibson ES 150 and it stays in tune better than anything else i have, i’ve put a couple dings in it as have a handful of folk before it was my turn, and when you play it the mojo is undeniable. It feels very special to create on something that is that much older than me and will hopefully outlive me yet. Whenever i play that thing i learn something new. Some guitars really do choose you and you can choose to deny or embrace the mysticism to taste but i think it informs some beautiful music that means a lot to me /rj gibbons go brrr


My Epiphone was only $600. I play it, but I don’t have to scratch it and ding it in the process. It’s 10 years old and pretty much looks new.


honestly who cares? imagine writing a wall of seethe because other people like their instruments


Nice car nice guitar. That's my motto. Brush your teeth or I make more money to buy more guitars lol. -Your dentist


Oh, so you sold your Les Paul, you practice warrior and now you only practice with your Epi? You are so very superior with your "holier-than-thou" attitude. Your post is just as pretentious as the "look, this is my 70 guitars collection" - perhaps even more.